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Page 364

by Park Saenal

  ‘I should get at least 1 billion…’

  Yura spoke to Grid, who was looking at the text message.

  “Why aren’t you replying to it?”


  Grid turned to look at Yura. There was a pink flush on Yura’s white cheeks. She couldn’t help feeling embarrassed as Grid stared at her. But Grid wasn’t conscious about this at all.

  “I don’t want to meet them at all. They don’t know my value.”

  It wasn’t a grudge. Above all, Grid was in the position of master of Overgeared, so he couldn’t put down his value. He was worried that the value of Overgeared would fall if he was too cheap.

  Yura asked him with a serious expression, “Youngwoo, your current cash assets should be around 6 billion?”

  “No, it’s around 5 billion.”

  If he added the building that was to be completed in a month, his total assets would be 15 billion. It was huge for Grid, who was debt-ridden two years ago. He couldn’t help being proud as he recalled those days. The fact that he could eat food without worrying about money made him feel like he could have the world.

  Yura handed out reality to Grid with a gentle expression.

  “Youngwoo, 5 billion isn’t as much money as you think. It is likely that you will have to spend billions of won if you want to buy high end materials like adamantium or dragon scales, that ultimately must be collected.”

  Then Peak Sword chimed in.

  “There are many rich people in the world, and at this moment, a new rich person is being born. There are hundreds of gold spoons in South Korea alone who can collect cars worth more than 5 billion won. As the average level of the users in Satisfy increases, the value of items will rise more and more. We need to have enough money to adapt to the times.”

  The end point was simple. If he was aiming to be a king, he shouldn’t be complacent with what he currently had. Grid wasn’t in a position where he could reject the pumpkin that rolled up to him.

  ‘That’s right.’

  Grid received enlightenment and replied to the team leader.

  -4 billion.

  Chapter 432

  Chapter 432

  The average number of viewers for the Super Bowl was just 100 million people, so why were the advertising fees much higher than the Olympics and World Cup? It was due to the abundant concentration.

  Unlike the Olympics and World Cup, which were festivals of the world, the Super Bowl was only for the US. From the company’s point of view, it was easy to identify and capture the needs of the Super Bowl viewers. A single ad was able to reach 100 million potential customers, so the value of the Super Bowl ads was inevitably high.

  It 2030, it was natural for the advertising fee per second to exceed 250 million won.

  On the other hand, the Olympics and World Cup? The number of viewers overwhelmed the Super Bowl, but the concentration was too low. It was necessary to produce several advertisements in accordance to the interests of each country, and the advertisement effect was also limited because viewers were interested in different events and countries.

  The first time it occurred, companies from each country thought that the Satisfy National Competition would be similar to the Olympics. It might have the highest number of viewers, but the advertising effect would be low compared to the number of viewers. They didn’t actively invest in any advertisements, choosing to sponsor individual participants, similar to the Olympics. In the first place, it was funny to call gamers ‘players’ and to sponsor them.

  But the result was shocking. The Satisfy National Competition attracted the attention of people around the world, even though there were few participating countries. The advertising effect far exceeded the Super Bowl. In particular, the performance of the individual players had a huge impact.

  Sports and games were different areas. When watching athletes, the consciousness of the viewers stopped at ‘great.’ Meanwhile with gamers, it extended to ‘I am going to be like that,’ making the viewers immersion very high. Thus, the value of gamers was soaring. If they could sponsor a top-class gamer, a company wouldn’t hesitate to invest billions of won.

  Nevertheless, the 224 gamers participating in the 2nd National Competition had an average sponsorship value of 500 million won. This market was still not properly formed. Satisfy gamers didn’t know their value. They were people who played games from home, so they didn’t understand economic principles.

  What did the companies think about this? They sucked as much from the players as possible. Sooner or later, the players would have professional managers to handle these things. At that time, the value of the players would surge. Until that day, the companies wanted to benefit as much from the players as possible without paying as much.

  But it was reaching the limit. The players were starting to realize their value. The evidence was the 4 billion proposed by Grid.

  “He came out surprisingly strong.”

  The Comet Group’s PR team leader, Yoo Shihyun, laughed as she saw Grid’s reply. She didn’t think Grid would come out like this.

  ‘This is because of Radidas.’

  Radidas sponsoring Zibal for 3.6 billion won was the trigger. The players looked at Zibal and started to realize their true value. Grid suggesting 4 billion meant he judged that his value was higher than Zibal’s value.

  “…Well, it’s appropriate.”

  To be honest, it wasn’t just appropriate, but the best. As a result of sponsoring Grid for 4 billion won, the Comet Group could enjoy the huge promotion effect of tens of billions, maybe trillions of won. Grid’s power was that great. His global popularity was increasingly rising. Grid himself might not be aware of his true value.

  Yoo Shihyun smiled and called the direct line of the president of the Comet Group.

  Then after a while.

  After discussing with the president, she came to the best conclusion. She would offer Grid 10 billion won in exchange for a two-year contract. Grid’s value would obviously rise by the time the 3rd National Competition arrived, so it was a tremendous benefit to keep Grid when his price was still cheap. She was convinced that he would take the deal if she offered more than double the 4 million won.

  -Can I meet you now? I’m in Paris.

  Even at this moment, Grid’s value was going up. Other companies would try to make contact with Grid. Thus Yoo Shihyun urgently sent a reply to Grid.

  Grid’s answer was ‘Okay.’


  A smile appeared on Yook Shihyun’s face. She sat in front of a mirror and made herself look as beautiful as possible. The basics of selling something was to convey a good feeling.


  “Now I’m going to make money.”

  The semi-finals were just beginning.

  United States vs Japan.

  Russia vs Argentina.

  It was very interesting to study. Peak Sword was puzzled when Grid got up during such an important time.

  “Isn’t it better to watch the matches?”

  “I can watch it on TV.”

  Even if he sat in the audience, it was still watching on a monitor. He could watch it on any TV. In particular, his hotel room had a 3D TV that was a huge 120 inches. He would rather watch it on TV.

  “I’ll go as well.”

  Yura got up along with Grid. It was regarding a business deal, so she was uneasy about Grid going alone. However, Grid refused.

  “I can do it alone.”

  So far, Yura had handled his money. Grid thought he was sufficient since he learned from watching her.

  “If I keep depending on you, I will be a fool who can’t do anything alone. In the first place, you can’t be with me forever, can you?”


  ‘We can be together forever.’ Yura wanted to say, but Grid had left before she could even open her mouth.


  The area around the Eiffel Tower was always troublesome. It was because there were too many tourists. But this was the time when the N
ational Competition was in full swing. The streets were empty, as if to prove the overwhelming popularity of the National Competition.

  There were only a few roadside cafes that had guests.

  Thanks to that, Grid was about to recognize the person he was meeting at first glance. There was only one Asian woman sitting alone at the promised meeting place.

  “Team Leader Yook Shihyun?”

  “Hello, Shin Youngwoo-nim. It’s great that I can meet a global star directly.”

  The woman who answered Grid’s call greeted him politely. She smiled brightly and handed Grid her business card. Grid confirmed it and sat across from her. Yook Shihyun inwardly panicked. A man who remained nonchalant after seeing her beautiful face and body was unfamiliar to her.

  ‘I thought he was a womanizer because he’s dating Yura and Jishuka at the same time.’

  Yook Shihyun started a long attempt to persuade him. She talked about the Comet Group’s social position and the benefits that Grid would enjoy if he was sponsored by the Comet Group. But Grid interrupted her in the middle.

  “The conclusion.”

  Would she give him the 4 billion won that he asked for? Yook Shihyun smiled with satisfaction.

  “I will offer you 10 billion won. However, it’s for a two year contract.”


  Grid’s expression didn’t change. His pupils didn’t even move. It was different from what Shihyun expected.

  ‘He can remain so calm after hearing 10 billion won?’

  In the game, Grid was close to a beast. He was always violent and crushed any enemy. But he was actually a very smart person. Yook Shihyun considered Grid’s potential for development and became greedy. She felt possessive.

  On the other hand, Grid was very surprised, unlike his outer appearance.

  ‘10 billion?’

  It might have a two-year contract attached, but it was more than Grid wanted. 10 billion! It might be insignificant to some rich people because it was ‘much lower than the price of the mansion my parents bought me for my birthday,’ but it was very big for Grid.

  Wasn’t it equivalent to four or five legendary items? Grid had only created 13 legendary items since becoming Pagma’s Descendant.

  ‘Isn’t this a windfall?’

  Grid was about to chuckle when he suddenly had a thought. He learned all sorts of knowledge and reasoning during the year he spent with Lauel, so his thinking ability expanded.

  ‘My value was higher than I thought.’

  It was rare for there to be any free favors in the world. Especially when it came to business companies. The 4 billion he proposed was changed to 10 billion? A two-year contract… Maybe it means that my value will far exceed 10 billion won next year.’

  Grid had experienced the worst result one or two times after chasing the greed that was right in front of him. Grid took time to calmly consider it before opening his mouth.

  “I’m confused.”

  Of course he was confused! It was the first time that a company had placed his value so high! Yook Shihyun had a satisfied expression on her face as she looked at Grid.

  “I was hoping for 4 billion won per event, only to be offered 10 billion won for a two-year contract… Is the Comet Group a crook?”


  Yook Shihyun couldn’t understand for a moment. But she soon realized.

  ‘You’re the crook!’

  Well, strictly speaking, Grid had a point while the Comet Group was the crook. There was an awkward silence between them for a while.


  A mail arrived on Grid’s phone. No, it wasn’t one.




  Grid’s phone kept on making noise! Yook Shihyun had an uneasy expression on her face as Grid checked the contents and rose.

  “One company who offered me 3.5 billion won per event has eventually offered 4 billion won in response to my request.”

  Of course, it was a lie. But Grid was convinced that it would be realistic. Yook Shihyun cried out in a desperate voice.

  “4.1 billion! We will give you 4.1 billion!”


  It was a painful thing for those who had no money. Grid grasped the concept of money and laughed.

  ‘Indeed, this is why sports athletes have annual salaries of over 100 billion won.’

  Was his worth lower than them? No one could say that. This was the era where virtual reality games was more popular than any sport! Grid ordered coffee and declared.

  “4.2 billion. I will give you until I finish this coffee to reply.”


  It was an espresso! The cup of coffee was the size of two thumbs, causing Yoo Shihyun to urgently call the president.

  Chapter 433

  Chapter 433

  Among the seven guilds, the Golden Guild was at a medium level. Seuron was the master and he had gradually been growing stronger after acquiring the Soul Predator class. It was enough to make him aspire to become the peak of two billion users.


  Argentina met Russia in the semi-finals. Seuron was thrilled to face Kraugel.

  “Kraugel, I’m lucky that I have a chance to defeat you in front of the world.”

  Argentina wasn’t active in the target processing match because they didn’t have competent ranged dealers. Since they weren’t in the race for the medal, Seuron wasn’t obsessed with the event and just enjoyed himself. But things were different now.

  In the battlefield where a hundred people were fighting for their lives, Seuron was able to create an environment with fresh souls, complementing his class effect. Seuron was confident. It might not be possible yet in a one-on-one match, but he could defeat Kraugel on the battlefield.

  “Become the stepping stone of my fame!”

  Seuron excitedly pulled out some of the souls accumulated in his body and turned them into beads. They were beads the size of soybeans.


  Dozens of glittering jade beads circled around Seuron. It was a beautiful effect comparable to Grid’s Iyarugt.


  Seuron shouted like a young child firing an imaginary gun. Dozens of beads turned fiercely and shot off. Their goal was Kraugel. The Russian representatives and NPCs near Kraugel weren’t targeted because they were recognized as trivial by Seuron.


  The soul beads shot forward at a speed that second advancement classes couldn’t see and attacked Kraugel. They were like bullets fired from machine guns. The phenomenal thing was that Kraugel avoided all the beads. It was a miraculous move that combined Keen Senses, his high agility and his innate skills.

  Kraugel ran in a zigzag and reached Seuron, wielding White Fang.


  Seuron defended with the Brutal Heavy Sword and felt the difference in strength.

  ‘Indeed, it’s clear that his battle stats have reached at least level 400.’

  It was the result of completing various quests and titles first. It was unknown if any elixirs had been taken. It was truly unique. Kraugel’s stats were beyond common sense.


  Seuron was shaken by the blow, while Kraugel removed his sword and dealt a second strike. The moment that Kraugel was going to deal a critical strike.


  The soul beads that stopped in the place where Kraugel was first standing started to move again. They flew to Kraugel and spread like a spider’s web. Kraugel’s reaction was somewhat late because he hadn’t expected such an efficient skill. One arm was caught in a spider web.

  [Your right arm is temporarily restrained.]


  Kraugel’s expressionless face slightly distorted. Seuron’s sword came flying as he swiftly switched White Fang to his left hand. Seuron laughed as he avoided Kruagel’s counterattack and kept attacking.

  “Kukuk, I will bind your soul!”

  Seuron’s skill was activated. The
soul web in contact with Kraugel’s body linked to Kraugel’s soul, giving Seuron temporary control of Kraugel’s soul.

  [Your body is out of control for seven seconds!]

  Kraugel had a different experience. His right foot moved when he tried to move his left arm. When he tried to move his left feet, his right arm moved. Kraugel’s best strength, his control, was contained.


  At this moment, Seuron summoned 14 soul spears and shouted with all his might.

  “Taste this unbreakable power!”

  It wasn’t a lie. Since changing to a Soul Predator, Seuron had never been defeated. There was only one person. He was defeated during the Reidan raid by the ‘temporary farmer.’ But that farmer was a named NPC, so he didn’t count as a user. At this moment, Seuron was sure of his victory. He didn’t know. The fact that the Kraugel in front of him was that farmer!

  “You have certainly grown.”

  Kraugel acknowledged Seuron, even when they met in the past at Reidan. He avoided all the soul spears pouring towards him and praised Seuron.


  Seuron was shocked. It was natural to be surprised, since the soul-controlled Kraugel moved just as swiftly and precisely as before.

  ‘Don’t tell me…! He was able to adapt in such a short amount of time?”

  White Fang pierced Seuron’s neck. Seuron was able to increase his defense using Soul Armor and killed his allies to obtain more souls. Then he attempted a counterattack. The brilliant battle between the two people received praises from all over the world.


  “Ah, I think I am going crazy.”


  Grid’s body continuously shook after he left the cafe. At first glance, the jerkiness was like a tap dance. It was the aftereffect of drinking the espresso. A headache was coming.


  Grid didn’t like bitterness and only took the syrupy cold medicine for children when he had a cold. For him, coffee was like rotten water. He was disgusted by Americans who could drink it like it was bottled water. That’s why he only ordered juice or hot chocolate at a cafe.

  Then why did he drink a cup of espresso? It felt like he was drinking poison. But it was worthwhile. He got the ideal contract! Grid purposely chose a smaller drink in order to give Yook Shihyun a feeling of pressure.


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