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Page 713

by Park Saenal

  Gulp. Yura swallowed her saliva. This was the Ramyun Effect that she had often heard about in dating. She had been hoping for this moment, but she had no experience with dating. Thus, she couldn’t help being afraid. The moment Yura was trying to make a determined effort—

  “I-I’m going to the bathroom.”


  Grid hurriedly left Yura alone and headed to the bathroom, then he checked the mirror right away. He was worried that he had chili powder on his teeth. However, Grid’s teeth were healthy and had no gaps. Thus, it wasn’t easy for foreign matter to get caught. His white teeth were glistening.

  ‘Am I handsome?’ Grid rinsed his mouth and carefully examined himself in the mirror.

  It seemed there was no difference between his current appearance and his appearance in the extremely honorable painting. He had treated the painting as a post-processed photo while Lauel, the Overgeared members, Irene, and Lord had been amazed by it without showing any resistance.

  ‘Certainly, I often think I look better than before.’

  He had been exercising steadily for four years. Compared to the days when he didn’t exercise, his facial features had filled out and he now looked good. The biggest change was his smooth skin that didn’t show any signs of acne. He had sweated for four years without missing a single day, and his skin had improved from excreting all the waste. Of course, sweating wasn’t enough for everyone to have better skin.

  “Um…” Grid tried all types of poses. He tried a pose that showed off his wide shoulders, waist, and side.

  ‘…I look cool.’ A wide smile spread over Grid’s face. His self-esteem rose sharply as he gained confidence in his appearance.

  “Hum hum.” Grid washed his hands and touched his hair roughly. Literally, he was being really rough. He swiped through his hair three or four times. Despite this, Grid’s hairstyle was wonderful like the hairdressers of a Cheongdamdong beauty salon had touched it. It made his appearance even more brilliant. It was the same reason why he made ramyun well. This was the power of his dexterity. From the moment he connected to the game, he had worked without resting, and his delicate finger movements were engrained into his ‘muscle memory’. These habits were partly expressed in reality.

  Grid emerged from the bathroom and headed to the living room, only to let out an impressed sound, “Wow…”

  This was because the sight of Yura sitting in the sunlight in the living room was as beautiful as a painting. It had been a few years already, but he still couldn’t adapt to her beauty and lost his soul for a moment.

  ‘She has become prettier.’

  By the way… It seemed that she changed into a new attire? He remembered that she was originally wearing jeans and a sweater, but she was now wearing a one-piece dress. Looking like the main protagonist of a movie, Yura’s long white legs caught Grid’s eyes.

  “Are you going out?” Grid asked as he sat across from her.

  Yura shook her head with a red face. “No.”

  “I see.”

  She probably just wanted to relax in a comfortable outfit. Grid thought it wasn’t a big deal and checked her schedule, “When are you going back to South Korea?”

  “I wanted to match Youngwoo-ssi’s schedule. Take my plane.”

  “Oh, that’s good. A private plane is very comfortable.”

  “Just tell me and I’ll lend it to you at any time.”


  In fact, Grid had worried about whether he should buy a private plane or not. He thought it would be better to have one when considering the benefit of convenience for his family. However, the prices of the planes varied depending on the model, model year, and interior design. The one that Grid wanted was worth over 100 billion won. Of course, he could buy it if he wanted to, but it was psychologically burdensome to spend such a large amount of money at once.

  “Then I’m thankful. I don’t need it often, but I’ll ask if I have to send my parents overseas.”

  “Yes! I’ll take care of it!” Yura’s eyes brightened the moment Grid mentioned his parents.

  Grid looked at her strangely ambitious figure and carefully brought up a topic, “Did your grandfather call?”

  “…Yes. He promised to no longer discuss the issue of inheriting the company. It is all thanks to you.”

  Yura had heard the details from her grandfather. Once she learned that Grid had tried so hard for her, she was happy and grateful enough to weep. Then a long conversation ensued. Yura confided in Grid about what had happened between her parents and her grandfather. She told him about how she wanted to fulfill her father’s wish and that she would do it through Satisfy.

  “Youngwoo-ssi protected my dream. I’ll repay the favor, even if it takes the rest of my life.”

  “Just stay by my side, and it will be enough.”

  “By your side…”

  “Let’s work hard to grow the Overgeared Guild together.”


  As expected, it would be hard to hear an answer today. Yura knew his heart, but she still felt greatly disappointed upon hearing Grid’s response. However, she couldn’t rush people’s hearts. She fully understood Grid’s position and vowed to wait. It was at this moment that…

  “Who is it?”

  There shouldn’t be any guests, but Yura got up as the sound of the bell rang out. It was then that she made a mistake. Her grandfather had acknowledged her right to her own life, and she had confessed her heart to Grid. She hadn’t done much today, so why had a great deal of her energy been consumed? The moment she got up from the couch, Yura felt dizzy and fell sideways.

  “Are you okay?” Grid hurried over and helped her up. His big hands covered her waist and neck, and the expression in Yura’s eyes changed. “Youngwoo-ssi…”


  Duguen! Duguen! Duguen! Grid’s heart thumped. He felt like he was going crazy because Yura’s face was right in front of him. Grid couldn’t repress his boiling desire, and he felt like the tightly pulled line was breaking. Irene’s appearance dimmed for a moment. Grid lost control, and his eyes focused on Yura’s lips.



  Then the front door suddenly opened. Feeling startled, Grid and Yura hurriedly pulled apart and turned toward the door. Grid immediately recognized the uninvited guest. His eyes were fixed on a certain part of the uninvited guest, and he hadn’t even looked at the face yet. Grid was astonished as he belatedly confirmed the identity of the uninvited guest. “Jishuka?”

  “Hello? What are the two of you doing?”

  “Uh… T-That…” Grid tried to explain.

  Meanwhile, Yura—who was still breathing hard—opened her mouth and asked, “By the way, how did you get in here?”

  Jishuka smiled and pulled something out of her pocket. It was a knife.


  “…Huh, this isn’t it.” She put the knife away and pulled out a master key from her other side pocket. “This hotel is part of a chain my father owns. I used some of my connections. Is there anybody who doesn’t know about the relationship between Yura and me? I was worried because I couldn’t get in touch with my friend. Thus, he handed me the key.”


  “So, what were the two of you doing?”

  Was it possible to burn people with only a gaze? As he faced Jishuka’s eagle eyes, Grid thought it was certainly possible. There was an awkward silence before Jishuka suddenly brought up some news, “Oh, I’m going to move to South Korea today. There is a rat who is an eyesore.”

  Jishuka stared at Yura like she was going to eat her. The leopard-like spirit stretched out, but Yura didn’t shrink back at all. Instead, she said, “Welcome to South Korea. I’m looking forward to the National Competition next year.”

  “There is nothing to expect. I will participate in the same events as you, so the total amount of medals won’t change.”

  “Are you being affected by personal feelings? It is an unprofessional attitude.�

  “Unprofessional? I’m not getting paid to play the game. Who is a pro? I just do whatever I want.”

  “It is about basic responsibility. As the representative of our country, we have to distinguish between private and public matters.”

  “You are talking about responsibility even though you acted so shamelessly.”

  Sparks flew as Yura and Jishuka glared at each other. Grid was in the middle and couldn’t regain his reason.

  ‘When did their relationship become so bad?’


  “It has been a while.”

  It was after the end of the 4th National Competition. Kraugel went straight to the best spearsman on the continent, Kirinus. He was a person Kraugel had met during the course of his class quest. Kirinus, who had been chopping firewood, recognized Kraugel and said, “It will be much easier and faster to become stronger if you chase Muller’s shadow instead of taking this stubborn and slow path.”

  Kraugel fell to his knees. “Sword Saint Muller said there were times when even he relied on a spear.”

  “I heard that the sword, not the spear, is the strongest weapon.”

  “I still want to learn the spear.”

  Sword Saint Kraugel’s class wasn’t effective because of a single item—Blue Dragon Sword Breaker. Now Kraugel realized that there wasn’t only one road. Just as Grid used a variety of weapons depending on the situation, Kraugel believed that he should be able to handle a variety of weapons. He was also qualified.

  “You have finally received enlightenment. Yes, the process of training is different, but combat eventually boils down to one thing. The process is just as important as the outcome. I will honor the reputation of the Sword Saint and respect your will.”

  [A hidden quest has been created!]

  Three years… It was a quest that required him to stay in one place for a whole three years. The quest meant his level was likely to stagnate. However, Kraugel accepted the quest without hesitation.

  “Thank you very much.”

  Kraugel didn’t want to lose to his only competitor, Grid. He wanted to maintain his relationship with Grid forever by constantly advancing and demonstrating his skills.

  Chapter 970

  One day passed after the end of the National Competition. In the meantime, all the media outlets in South Korea and elsewhere were focused on Yura’s public confession. Public interest soared into the sky, and Grid and Yura’s story spread on the Internet and SNS sites 24 hours a day.

  -Aren’t Grid and Yura arriving today?

  -I guess they finally decided to go out.

  -Ah, I’m envious.

  -We have to cheer for them. How much courage did it take Yura to confess…?

  -That’s right. This is the true attitude of a fan.

  The news of Grid and Yura’s arrival caused thousands of people to flock to Incheon International Airport. Broadcasters, reporters, and even ordinary people came to the airport to see the main characters. Unlike Grid’s worries, the people didn’t curse at him. Instead, they cheered for Yura’s courage while accepting that Grid was worthy of being confessed to.

  Once Grid’s group actually appeared, the atmosphere cooled down sharply. The people calling Grid’s and Yura’s names shut up, and the reporters clicked their tongues. The reason was that Grid didn’t come with Yura alone; he was also with Jishuka. Jishuka’s arms were tightly linked with Grid’s arm.


  -Grid, that XXX…

  The moment Grid’s entry was relayed to the world in real time, and he got 10 million anti-fans. Grid got a chill down his spine as he faced the crowd with the two girls. He felt that the many people gathered at the airport were sending hostility and killing intent toward him.

  ‘…This is a sign of friendship.’

  Jishuka was a close friend and colleague, so she hugged his arm. Yes, this was friendship, not affection. Yet he was currently receiving killing intent because he was mistaken as having the affection of two girls…?

  ‘It is unfair…’

  Jishuka didn’t know Grid’s feelings and smiled deeply as she attached herself more closely to Grid. Yura suspected that Jishuka was the one who released the information of when they were returning.


  Grid’s Village—this was the name that people given the area where the streets had evolved after Grid’s building was completed. There were six high-rise buildings finishing their construction next to Grid’s building, and one of them belonged to Jishuka.

  “It is a good place.”

  Jishuka’s building was right next to Grid’s building. Based on the structure, Jishuka also seemed to be using the penthouse as a home like Grid. It was too open though.

  ‘The distance in between is short, and the exterior walls are plain glass? If I turn on the lights at night, my place can be seen.’

  The garden and swimming pool were completely exposed. The structure of Grid’s place meant people could peek in with one glance. Why did he place a high wall on the other side but not this side? Grid cocked his head and asked, “It will be completed in a fortnight?”

  “Yes. Thus, I need to ask for a place to stay during the fortnight. South Korea is still strange and a bit scary for a woman alone… I’ll probably stay at a hotel.”

  “Why bother with a hotel? Come to my place. There is plenty of room.”

  This was a friend who had flown in from faraway lands. He was willing to offer his house to her as a courtesy. A bright smile emerged on Jishuka’s beautiful face.

  “Thank you, Grid!”

  “D-Don’t hug me so suddenly!”


  Grid was very exhausted. He provided a room and meals to Jishuka but lost his energy after just one day.

  ‘Do all South American women dress like this at home…?’

  The absent-minded Grid sat in the capsule for a while before banishing his thoughts and logging in. It had been almost two days since he connected to the server. Grid first went to Irene. It was because Irene’s image had blurred since Yura confessed to him.

  He was confused. Satisfy and reality were disconnected worlds. Should he feel guilty toward Irene because he liked Yura in reality? If he cheated on Irene because she only existed in Satisfy, could he really be confident that he loved her?


  Upon arriving at the palace, he saw Irene’s beautiful side profile standing in the garden as she overlooked the pool. She was now older than him. Grid’s heart hurt like his chest had been torn open.

  “Your Majesty!” Irene discovered Grid and ran over.

  Grid smiled bitterly as he approached and hugged her tightly. “There are many things I want to tell you and stories that I want to hear. Let’s chat all night.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.” Irene buried her face in Grid’s chest and laughed like the happiest person in the world. Grid held her tightly and realized… He couldn’t betray her.

  “I love you.”

  “Your Majesty… There are too many eyes watching.”

  Irene used to like this a few years ago, but she was older now and had to be careful of her dignity. Out of nowhere, Grid shouted in a loud voice, “I! Love! Irene!”

  “Y-Your Majesty.” Irene blushed as she smiled at him, and they exchanged glances. The king and queen who loved each other deeply always set an example. That evening…

  “You haven’t changed since the first day we met.” Irene paused as she walked through the garden with Grid. She had seen the depths hidden in Grid’s smile. The current Grid had a similar look to when he had been momentarily shaken by Sua. “I am mortal. I can’t stand by Your Majesty’s side forever.”

  “Irene, what are you saying all of a sudden?”

  “I want Your Majesty to meet a woman who can be with you forever.”

  “Don’t say that.”

  “I am sincerely saying this because I love Your Majesty.”


  Their times flowed differently. He was already pre
pared for it, but he felt frightened and resentful of her determination. Grid saw the sadness and determination in Irene’s blue eyes and vowed to never love an NPC again. Then he wept without realizing it.


  Three days after the end of the National Competition, the world’s messages appeared in front of Lauel’s eyes as he was working.

  [The marine Media Kingdom was destroyed.]

  [The Saharan Empire has absorbed all the territories and rights of Media.]

  [The survivors of Media have a great grudge against the Saharan Empire. Their desire for vengeance will last forever.]

  [The Saharan Empire’s momentum is rising sharply in a terrible manner! For the next 10 days, players from the Saharan Empire will gain an extra 10% experience and an extra 5% chance to acquire items.]


  Media was a kingdom that Lauel had visited because the Behen Archipelago was located there. It was a small and beautiful kingdom with a considerable amount of wealth accumulated. Despite having been predicted to possess a significant number of elite troops, it had been destroyed overnight.

  ‘Did they use the magic machines?’

  Lauel convened an emergency meeting. A whisper arrived as he was waiting for the 10 meritorious retainers. The person who sent the whisper was a big shot—the God of War, Ares.

  -You can rest assured because my players have gained the White Dragon’s Eyes first.

  ‘What are the White Dragon’s Eyes?’

  It was the first time Lauel had heard of them, but there was nothing good about exposing the absence of information.

  -So? What is your purpose? Lauel inquired indifferently.

  Ares replied, -I’m hoping for compensation. Reduce the price of the weapons that are traded with us by four times.

  Since Grid received Hexetia’s blessing, many blacksmiths had migrated to the Overgeared Kingdom, and Lauel had thoroughly taken advantage of this. He almost exclusively monopolized the items market and received profit by raising prices. Frankly, it was a huge blow to Valhalla. It led to a situation where Valhalla couldn’t properly arm the soldiers they recruited because the value of the items had increased by three times. Even if they used all the kingdom’s money to purchase weapons, it would be insufficient.


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