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Beauty & The Crime Boss (Foster Family Book 1)

Page 15

by Zavi James


  "Tell that fine hunk of a man that he still owes me dinner."

  I laughed since the first time we had landed home. I had told Dante a million times to stop flirting with the nurses, but he never listened.

  By the time the three of us left the hospital, it was the early hours of the morning and everything started to hit me. No amount of money would help Mom regain her health. Life would ebb away from her sooner than I would like, and I would be left without parents. With those thoughts in mind, I crawled into bed without a word and allowed an uneasy sleep to take over.

  Chapter Twenty Six


  Padding down the stairs the next morning, I wasn’t sure if I would be the only one awake. I hadn't seen anyone last night and eventually turned in but now, in the kitchen, Lydia talked to the boys. My definition of boys usually encompassed Dante and Luc but today it also included Stefan.

  "Morning, everyone," I greeted brightly.

  I was met by a chorus of mornings and couldn't help but notice that Luc looked as if he hadn’t slept well. The last time he’d returned home late, he was covered in his work. I hoped last night had not been a repeat of that.

  "Mia," Luc said, catching my attention. "Just so you know, Stefan will be staying with us now. My baby brother." But the last sentence had not held affection in the way that it should have.

  Stefan got up from the table and made his way to me. I held out a hand for him to shake but he raised it to his mouth and kissed the back of it.

  "Nice to see you again, Mia," he said, looking up at me.

  "You remember me?" I asked him.

  Stefan gave her a small smile. This was the person who had come to my mind when Dad had mentioned Luc the first time. We had shared some classes together in high school but never spoken. I couldn't remember Stefan being particularly close to anyone, and most of my hazy memories of him were attached to when Luc would be waiting for him.

  “You’re difficult to forget,” he replied, a hint of color in his cheeks.

  "Don't you go to college?" I asked, trying to remember something about his plans after school.

  "Yeah," Stefan said as he rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. "I'm pre-Med."

  "Oh, wow," I said, eyes wide. He always had his head in a book. "That's impressive!"

  Lucas cleared his throat and Stefan let go of my hand.

  "You two know each other?" Luc asked calmly.

  I moved around Stefan and dropped myself into the seat beside Dante. My usual seat next to Luc was where Stefan sat.

  "Mia and I were in the same year at high school," Stefan clarified.

  "Huh," Luc said, looking between us both, not remotely impressed that we had history. "Small world."

  "Are you seriously going to eat that for breakfast?" I asked, looking at Dante's plate. It was filled with crepes that were smothered in chocolate syrup. Possibly more chocolate than crepe, on second assessment.

  "What's wrong with it?" Dante asked. "You're all jealous because it's clear I'm Lydia's favorite."

  "Mhmm. Sure. That's it," Luc mumbled, rolling his eyes.

  "Nothing to do with the sugar high you're going to hit," I added.

  "If you guys are going to tag team then I'm not coming over for breakfast anymore," Dante told us.

  Lydia walked towards the table. "That would mean I would have to do a lot less." She dropped a stack of crepes and some coffee in front of me and I thanked her with a laugh.

  I caught sight of Luc watching me and felt a faint heat in my cheeks. Dropping my gaze to the plate, I asked, "So, where did you guys get to last night?"

  It was the wrong question to ask as there was a beat of silence before Luc spoke up, "Just a bit of business that needed sorting."

  "Luc," Stefan said, shooting his brother a look that I caught.

  "What?" Luc shot back.

  "Nothing," Stefan replied, sighing. "If you'll excuse me." Stefan gave me an apologetic smile and left the table.

  When Luc and Dante left for work, I made my way back into my room to grab a book before stepping out onto the grounds. Stefan was sitting at the end where I usually took residence. I hesitated, not wanting to interrupt him from his work, but he saw and waved me over.

  "Hi," I said, reaching him. "Sorry. I don't want to disturb you."

  "You're no disturbance, Mia," Stefan told me. On his lap was a stack of papers that had neat notes written beside highlighted sections of text. "From what I gather this is your home as well." Stef patted the seat next to him and I sank into it. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but how is it you've ended up here? You don't seem the sort that would associate with my brother."

  I was surprised at how polite and well spoken Stefan was, when I compared him to the first interactions I’d had with Luc. I had given Stefan a wide berth in school, the same way everyone had, and made every assumption about him based on his family and I felt guilty for that now.

  "It's kind of complicated," I said, avoiding his eye.

  "Try me."

  "Well, I kind of know your brother through his work." That was the politest way of putting it.

  "Ah," Stef said with a raised eyebrow.

  "I mean, my Dad knows your brother from his work, and I sort of got caught up in it and now we're..."

  What were we? We still hadn't sat and discussed things. Luc seemed tired and distracted and I didn't want to hound him about things, but it made me nervous. Like standing at the edge of a cliff while the wind blew, not knowing if you would be safe or freefall.

  "You're…" Stefan prompted.

  "We're very good friends," I said, giving the most honest answer I could muster. We were very good friends who sometimes breached the boundaries of friendship. "Anyway, how come you transferred back here?"

  "We... have some family matters to deal with."

  "I thought Luc mentioned it was business this morning."

  "Yes, well most things to Luc are business if he can throw money at it," Stefan said with a sniff. His expression had clouded over and he shook his head. Whatever lack of affection Luc held towards his younger sibling was clearly mirrored. "If it's all the same, I don't think it's a bright idea to discuss this if Luc hasn't told you himself."

  "No," I said. "I completely understand."

  He swiftly changed the topic and I abandoned my book while we spent the afternoon getting reacquainted.

  "I'm sorry I never spoke to you in high school," I said to him, looking embarrassed.

  "No apologies needed," Stef reassured me. "But I'm glad I'm getting the chance to know you now, Mia."

  "We should head inside for dinner." During our conversation, the day had passed us by and the chill in the air made me crave the warmth of the house and the pang of excitement that hit my stomach at the thought of seeing Luc.

  Stefan got up and offered his arm to me. I smiled and looped my arm through his before we walked back into the house together.

  Chapter Twenty Seven


  I had learned that the moment Dante and I left the office things never ran as smoothly. More people had been through my office doors than I would have liked, and by the time I made it home I didn’t wish to see another person. Slamming the door shut, I dragged myself upstairs, showered and settled in the peace of my room.

  A knock on the door made me groan. Rolling out of bed in nothing more than boxers and my hair lying flat, I opened it to see Mia standing there with her hands behind her back.


  "You skipped out on dinner," she said.

  "It's been a long day," I said, the weariness lacing my voice.

  "I brought you up something," Mia told me. From behind her back, she produced a plate that held a large slice of chocolate fudge cake and a fork.

  I couldn't help the smile that broke out on my face. "Are you going to come in and share it with me?"

  Company had not been on my list for the evening but for Mia I broke all the rules.

  "Is t
hat an invite?" she asked me.

  Moving aside, I allowed her to step into my room. I took the plate and fork from her and placed it on the desk before I took Mia into my arms, one hand on her waist and the other tangling itself in her long hair.

  "And here I was thinking you were avoiding me," Mia said, her hands splayed on my chest.

  "Never," I said. "I just got bu..."

  The sentence was cut short the moment Mia placed her lips against mine. It was not an unwelcome surprise given the day I had, and I wasted no time in slipping my tongue into her mouth. I wanted the feeling to consume me. I wanted her to help me forget about every other aspect of my life and let me worship her like she was the only thing to exist.

  "I get that things get busy," Mia panted after we broke apart. "Just don't forget to look after yourself and don't forget about me."

  "It's very difficult to forget you, love."

  Mia turned a faint shade of pink and I left her momentarily to retrieve the cake. Steering her back towards the bed, we both settled on it.

  "Why'd you pick this?" I asked, slicing through the thin end of the cake.

  "It's your favorite," she responded simply.

  I stop the bite midway to my mouth and look at her. "What makes you think that?"

  "It’s at the table least three times a week," Mia explained. "And that only increases if you're in a mood."

  "There’s also at least two other desserts every single night," I commented. Lydia had always caved to our sweet tooth when we were children and even though we were adults she continued to indulge us.

  "True," Mia said with a shrug. "But you always pick the fudge cake. I was sure you were going to stab D in the hand with a fork the other week when he went for the last slice."

  It amazed me how Mia noticed the little details and cared enough not to dismiss them. Apart from Lydia and Dante, I wasn't sure who else paid attention to finer points.

  We both leaned back against the headboard, legs stretched out in front of us, and I finally took a bite. "Do you want some?"

  "I'm good, thanks," Mia said with a wave of her hand. "I had a piece at dinner and Stefan took a slice of some pineapple upside-down cake. The moment you put fruit in a cake you ruin it."

  Swallowing the dessert, I found I couldn't do the same for the jealousy that had begun to rise in me. Stefan had had her undivided attention over dinner. I would not miss another meal.

  "I didn't realize you and Stefan knew each other," I said, stabbing the fork into the slice with more vigor. The exchange over breakfast hadn’t gone unnoticed and was not appreciated. It bothered me that someone, my own brother, may know Mia better than I did.

  "We don't," Mia told me. "Not really. We were in the same year, but we didn't really speak."

  Another bite of cake to disguise how glad I was to hear that Saint Stefan hadn't found a way to get to her. I put the plate to one side.

  "He's lovely, though," she smiled. "You guys are a little different."

  Those words made my heart stop. It was an observation that everyone made because it was so strikingly obvious, and I’d lived in my little brother's shadow for most of my life. I wanted to reach out and grab Mia before she could drift away from me and join Stefan's ever growing fan club.

  "I mean, you're lovely too," Mia tried to recover.

  I let out a harsh laugh. "Not sure many people would describe me as lovely, princess."

  "You are," Mia told me. "But it's just that you're..."

  "A little rougher around the edges?" I used a phrase that our Mom always did when we were growing up. I was rough around the edges, whereas Stefan was the more polished and refined son. Stefan chose a respectable profession and I took after my father.

  Mia's hand in my own pulled me from my thoughts. "A diamond in the rough," she told me.

  A simple sentence from Mia stopped the anxiety that wound in my chest and I squeezed her hand gently. "If you say so, sweetheart."



  She looked down at our hands, her thumb moved nervously against my skin. "Stefan mentioned that you were dealing with some family issues and I just wanted to let you know that I'm here if you ever want to talk."

  I chose very carefully who I let close to me and what they saw of my life. Mia hadn’t been given a tour of the entire train wreck because I wanted to selfishly enjoy my time with her before introduction to the chaos. I refused to have Stefan try and force my hand whether he knew he was doing so or not.

  "It's nothing, Mia."

  "Are you sure?" she asked. "Something's been playing on your mind since..."

  "Mia," I cut her off. "Drop it!"

  "Luc, I know that..."

  "Jesus!" I erupted. "Why don't you ever just fucking listen?"

  Mia dropped her head and I closed my eyes for a second as I tried to find my cool. I hadn’t meant to snap at her. She had come to check on me, had wanted to show she cared, and Stefan got into my head and brought out the worst in me.

  "Mia," I started, my tone gentler.

  "No, it's fine," Mia said. "I wasn't trying to overstep."

  "If I want to talk about it, I will," I told her. "You'll be the person I come to."

  That made her look at me and I knew what I’d said was true. Mia would be the person I’d want to talk about this with when I was ready to discuss it.

  "I'm going to take you out to dinner tomorrow," I decided.

  "I'm sorry?"

  "I'm taking you to dinner tomorrow night. We need to talk, and I would like to have you on my own."

  "You have me now," Mia pointed out.

  "Now who's embarrassed and ashamed?" I teased her.

  Mia pulled a face at me and I leaned down to capture her lips. "Dinner. Tomorrow. Don't. Argue," Each word was punctuated with a kiss.

  I could feel her smile against my lips as she said, "If you insist."

  I insisted that she stayed with me for the night. Although it took some persuading, I once again fell asleep with Mia in my arms, the calmest I’d been in the past 24 hours.

  Chapter Twenty Eight


  When I woke up Luc wasn't in bed. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes, groaning at the cold space beside me before seeing a note on his pillow.

  Dinner tonight - 7 PM. Have a good day. Luc x

  Even in note form, Luc wasn’t a man of many words. I rolled onto my back and smiled at the prospect that Luc and I had finally arranged some time together.

  I spent most of the day reading, and when the evening rolled around, with nerves steadily building, I decided to carefully pick out what to wear for the date. It would have been a lot easier with Dom around, but his honeymoon meant that I was flying solo for this one.

  "Mia! You look beautiful, darling," Lydia said as I walked into the kitchen.

  "Thank you, Lyds." I blushed and gave a quick twirl to show off the skinny jeans and black silk blouse I put together. "Finishing early tonight?"

  "You and Luc are out, and Stefan maintains he's able to look after himself so yes. I'll be leaving now." Lydia placed a kiss on my cheek. "Enjoy tonight, sweetheart."

  As I watched her leave, I wondered what it would be like if my Mom was alive. It wasn’t often I had these thoughts, but I couldn’t help myself now. Would my Mom approve of Luc? It was a crazy thought because really what parent would approve of Luc? He was up to his eyeballs in shady business and wasn't the calmest person on the planet.

  I pushed myself up onto the counter and swung my legs slightly as I waited for him to come home. By the time 8:15 rolled around I had moved my way through the house and was sitting on the couch staring at the wall. I hadn't brought my phone to Luc's because Luc hadn’t wanted me to have any contact with my Dad. Without a phone, I had no way to find out where Luc was and so I sat there, a mixture of angry and worried.

  "Why so sad?"

  Jumping at the voice, I turned to see Stefan leaning against the door watching me. "I'm not sad," I told him.

  "You look
a little sad."

  I let out a frustrated sigh as Stefan walked into the room and sat down. "What's he done?" Stef asked me.

  "How do you know he's done anything?" I asked defensively.

  Stefan scoffed, "It's Lucas."

  A part of me knew there was no point in arguing with him because Luc was his brother. Stef quite obviously knew him better than I did.

  "We were meant to go to dinner at 7 but obviously he's not here," I explained.

  "It's probably work," Stef said with a shrug.

  "Yeah, I know."

  I knew I shouldn't worry because Dante would be with him but the last time he was home late Luc looked like he’d stepped straight out of a nightmare. I bit my lip as I remembered the state he was in.

  "Have you had dinner?" Stefan asked me.

  "If I'm honest, Stefan I'm not sure I'm that hungry right now."

  He looked at me for a moment before he stood up and offered his hand. "Come on."

  "What?" I asked.

  "I'm taking you to dinner," Stef told me. "You dressed up and you were expecting to be out tonight."

  "No, Stef," I brushed him off. "You're probably busy. I'll make something in a bit."

  "Mia, please. You should still enjoy the evening."

  Regarding Stef for a moment, I eventually took his hand and got up from the sofa. I had put in the effort to get ready, and with Dom being away I wasn't sure how much of a chance I would get to leave the house. Dinner with Stefan seemed a better choice than sitting at home worrying myself sick.

  We ended up at a rustic little Italian place that I didn’t know existed but came highly recommended by Stef. It was cute and homey, and we decided on splitting a large vegetarian pizza since neither of us had a huge appetite.

  "So, you know I do pre-Med," Stefan said. "What about you?"

  "I don't go to college," I said with a shrug of my shoulders. It was a sore spot whenever it was brought up.

  "Oh?" Stefan looked at me. "I'm kind of surprised. You always had your head in books."

  I felt my face heat up as I explained, "It was more the financial aspect."


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