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Beauty & The Crime Boss (Foster Family Book 1)

Page 27

by Zavi James

  "Lucas did this to you?" Amber asked and then added, "What did you do to deserve it? You’ve always rubbed him up the wrong way."

  Of course, Amber would side with Luc in this. I took a moment before I answered, "I told Mia I loved her."

  "Bold move,” she said, arching a perfectly groomed brow.

  "And then I kissed her."

  Amber tipped her head back and laughed. A sound that had always grated on me. "Well, she seems to have everyone wrapped around her finger, doesn't she? I'm surprised she didn't go for someone like you."

  Not as surprised as I was. I still couldn't wrap my head around it. Why would Mia choose someone like Luc? The way she went for him when he reached his hand out to her was like some well trained puppy. How had I ended up as the bad guy in this situation? My blood started to boil.

  Fate obviously hated me at that moment because the door to the store opened and Mia and Luc walked in, accompanied by Dante. Mia scooped a puppy into her arms, and it licked her face as Luc's eyes landed me. I hadn’t imagined him doing something as domesticated as walking a dog on an afternoon coffee run.

  "Mia, we're leaving," he told her.

  She wrestled her face away from the pup and looked in my direction before turning back to him.

  "You don't have to speak to him," Mia said. "And there isn't another coffee place close by and I really need a fix."

  "So do I," Dante chimed in.

  Luc looked less than happy, but he placed an arm around her as they walked to the counter.

  "Doll, am I not even going to get a hello?" Amber asked, leaning back in her chair. Luc ignored her but she continued, "I thought you never wanted a pet."

  "Looks like he changed his mind," Dante said.

  She leaned back a little further to look at Mia. "You might want to keep an eye on how fickle he is."

  The puppy started to bark, and Mia soothed him. "Cerberus. Shh. Be a good boy." She calmed him with ease, giving him a scratch behind the ears.

  "Cerberus?" I asked. "As in Hades?"

  Mia flushed and gave a small nod. Luc stood behind her and Dante nearby and I doubted either of them knew who Cerberus was.

  "Why don't you guys join us?" Amber suggested, gesturing to the cluttered table.

  "I'd rather shit in my hands and clap," Luc told her.

  Mia pulled a face at the graphic image. "Luc."

  "Mia, go grab your coffee." He took the puppy from her arms and placed him on the ground as Mia walked up to the counter. "You need to watch the company you keep, Stefan," Luc warned, looking between the pair of us at the table.

  I didn't know if Luc was looking out for me or just trying to cause trouble. Either way, I couldn't care less. My jaw ached and I was still healing from the beating he had dished out. The worst thing had been getting a lecture from Mom when I had gone to visit her. She usually took my side in these things but not this time.

  Maybe Amber was right; Mia had managed to work on everyone.

  "You're going to hurt my feelings if you keep going, Luc," Amber said to him. "You didn't mind my company when it was keeping your bed warm."

  Dante rolled his eyes and a muscle near Luc's jaw twitched. Amber had hit a nerve but there was no lie in her statement.

  "What are you planning for your birthday, doll?" Amber asked him innocently, twirling her long hair around her index finger.

  Luc didn't answer straight away and Cerb growled from where he sat on the floor.

  "Nothing that involves you or you," Luc told us both eventually.

  "We never were big on birthday celebrations," I commented. That was something that we brothers had in common. Birthdays were another day in the calendar even though our mother tried to make a fuss.

  "You know how to reach me if you want me," Amber said, fluttering her eyelashes.

  "Jesus, Amber," Dante said. "Desperate isn't a good look on anyone."

  "Luc, I have the coffee," Mia said, joining us while carrying two cups.

  "Good. We're leaving. Now," he told her.

  He was short and sharp in his order, but Mia didn't bat an eyelid. Instead, she handed Dante his coffee and offered Luc a smile. It was gentle, warm and offered reassurance that everything was okay. My heart felt uncomfortable and I questioned why Luc deserved that from anyone let alone from Mia. Luc who destroyed anything that caused him the slightest inconvenience or irritation.

  Luc put an arm around his girlfriend and pulled her close before they left without another word.

  "Poor, Stefan," Amber said, focusing back on me now they had left. "You've got it bad."

  I ripped my eyes away from the door and looked at Amber. She looked almost gleeful as she sipped from her cup.

  "Leave me alone, Amber," I grumbled, done with company for the day. I shouldn’t have left the apartment.

  "You still can't figure it out, can you?" Amber said and I gave her a confused look. "It's almost cute how stupid you are."

  I went to clench my jaw, but the wiring stopped me and I hissed at the pain that shot through it. I was surprised that Luc's work hadn't led me to need more extensive surgery but both wrist and jaw would heal in time. I was more concerned about my wrist, considering that any comprehensive damage would see me derailed from my future career as a surgeon.

  "That's more like it," Amber said, sensing the flare of anger.

  "Stop talking in riddles, Amber," I said to her.

  "Every woman loves a red blooded male, exactly like Luc. I mean it's pure instinct, right?"

  "I'd like to think we've evolved more than that."

  "Sure, whatever," she shrugged. "But we still like a man who’s willing to show us he can protect us. I mean look at what he's done to you and yet there doesn't seem to be a scratch on him."

  "I have a lot more to lose than Luc by throwing a punch." My career path wasn't based on violence like Luc's. It was easy for Luc to resort to his fists, but I had to think first. It wasn't like I hadn't wanted to fight back.

  "All I'm saying is maybe Mia likes a man who takes charge. Maybe if you were a bit more forward about your feelings. Take control..." Amber pushed her chair back and drained the last of her coffee before putting the cup on the table. She stood and tossed her hair over her shoulder. "But I guess that's not really you. I better get going, doll. Hope your jaw heals."

  Amber gave me a wink and left me thinking over her words.

  Maybe Mia liked a man who took charge. I had shown her respect, patience and kindness, whereas Luc just barged through life and took what he wanted. For once, I thought, maybe I needed to be more like my big brother.

  I needed to wait until I was healed and then I would show Mia exactly what I wanted.

  Chapter Fifty Four


  Two weeks in Italy flew by with ease. Not the warmest of destinations at the end of January, but I was glad to be anywhere with Luc by my side. We’d spent most of our days strolling down beaches and piazzas, bundled up against the crisp weather. Yesterday we toured an old lemon grove, learning the history and drinking limoncello. We found small cafés where we drank coffee and spoke to locals, and Luc’s Italian was markedly better than my own considering he’d spent his life with Dante. I was improving though.

  Sunday morning, Luc’s birthday, we finished a late breakfast at the hotel.

  "What do you want to do today, love?" I asked. "The day is yours."

  He drained his coffee and looked at me. "Do you know the cathedral in town?"

  "Yes," I said. You couldn't miss it. We passed it throughout the last few days and there were always tourists around it.

  "I'd like to go there," he told me.

  "Sure." Although it felt like an odd request.

  A little while later, we arrived at the cathedral and Luc helped me off the motorbike he had rented. Yet another aspect of his life I had grown accustomed to. He had been unusually quiet since requesting the trip, and I felt concerned that something might be wrong.

  "Luc, are you okay?"

looked down at me and nodded. "I'm fine." He took my hand in his, lacing our fingers before walking towards the doors.

  "We're going in?"

  "Is that okay?" he asked me.

  "Yeah, of course." I didn’t believe in God, but I wasn’t afraid I was going to burst into flames upon entering the building.

  As we walked inside, I was struck by how large the cathedral was. It was cooler and quieter in here than out on the street and I pulled my jacket tighter around myself. There were a few people inside but nowhere near as packed as it was on the street.

  Luc led us quietly up the aisle before taking a seat in one of the pews. I sat down next to him and looked ahead to see a crucifix hanging at the front of the room.

  "Luc, sweetheart," I whispered. "Why are we here?"

  He still hadn't let go of my hand. "Did you know my Dad was Catholic?"

  I shook my head. Luc hadn't really spoken about Charlie and I hadn't asked because it felt like thin ice. I had caught him one night in his Dad’s office when I woke up and saw he wasn’t beside me. Luc hadn’t said much that night and let me lead him back to bed. I had refrained from asking questions. In that moment, Luc needed me to be there for him not to have me picking apart a sensitive aspect of his life. The fact he had brought up the topic made it feel a little more like safe territory.

  "Are you?" I asked.

  "I'm not very practicing," Luc admitted. "But I guess if someone asked me, I'd say I'm Catholic."

  "I'm a little surprised." Religion had never been something we broached in our conversations. I’d seen the cross tattooed on his arm and the rosary that wrapped around the other, but I hadn’t realized the depth of meaning behind them.

  There was a low rumble of laughter and he squeezed my hand. "It helps to believe in something when you do the work I do, Mia. Helps to know that someone will forgive you even when you can't forgive yourself."

  I felt my heart ache for the man next to me. Regardless of how he appeared to people, Luc had his own demons to deal with. I wondered how many people forgot that Luc was actually human.

  "Don't get me wrong, I'm probably going straight to hell," Luc said with a definite nod. "I've broken most rules, right? Murder, drink in excess, barely attend mass, sex before marriage, sex for pleasure, can't remember the last time I went to confession... The list goes on."

  "You're not going to hell, Luc," I told him. I wasn’t sure I believed in the existence of a heaven or hell enough to warrant believing any of us would end up in one or the other.

  He looked at me for a few moments before he smiled. "You give me too much credit."

  I squeezed his hand. I hated when Luc thought like this. For the most part, we lived each day as it came but every now and then he got caught up in his thoughts. We’d spend nights where Luc held me tighter than usual in bed and ask me to love him no matter what. He didn't understand that I wouldn't be able to stop loving him now, regardless of what he'd done in the past or what he did in the future.

  "I think I'd like to pray in case God isn't as sure about it as you are," Luc said to me. I went to take my hand from Luc’s, but he didn't let go. "My God," Luc started. "I am sorry for my sins with all my heart."

  Glancing at him, I saw his eyes were close and his head bowed slightly. "In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against You, Whom I should love above all things."

  I felt his fingers twitch against my hand. I closed my eyes and listened to the low timbre of Luc's voice as he recited the prayer. "I firmly intend, with Your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In His name."

  There was a quiver in his voice as he finished. "My God, have mercy."

  Luc opened his eyes and I did the same a moment later and said, "Your Dad taught you that?"

  "He thought that was the most important one I learned," Luc explained. "Hypocritical really, because I say I'll avoid whatever leads me to sin. That's a flimsy promise with my work."

  I leaned against him gently. "Are you having a midlife crisis at 26?"

  He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "No. I guess I miss my Dad today. I'd like to think he's somewhere proud of me."

  "I'm sure he is."

  "I wish he could have met you, Mia."

  "Do you think he would have liked me?" I asked.

  "I think he would have been surprised by you. You surprised everyone but yes, I think he would have loved you."

  My thoughts strayed to Dad and the fact that we still weren’t talking, and felt a fresh wave of pain hit me. I’d been trying to push past the hurt every day and focus on what my life was now, but it was hard to block him out entirely. Maybe giving him some space before trying again would be the best plan.

  "Come on," Luc said. "I've done enough wallowing today. You owe me a birthday present." The devilish glint in his eye made me slap his arm, the sound echoing in the cavernous room.

  "Seriously? We're in a church."

  "I figure if I'm going to hell anyway, I should enjoy it."

  Chapter Fifty Five


  Later when we both emerged from the shower, birthday present well and truly delivered, Mia said, "I thought we could head down to the beach and spend some time down there."

  I sat on the bed as Mia dropped the towel she had been wrapped in and rummaged through her case. Her skin had lost some of the summer glow and a few neat bruises blossomed on her side from where my teeth had nipped her. It was difficult to be gentle with her when I wanted her so desperately the moment we were alone.

  "Luc, are you listening to me?" She shot a look over her shoulder, all doe eyed and innocent. Mia had no idea just how tangled I was in her web.

  I blinked and a grin slowly spread on my face. "Princess, how do you expect me to pay attention when you're standing there like that?"

  Mia flushed pink before pulling on some underwear and sweatpants.

  "How does the beach sound?" she tried again.

  "Sounds fine to me."

  She pulled on a sweater and I frowned to see her covered up. I rose from the bed.

  "I'll meet you in the lobby," Mia told me. "I need to do something."

  I narrowed my eyes. "What are you doing?"

  "Sneaking off to see the love of my life."

  It only took a few steps for me to clear the room and pin her against the wall. "I hope you're joking."

  I knew she was, but she needed to get a better sense of humour.

  Mia's hands were splayed on my chest and she grinned at me. "Not in the slightest. I want to check up on Cerb."

  I rolled my eyes and she gently tapped my chin with her fist. "Don't be jealous because I love him more than you."

  "I can't believe the bloody dog gets more attention than I do these days."

  "I can't believe you're saying that to me after the two weeks we've spent together." As I mused Mia's point, she ducked under my arm and made for the door. "See you down there."

  When Mia left, I changed into jeans and a sweatshirt. Before I left, I went to my case and pulled out the small blue box that had taken me and Dante an age to decide on, before pushing it into my pocket. Once I joined Mia, she led me down onto the beach where a small bonfire was already roaring with life.


  As we got closer, I spotted Dante, Vittoria and Gabriel all sitting in the sand, and I pulled my girlfriend into me. "D was never going to let you celebrate your birthday without him," Mia explained. "You get that, right?"

  "You went to make sure they were here, didn't you?" I kissed her forehead and smiled. "We haven't spent a birthday apart for over a decade."

  "He's lucky I'm willing to share you," Mia said and pulled me down for a kiss. I had never appreciated how much easier my life was when the woman in it and my brother weren’t constantly bickering and forcing me to play referee.

  "Luc!" We pulled apart to see Dante shaking a bottle of whiskey. "Happy birthday, bro!"

and in hand, we joined the others to a chorus of “happy birthdays”. Mia settled herself to catch up with the twins in front of the fire and I dropped next to Dante.

  "Have you asked her yet?" he asked me.

  "Keep your voice down," I hissed my response.

  "Take that as a no," Dante laughed. "What the hell have you been doing out here?" I grinned and Dante shook his head. "No. I don't want to know."

  He opened the bottle and poured us both a drink into plastic cups. I had always enjoyed a measure of whiskey with Dad on my birthday. I thought the tradition would die with him, but Dante took up the mantle instead. We bumped the cups and downed the amber liquid.

  "I was planning to do it tonight before you all turned up," I told my friend. I’d been walking around with the ring for a while but could never find the perfect moment. After our trip to the cathedral and talking to her about Dad I realised there was no perfect moment. In my line of work, I wasn’t guaranteed tomorrow and I refused to waste any more time.

  "Shit! Sorry, Luc," Dante apologized.

  "No, I just..."

  "I'll get away with the twins after. Give you some space if you want?"

  "That would be great.”

  Chapter Fifty Six


  I watched Luc carefully throughout the night. He laughed with ease as we shared stories and ate cake in front of the fire. The smell of burning wood and whiskey lingered in the air, and as the fire started to dim, the group got up to head back to the hotel.

  "Wait for a second," Luc said. I stopped and looked at him. The others had continued to walk and were a little way off before they stopped, realizing we weren’t following them.

  "Mia..." Luc said.

  "What's wrong?"

  He took a step towards me. "Nothing's wrong."

  I wasn't entirely sure that was the truth. Luc had behaved strangely all day and I felt like something had been weighing on his mind, but didn't know how to ask him.


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