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Page 8

by N. G. Peltier

  Keiran laughed, eyes scrunching up in the corners. “I can show you if you want. Yours isn’t that bad. You just need more flowers to fill up this side.”

  She ignored him, going back to doing battle with her crown. She’d get it done without his help, thank you very much. Hopefully, when the others arrived, at least one of them would have as much trouble as she did, so she wasn’t the only one with pathetic-looking crowns.

  She reached for her phone and texted Remi, again: where are you? If I have to be with him another minute you’ll find a crime scene when you get here >.>

  Remi: five mins away. Promise ;)

  That wink said it was more like ten or twenty minutes. She’d been at Eric’s for an hour already, and only Keiran had shown up so far. Everyone else was late. Typical. Eric’s place was a short walk away from his parents. Cherisse wondered how Ava felt about that, having in-laws that close. The house had apparently belonged to Eric’s late aunt, who’d left it for him. It wasn’t as ostentatious as his parents’ but pretty damn close, boasting a couple of guest rooms and a massive kitchen that Cherisse envied. The pool in the back yard looked inviting right about now, too. Eric and Ava had enticed them over for crown-making with mention of a potential pool party after. Except they’d both been gone forever, doing Lord knows what—she hoped it involved getting stocks for later—leaving her here with Keiran and the damn crowns.

  “Why are you so bad at this?” Keiran asked, gesturing at her pitiful-looking flower. “You’re supposedly good at creating these delectable treats everyone raves about, and yet...”

  “Food and flower crowns are totally different,” she shot back. Her creativeness only extended towards food. Any other sort of craft was beyond her. Her hands felt clumsy as she tried to get her crown to look like the ones in the video, and her patience had since evacuated the house.

  Being stuck beside Keiran as he effortlessly churned out crown after crown didn’t help. But she refused to give up. Their point system that existed only in her head had them even right now, but with her Pinterest fail, the scales were tipping in his favor. Not happening. She stared down at the video on her phone and reached for her crown again.

  “So, what do you think? I pull this look off or nah?”

  Cherisse looked up from her phone to find Keiran wearing one of his crowns on his head. Her first instinct was to say how ridiculous he looked. Except that would be a lie. He looked charming, and she hated it. Coupled with that lopsided smile, the crown made up of orange, pink, and white flowers made him look like some mischievous wood nymph. One who promised loads of not-so-rated-PG fun.

  She shrugged and looked down at her phone again. “It looks fine.”

  “Aw, come on. Fine? I worked my fingers to the bone, getting this just right. Fine, she says.” He shook his head. “Would it kill you to admit it looks better than fine?” He picked up one of the other finished crowns and held it out to her. “Try this on. Please,” he added after she pursed her lips at his request.

  She rolled her eyes and pulled her hair out of its high bun, letting it fall around her shoulders in a wavy mess, before sticking the crown on her head. “Well?” She probably looked silly, wearing this crown with her rolling pin pendant, a blue tank top that said They see me rollin’, I’m bakin’ on the front, and leggings. Except, Keiran wasn’t looking at her like she looked silly.

  His dark eyes were suddenly serious. “You look...great,” he said before looking away to grab his phone from the floor. When he looked back, amusement and smirking had replaced the brief intensity. “Selfie?”

  “I’ll take my own, thanks.” She snapped a couple for Instagram and Snapchat, while across from her, he did the same.

  “We should get one with both of us. Best man and maid of honor. I already snapped a bit of my making-them process.”

  “What?” She hadn’t even noticed he was doing that. “I’m not in your story, am I?” He better had not been snapping her when she cussed up a storm while fighting with her one crown. That would be just what she needed. She had a rep to maintain that didn’t include her clients hearing her dropping f-bombs every other word, and wouldn’t that be another point for Keiran in their not-so-silent war?

  “I didn’t. I’d ask first.” He grinned. “So, I’m asking now. Selfie with me? Let everyone see you’ve maybe forgiven me for my, uh...foot-in-mouth incident.”

  Right. That. Except she hadn’t, had she? She didn’t think she was being unreasonable here, but who knew? Where Keiran was concerned, her emotions flip-flopped all over the place. People were still talking about his foolish joke in that article. Fine. It was just a selfie. Even with a public apology posted on his social media, this wasn’t just going to die down. Trinis loved a good gossip, and if posing with Keiran would squash it, she’d do it.

  “Okay, a quick one, then I gotta get back to my monstrosity.” She indicated the misshapen crown on the floor then scooted over, so they were close enough to both fit in the photo. Her bare shoulder brushed his. She registered his warm skin against hers, all too aware of his bare arm in that sleeveless basketball jersey. His face was close as he angled the phone for the shot.

  “Big smiles,” he prompted before taking the photo. He looked at his phone before showing her. “Does it have the Sugar Queen’s approval?”

  “Yeah.” It would do. His flower crown had slipped down to a jaunty angle, and she was sort of smiling, but Keiran had his full-on stunner grin going, and it brightened the entire mood of the photo. She realized abruptly that this was their first selfie. Hell, the first photo they’d ever willingly taken together.

  “Huh.” Keiran looked down at the photo again. “I think this is our first one together in ever.”

  Was he a mind reader now? “Was just thinking the same thing,” she admitted.

  There were photos from their teen days where they were both present, but they’d always had people between them. They never stood together for group shots. Cherisse had been irritated enough that Keiran hung out with people she actually liked, which meant she was forced to see him sometimes. So when they’d all gone out as a group, it was easier to ignore him.

  “Feels like I should frame this momentous occasion. History in the making.” Keiran chuckled, which then made Cherisse look down at his mouth. His scruff framed his lips, made them look enticing. Biteable. Which, in turn, made her realize how close they were still sitting and how very still Keiran had gone. Whoaaaa K. She needed to get back to flower crown-making and abort this line of thinking.

  “Hey, the gang’s all here,” Remi called out from the front door. Cherisse scooted back over to her spot just as Remi came in, followed by Reba, Maxine, Scott, Julia, Eric, and Ava. The last two carried several bags. “I bribed Reba with baked treats so she’d help. So, at some point, you’ll need to make some.” Remi plopped down next to Cherisse.

  “She can make her own, though,” Cherisse pointed out, thankful for their timing. Uncomfortable with the direction her thoughts had been taking, the interruption was welcomed. The only thing she should be thinking about Keiran’s mouth was how punchable it was. Lips looking so soft and plump. Perfect for punching. Yup. So punchable.

  Remi shrugged. “That’s for you two to sort.”

  “I mean, I’m good, but not Sugar Queen good. Yet. I can admit that.” Reba slid down next to Cherisse, brow raised at her mess of a crown. Her gaze cut to Keiran’s perfect pile then back to Cherisse’s. Cherisse glared. Reba bit her lip, not saying a thing.

  As the others got settled in around them, claiming their spots on the floor, Keiran directed his attention to the bags, their little moment seeming to have had zero effect on him at all. She needed to get on that track ASAP. “What we got?”

  “Meat. Food things. Driiiinks. Once we get the crowns done, party tiiiime,” Eric sang out, following Ava to the kitchen, leaving Keiran to show the others the DIY flower crown video.

  “This shit looks complicated.” Scott poked at the silk flowers strewn about. “But I’
ll look really cute in these, no lie. Hmm, I’m already thinking up some makeup looks that’ll go great with these, too.” Scott was doing the makeup for the bridal party, and having seen his work, Cherisse knew he’d come up with something stunning.

  “It’s easy enough,” Keiran said, all casual-like, shooting Cherisse a wink.

  Oh, he was going to regret that.


  The pile of flower crowns had grown significantly as the day wore on. Keiran was actually enjoying the repetitive motion of weaving the flowers so the crown took shape. Who knew he’d be so good at this? Outside of his musical talents, he didn’t particularly have hobbies. When would he find the time? For him, music was work but also the thing he loved, so he wasn’t bothered that he dedicated the majority of his time to it.

  But this, he was into. It was sort of soothing.

  Another thing he was enjoying was Cherisse cussing up a storm as she struggled with her crowns. Refusing to accept his help and glaring at anyone else who gave suggestions, she’d stormed to the kitchen to help Ava out.

  Eric had already excused himself to get started on seasoning the meat, letting it marinate a bit for grilling later.

  “I think my ears are still scandalized from all those four-letter words,” Scott joked, poking at Cherisse’s pile. The crowns had gotten marginally better than her initial set, but not by much. “How is she so bad at this?”

  “Your pile isn’t exactly going to win any awards there, buddy,” Remi piped up, ready to defend her friend.

  “Maybe, but Remi, come on, this is atrocious.” Scott picked up one of Cherisse’s attempts and stuck it on his head. A few flowers dangled off the frame, ready to give up and just fall off.

  Keiran agreed but wisely kept his mouth shut. He wouldn’t win any points with Remi if he bad-mouthed Cherisse’s crown. Maxine chose the same route, working studiously on her set as she glanced up every few minutes as Remi and Scott talked. Scott could get away with that. Everyone adored him. Keiran was on thin ice already.

  Finished with his batch, he got to his feet, stretching out the kinks in his body. He’d been sitting in the same position for too long.

  “I’ll go see if they need any help with the food.” A ploy to score some eats. His stomach was protesting.

  He’d almost walked right in through the open door when he heard his name.

  “Why are you making Keiran and I do this? It would be so much easier if you had separate parties so I could do my thing without seeing his face.”

  Well, okay, Cherisse, tell us how you really feel, he thought.

  Ava sighed. “It’s what we want. We want everyone to celebrate together.”

  “That’s what the wedding is for,” Cherisse huffed. Keiran bit his lip to keep his chuckle at bay. He could imagine the frown that creased her forehead and that wrinkled nose.

  “Come on, he’s not that terrible. Not like I forced you to work with Sean or some shit.”

  “You may as well have.”

  Ouch. That one struck a nerve. Her ex was a piece of shit, cheating asshole. Keiran had run into the guy before; it was hard not to when he was one of his father’s artistes. He’d never had to work with the man professionally, thank God.

  “Keiran messed up with that joke, yes, but he’s nothing like Sean.”

  “You’re really defending him right now? Knocking someone up and acting like she doesn’t exist sounds pretty shitty to me. These music guys think the world revolves around them.”

  What the fuck? That goddamn rumor was still getting traction? And Cherisse bought into that bullshit? Keiran told himself to turn around, go back to the living room.

  Do not engage with this nonsense.

  But he was tired of being dragged over shit that was so far from the truth. He stalked into the kitchen. Ava’s eyes grew wide.

  “You don’t know a damn thing about anything.”

  Cherisse cocked a brow, unperturbed that she’d just been discussing him like that. “Why don’t you clear the air, then? Silence is pretty damning.”

  “Because it’s no one’s damn business what happens in my private life!”

  “So, it’s not true?” Cherisse persisted.

  Ava placed a hand on Cherisse’s shoulder, but she ignored it, continuing to face off with him. Keiran had never addressed the rumors because it was easier to let everyone think whatever they wanted of him than address some foolish talk. He didn’t have time for media speculation. Opening that door to even comment on the gossip that reared up every so often was not something he was willing to do, but hearing Cherisse talk like this was pissing him off.

  “You believe everything you hear? I hear some people say you used Sean to boost your business, but that doesn’t make it true, does it?”

  “What you’ve heard, or what you think?”

  “I don’t think that, Cherisse. Sure, I think this whole sweet act is just that, an act, but I also think you’re quick to judge me based on nothing. I’m nothing like Sean.”

  “Funny how you still haven’t denied the most important thing I mentioned.” She shrugged. “I mean, you wouldn’t be the first man to shirk your parental responsibilities.”

  “Okay, you two, let’s just simmer down,” Ava tried, but they both ignored her. The sliding door that led to the outside patio slid open, and Eric stepped inside, eyes bouncing between them.

  She was prepared to think the worst of him just because he hadn’t refuted any of it. Why did that feel like a jab right through his chest? He’d already known Cherisse didn’t think much of him, but damn, this was a lot. He was tired. He’d been gritting his teeth and holding back every time someone trotted out this rumor, but her last words obliterated the tiny bit of patience he’d been clinging to when he’d decided to walk in here.

  “You wanna know the truth?”

  “Keiran, you don’t have to say anything,” Eric said.

  Oh, he knew that, but he wanted to wipe that self-righteous look off her face. Wanted to clear his name for once.

  “My ex and I hit a rough patch. Then, she fucked around with someone else and got pregnant. So, I ended it, and of course, people thought I’d dumped my pregnant girlfriend when she started to show. We’d been drifting apart for a while, but I figured we could work it out but clearly not. I didn’t want people to vilify her, so I took the brunt of shit and just ignored it all. Not that I need to make a public statement about it. It hurt me, but fuck, I didn’t hate her, and if that makes me a fool, then whatever. Mistakes were made, and I just wanted to move on with my fucking life, okay? Happy now? There’s your truth.”

  Cherisse didn’t say a word, but she looked appropriately chagrined, eyes darting everywhere except to his face, so he dropped one last parting shot. “Cat got your tongue? Convenient.” Then he turned to Eric, said, “Let’s go check on the meat,” and walked out to the patio.

  Chapter 9


  HE WAS LATE FOR THE first party planning meeting with Cherisse, which, considering how they’d left things after the flower crown session, wouldn’t mend anything between them. Even more so because of who he’d been with. Cherisse wouldn’t care that he’d want no part of working with Sean Daley. She wouldn’t care that he hadn’t been pleased to be summoned to his father’s office for this meeting at King Kong Entertainment.

  It was almost as if he’d jinxed himself when he’d thought about never having had to work with Sean before. He’d initially told his father “no” flat out when he’d mentioned they were bringing Sean in on this track with Sheila. There was no fucking way he was doing it. His father had claimed Sean’s vocals on the track were just what the song needed to add that extra punch. It didn’t hurt that Sean had enough fans who would be eager to listen to anything he was on, which could, in turn, help boost Sheila. He’d wanted to stick to his gut reaction and refuse but had already signed on to work with Sheila and couldn’t back out just because of Sean. Sheila was going places, and unfortunately, his father had been right
about Sean’s popularity bringing his fans out to boost the track.

  Not that he could mention any of this to Cherisse.

  The pounding rain outside didn’t help getting to her apartment any quicker, and he was umbrella-less too—the rain had come out of nowhere—so he was stuck in the car, watching his phone blow up with Where are you?? texts from Cherisse.

  He’d thought of telling her he was outside now, but whatever, he was actually amused by her texts, so he’d let her stew. After a while, it was clear the damn rain wasn’t stopping, so he decided to make a run for it, the rain battering him as he prayed he wouldn’t skate on the wet ground and bust his ass. He arrived unscathed but soaked, water running down his face as he rang the bell. The door swung open, and Remi stood in the doorway, umbrella in hand. She swept him with an up-down look, taking in his drenched clothes. “Your guest is here!” she called over her shoulder. “Good luck,” she told him cheerfully, brushing past, giant umbrella whooshing open as she made her way to her car.

  Left on his own to face Cherisse’s wrath, he took a deep breath and entered the apartment, shutting the door behind him. Dammit, he was creating a puddle in the doorway. He’d get more shit for that.

  Stuck in that one spot, he waited for Cherisse to appear. The first thing he noticed was the singing. Perfect pitch and tone, belting out a song he didn’t recognize. It was the type of voice that made you stop and listen. Calming, yet burrowing deep in your chest, grabbing hold. He froze as Cherisse exited a door just off the kitchen, head bent over her phone, probably about to send him another scathing text, while effortlessly hitting notes that had goosebumps popping up along his arms.

  “Holy shit,” he breathed, stunned.

  The song died on her lips as she shrieked, hand pressing to her chest, phone nearly flying as it fumbled in her hand. “Holy fuck! When did you get here?”

  “Literally just this second. Guess you didn’t hear Remi announce me?”

  “I sure as shit didn’t! Jesus, fuck.” She took several deep breaths to calm herself, hand gripping her phone as if she intended to throw it at him.


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