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In Dreams He Came

Page 12

by Trina Lane

  Gabe looked over at Nick and smiled. “You made the reservations. I just asked you to come home with me.”

  Nick leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Gabe’s lips. “And I’m so glad you did.”

  “We should take a picture of the two of us.”

  Nick pulled out his phone, which had one of those nifty front facing cameras. Gabe moved in closer and put his arm around Nick’s waist. Nick’s arm went around his shoulder. Nick was moving the phone around trying to capture as much of the background as possible.

  “Excuse me? Would you like me to take your photo?”

  Gabe looked over at the woman who slid to a halt as she came off the lift. He looked up at Nick and saw Nick’s nod.

  “Thank you. That’s very nice of you.”

  Nick handed over the phone. They cuddled as close together as their snowboards allowed, and smiled into the camera. Gabe wasn’t sure if the woman had clicked the button so he kept smiling until she slid closer to them.

  “That came out great! You are a very good-looking couple.”

  There was no hint of censure in her voice so Gabe smiled. “Thank you. We’re very happy.”

  “My younger brother came out to the family over Thanksgiving. I’ve known for years, but the parental units were more than a little shocked. They’re not joining PFLAG anytime soon, but neither have they disowned him. I know my brother feels as though a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders, now that he doesn’t have to hide any longer. I hope he finds someone that will put a smile on his face as big as yours someday.”

  The woman skied away before Gabe or Nick had a chance to respond. A thought came to Gabe as Nick adjusted his goggles. He put his hand on Nick’s arm to halt his lover before he took off down the slope. “What about the photo?”

  “What about it, sweetheart. You want to see?”

  Nick moved to tug off his glove so he could take the phone back out, but Gabe stopped him. “No, I mean what about the Internet and stuff. You’re an international athlete, Nick. What if that picture makes it online or something? We shouldn’t have had her take it. She could have sent a copy to her phone, or uploaded it who knows where.” Gabe looked around the slope. The high season hadn’t started yet, but there were still more than a handful of enthusiasts out playing in the powder. “We need to be more careful.”

  “Look at us.”

  Gabe looked and couldn’t figure out what Nick meant by that. “What?”

  “We’re covered from head to toe. I’m hardly recognizable from the man most people see wearing nothing more than a racing suit. Besides, I told you that I’m out to the team and coaches.”

  “Maybe, but you’re sure not out to the rest of the world. The sports media would go into frenzy if they found out. You have endorsements and sponsors and―”

  Nick took Gabe’s face between his hands. “Relax. I’m not ashamed of being gay, and I most definitely am not ashamed of loving you. Should my sexuality become an issue in the media, I’ll be honest but refuse to make a big deal about it. It’s not like I’m the only gay Olympic athlete.”

  Gabe leaned into Nick’s touch. “I just don’t want to see your career be ruined over something like this.”

  “My sweet prince. Look at me.” Nick waited until Gabe met his eyes. “I love swimming, but not more than I love you. You want to hear a worst-case scenario? Fine. The shit hits the fan, I retire, finish my degree, and the two of us set up home somewhere peaceful. You can command a classroom full of coeds, and I’ll design us the most beautiful home you could imagine. We’ll get a dog and grow old together.”

  Gabe smiled. “That does sound nice. Not the shit hitting the fan part, but everything else.”

  Nick nodded and then kissed Gabe once again. “Now, are you ready to rip this hill up?”

  Gabe shifted his board. He had the tactical advantage having grown up on this mountain. “Catch me if you can!” he yelled as he took off.

  “JESUS, you’ve gotten good at that,” Nick moaned as Gabe swallowed him deep.

  Steam from the shower filled the air around them, turning the bathroom of their suite into a hazy den of carnality. Nick leaned against the tiled wall, his hands resting on the top of Gabe’s head. The exquisite pull from Gabe’s mouth, suckling on Nick’s cock, made his toes curl. As soon as they’d come off the mountain and made their way back to the suite, Nick felt as though he’d transformed from solicitous boyfriend to raving nymphomaniac. He needed to feel Gabe’s skin against him again, craved the taste of Gabe’s kisses, and was absolutely famished to sink deep inside the man he loved once again. They’d made it as far as the bathroom before Nick had Gabe pinned to the wall and devoured Gabe’s lips in an all-consuming kiss. They’d stripped, and when Gabe had wrapped his legs around Nick’s waist, it took everything he had not to thrust up inside that snug channel that had led him to heaven the night before. But Gabe deserved better than a quick fuck in the bathroom. He was probably sore from their exertions the night before, and if there was one absolute in Nick’s world, it was to never knowingly hurt his prince.

  So he steered them toward the shower, intent on luxuriating in the feel of their slick bodies rubbing together only to be surprised when Gabe sank to his knees, and immediately sucked Nick’s cock deep into his mouth. Gabe made some sweet little moan that rippled down Nick’s length. His lover’s face was a mask of pleasure, which only heightened Nick’s own state of bliss. The tip of Gabe’s tongue came out to lick at Nick’s slit, capturing his taste before sliding down again.

  The head of Nick’s cock nudged Gabe’s throat, and he restrained himself from thrusting deeper. Gabe’s hands were braced against Nick’s quads. Soft little purrs and moans came from him as Gabe worked Nick’s cock into a frenzy of need. He thought about shooting deep into Gabe’s throat, but craved the feel of Gabe’s ass surrounding him too much to give it up right then and there.

  Nick halted the movement of Gabe’s head, withdrawing his cock from the sweet torture of Gabe’s ministrations. “I want to be inside you.”

  Gabe nodded eagerly. They did a courtesy dry off only to the point where they were no longer dripping on the floor and then sprinted back into the bedroom. Nick beat Gabe by a second and dove onto the bed. He lay on his back with his arms out to Gabe. “Come ride me.”

  Gabe scooted up and straddled Nick’s legs. “Slick?”

  Nick held out the bottle they never put away the night before. “Will you do yourself? I want to watch. I want to see exactly what you did while I was gone.”

  A becoming blush spread across Gabe’s cheeks and a touch of mischievousness brightened his eyes. A quick squirt onto his long fingers and Gabe reached behind himself. Gabe’s body began to rock, and Nick imagined it was his fingers buried deep inside that sweet ass. He confiscated the bottle of lube and proceeded to slick himself up. Gabe’s eyes were trained on Nick’s hand as it moved smoothly up and down the cock trapped in its grip.

  “Enough. Get that ass up here,” Nick growled.

  Gabe crawled up Nick’s body and lay on top of him. Nick captured the back of Gabe’s head in one hand and grasped his ass in the other. Gabe’s lean body stretched out over him was pure bliss, and Nick kissed his love, showing Gabe everything there was inside him.

  “How do we do this, Nick? I’ve never.”

  “I know, love. Let me show you.” Nick adjusted their bodies till his cock nudged the little hole Gabe had been fingering a moment before. He pushed in. Blistering heat and snug muscles greeted him. The minimally stretched and nearly virginal channel put up a modicum of resistance, but Nick steadily pushed down on Gabe’s hips while arching up till the head popped through. Gabe gasped, and his eyes went wide.

  “There, now. Slow as you want, push back and take me in.”

  Gabe was quiet as his body claimed Nick. When Gabe reached what felt like the halfway mark, he pushed against Nick’s chest and sat up.

  “That’s it. Let gravity do the work for you. So beautiful, my sweet prince
. So mine.”

  Gabe nodded. Nick expected Gabe to take each inch of him in small measures but he let out a cry when Gabe sank to the root in one fast movement. Gabe shook and shuddered. His breaths came in pants, and his fingertips dug into Nick’s chest.

  “God almighty, sweetheart. Are you okay?”

  “Yes. You’re so deep. Deeper than before. Deeper than anything.”

  Nick brought Gabe back down till their chests rested against one another. He arched his hips and started to slowly make love to Gabe. Gabe kept placing little kisses and licks on Nick’s skin. He captured one of Nick’s nipples between his teeth and when Gabe bit down, Nick surged up. Another bite and another surge.

  Gabe started to move with Nick. Catching Nick’s rhythm, he rocked in counter motions. Nick couldn’t have stopped if his life depended on it. His hands stroked Gabe’s arms, his back, and squeezed the round cheeks of Gabe’s ass. Their mouths drank from each other. Gabe’s sweet taste filled Nick’s senses.

  Nick rolled them over without breaking their connection. He drove into Gabe as hard as he could, and Gabe’s cry of pleasure rang through the air. Nick remembered the spot, aiming for it with each and every thrust. Gabe’s sweet moans and soft little whimpers filled the room. Afternoon sunlight came through the wide windows, and Gabe’s Californian skin glowed in the winter light. Nick knew he’d have little half moons from Gabe’s nails digging into his shoulders, but the mark would be worn proudly. Gabe’s eyes flashed open as Nick continued to rock harder and faster, thrusting up into him with movements mimicking the most primal mating.

  Nick met the dark forest of Gabe’s eyes and saw the answer to every one of his prayers within their depths. “Come for me, sweet prince.”

  Gabe arched up and heat blasted between their bodies. His body milked Nick’s cock and Nick couldn’t prevent his climax from surging from deepest part of his soul as he filled Gabe with his seed.

  Sweaty and trying to catch his breath, Nick collapsed over Gabe. Gabe’s hands soothed Nick’s trembling body. Nick’s cock reluctantly left the snug confines of Gabe’s ass. He rolled to his side and brought Gabe with him. Their hands smoothed over each other’s skin. They kissed softly, and Nick enjoyed the knowledge that Gabe was his and his alone. He wondered if Gabe knew that Nick belonged to him as well.

  “I love you, sweet prince.”

  “You make me feel so much, Nick. When I’m with you I feel right. Does that make sense?”

  “It does, sweetheart. Our lives are so hectic. You have school and practice and meets. I have training and competitions and all the stuff that goes with endorsement deals. You know I don’t think I realized just how much business goes into being a swimmer until the last two years. Sometimes I feel as though I’m on this never-ending treadmill, but when I’m with you, all that goes away and everything is like you said, right.”

  Nick felt himself drifting toward sleep and spooned himself around Gabe. They’d get up in a little while and get some dinner, but for now it was nice to simply be together.

  Chapter 10

  NICK sat in the front seat of Gabe’s mother’s car. Their trip down from Sandpoint had taken them a bit longer than they anticipated because snow started falling a couple hours before they checked out of the hotel. It was a beautiful drive, though, and Nick could see why Gabe loved the Idaho panhandle as much as he did. Mountains and valleys all covered in green. This time of year there was white patchwork scattered throughout the forests, and it made Nick want to get out and explore. Maybe learn how to do cross-country skiing.

  Gabe’s hometown sat at the tip of the large lake it was named for. As they’d driven toward town, Nick’s breath was caught by the magical wonderland reflecting on the still water in the cloudy late afternoon light. Gabe had told him that there were over two hundred and fifty floating holiday displays, and over a million lights were used to turn the town of Coeur d’Alene into a winter extravaganza every year.

  “I can’t get over how cool that was.”

  “The lights, you mean?”

  “Yeah, makes me feel as though I’m a little kid.” Nick bounced in his seat a little bit.

  “It is pretty special. I’m sorry we missed the lighting ceremony. Every year on the day after Thanksgiving the lights come on in a grandiose display. They shoot fireworks off from a barge in the lake and it seems as though the whole town and half those surrounding us gather to watch. Did you know that we have a one-hundred-and-twenty-year-old fir tree that’s twice the size of the one in Rockefeller? They say it has over thirty thousand lights on it.”

  “Oh my God, I wanna see!” Nick turned in his seat to watch Gabe. “Pretty please?”

  Gabe laughed. “Of course I’ll take you. It’s at the resort. We’ll even go on one of the nighttime cruises on the lake. It goes past all the displays. We can drink hot chocolate and snuggle in a blanket together on the ferry.”

  “You’re such a romantic.”

  Gabe turned a charming shade of rose, and Nick reached out and trailed his finger down Gabe’s cheek. “I like it.”

  “I never really thought of that as romantic. My parents used to take us to see Christmas lights every year as kids, and I guess I always thought of sharing similar traditions with my partner someday.”

  “What if you had ended up with a person who wasn’t interested in doing anything such as going to see lights or celebrating the holidays and stuff?”

  Gabe frowned for a moment. “Well, then I’d hope we could find something to do together. Otherwise I don’t know, but I think I’d be pretty depressed. I can’t imagine never doing all the little things that mean Christmas to me. If I had to give them up to satisfy my partner, than I’d be changing who I am. I’m certainly not opposed to compromise or a blending of traditions, but if I give up everything of myself to satisfy him then I’m no longer me. And if that’s what he wanted, then he never truly loved me for who I was in the first place.” Gabe looked over at Nick. “This is all hypothetical, right?”

  “Absolutely. I love holidays and everything that goes along with them. So never fear, my prince, I’ll always revel in the fanfare with my liege.”

  Gabe chuckled. “You’re a nut.”

  They drove for about another thirty minutes, partly down I-90 and partly down a scenic highway that allowed Nick to catch glimpses of the city lights off in the distance. Gabe had explained earlier that his parents lived on the other side of the lake, opposite of the actual city limits. They could take a boat straight across the water and cut off a lot of time, but it wasn’t the most practical travel method.

  Gabe pulled to a stop and pushed the button to lower the window outside a set of iron gates.

  “Um, Gabe?”

  Gabe pressed the code and the gate slowly swung open. “Yeah, babe?”

  “I thought you said your parents were school teachers.”

  “They are.” He drove through, and they slowly made their way down a private road.

  Nick kept looking out either side of the windows. There was a huge mansion off to the left side with spotlights highlighting the grand façade, and a handful of smaller but no less impressive lake houses off to the right. “Okay. I have to admit I wasn’t expecting something so….”

  “Exclusive? There are a few megamansions around, but our house is quite homey. There are only three bedrooms, and it’s all designed to tuck into the landscape. I thought that would appeal to your architectural heart. I didn’t say anything before because it’s really not a big deal―well, to us at least―but before they were teachers, my parents worked for a multibillion-dollar corporation. My dad was the lead scientist on a team that developed a method of using live fungal based products to maintain the natural properties of the wood used in paper production. What this means is that the papers mills can reduce the amount of bleach and destruction of the fibers of the pulp, resulting in a better product. It can also be applied to hardwoods to prevent rotting, like in the use of utility poles or some such.

  “Now my
mom, she likes to play with DNA. Up until a few years ago she used to go down to Antarctica and do all kinds of research. One project led her to isolating an enzyme from an organism found on Mount Erebus. It has very special properties used in the extraction of DNA to aid in forensic testing. She serves on the board of directors for a company working on a machine that will use the enzyme in rapid DNA testing for applications at airports or in the army. Right about the time Lauren and I graduated high school, they got tired of all the traveling. So they quit their jobs, moved here, and became elementary school teachers.

  “When the patents for the processes my dad developed came due, he bought them with the money they’d made investing in Microsoft when it was in its infancy. Now, he and my mom work in the schools for pleasure and sell the process to other companies. They bought this land and had the house built four years ago.”

  Nick peered out the windshield as Gabe pulled into the driveway. “So you didn’t actually grow up here?”

  “No, we lived in Spokane.”

  “And your folks aren’t exactly your basic elementary and middle school teachers, huh?”

  Gabe shrugged. “They don’t make a big deal about it. They’re Mom and Dad, you know. Is that going to be a problem? It’s not like we dine on caviar and drink champagne from crystal flutes gilded in gold you know.”

  Nick leaned over and kissed Gabe. “No problem, sweetheart. Unexpected, that’s all. I’m sure your parents are lovely people. Chalk my behavior up to nerves. I’ve never met ‘the parents’ before.”

  “Relax. They’ll love you as much as I do. They really are very easygoing people.”

  Nick leaned over the console, and they shared a soft lingering kiss. Nick slipped his tongue through Gabe’s sweet lips. He hadn’t had a taste of Gabe since early that afternoon and in his estimation it was way overdue. Their heads tilted to deepen the kiss, desire quickly climbing in the small space. Gabe’s hand threaded through Nick’s curls to hold him captive, as if Nick would possibly want to back away voluntarily. Nick’s hand rested on Gabe’s thigh and slid between his spread legs. He traced the seam of Gabe’s jeans beneath his balls, pressing up against the tender flesh till Gabe moaned into their kiss.


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