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Page 57

by Park Saenal

  “Once a year?”

  “Yes. On that day, His Majesty leads the guards and heads to the mine. In order to mine black mithril, you have to visit the mine on the same day as His Majesty the Emperor. Even if you succeed in infiltrating the mine, you’ll have to face the guards. You will immediately become hostile to the imperial family, and the harmony between the Overgeared Kingdom and the empire will never be achieved.”

  “Then there is no way after all?”

  “There’s only one. Infiltrate the emperor’s royal treasure house where the black mithril mined for generations is kept. If you aim for the day when His Majesty goes to the mine, it is worth trying because many of the guards will be away.”

  “The emperor’s treasure house…”

  It was the treasure house of the emperors who dominated the West Continent. Many of the guards might be away, but it would almost certainly boast more guards than anywhere else. It might be much more difficult than approaching a dragon lair. Still, everything was relative. It was certainly better than heading for the black mithril mine and encountering the emperor.

  ‘In any case, the most superior materials are always a problem.’

  Their whereabouts were unknown, and the difficulty of obtaining them was also high. Grid clicked his tongue and asked Basara, “What is the day that the emperor will leave for the mine?”

  Would it be a few months later? Would his patience run out if he waited while sucking on his fingers? While Grid was worried, he received an unexpected answer.

  “In the next eight days.”

  “Eight days?”

  “Yes. It is just a short time away. It might be easier than you think to infiltrate the emperor’s treasure house because of the confusion Edan caused. Even so, I can’t guarantee success.”

  “I see.”

  Edan running wild really helped in this situation. The moment that a smile appeared on Grid’s face…

  “By the way, why aren’t you paying attention to the meteorite?” A familiar voice rang out. Grid looked back and saw a small shadow under the large table lined with wood. It was the dwarf Ke. The visitor had come without permission.

  ‘How did he get in?’

  The entrance of the meeting room was naturally guarded by knights. Then the assassins of the Overgeared Shadows were waiting inside. Yet Dwarf Ke managed to come here without being stopped. The baffled Grid suddenly looked at Ke’s feet. A small yellow golem was sticking its head out of a tunnel. It seemed to resemble an elemental, but it was different. The light elemental didn’t respond at all.

  Ke laughed. “It is an artificial elemental. The golem—made of earth and metal—was imbued with an ego by processing an earth elemental, but it is pretty useless. As you can see, its digging ability is excellent, and it can smell minerals and guide me there.”

  “Then can’t you easily infiltrate the emperor’s castle?”

  “Oh, that is a big deal. I did it over 100 years ago and got stuck in that cage. I’m not going to repeat the same mistake.”


  Why was he trapped in the Abyss? It turned out he was a thief. Grid frowned as he stared at Ke. “You destroyed my castle at will and invaded this place illegally. Thus, you’ll have to go to jail again.”

  “W-What… Do you need to do that? A broken castle can be fixed in a few days. Just fill the hole again. Additionally, I broke in, but… it wasn’t intentional. This artificial elemental smelled minerals and did it at will!”

  “How will you take responsibility for the inconveniences that people will experience while a broken castle is repaired? Additionally, whether you did it intentionally or not, is it right to intrude without permission?”

  Grid treated Ke as a guest. This was the first dwarf he’d met and he wanted to make a good connection, which was why he saved Ke. However, this concept was too much. Grid wanted to establish a good relationship, but he was going to explode. The first thing to teach such a person was courtesy. Manners must be established. The moment that Grid decided to place Ke in prison…

  “I won’t just repair the castle, I’ll expand it! I was originally a castle-building craftsman! Even the King of Lubana once asked me to build him a fortress!”

  “…King of Lubana?”

  “It was Madra. He was a very old man and the king of a failed country, so he didn’t leave a proper name in history. You won’t know him.”

  He had met someone who knew Madra. Grid’s mood became strange. Ke kept talking, “The reason why I broke into your castle was due to my desire to see your great works. It was never an act of malice. Please let me off just once! I’ll be careful not to do it again!”

  “…It is hard if I want to set a standard of discipline.”

  “I accidentally overheard your conversation. Are you planning to create a new mineral? Using blood stone and adamantium? I don’t know about blood stone, but you don’t have to remove the unique properties of adamantium. The fragment of the meteorite that fell from space and lost its light is adamantium. This sword is made of a meteorite.”

  Dwarf Ke was pointed to the Star Sword. It was an item left behind by Sword Duke Limit. The item information described it as a sword made from a ‘star fragment’, but Grid hadn’t known it meant a meteorite. He never imagined that a meteorite’s identity would be adamantium that had lost its properties.

  ‘Isn’t this good?’

  Adamantium’s properties didn’t only consist of its powerful divine power. Adamantium also had the strength, hardness, and brittleness that producers wanted. Of course, there were limits, but it was a mineral that could be utilized actively. It was a pity that those properties had to be deleted, but Dwarf Ke provided him with a new solution.

  Grid barely restrained the corners of his mouth from curving upward as he spoke with a bold expression, “Okay. If you rebuild the castle as promised and cooperate in the creation of this mineral, I will forget about putting you in prison.”

  “Ohh! Thank you! Really, thank… you?”

  Was this a situation where he should feel thankful? Ke suddenly felt doubtful, but he let it go. He was just relieved that he wouldn’t have to go to prison.


  The Saharan imperial household’s army was strong. The level of the soldiers was high and comparable to the imperial army. They had many skills and excellent equipment. It was as if the Ares Army and Overgeared Army were combined. However, Valhalla’s players defeated the imperial household’s army relatively easily.

  It was thanks to the active role of their military adviser, Sima Qian. Sima Qian noted that a civil war was currently occurring. He used the imperial household’s mentality to arrive at the marquis’ territory one step ahead of Marquis Aileen. He placed troops along the shortest route available to each army and ambushed the imperial household army, defeating them all over the capital. Only messages of victory could be heard.

  “Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful.” Ares burst out laughing as he received good news about the level of the guild members and soldiers soaring.

  Sima Qian was humble. “It was possible due to the information from the grandmaster. Without his information, we wouldn’t have been able to put the soldiers in the right place.”

  “He just gave a small hint. It was purely your talent. Then are you now going to save Marquis Aileen?”

  “That’s right.”

  He would save Marquis Aileen and escort the marquis to safety, then they would stay in the marquis’ territory and wait for Edan’s arrival. Prince Edan would rally the Red Knights, allowing him to endure the offensive of the imperial army for the time being. It was for a maximum of 10 days. This was enough.

  “Prince Edan is relatively young and has less exposure to outside forces than the other princes. If he raises the banner of independence from the imperial royal family to protect the rights of the minorities, he will win support from ethnic minorities all over the nation.”

  “Many minorities will rally to Marquis Aileen and the empire’s civil war
will be lengthened. At that time, we will move the main army to the border and conquer the outskirts of the empire.”

  The Saharan Empire, which reigned over the West Continent, was treated as something insurmountable that players couldn’t surpass. He would be the first to break down the mighty empire that even Grid never crossed. Ares’ blood was boiling.

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  Chapter 1076

  “It is a report from the scouts.”

  “Viscount Donut’s engineering unit has been tied up in Elkas swamp. It is believed that the Thallen Dam collapsed and flooded the river, affecting the swamp.”

  “The dam suddenly collapsed? It is Valhalla’s handiwork.”

  “Due to the delayed arrival of the engineers, the army of the five eastern nobles—including the viscount—can’t cross Gran Canyon. The bridges connecting the canyons are too old for us to march over.”

  “According to a report submitted by Lord Cran, the canyon’s bridges were repaired three months ago. Yet they are already too old? Is this the work of Valhalla?”

  “It appears that the report was fabricated.”

  “He made a false report. Immediately put him to death.”

  “The 2nd and 3rd armies, who were tracking Marquis Aileen, split into 23 units. It seems that they plan to spread out after determining that the traces of Marquis Aileen ended at Mount Teri.”

  “Yes, we have to hold onto Aileen. If he escapes, he can become a focal point of the empress’ nobles.”

  “It is said that the spread out 2nd and 3rd armies are being attacked by Valhalla!”

  “A battle has begun in Delpito Forest! It is that damn Valhalla again!”

  “Those bastards!”

  Chensler, who had been responding calmly to the incessant reports, finally jumped up. Originally, his mission was to search for the traitor Edan and neutralize Edan’s forces, but Valhalla’s malicious intervention twisted things.

  “These despicable guys decided to break the agreement by using the chaos in the imperial family. Why did Vermonth make a peace treaty with these lowly guys?”

  Bang! Chensler slammed his hand on the black iron table, and it cracked, quickly splitting in half. Amazed by the ridiculous power, the lieutenant gulped and reported carefully, “I found out a little while ago… The person who led the agreement with Valhalla was the grandmaster, not Vermont.”

  “What?” Chensler looked like he had been struck by a lightning bolt. Grandmaster Zikfrector had already served several emperors. He was the transcendent being who acted as the imperial guardian for so long that it was impossible to measure his age. Of course, he never acted as a guardian. He always moved privately and showed disrespect to the emperor. Yet the emperor relied on him.

  No, it was more accurate to say that the emperor was forced to rely on him. The grandmaster knew more about the secrets of the imperial family than the emperor, and his armed force exceeded common sense. The emperor replied on him, and as a loyalist, Chensler also respected him.

  At this moment, suspicion started to grow. The grandmaster, who had never been involved in external activities, negotiated with Valhalla directly? Now, Valhalla was disturbing the imperial army as if he could see through the army’s movements…?

  ‘Don’t tell me?’

  A turncoat? No, it was still too early to tell. It wasn’t convincing that someone who had been staying in the imperial palace for hundreds of years would suddenly become a turncoat. Then it happened when Chensler was at a loss.

  “Breaking news! The remnants of the Red Knights are attacking soldiers searching the capital!”

  “Weren’t the Red Knights defeated by the Neo Red Knights?”

  “We can’t figure out what is going on! We can’t communicate with the Neo Red Knights!”


  His Majesty was in danger. A chill went down Chensler’s spine as he ran out of the barracks.

  “Go to the imperial palace right away!”


  “Please give permission for the forces of our two families to enter the capital. Together, we will search for Edan,” Duke Grenhal and Morse requested the emperor. Once they learned of Valhalla’s intervention, they realized that the situation was much more serious than they had thought.

  Prince Edan wasn’t running wild. This occurring situation was a thorough plan. It was dangerous. There would surely be someone big hiding behind the scenes. The dukes became nervous once they calculated up to this point. They felt compelled to arrest Edan as soon as possible to calm the situation.

  “Okay.” The emperor didn’t think about it for too long. He was also fully aware of the seriousness of the situation. Furthermore, he was in a situation where he had to show trust in the dukes. He needed to regain their loyalty after they had been greatly angered by the imperial family.

  “Call your army to the capital right now…” At the moment when the emperor was giving a command…

  The jade door of the audience hall, larger than a house, opened slowly and an unexpected figure appeared. “Please take back the mandate. A noble’s soldiers aren’t suitable to enter the capital.”

  It was the traitor who the soldiers had been searching the capital for—4th Prince Edan.

  “Y-You!” The emperor exclaimed, standing up with a red face. He raised his bloodshot eyes and shouted, “Stupid guy…! In order to cover up the sins of your mother, you threatened the nobles supporting the nation and worsened the situation here…! You became drunk on power, and your eyes darkened!”

  The moment he learned the truth from Benoit, the emperor vowed to punish Empress Marie, but he had no intention of punishing Edan. It was natural since there was no evidence of Edan’s involvement in the Piaro situation. That’s right. Edan would’ve been able to survive the waves that came. His position might’ve been weakened, but he could’ve avoided a disastrous end. He could have enjoyed the pride of having the great Saharan’s blood and lived his life quietly.

  Yet the foolish man did something stupid. He was guilty of the crimes of covering up the truth, pleading for his mother, and imprisoning the innocent dukes. The emperor was also a father. Juander felt heartbroken. He resented the terrible reality of having to kill his child with his own hands.

  Edan smiled as he gazed at the red-faced emperor. “Then I should do nothing? My stupid mother fell into a bucket of shit, and I should just suck my fingers?”


  “What blasphemous words!” Surprised by the harsh tone, Duke Grenhal shouted on behalf of the emperor.

  Still, his shout couldn’t stop Edan. Edan’s nostrils flared, and he continued to speak nonsense, “This is the fault of my father for not doing his job. Why didn’t you let go of your expectations for my weak first brother, my unqualified second brother, and my third brother who left home to wander? You should’ve appointed me as crown prince after I worked hard, proving my qualities and gaining the achievement of discovering the ancient weapon—the machine machines.”

  “…Shut that mouth.”

  “Why didn’t you make me the crown prince? Is it because I was the offspring of a concubine? No, that can’t be. Wasn’t your father the child of a concubine as well? Then why? Is it because I’m not the blood of Aria who you loved?”

  “Shut up!”

  “You should shut up! Emperor! Don’t you know that you have always been the problem?! If your arrogance hasn’t pierced the sky…! If your gaze had been directed to your side instead of the East Continent, my mother wouldn’t have dared to commit the sin! Empress Aria wouldn’t have died, Piaro wouldn’t be labeled a traitor, and today’s events wouldn’t have happened.”

  “…!!” The emperor read the poison and killing intent in Edan’s eyes. Now, there was no turning back. There was no point in any conversation beyond this. He made a sorrowful expression and ordered Bain behind him, “Grab him right away and lock him in prison.”

  “Yes.” Bain showed no hesitation. His loyalty to the emperor, which
hid the fact that he was a Lantier, was false. He had no respect for the royal family, so he had no hesitation to kill the imperial princes. Duke Grenhal felt wind pass by his ears. Then Edan, who was 30 meters away, was seen flying.

  “Kuek…!” Edan rolled on the floor covered with red carpet and wiped the blood flowing from his lips. He stood up, unaware that he had fallen at the emperor’s feet, but it was useless. Bain appeared behind him and grabbed Edan’s back with his hand, making Edan unable to move.

  “Get rid of your dirty hands! I am the future of the empire! I am the only person qualified to be emperor!” Edan shouted and launched his red energy. The blade-like red energy emanated from Edan and threatened Bain, causing him to jump away. Edan finally regained his freedom and pulled a sword from his waistband. It was a black sword surrounded by a dark red energy.

  “That sword!” The emperor’s eyes widened. The sword that Edan pulled out was made from smelted black mithril, but the level of red energy injected into it was unusual.

  ‘Is it above my level of red energy?’

  It wasn’t enough to say that he was inferior. This was an altogether different dimension. Who did this red energy belong to? The moment the emperor felt doubts.

  ‘What?’ Bain stopped in place as he tried to subdue Edan again. He was convinced that he would be cut the moment he approached Edan.

  Edan smiled as silence fell. “Didn’t you wonder why His Majesty’s army couldn’t find me?”

  Step. Step. Step. The sound of someone’s footsteps could be heard from the corridor outside. They were unhurried footsteps, moving without the slightest hesitation. The footsteps were familiar to everyone.

  Edan’s words continued, “There is only one place that His Majesty’s army can’t reach.” It was the Celestial Palace—the palace where Grandmaster Zikfrector lived. “It was because I was hiding there.”

  At the same time as Edan’s shocking words…

  Step. The footsteps from the corridor stopped in front of the audience hall. The emperor, the two dukes, and even Bain couldn’t take their eyes off the owner of the footsteps.


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