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Page 332

by Park Saenal

  “Bubu! Buuu!”

  Lord started complaining at his father’s words. His ego was bruised.


  ‘I’m not a four or five year old child. I can’t play with clay!’ Grid was embarrassed by Lord’s attitude.

  “Do you have a high pride like Irene?”

  He had a noble lineage. Khan approached as Grid was clicking his tongue.

  “Huhu, isn’t it easy to teach the young lord?”

  “The child has my natural dexterity, but as you can see, he’s too young to refine the minerals.”

  “It’s natural. Genius doesn’t mean everything. The young lord won’t be able to deal with fire and minerals until he’s at least 12 years old. You have to teach him step by step.”


  Lord’s eyes twitched. Kasim glimpsed it from where he was hiding in the darkness.

  ‘Heok… Lord is provoked.’

  Kasim had been teaching Lord for over two months, so he fully saw through Lord’s character. Lord had a strong pride and was full of commitment to fulfill that desire. Lord never retreated from anything.

  “Ba! Abubu!”

  The excited Lord clamored at Grid and Khan. Grid and Khan didn’t understand Lord’s words, but Kasim understood exactly what he meant.

  ‘Rather than 12 years old, you will become a blacksmith by 2 years old?’

  Wait, then when will you practice my master, Lantier’s, techniques? Lord gazed at the worried Kasim. He would try his best to prevent any disruption to the existing schedule.

  ‘Hrmm… Lord might be able to do it.’

  Kasim didn’t place Lord in the category of a genius. He recognized Lord as a transcendent being beyond the realm of a human. Therefore, he didn’t see Lord’s determination as a bluff.

  “What does he keep saying?”

  “Huhu, he is saying that he loves you.”

  “Haha, is that it, Lord? I love you too.”

  “Ahh! Abuuuu!”

  Unlike Kasim, Grid and Khan spent less time with Lord. The two people didn’t understand what Lord meant, so they just thought he was cute. From this day onward, Lord’s special training began.


  The usage of alchemy was categorized into five broad categories.

  Production of various potions.

  Raising the rating of minerals.

  Creation of weapon and armor enhancement stones.

  Making special items.

  Giving items extra options.

  It was truly amazing. Alchemy facilities seemed absolutely useful. But what was the reality? Most kingdoms on the West Continent didn’t invest funds in alchemy. It meant that the value of alchemy was low, and there was a reason for this.

  Alchemy was a field where the possibility of ‘failure’ always needed to be kept in mind. When doing certain things with alchemy, there was always a higher chance of failure than success. It also applied to the creation of potions.

  [Reidan’s Alchemy Facility]

  Level: Intermediate 8.

  * Superb quality health and mana recovery potions can be created.

  -The success rate is 36%.

  * Advanced buff potions can be created.

  -The success rate is 14%.

  * The lowest grade to low grade minerals can be upgraded.

  -The success rate is 14%.

  * One option can be given to items.

  -The success rate is 1%.


  One year had passed since the beginning of Overgeared’s reign in Reidan, and the Overgeared Guild has poured an enormous amount of money into alchemy. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that the revenue from Raiden, Bairan, Cork Island and the individual members of the guild were invested in the alchemy facilities.

  But it was like this. It was natural that Grid’s reaction would be cold.

  “I was expecting a lot from giving items an option, but what is the probability of success? Only 1%?”

  Executive Rabbit explained.

  “As I said before, once the level of the alchemy facility reaches the advanced level, the probability of the item options will increase dramatically. Before that, I want to test it out today…”

  “Hoh, the probability will jump dramatically? What percentage will it rise to?”

  “Around 5%…”


  Grid frowned. The value of the alchemy facility that he and his guild members plunged a lot of money into seemed absurdly low.

  “It is no wonder why other kingdoms don’t invest a lot of money in alchemy facilities.”

  He was too blinded by the goal of making Reidan a second Talima. Honestly, he didn’t know if it was worth it. It was almost a scam. Rabbit sent Grid a meaningful smile.

  “But Reidan has yellow mithril.”

  Yellow mithril. A mineral that could only be mined from the mine near Reidan. It was the raw mineral of fairy dust, which dramatically increased the probability of success in alchemy. It was the basis for Rabbit’s claim to develop alchemy in Reidan.

  “I have prepared fairy dust. I want to let my lord experience it.”

  [Fairy dust has been acquired.]

  [Fairy Dust]

  A powder made by refining yellow mithril at an alchemy facility.

  Increases the success rate of alchemy by 20%.

  Weight: 0.1

  ’20 percent…’

  It was still a low probability. Grid was so regretful that he wanted to turn back the time that he invested into the alchemy facility.


  ‘It is true that the probability increased dramatically.’

  While the success rate of other alchemists stayed in the single digits, Reidan had at least a 20% chance of success. Reidan was the only city on the West Continent that could demonstrate the value of alchemy.

  They were setting their feet in an area that other kingdoms couldn’t even see. Grid tried to think as positively as possible.

  “Okay, I will try it once. How great will an option given to an item be?”


  The best alchemist on the continent, Silverun. He had been involved in alchemy since he was a young man and poured his life into alchemy for the last 50 years.

  However, the science of alchemy wasn’t recognized anywhere, meaning Silverun couldn’t receive the environment and funds to utilize alchemy. He was like an invisible man whose existence wasn’t acknowledged by the world. Unfortunately, Silverun couldn’t find an opportunity to unfold his knowledge and talents.

  Then one day.

  “Duke Grid of the Eternal Kingdom has heard rumors about you and is personally sending you an invitation. Duke Grid doesn’t doubt your alchemy skills. Why not spread out your wings with his support?”

  Rabbit came to Silverun and introduced himself as the administrator of Reidan.

  Silverun. The best alchemist on the continent who wasn’t recognized by anyone. He lived in lonely poverty, so Duke Grid was a very special person to him. Silverun vowed. For Duke Grid’s sake, he would show the value of alchemy to the world.

  …Grid didn’t know this.

  “I greet Duke Grid!”

  Reidan’s alchemy facility.

  Silverun greeted Grid, who visited there after a long time. It was a truly exaggerated greeting.

  ‘Who is this person?’

  Rabbit whispered to the puzzled Grid.

  “I picked him up for My Lord.”


  He felt like this whenever he met up with Lauel and Rabbit. It truly was convenient to be with smart people. Grid, who acquired another loyal person without knowing, reached out to Silverun.

  “Get up.”

  “Ohh…!! Ohh!!”

  The great duke who acknowledged alchemy was holding out a hand to him? Silverun grasped Grid’s hand with his trembling fingers.

  “It is so inspiring that the duke himself will visit here. I’m in tears.”


  It was very burdensome. Grid turned
away from the tearful Silverun and looked around the alchemy facility.

  “I want to give this sword a new option.”

  The sword that Grid took out was Iyarugt. It was a growth type item that could increase to the legendary rank, an ego sword that had the soul of a demon in it.

  Would the effect of alchemy work on special items like this?

  Silverun gave a positive answer to the dubious Grid.

  “It’s possible for me.”

  Silverun had the best ability in this field. He was filled with confidence.

  “But you should know that the level of options given to an item with intermediate alchemy ranges from a minimum of F grade to a maximum of A grade. In addition, as you know, alchemy is a discipline that always has a possibility of failure.

  “If the option fails, will the inherent performance of the item fall?”

  “There is no such thing.”

  “Okay, let’s try it.”

  “I will guide you there.”

  It was a chance to repay the grace of the master who acknowledged alchemy and Silverun. Silverun was filled with enthusiasm and showed Grid to one side of the facility. It was a room that was filled with many equipment.

  Silverun placed Iyarugt on an altar that was located in the center.

  “Then I will start.”


  An intense blue light filled the room the moment Silverun gave a signal. In the midst of this light, a notification window popped up in front of Grid.

  [You are attempting to grant a new option to Iyarugt.]

  [Congratulations! A new option has successfully been granted.]



  Grid’s face became baffled as he checked the option.

  Chapter 379

  Chapter 379

  [You are attempting to grant a new option to Iyarugt.]

  [Congratulations! A new option has successfully been granted.]

  Grid was excited by the notification window.

  ‘It succeeded at once!’

  Grid had bad luck. He hardly ever won in an odds game until now. If there was a lottery with a 99% chance of winning, he would be the 1% who didn’t win. Now he won in a game where the odds of winning was only 21%.

  Grid was deeply thrilled. But it only lasted for a moment.

  [The B grade option ‘Coolness’ has been given to Iyarugt.]


  [Iyarugt has become even cooler.]


  [+8 Iyarugt]

  Rating: Unique (Growth)

  Durability: 351/351 Attack Power: 793+365



  * The ‘Coolness’ option has been added with alchemy.


  What? Coolness? The coolness level rose?

  ‘No, what is this?’

  Among the many options, it happened to be coolness? He thought things were going too well. He never dreamt that it would be such a useless option.

  “I can’t believe this… Things never work out well at once…”

  Grid was feeling frustrated when Silverun cheered.

  “Ohh…! Ohhh! The best of the B grade options, ‘Coolness’ was given! It’s beyond expectations!”


  Coolness was the best option in the B grade? Grid doubted his ears.

  ‘This is the best option for the B grade? Then how bad are the other options?’

  The science of alchemy, the more he knew, the worst he thought it was. The money he invested was being ruined. Rabbit gave positive feedback while Grid was squeezing his head.

  “Coolness is an important factor. Whether it is people or object, a good appearance is an easy way to build up favor.”

  It was the same in reality. People were constantly trying to be cool. They paid attention to their hair style and attire, and could spend hundreds of millions of won on luxury goods and plastic surgery.

  The reason was simple. To increase the value. In fact, when a person judged an object, appearance was an important concept that they looked at first.

  “…I see.”

  When Grid thought about it, he heard rumors that the hidden class Skin Maker, the user was making a killing when it came to money. It only changed the appearance of an item, not the performance, but there were many people who paid big money to look more beautiful.

  Grid observed Iyarugt and had a positive opinion. A gentle radiance was flowing from the long, red blade. Certainly, it looked much cooler than before.

  Buuong. Buoong.

  Every time he wielded it, Iyarugt shone like jewels. Grid looked cooler when he wielded it. It was obvious that people’s attention would be concentrated on him in the National Competition. But once again, Grid wasn’t satisfied.


  “Until the alchemy facility reaches the advanced level, we will continue to accumulate fairy dust without using it.”


  Grid replied in a listless voice. He was disappointed by the option given to Iyarugt. Rabbit bowed with an awkward expression.

  “Then I will be going back to work.”

  “Yes… Work hard.”

  Grid separated from Rabbit and returned to the smithy. He wanted to make weapons to utilize Spear Shot and Bow Mastery prior to departing for the Behen Archipelago.

  ‘It’s enough to make the same bow that I made for Jishuka.’

  He would made a spear that was specifically for throwing. Grid devised a plan.


  “Create hand plow.”

  [The hand plow has been developed.]


  Over 50 hand plows rose simultaneously at the newly opened fields near the Altes Mountains. It wasn’t a typical hand plow, but a hand plow developed with aura.

  Pa pa pa pa pak!

  The 50 aura hand plows started digging at the ground at once. It was an overwhelming sight. It was as efficient as 100 farmers doing field work at the same time. It was the majesty of Aura Master Hurent.

  Hurent. He was embarrassed worldwide after being defeated by Gird in PvP in just 5 seconds. He had a strong desire for revenge against Grid.

  ‘In the next 40 days.’

  The 2nd National Competition would be held in 40 days.

  As a representative of the United States, Hurent would participate in the National Competition, compete against Grid and win this time. But there was a problem.

  “My eyes are correct. Your skills are very suitable for field work. Do you want to work with me a little longer?”

  Legendary farmer Piaro. He was a wicked person who kidnapped Hurent, but Hurent knew how much the value of the hidden quest was worth. Hurent felt his resentment towards Piaro melting away like snow, so he carefully asked.

  “How much longer?”

  “Three months?”

  “Three months…!”

  It was too long. He had many things to prepare for the National Competition, which would take place in 40 days..

  “Can’t it be one month?”

  Piaro shook his head at Hurent’s question.

  “If you are only going to help for a month, it is best to just leave now. I am going to teach you a new skill, suitable for farming, and it can’t be learned in one month…”


  Hurent stood at the crossroad of choice. Should he leave Piaro right away to dream of revenge on Grid, or get stronger by staying near Piaro and then get revenge on Grid?


  Hurent tried to think objectively. Could he win against Grid right now?

  ‘To be honest, there’s no guarantee.’

  Three months ago in Satisfy time. He was convinced that he was stronger than Grid when he invaded Reidan with Prince Ren, but not anymore. It was because of Piaro’s words.

  “You are strong. But there are many people stronger than you. What? How do you compare to My Lord? Of course, My Lord is stronger than you.”

  At first, Hurent thought that Piaro was
biased. However, after experiencing Piaro’s personality, he knew that Piaro wasn’t someone who spoke empty words.

  ‘If I can’t beat Grid now…’

  He was likely to once again be embarrassed in front of the world. If that was the case…

  “…I will help you.”

  There were many opportunities. Even if he didn’t participate in the National Competition this year, there was the one next year and the year after that. Until then, Hurent wanted to grow as much as possible. He was determined to evolve the Aura Master class to legendary.

  “Good choice.”

  Piaro smiled at Hurent’s new commitment. Since this day, Reidan’s agriculture started to develop at a faster pace and Hurent gradually adapted to the life of a farmer. He tried so hard for Reidan that his revenge on Grid was in vain.


  Zibal of the Snake Guild, Chris of the Giant Guild, Seuron of the Golden Guild, Hao of the Hades Guild, Bondre of the Ice Flower Guild, Bubat of the Yak Guild, and Ralph of the Zeraph Guild.

  The leaders of the seven guilds gathered in one place. They were the strongest players in the top 30 of the unified rankings and also participants of the 2nd National Competition.

  “It has been nine months since we united to invade Reidan and were disgraced.”

  After that, the seven guilds lost their honor and dignity. The seven guilds were once an object of fear, and now they were made fun of. Only the Overgeared Guild was the best.

  “We must regain our honor in the National Competition.”

  Seuron expressed doubts at Zibal’s words.

  “You mean to smash the Overgeared Guild in the National Competition? How?”

  The National Competition wasn’t a guild war. It was a competition in which countries fought against each other. The members of Overgeared were divided into several nationalities, so it would be very difficult to only be hostile to Overgeared.

  Zibal smiled in a meaningful manner.

  “Grid is the symbol of Overgeared. In addition, Grid is Korean. We must thoroughly shatter South Korea.”

  The power of a symbol was beyond imagination. What if they completely trampled on the Korean team led by Grid? It would prove that the seven guilds were still alive, while being able to crush Overgeared’s reputation.

  “The Overgeared Guild is no longer the best.”

  Zibal was certain because he had items made by Panmir, the 1st ranked blacksmith, in his inventory. The items were produced with dwarf techniques, so they weren’t lacking compared to Grid’s items.


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