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Caleb Anderson: Berkley’s Bastards – Billionaire Romance (Berkley's Bastards Book 1)

Page 11

by Kathi S. Barton

  “We’ve not seen the wife yet, but we know she’s alive. The other sniper could see that before he was shot. The moron. Who stands atop a building waving at the guy he’s to kill? Anyway, there are only the two people in the house, and so far, we’ve not been able to breach anything but the front door. He threatens the woman every time. However, since I’ve not heard anyone tell me that this is their game, meaning Windermere, I’m going to tell you that you are to only listen to me, Joey. I will not throw you under the bus.” Joey wasn’t so sure about any of this, but Caleb told him that if anyone could be trusted, it would be Sher. “I’m in charge here. I swear to you that no one is going to prison at all if you do what I tell you.”

  “I’m going to be honest with you when I tell you that I feel like I’m being put in the middle here. I don’t mind helping out with this. I like Cain. But I swear to you, I will not put myself on the line for anyone but you.” Sher thanked him. “Don’t do that yet. That little fucker over there is on a power trip, and he won’t care who he has to take down to get what he wants.”

  “We’ll get this.” He believed him. “You get yourself set up. You have the ear device that makes it so you can hear me?”

  “Yes.” Giving him the one that Windermere had given him, Joey put the one from Sher in his ear. “Can you hear me?”

  “Loud and clear.” Joey hurried across the street to the building across from the house. He was getting the gun set up when he heard from Sher again. “We’ve had contact with Douglas. He wants money from Cain. Something about a commission check. Windermere is telling him that he can have whatever he wants, that he’s as safe as a pig in a blanket. Is it all right to speak to you while you’re getting ready?”

  “I’m about finished up here anyway. This is a very nice weapon.” He had his rifle ready when he looked through the scope. “I wonder where this sucker came from. This is about the best I’ve ever seen. I wish I’d had time to practice with it, but I don’t foresee any troubles. I can see into the house. The woman is on the chair, and Douglas is nowhere to be seen. I see shadows, but not him as yet.” Sher told him that Caleb had gotten the gun. “I bet it didn’t come cheap either.”

  He kept a running detail on what he could see in the house. Occasionally he’d look below him and see that everyone was just where they’d been when he left, milling around like they were at some sort of social event. Looking into the house, he could see that the woman was unconscious. Telling Sher that, he asked if she was breathing or not.

  “I have no idea what you can see or not, but it would go a long way in making Cain happy to know that his wife is at least breathing.” Joey told him he could see her chest moving in and out. Also, she was moving her legs around. “Thank you. Christ, this is a nightmare. All right. I’m to tell you that when you have a clear shot, take him. Dead is what I want, but you do whatever you can to get this finished. Just do it and break down.”

  Joey watched the man and woman in the house across from him. When Douglas walked by the window, Joey counted until he walked by it again. Pacing was going to give him just what he wanted. When Douglas walked by the fourth time, Joey fired and hit him in the head. Before the man hit the floor, Joey was doing just what he’d been told. Breaking down the rifle and putting it away.

  “All clear.” He was still breaking down the rifle when he saw Windermere gesturing with his hands. He would point up his way a couple of times but continued to scream at Sher. The Fed was screaming so loudly that while he couldn’t hear what he was saying, Joey knew he was pissed off. The voice in his head wasn’t Sher but Caleb this time.

  “Go to my home as quickly as you can.” He said he would and that he would see him there. Joey was packed up and down the stairs to the lowest level when Tabby met him at the back of the building.

  “I’m to take you home with me.” Nodding, he got into the waiting limo after the rifle was stashed in the trunk. “I owe you a great deal for this, Joey. At great risk for what you had to do, you did it for Cain and the rest of us. I cannot thank you enough.”

  “I’d like to tell you it was my pleasure, but that sounds like I’m being a dick. I’m not.” Tabby told him she knew that. “What happens now? I mean, that fed, he’s got a real hard-on for that man being alive. He’s not, just so you know.”

  “Caleb said it was a clean shot. He’s going to meet us at the house too. So you know, he’s not one to mess with. I’m sure you’ve figured that out.” Joey laughed and said he had. “Good. Also, there is something else I’d like to talk to you about. You’re going to be doing security for Caleb and myself in watching over our families. I would very much appreciate it if you were to keep an eye on Cain and his wife. They’ve come to mean a great deal to me, just as you have. I don’t want anything to happen to anyone.”

  “I’m going to make it my priority to make sure that you and all of them are taken care of. You guys mean a great deal to me as well.” She thanked him. “No need for that. I do have a question. What is it that this man did, besides taking this woman? He seemed to be a little off his rocker when he was pacing in the house. By the way, whose house was that?”

  “Douglas owned the house. The woman was his daughter.” She told him everything. “He also killed the banker who told the police about the little scam they had going on. It’s kind of complicated, which means to me that someone else had figured it out. Douglas and a man by the name of Slam were buying up land and planning to use it to lure people here that would pay them great sums of money. However, once they were here, they’d not be able to build without paying for other things that would put them behind. That would be a breach of contract in having a business—I think you get it. No one would have been able to make anything work, so they’d be free to sell the land over and over.”

  “That is complicated. Not to mention sort of risky. Who the hell did they think was going to fall for that after the first time?” They both laughed, and Tabby answered her phone when it rang. Joey looked out the window as they drove toward the huge house on the outskirts of town.

  “Change of plans. Elly is in labor, and Cain wants us all there.” The car made a turn, then another, and they were headed in the opposite direction. “I’m to also tell you that Caleb called Windermere’s boss. He’ll have a nice long talk to the man when he meets us at the hospital. I don’t know about you, but Windermere made it sound like he was in charge of the entire force. Whatever. We’re going there to see the newest member of the family to arrive.”

  The hospital wasn’t all that large, but it was well maintained. He loved the stained glassed windows that greeted a person when they walked in. Also, he noticed that there were large pots of plants all over the inside and out. As they were headed to the elevators, a large stained-glass mural from the top of the hall shone down on the floor to make the most beautiful scene he’d ever seen done in glass.

  The two of them stopped at the shop just before they got into the elevator. He’d seen women shop before, of course. His mom was a pro at it. She’d have a cart full of food for the household and enough coupons to make it all be less than fifty bucks. His mom could make a dollar scream, his dad used to say, to make it worth more. Joey was never sure how that worked, but it was funny. Tabby could have made an art of it too. They were getting into the elevator when he finally spoke to her about her purchases.

  “You do know that this kid isn’t going to care if you got it a bow that was pink or yellow when it’s born, don’t you?” She grinned at him. “I’m also reasonably sure it won’t give a shit what sort of vase the pretty flowers are in that you bought.”

  “I will care. Besides, Elly will love it too. Caleb said she’s pretty beat up. Did you see that too?” He nodded but didn’t elaborate. “I guess you’ve seen all kinds of things at the end of your weapon. I’m glad you didn’t tell me. I don’t know that I could be any less hurt about her being kidnapped. By her own father, no less.”

�She’s safe now. That’s all you should focus on.” She thanked him. “Also, you might want to take a minute to get yourself in a better place. If you go in there crying, your husband is going to knock me on my ass before I get to tell him you’re a sappy woman and that I didn’t hurt you.”

  It worked. She was laughing when the doors opened, and Caleb was there waiting for them. Taking the teddy bear from him, Caleb shook his hand and thanked him once again. Joey said he’d like to just move on with his life now. Caleb told him that Windermere had been taken care of.

  “While I’m glad he’s not going to hunt me down, what exactly do you mean that he’s been taken care of?” There was laugher behind Caleb, but he was more interested in the man in front of him. “Caleb, please tell me that you didn’t kill that man. He’s a prick, yes, but he was also a fed. And even though he was a royal pain in the ass, I’m sure someone is going to question what happened to him.”

  “I fired him.” The man came out from behind Caleb and shook his hand as well. It took Joey a full thirty seconds to realize who he was shaking hands with. As soon as his hand was released, he saluted the president. “No need for that, Joey. The man was a tyrant. Not to mention, him telling you to shoot the woman and let Douglas live was against everything I believe in. Caleb said you were going to be working for him and his family.”

  “I am, sir.” Joey glanced at Caleb before looking at the president. “You know Caleb? That’s who he said he was going to call?”

  “Yes, well, I knew his mother much better. Abby is the one that convinced me I needed to get my ass in gear and run this country. By saying she convinced me, I’m being very kind. She was a hellion when it suited her.” Since he’d not known the other woman, he just nodded. “I only came by to make sure you knew that you aren’t in any trouble with what you did here today. You saved a life. And perhaps, as you told Windermere, the future president of the United States.”

  When he left, surrounded by the men that were there to protect him, Joey hugged Caleb. “You’re turning out to be the best brother a man could have; I hope you realize that.” They were both laughing when they sat down. “I’m not kidding you; you know that, don’t you?”

  “I do. And you’re wonderful as well. Now, let’s discuss what sort of things you’re going to need to make sure something like this never happens again. All right?”

  Joey couldn’t have been happier than he was at this very moment. He had a brother, a place to live, and a job. Food in his belly was a big thing as well. And tonight, he was going to help hand out blankets and hot meals in their own town. Joey thought he could live like this for the rest of his days and not need another thing.


  Yasmine started to sit up, but the pain behind her eyes had her crying out. Stopping all movement other than to lie back on the pillow, she wondered not just where she was but what had happened to get her there.

  The squeak of shoes told her she was in some sort of medical facility. She’d been in enough of those over her life that even the smell of antiseptic would make her blood run cold. Not that anyone at any facility had ever been mean to her. It was just being there over and over that had her cringe whenever she smelled certain smells.

  “Yasmine Dennis?” Turning her head toward the voice, she said that was her name. “My name is Doctor Jerome. Do you know where you are?”

  “Medical facility.” He asked her which one. “I don’t know. Has anyone notified my sister? Jasmine Dennis?”

  “We’ve called her, but she’s not arrived just yet. What can you tell me about what had you coming in here tonight?” Yasmine didn’t know, but she had a feeling that not only did this man know, but he wasn’t terribly happy about the turn of events that brought her here. “The police are here, Miss Dennis. They have a few questions for you about why you’re here.”

  “All right. But I’d like to wait on my sister, please?” Dr. Jerome told her they were only going to be a moment. “I’d rather you didn’t bring them in. I want to wait on my sister. You said you called her, but she’s not here. I want to wait on her.”

  “Miss Dennis? My name is Captain Sawyer. I’d like to ask you a few questions if you’d not mind.” She told him she did mind, and she wanted her sister there. “Miss Dennis, you’re not in trouble. We’re just here to ask you some things about last night. Do you own a car, Miss Dennis?”

  “No. I will keep telling you until she’s here that I want to wait on my sister. It’s important that she be here with me.” He asked her two more questions, each of them sounding a little harsher like he was angry with her now. “I would like my sister, Jasmine Dennis, here before I answer any questions you put before me.”

  After about the fifth time she repeated her statement, they seemed to get the idea. They weren’t happy about it, but they no longer peppered her with questions.

  Hearing the door open, she knew it was going to be her sister.

  “Yazzie?” Thank goodness. “My goodness, what’s happened to you? Why are the police here? Tell me what’s going on.”

  “I don’t know. I woke up in here, and they’re asking me questions.” Her sister asked someone what was going on. “Jasmine, just don’t get arrested.”

  “We’re just asking questions, for now, Miss Dennis. Some witnesses put your sister behind the wheel of a car that was the getaway vehicle for an armed robbery yesterday afternoon. There are seven dead plus three officers. We’d like to know where she was and who she was with.”

  “You’re joking right now, aren’t you?” Jasmine’s fingers tightened around hers before her sister continued. “Well, I guess I can see where you’d not know. Gentlemen, I can tell you right now that there isn’t any way the witness was telling you the truth. My sister has been blind since we were seven years old. There isn’t any way she’d drive anything anywhere.”

  Jasmine made it sound like she’d won a marathon or something. That she’d come in first, too. Being blind wasn’t anything Yasmine had wanted, but it had happened, and here she was. While the police asked questions of her sister, Yasmine tried to focus on anything but the fact that she was a little excited that someone, even for a brief time, thought she could be a regular person and drive a car.

  “They’re gone.” Jasmine climbed into the bed with her and held her hands. “Your face is pretty beat up. There are bandages on your eyes. I told you to get one of those bracelet things that will tell people you’re blind. What would you have done had I not come in here and saved your ass?”

  “Gone to jail.” Jasmine told her to be sensible. “I would have gotten around to it sooner or later, Jasmine. It’s not like I would have been able to hide the fact that I can’t see from them once they asked me to look at pictures or something. Just let me lie here in the quiet for a moment.”

  It had only been lately that Yasmine was getting annoyed with her twin. She was forever bossing her around about this or that. Usually, things that Yasmine didn’t want to do, or for that matter, didn’t think necessary. Like the shirt.

  Jasmine had gotten her a new shirt. She brought it to her apartment and had her try it on. She wore it for most of the first afternoon. It wasn’t until she was brought back to her place after being at the mall with her that Hal, her landlord, had told her what the shirt said. “I’m blind, so pardon me for stumbling around.”

  The thing was, Jasmine wouldn’t have seen it as a joke. Getting her a shirt that pointed out her blindness and made a big deal out of it was something that Jasmine was really good about doing. No matter how much it embarrassed Yasmine, her sister thought the world should be aware that her twin was handicapped. A word that Jasmine loved as much as Yasmine hated.

  “You’ll come and stay with me for a few days.” Yasmine didn’t bother telling her no. She wouldn’t be bullied into anything at this point in her life. “That way, I can pamper you and care for you.”

  “I don’t need caring for, Jazzy
. I’m fine.” She told her that she’d been beaten. “Perhaps, but it’s not like I can see any more than I did before the bandages were put on my face. I’m not going home with you. I don’t like your menagerie of animals. Nor do I care for all the noises at your place. The sounds or the smells.”

  “My home does not smell. And you’ll stay with me, and that’s final.” Though it wasn’t nearly final, Yasmine didn’t say anything to her. “What is this world coming to when people are killed in a bank robbery?”

  “You sound like you’re rooting for the bank robbers.” Yasmine was feeling sleepy and asked Jasmine to move off the bed. Of course, she had to put up a fuss. “Jasmine, blind or not, I was hurt. Just let me rest.”

  Calling for the nurse, her sister was just pissed off enough that she wouldn’t speak to either of them. It wasn’t like anyone looking at the two of them would think they were anything but related. The nurse winked at her when Jasmine didn’t answer her question about the two of them being related. The only difference between the two of them that Yasmine was aware of was that her sister was annoying, and she wasn’t. Laughing a little to herself, the door opened and closed before she felt the medicine kick in.

  “Do you need anything else, honey?” Yasmine asked the nurse, who she assumed was giving her the medicine, where her sister had gone. “I think she’s in a huff, that one. Upset because you called me in here, I guess. If you’re hurting, honey, don’t hesitate to call. Did they tell you how you’re injured? Someone should have guessed that you couldn’t see. Let me go get your chart and tell you.” The door opened briefly then closed up. “Let me see here.”

  “You knew I was blind.” The nurse, Anna, told her she had been in the room when she’d awakened. “I don’t understand. I mean, I’m glad you figured it out, but how?”


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