GUARDIANS: Mission To Rescue Innocence (Beauty 0f Life Book 7)
Page 68
Jasper sat next to Tom across from William as he finished his report. “So, Dan will be fine. After proper nourishment he will be fit as a fiddle.”
Tom grinned, but inquired, “Why did you keep the rest of the men in the hospital last night?”
Jasper puffed his cheeks and exhaled slowly. “Major Plouffe showed up as they were being assessed. He witnessed them disembarking from the seaplane and cornered me in the hall demanding to know their mission readiness status. I dodged the question by saying I was waiting for test results on their food poisoning, which is the cover story we used for their admission.
“When he pushed for answers I told him they inadvertently consumed Salema porgy, also commonly known as dreamfish. I indicated I was monitoring them for auditory and visual hallucinogenic effects which are common and are described as similar to those of indole tryptamine psychedelics like LSD.”
William arched a brow recalling an old mission which took him and his unit to the Isle of Man where Sutton and Cardillo accidentally ate dreamfish and ended up on a frightening thirty-six-hour psychedelic trip and garnered them a few weeks leave. “Hope Plouffe doesn’t research the fish. If I remember correctly, its habitat is the East Atlantic and Mediterranean. He might start questioning if the unit did illegal drugs while on vacation.”
Shaking his head recollecting the same mission, Tom said, “Sorry, but with Yankee’s mission, I had no other choice in recalling Plouffe. Jasper’s idea works well. It will keep them inactive for at least two weeks. We wouldn’t want to risk having a unit in the field right after they ingested dreamfish.
“For their cover, we can record they went deep sea fishing off the Isle of Man. Bransworth can work with Dom and the SAS to make the appropriate travel trail and update their real passports to reflect the proper stamps. If anyone researches, the men will have been nowhere near Makhachkala.”
William nodded. “Okay … that works. What about the loose end of Savelievich. I detested telling Mike we couldn’t go after him.” He stopped when his aide buzzed him. “What is it, Merrill?”
“Sir, you said no one except Galloway should be admitted. He is here. Should I send him in?”
Mike entered and shut the door firmly behind him, coming to attention.
“At ease, Mike. Take a seat. We are discussing Savelievich.”
Taking a step forward, Mike said, “About that, sir. I am requesting personal leave. My father is arriving in four days, and I will be traveling with him for a business meeting and returning home to Canada.”
William noted something in Mike’s gaze. “And where in the Middle East is your father going?”
Mike grinned. “Oshar.”
Tom chuckled. “You’re one devious son of a gun. Mixing a little business with pleasure, I presume.”
Shrugging, Mike sat and addressed his comments to the general. “Sir, I realize no military resources can be utilized, but I cannot allow Savelievich to escape and set up shop someplace else. I plan to find him and clue in Gaspar and Semyon Kirillovich as to his location. If I can arrange to deliver him to them, I will … I owe Gaspar that much for him saving my ass in Makhachkala. Everything will be within the law.”
William contemplated Mike’s words. “Interesting. I spent time reevaluating your assessment and just started to discuss possible ramifications with Tom.”
Jasper stood. “I should be going.”
“Stay,” William requested. “I want to ask you a question.”
Sitting back down, Jasper waited.
“The poison Daniel ingested … it could have killed him, right?”
“Yes. Based on Patch’s detailed contemporaneous notes, if he had not done the PD treatments, Dan’s kidneys would’ve been damaged. I believe the rapid administration of bentonite played a role in keeping him alive too.”
Shifting his gaze back to Mike, William said, “Sounds like an attempt on the life of one of my family. I believe that falls within your realm of operational duties. As such, you are authorized to investigate and take appropriate actions to neutralize the threat.”
A grin formed on Mike’s face. He liked the way General Broderick’s mind worked. “Thank you, sir. I will ensure Panin is no threat to Dan again.”
“Oh, and after you are finished, I am ordering you to take at least two weeks leave in Canada.” William arched a brow waiting for the rebuttal, relieved when Mike only nodded.
Tom said, “I don’t think Mike should go by himself. Panin left with the guards of Al Sattar, and they covered up Fakhir’s true cause of death which might indicate they are sheltering Savelievich.”
“My father indicates the family is above board. They’ve interacted in business dealings for three generations. I can go by myself.”
William eyed Mike, not willing to allow him to go without backup. “But they twisted the truth of their son who was a close friend of Maksim Gennadiyevich, sought to abduct my son, and who intended to kill Ripsaw as he lay injured and unarmed on the floor.
“Those are your words. The Al Sattars may only be trying to save face, but I agree with Tom, you don’t go alone, especially with your father there. He requires protection.”
“Dom agreed to help. He has a vested interest in taking out Savelievich too. We can’t involve any of my men. They were not part of the mission, and I don’t want them read in.” Mike held William’s gaze. “They don’t know my past or who my father is, and I want to keep it that way. For this damned mission, I already had to reveal too much to too many.”
Mike rose and paced as anxiety over his perverse past crept in. Stopping, he turned to William. “I told Dan … and the unit stuff I never wanted to think about again. Savelievich planned to sell me again. Your son is intelligent … he probably put two and two together. Hell, they all have minds like steel traps and undoubtedly figured out my history with Panin.”
William stood and moved to Mike, laying a hand on his shoulder. He could tell Mike was rattled. He did not lose his composure often and had never spoken about his past in front of Tom or Jasper. Shades of the frightened, naked, young man he discovered in the alley years ago flashed in his sky-blue eyes. “Take a deep breath and relax.”
“I want the rat bastard dead. He doesn’t deserve to live. He ruined so many lives. Natia, the woman we rescued, was only eleven when Savelievich’s goons stole her away from a loving family. Little Elsa … Dan almost lost his life to save her. He went all high-noon on Panin’s guard then stared down the barrel of three guns and became a cocky son of a bitch … called Panin a lard ass. Savelievich poisoned him for that … wanted him dead or to gift him to Fakhir after taking the money.”
Shaking with fury, Mike ground out, “He dressed Dom’s innocent little girls in next to nothing and had them on full display for men like Fakhir to ogle. The bastard deserves death! He fucking sold me … like … like I meant nothing.”
William pulled Mike to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders and held on. The impact of this operation was further reaching than he ever imagined. He felt a tremor course through Mike’s body. “Breathe … just breathe. In, hold, two, three, four, out. That’s it.”
Tom and Jasper observed a side of William most never witnessed as he soothed Mike’s distress. They both wished Dan and William could enjoy a relationship like William and Mike shared. Though not father and son, William had been instrumental in Mike’s rehabilitation and an influential mentor.
Calming, Mike pulled away. He glanced at the major and colonel, embarrassed for losing his cool in front of them. Mike ran a hand over his bald head. A laugh erupted, signifying his wild emotions. “My dad is gonna give me shit about being bald.”
William chuckled. “Charles said it wasn’t a good look for you. I tend to agree.” He strode to his coffee pot and poured a cup, then took it to Mike. “Sit. Relax a moment and let’s discuss this.”
Complying, Mike sat and stared into the coffee mug for a long moment composing himself. He turned his gaze to the colo
nel and major. “Are you both aware of who I am?”
Without hesitation, Tom nodded. “I’m privy to your personnel file. I’m acquainted with who your father is, but more importantly, I recognize the man you are regardless of family heritage.”
Jasper replied, “As the primary doctor for Guardian unit members, I too am aware. He is listed as next of kin on your paperwork. And I second Tom’s words. We judge you based on your merit and find you worthy.”
Striding to his coffeemaker again, William poured coffee for himself. Mike’s unguarded words contained details they had not discussed yet. He assumed they would be in the after-action report. His hand shook slightly as he gripped his mug. Daniel faced down three weapons. The degenerate poisoned my boy for an insult and wanted to give him to Fakhir.
As he returned to his chair, William said, “Tom, schedule the debriefing for tomorrow. After the session, Mike will discuss his plan with Blaze’s unit. Two will accompany Mike to Oshar. My only request is not Daniel.”
Tom stared at William. “Are you ordering Dan not to go.”
“He was poisoned. He won’t be in shape to travel.”
Hating to state this, but needing the truth out there, Jasper said, “The poison is out of his system. That was six days ago. In four days’ time, he will be fit for duty. All he needs is some food to regain his energy.”
William glared at Jasper. “You want me to risk my son again? This bastard tried to kill him once … almost succeeded. Isn’t that enough?”
“Just stating facts. I’m neutral in who is sent.”
Playing the devil’s advocate, Tom said, “What if it was you who had been poisoned? Would you want your father to stop you from apprehending the man and ensuring justice is served?”
Mike realized Dan had as much right as him to seek out Panin. He knew how he felt when denied … Dan would feel the same. “With all due respect, sir. Your son is much like you. He would want the opportunity to go. There is no one I would trust more to have my back and protect my father.
“I only provided you a few highlights. We have not debriefed, so you are not aware of all the details. While poisoned and in immense pain, Dan maintained his overwatch position, protecting the lives of Dom’s children, saving Ripsaw’s life, and saved his own when attacked by numerous guards. When his weapon failed he even engaged in hand-to-hand combat.”
Pride warred with concern in William as he said, “Let’s leave Dom out of this, he has his daughters to focus on. Choose two men who will best serve the needs of the mission. No restrictions. Tom, have Bransworth run history on the Al Sattar family. I don’t want them blindsided with lack of intel again.”
Base Hospital – Six Room Ward – 1200 Hours
Ripsaw clanked down the hall on his crutches with two brown sacks clutched in one hand as he made his way to Blondie’s and Patch’s room. He had a pleasant talk with Anastasia but left when her eyes drooped. After his chat, he went straight to locate Jarmal to request specific desserts. Jarmal’s grin was odd, but he didn’t think much of it when the cook agreed.
Ripsaw entered the room and said, “Hey ho, I come bearing gifts you two will like.” He clomped over to Patch, balanced on one foot as he released his hold on the crutch, and deposited one bag on Patch’s table.
“Lemon bars for you.” Pivoting, he hopped over to Blondie, and handed him a bag, “And cherry cobbler for you. A little blonde birdie said this is your favorite dessert.”
Dan opened the sack. “Mmmm.” He pulled out the dessert and put it on his table. Before he could dig in, Brody bounded into the room all smiles.
“Danny, guess what I got?” Without waiting for an answer, he set a plate with cherry cobbler on his lap. “Remember our conversation yesterday. Thought since you can eat …” he trailed off seeing the other cobbler.
“Double delicious. Thanks.”
Blaze strode in, the relief Blondie would be alright lifted the weight of the world from his shoulders. Coming to a stop his eyes on Blondie’s he produced a container from behind his back and with a flourish he presented it to the son of his heart. “Something special for the man of the hour.” He blinked when Blondie, Ripsaw, Brody, and Patch all chuckled. Then he saw the other two cobblers and added his deep laugh to the others.
Mason strolled in, lightened by hearing the mirth from outside the room. “What’s so funny?” he asked as he approached Blondie’s bed. He stopped and stared, before bursting out laughing as he added a fourth cobbler to Blondie’s table. “Seems like we all had the same idea.”
“What idea is that?” Winds asked as he ambled towards the guys.
Dan chuckled, “Cherry cobbler.”
Winds smirked. “Well add me to the group think.” He set a fifth plate of cobbler on the rolling tray as laughter renewed.
Mike entered wondering what all the hilarity was about, but moved forward as he said, “Anastasia wanted me to deliver a small token of her appreciation.”
All the patients on the entire ward were subjected to boisterous chortling as each man stared at the sixth offering of cherry cobbler. Dan was the first to stop as he picked up a fork and dug in with gusto. He would never turn down cherry cobbler … and he was hungry enough to eat all six of them.
June 5
Ops Command – Hallway – 0900 Hours
Dan strolled towards the secure room with Brody. The others were already there, but he was delayed with a final exam by Dr. Pastore of the catheter incision. He wore civies today, as their cover story indicated they were off active duty for two more weeks. Rounding the last corner, he and Brody stopped when they came face-to-face with Major Plouffe.
Plouffe eyed both and demanded, “Where are you going and why are you out of uniform?”
Brody answered, “We’re not active, sir. Colonel Sutton ordered us to join him in the mission room. If you will excuse us, sir, we are running late.”
They skirted around the major and the heat of the man’s glare bore into their backs. Brody whispered, “I can’t stand Puffy.”
Dan snickered but held his tongue out of respect for the position, not the man.
Plouffe tracked Broderick and Hunter until they entered the secured room and wondered why Sutton requested their presences without including him. Then he smirked recalling Pastore’s remarks about dreamfish. The story didn’t hold water, and he was sure Blain’s unit would be reprimanded for using drugs. How sweet it would be if the general’s son received a bad conduct discharge due to illegal drug use. Though it would be bittersweet because he would need to find another way to taunt General Broderick.
He decided to visit Corporal Jheeta and gather the latest batch of mail he pilfered for him. He gleaned valuable profiling intel from his toy soldier’s letters over the past two years. If the discipline didn’t include a BCD, it might be time to begin isolating him from his military-minded family, that way the continued deployments would be less detectable.
Ops Command – Conference Room – 1130 Hours
Over the last two and a half hours the unit, Mike, and Anastasia gave a full accounting of all pertinent details. Though, each left out personal elements which held no value to the outcome.
Anastasia and Dan stayed mum on their tryst and the private agony each shared with one another. No one spoke of Julie’s cruelty to Blondie or his nightmare which caused him to cling to Brody for support. Dan kept silent on certain details Mike disclosed to him, though he discerned Mike had a painful past with Panin. Blaze kept secret the conversation on the rooftop and the phobias of both Blondie and Brody.
When debrief ended, Tom realized William would experience nightmares after he read the full report. He shared a sense of guilt for sending this team in blind to specific details. However, a tremendous amount of pride surged in him for how well this group acquitted themselves given the sickening, challenging, and dreadful situations this mission forced on them.
In his entire military service, Tom had never come ac
ross a mission quite like this one. Each member demonstrated fortitude and ingenuity at a level which cemented them as top-tier operators.
Tom took a moment when they finished to center himself. “I commend each of you on a successful mission. We have one loose end which needs tying up … Panin Savelievich.
“Bransworth will provide you a briefing on the Al Sattar family and Oshar. After which, Mike will present a plan he devised to deal with Savelievich. Once you discuss and refine his strategy, you will decide among yourselves which two members of Blaze’s unit will accompany Mike. Lyons, I will allow you to sit in on the planning session. Your unique insights and diverse knowledge may be beneficial.”
Anastasia nodded, happy to help. After Bransworth provided a detailed history of the royal family of Oshar, including particulars not commonly known, but unearthed by his digging, he resumed his seat.
Mike glanced at the men at the table. “Who’s up for another vacation?” Groans and chuckles met Mike’s words. He turned serious. “I’m sure you’ve all deduced I encountered Panin in my past. I won’t go into full detail, suffice to say I made some poor choices as a youth, ended up at his establishment, and Savelievich sold me into slavery.
“A Guardian unit rescued me after an old friend, Gaspar Kirillovich, reported me missing. Afterward, I decided to change my life completely. You’ll be meeting my father, so I must share information even my unit is unaware of, but I wish this to remain confidential along with the other details. If publicized this might cause problems for my family or me.”
Blaze spoke for them all, “There are things we all wish to keep private. Whatever you share will remain so.”
Mike leaned back and bit the bullet. “My full name is Michael Charles Brown Galloway. My dad is Charles Arthur Brown Galloway, eleventh Baron Wildingham. I am heir to the title.”
Brows arched, smiles bloomed, and jaws dropped as each person reacted to Mike’s news.
“Explains a lot. That’s how you knew about Maks’ playboy habits and how you could coach Blondie. Also, your information on planes and yachts,” Mason said with disbelief.