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Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection

Page 93

by Rebecca Royce


  I ducked as Jack shot a fist towards me, and I caught his wrist, using his own momentum to pull him forward.

  He recovered before he stumbled, spinning and sweeping his foot at my feet, knocking me flat on my ass.

  I sucked at this.

  “Fuck you, mate!” I snarled as my head thumped on the ground. I groaned as I held my head, wishing I could just best him at least once in these practice sessions.

  Ugh, I hated when I got head blows.

  “You know, no one else talks like you. Apparently it’s an Australian thing,” Jack mused, smirking as he offered me his hand.

  I scowled at him, but allowed him to pull me to my feet. I had to quickly avert my eyes, something I’d been struggling with since we’d started sparring today. He’d taken his shirt off from the heat, and a part of me thought he enjoyed how it made me squirm.

  “You’ve been teaching me for weeks, taking time out to go over the combat training, but as soon as we properly spare, I can’t even land a decent blow,” I groaned.

  “You’ll get there, you’re improving,” Jack assured me, but I had a feeling he was just being nice.

  “I feel like I’m so behind. Even Xander can fight better than me and use the weapons. I’m useless,” I sighed.

  Jack looked up at the clear blue sky overhead, sighing before he stepped closer to me and planted his hands on my shoulders.

  “You are far from useless, Lily. You can wield hellfire, something very few demonics can do, and not to the extent and power that you can,” he said softly, those dark eyes searching mine.

  My heart fluttered at just how close he was, my skin tingling beneath his hands.

  His eyes slid down to my lips, and that charming smirk broke out once more. God, he would make any girl swoon.

  He inched forward, and my breath caught as my whole body stiffened in anticipation.

  Was he going to kiss me?

  What would it be like? Would he be a sweet kisser? Passionate? Demanding?

  Hell, I barely knew how to kiss, and now my stomach was tightening in worry.

  What if I made a fool out of myself?

  Had any of them kissed a girl before?

  No. Diane would’ve said something, but all she’d ever mentioned was their lack of interest in girls. Until I came. Something both she and Hadley had noticed. They loved it, and were constantly pointing it out if they were watching me or looking my way. I always shrugged it off as them being my protectors and keeping an eye on me, but I knew better.

  “Focus, Lily,” he murmured, blinking as if he was forcing himself out of a trance. His eyes met mine, and his brow furrowed.

  “Hmm?” I mumbled, still caught up in the hopes that he might make a move.

  None of my hellhounds had made any moves on me, but I’d seen their sideways glances, and I knew I was the same. I couldn’t help but check them out in our training session, awed by their athletic abilities and moves. And their bodies. I’d seen Jack shirtless a number of times now, and every time it made my stomach flutter and my heartbeat quicken.

  “That power that has flared up a few times, that pure energy inside you. Have you tried to draw it forth?” Jack asked.

  I inwardly deflated.

  I’d really hoped he’d finally make a move. But I knew that was wrong. I was being silly. My hellhounds wouldn’t do that. Besides, if they all liked me, that would put a strain on their own relationships with one another. I was being selfish in hoping one of them would want me.

  And the fact that I wanted all of them was even stranger.

  “No,” I mumbled after a moment when I realized he was waiting for an answer.

  My pure power. It had flared up on the odd occasion, and I’d briefly experienced some insane precision and skill in whatever I was doing at the time.

  But I’d never focused on it solely, on that incredible energy that welled up inside me.

  “Do you think you can try focusing on it? Feel it come to life inside you,” he guided me.

  I nodded, and he released my shoulders and took a step back.

  I fought the urge to pout at his loss of physical touch.

  Instead, I closed my eyes, trying to draw forth that energy I’d felt. I focused on my breathing, slowing it down as I delved inside myself.

  Every time it had flared, it was normally when I’d gotten shocked or had slowed my breathing and really strained to achieve what it was I was doing.

  Surely I could recreate that effect.

  I let my body relax as I focused, imagining that same calming power overcoming me.

  Minutes ticked by, but Jack was silent as he allowed me the time I needed.

  I wasn’t sure how long it took, but with all of my focus, I felt the flutter of the energy rise up inside me.

  My eyes shot open as Jack launched at me, snarling as he raised a fist to punch me.

  I fell down into a crouch immediately, quicker than any movements I’d ever done.

  I shot my foot out, sweeping his feet from under him with ease and swiftness that caught him off guard.

  My breathing stayed perfectly calm and even as I spun, slamming my sneaker into his chest.

  I felt the power surge from me, and then heard the cracking of bones as Jack rocketed backward with insane force.

  He slammed into the wooden barricade that blocked off the training area from the mansion, pulverizing it with his body as he smashed a hole through it.

  The power seeped out of me as I covered my mouth, utterly shocked as I spied Jack on the ground through the gaping hole in the barricade.

  He groaned and coughed, and my feet were moving before I even thought a thing.

  I collapsed down beside him, gasping as I watched his face twist in pain as his chest heaved.

  “Oh God, I’m so sorry!” I cried, looking to the mansion for help.

  “Don’t… be,” he sputtered, one eye opening to glance at me.

  I covered my mouth as tears welled in my eyes.

  I needed to get him help.

  But my eyes were now glued to his bare chest.

  Where the bones were shifting beneath his skin, cracking back into place as he coughed up blood.

  “You pack one hell of a kick,” he groaned, staring at me and managing a pained smirk.

  “What… are you… healing?” I murmured, transfixed by the way his body seemed to be repairing itself from the harsh blow.

  “We heal fast,” he said through gritted teeth.

  I just stared, the minutes dragging by as his body sorted itself out.

  And then he sat up, stretching and flexing his arms to check his chest.

  It was like nothing had happened.

  I let out a relieved breath, all the tension easing from my body.

  “I’m sorry,” I mumbled.

  “Don’t apologize. I wanted you to use your full power. As soon as I felt it flare up in you, I attacked you with everything I had. You simply defended yourself,” he gave me a small smile as he took my hand in his.

  My breath caught at this, and I just gazed into those onyx eyes, so deep and dark. But a flicker of pride was evident in them, and it made my heart skip a beat.

  “I think, if you try to channel that power more in your classes, you’ll properly master everything. Somehow, the instinct and ability is there inside you. You are more skilled and powerful than you think,” he said, his gaze falling to my lips once more.

  We were only inches apart I realized with a start.

  “You’re beautiful, Lily,” he murmured, reaching out to cup my cheek.

  My eyes just widened as he stroked my cheek with his thumb.

  My heart rate was thundering now, and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.

  He just smirked at this, cocking his head as he took in my features, his eyes trailing over my face.

  “One would think you were lovebirds.”

  Jack’s hand fell from my face as his smirk turned to a scowl.

  We turned to
where Xander now stood, inspecting the hole in the barricade.

  “We heard the smashing, figured one of us should take a look,” he mused, his hazel eyes falling on me.

  He was shorter than Jack, then again, Jack was taller than everyone here. But Xander was built like a linebacker, and had the rather square jaw that I thought accompanied such a look. He was clean shaven, something that he always was without trying. Apparently since the guy he was possessing was dead, he didn’t need to worry about hair growth. Which also meant he never changed his blond crew cut, cause if he went shorter, there was no growing it back out.

  “Anyway, seems like you two are fine. But remind me never to piss her off,” Xander smirked, clearly getting the vibe he was unwanted from Jack’s glare.

  I found Jack’s clear annoyance at the intrusion rather warming.

  Xander headed off, and I knew he was going to tell Hadley what he’d seen. Xander was not one to keep anything to himself. Definitely a trait from his old frat boy days. He loved to gossip.

  Jack sighed, running a hand down his face once Xander was gone.

  I was still crouched beside him, and he was sitting up, his long legs spread out on the grass casually.

  “I’m glad you get along with Xander, even if he’s annoying,” Jack grumbled. “He was rather left out when he first came. Strange, that the demonics felt funny around him. But since you’ve been talking with him and treating him normally, everyone else has followed suit. I think he’s grateful for that, although he shows it in a weird way,” Jack frowned as he looked in the direction said demon had disappeared in.

  “He’s not a bad demon. He still has his soul,” I murmured.

  “Yes, but I think inhabiting a dead vessel was off-putting for everyone. There haven’t been any other demons here since we’ve been here. He’s the first. I’ve heard that there have been others, but they’re quite rare.”

  “Why do some of them retain their souls?” I asked, wondering if he maybe knew. No one else seemed to, but I hadn’t actually asked any of my boys.

  Jack just shrugged. “I don’t think anyone really knows.”

  Strange. I was hoping for answers. But not even Hadley or Diane knew for sure. There was speculation in our history books, that it was because they weren’t truly damned, that they were meant to go to Heaven and somehow ended up there instead. Or that they weren’t willing to let go of who they were and to give up their souls to be punished.

  “Shall we call it a day?” Jack suggested as he pulled himself to his feet, and then offered me his hand.

  “Yeah, I don’t think I can handle kicking your ass like that again,” I smirked as he tugged me up.

  I gasped as he pulled me against his chest, smiling down at me.

  “Don’t hold back from now on. We can heal. But maybe avoid headshots. And we’ll focus on learning how to simply access your power to a non-lethal extent. Don’t want you accidentally hurling Xander or one of the others in combat class,” he smirked.

  I barely registered his words, unable to get over the fact that my hands were pressed against his bare chest as he held me against him.

  “Tell me, Lily? Can you feel it too? Are you drawn to us like we are to you?” he whispered in my ear, his hot breath brushing my neck and making me quiver. “I see how you look at us, and we look at you the same way. We’ve not asked, but we want to know.”

  I closed my eyes, savoring the way he held me in his strong arms, and how small I felt against him. He really had to crane his neck to whisper in my ear, but it made butterflies dance in my belly.

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  He chuckled softly, a relieved sound as he squeezed me gently.

  “Good,” he murmured.

  I felt him pull back, and then I froze, my mind screaming with joy as I felt his lips brush against mine.

  He kissed me ever so softly, and I melted into his arms as I kissed him back.

  It was short lived though as he broke away, resting his forehead against mine.

  “I always wanted my first kiss to be with you,” he chuckled.

  My chest was heaving now, and I opened my eyes, staring into those dark depths.

  “Well, you were mine too,” I admitted softly.

  He just smiled at this before pulling back.

  “We should head inside and see what Xander has been telling everyone. Besides, I know you promised Chumley you’d watch an episode or two of ’Stranger Things’ with him before dinner. He loves having that time with you,” Jack said as he took my hand.

  My stomach was still knotting, and my head spun from the sheer joy of his kiss. He made me so giddy, and I wanted to kiss him again, to deepen it and feel him holding me.

  Instead, we walked hand in hand back to the mansion, and I couldn’t stop smiling to myself.

  I just hoped the others would be okay with whatever this was.

  Jack (Jorkan)

  Being kicked by Lily at full power had been one hell of a shock. Not to mention excruciatingly painful as she broke nearly all my ribs. Not to mention some internal injuries.

  Thank the Devil I healed fast. Even faster when injured by her. Maybe it was the same way that her injuries healed quickly from us.

  And as she was nearly in tears at wounding me, all I could think of was how beautiful she was. Especially considering all that worry and sincere care was for me.

  And then I’d kissed her.

  It just felt so right and perfect, holding her in my arms and pressing my lips to hers.

  I wanted to kiss her more, but I didn’t want to freak her out, especially when she said I was her first kiss.

  I’d never really thought about it, perhaps I’d assumed that before we’d come into her life at fourteen, maybe she’d had a boyfriend.

  But apparently not.

  We’d headed inside, finding most of the other students in the leisure room. We stopped holding hands before we entered the room, and I felt guilty for letting her hand go.

  But I didn’t want to upset the others, I knew they wanted her too.

  Hell, if she was happy with it, I’d share her with them. We were brothers, and keeping her safe and happy was all that mattered to me.

  We discovered that amazingly, Xander hadn’t said a word except to inform the others that there was no cause for alarm, it was just some training.

  Something I found a little odd for him, but I shrugged it off.

  Chumley was quick to make his way over and ask if the Netflix deal was still on, and Bug joined us.

  Creeper was nowhere to be seen, so I could only assume he was playing piano like usual.

  We headed off, and Lily kept close to my side despite Chumley and Bug chatting with her.

  We told them about her win against me, and they were thoroughly impressed.

  I left her in her room with Chumley and Bug. Bug was perched in her reading nook with a book in hand, while Chumley had Netflix already up and ready to go.

  I ended up in the library, reading through the romance books I’d been studying. I wanted to do this right with Lily, I wanted her to feel special and important. I smiled as I reminisced on our kiss, on how she’d relaxed against me and kissed me back.

  There was no denying the feelings we had for one another now.

  But I didn’t know the first thing about wooing a woman or romancing her.

  Hence the pile of books I now had.

  “What are you reading?”

  I glanced over my current book in hand, ‘Things You Should Already Know About Dating, You F*cking Idiot’, which, to be honest, was not very helpful. Maybe because Lily didn’t use social media, or the fact that I barely used the phone Dezikiel had given me. Besides, it contradicted all the old school methods I’d been fond of in a few of the other books.

  “Romance books,” I sighed as Creeper sat on the armchair across from me.

  “You like reading romance stories?” Creeper snickered.

  “No, romance tips, how to woo a woman,” I mumbled as I set
the book down. I needed to try something else, this one was useless. It was supposedly for millennials, which I thought we were, but maybe not.

  Creeper cocked his head at me, clearly perplexed.

  “You trying your luck with Lily?” he asked after a moment.

  I shifted uncomfortably, swallowing before I met his gaze.

  “Is that okay?” I asked carefully.

  “Why wouldn’t it be? I guess being closer to her in that way would only add to our ability to protect her. That way she won’t date others and get hurt by potential break-ups,” Creeper said with a shrug, clearly not bothered by it at all.

  “Right,” I nodded, my muscles relaxing. I’d had the momentary thought that he might try to fight me for her. But that was ridiculous, we were practically brothers.

  “Besides, I’m sure we don’t mind sharing,” Creeper smirked, his dark eyes flashing deviously.

  I just smiled, knowing he was trying to bait me. Too bad I’d already considered that.

  “If she’s down for that, then I don’t mind at all,” I stated as I picked up my next book.

  Creeper’s smirk turned into a small smile, and then he reached for one of my books.

  “They any good?” he mumbled as he read the back of it. ‘1001 Dating Tips and Advice’.

  “Some of them,” I mused as I flicked through my newest read.

  Creeper sat back in his seat, and I cracked a smile as he opened up the book.

  I focused on my book, giving him the odd glance and finding he was actually trying to learn from the book, his brow creased as he studied it.

  It made me rather proud of him, and I hoped Lily would take us all on. If she rejected us, I knew it would hurt.

  But we’d never stop caring for her or protecting her.

  “Do you think she likes lilies?” Creeper asked as we headed to the dining hall for dinner.

  “I don’t know,” I admitted. Lily had never had flowers around the house. Guess she couldn’t afford them.

  “She liked looking at some lilies in a park we used to go to. But she liked a lot of the flowers there. I want to find out her favorite,” Creeper sighed as he jammed his hands into his pockets.

  “Ask her,” I stated.


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