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Red Carpet Redemption

Page 13

by Yahrah St. John

  “You really enjoyed it?” she asked, smoothing hand cream on after brushing her teeth and removing her makeup.

  “Couldn’t you tell?” Dane asked, pulling the covers back. “I was touched you included my family in Jayden’s birthday celebration. And better yet, you managed to keep it a surprise from me. You and Fallon.”

  Iris rubbed her hands together. “We were great coconspirators.”

  “Yeah, you were,” Dane said. His fingers clamped down on her arm and hauled her down onto the bed with him. He’d already undressed to his boxers, which he didn’t intend to keep on for long. He lowered his head and she accepted his invitation readily, allowing his seeking tongue entry into her mouth. Her kiss gave him life when for years he’d been a wasteland. Unfeeling, emotionless, not allowing another person in. But Iris changed all that. She gave him hope and the promise of so much more.

  His hands skimmed the nightie she wore. It was a piece he’d bought for her after seeing it in a shop on Rodeo Drive. He’d thought it was beautiful and delicate, just like Iris, and purchased it. When he’d presented it, Dane loved how Iris had blushed like a schoolgirl. It was one of the many endearing things he loved about her. And so he continued his languid exploration of her mouth while his hands eased over her curves. He didn’t care about the scars. Did he know they were there? Yes, but he no longer saw them. Only Iris.

  When he lowered the strap of her nightie and placed his mouth over one breast, she shuddered in his arms, arching her back. His teeth tugged at her nipple while his hands dipped to the backs of her knees. Finding the edge of the nightie, he lifted it by the hem over her head, so he could feast his eyes on her incredible body. He groaned when he saw the dark curls of her womanhood and immediately his erection swelled. That was what Iris did to him: she made him hot and eager. He reached for the nightstand and after donning protection, thrust inside her, filling her completely, leaving no space for anything but him. He drove into her purposely, before withdrawing, only to surge in again.

  He couldn’t stop the overwhelming force that was lifting him, higher and higher, as he thrust inside her. Iris moaned her appreciation and Dane lost himself, coming apart with a deep guttural cry.

  “Iris, I...”

  Words were on the tip of his tongue, but he didn’t set them free. Instead, he shuddered into her, which prolonged her release and sent them both hurtling into space.


  The next few weeks flew by for Dane. Every other day he was going to the pretreatments with Jayden and Iris. And each day, he could see some of the vitality drain from Jayden’s face.

  Meanwhile, he and Iris’s relationship bloomed. He took her to his favorite barbecue joint, where she dug into the meat platter full of ribs, smoked sausage and chicken and licked the sauce from her fingers.

  “Delicious,” she’d said, and he couldn’t resist taking her fingers into his mouth and licking the sauce off.

  Yes, it is, Dane had thought.

  He took her to a Los Angeles Clippers game and secured much sought after tickets to a Beyoncé and Jay-Z concert. They needed these stolen moments to help deal with caring for their sick child. Of course, their outings brought much fanfare with the entertainment shows commenting on each date and what Iris was wearing. Surprisingly she took it in stride. It helped that Dane had hired Iris a stylist for such occasions to ensure she felt comfortable. She’d even convinced Dane to attend Hamilton in New York over a weekend while Shelly babysat. He knew it was all the rage, but he could have had a V-8. He loved being with Iris, though. Loved having her in his life...

  And he loved making love to her. Sometimes it was fast and furious with no time for foreplay. Other times it was slow, with Dane making every kiss, every stroke, sweeter and longer than the last. Tonight, however, was going to be different.

  He and Iris were attending a Friday evening premiere for one of his acting buddies. His team had been involved in every step, including selecting their attire to ensure they complemented each other. Morgan hired a stylist and hair-and-makeup team for Iris to ensure she looked her absolute best. In Dane’s eyes, Iris was already perfect and didn’t need a makeover team. Although she hadn’t said anything, he suspected Iris was nervous about the appearance and wanted to give her as many tools as she needed.

  Iris had arrived at his Hollywood Hills home a couple of hours ago. Her parents were babysitting Jayden so they could have a night out on the town. They’d been great, always supportive and willing to lend a hand if Dane and Iris wanted some alone time. He wished he could say the same for his parents; they’d yet to make an appearance to meet Jayden, though they had sent him a birthday gift.

  “I have your diamond cuff links,” Morgan called out, disturbing his thoughts as she knocked on his open bedroom door.

  “Thanks, Morgan.” Dane took the pieces from her. “These will work well for tonight. What would I do without you?”

  “I don’t know. I think you’d kind of miss me.”

  “Having you here is like having the kid sister I never had,” Dane said. A weird look came across her face, but it was fleeting and quickly replaced with a smile.

  For Dane, the premiere was one of endless events he’d attended to keep his name out there. He also gave back to a number of charities, which meant he frequented hospital fund-raisers, gallery openings and galas. Dane could care less about the Hollywood elite or crème de la crème of society, but he recognized the importance of nights like this.

  Once he’d showered and dressed in a black suit with a black shirt and tie, Dane was ready for the evening. Morgan whistled when he came down. “You look great. I’m sure Iris will be pleased.”

  “I certainly hope so,” Dane replied with a smirk. “’Cause I certainly wasn’t doing it for you.”

  “This is a very big deal,” Morgan said. “Your first official appearance as a couple. Are you ready for the brouhaha?”

  “Iris and I have been out many times.”

  “But not with the fanfare of attending a movie premiere where all the world’s press will be in attendance,” Morgan responded.

  “I’m not worried. Iris will be great.”

  * * *

  “I don’t know if I can do this.” Iris nervously paced across the plush carpet of one of Dane’s guest bedrooms. “I mean, do I look okay?” She glanced down at the sparkling white floor-length gown. Four spaghetti straps were asymmetrically located across her shoulders, dipping in a V at her cleavage. The stylist had teamed it with simple black pointed heels, a sparkly clutch and large black shades.

  “You look fabulous, Iris,” Whitney gushed. She was here for moral support.

  “You don’t think it’s too bold?”

  “It’s attention grabbing,” Whitney stated, “and that’s what we want. This is the public’s first chance to get a genuine look at you all glammed up, so we want them to know you’re proud to stand at Dane’s side. Your hair and makeup are flawless.” She gave the hair-and-makeup artist a thumbs-up.

  “Thank you.” Iris’s normally wavy hair had been roller set and she now had big curls touching her shoulders. Add her scarlet lipstick, and it was a very 1920s glam look.

  “C’mon, I’ll take you downstairs. I’m sure Dane is eager to see you.” Whitney propelled Iris toward the door. Navigating the sweeping spiral staircase in four-inch heels wasn’t easy. Iris breathed a sigh of relief when she made it to the living room in one piece. Dane and Morgan were already there along with a couple of his bodyguards.

  A large grin spread across Dane’s face when she walked in the room. The look of searing heat he gave her caused everyone else to fade from existence. He held out his hand to her and Iris walked toward him. She gave him her hand and he kissed it. “You look stunning.”

  “Hearing you say it, I believe it,” she whispered.

  “You ready to get going?”

  She nodded.
r />   “All right, folks, we’re heading out.” Dane led Iris toward the foyer. “And might I suggest you all be gone by the time we get back?”

  Iris blushed as she headed outside with him. It was a warm, pleasant evening and she didn’t need a wrap. She slid into the limousine and Dane joined her.

  “Don’t be nervous.” He patted her thigh.

  “Easy for you to say. You won’t have the entire world looking at you waiting for you to mess up. It’s why I agreed to the makeover to begin with.”

  “Is that really what you think?”

  Iris turned to give Dane an incredulous stare. “C’mon, Dane. I’m not that naive. I know your team.” She motioned with her thumb toward the mansion they were pulling away from. “I know I’m not your type.”

  She’d seen the type of women Dane dated in the past. Sophisticated and poised, with money and opportunities to spare, they’d probably never had a day of uncertainty in their entire life. Iris wasn’t that woman. Maybe she could have been if it weren’t for her accident. As it was, she’d asked for privacy when it had come time to dress. Her scars were no one’s business but her own.

  “I don’t care about any of them. The only people who matter are in the back seat of this limo. Me—” he pointed to himself and then to her “—and you.”

  That was easy to say, but did he really believe it? Iris looked away, but Dane tipped her chin to face him.

  “I mean it, Iris. I’ve always been upfront and honest with you. Don’t doubt that and let anyone poison what we have. Don’t doubt us. If you do, then they win.”

  Iris nodded and tried to keep the tears that were threatening to fall at bay, but in the end a single drop trickled down her cheek, and he wiped it away with the pad of his thumb. Then he leaned in and softly kissed her. It was sweet and poignant and did the trick to settle her nerves.

  She gave him a tremulous smile and before she knew it, they were at their destination. Maurice, one of their bodyguards, turned around to face them. “It’s time.”

  “You ready?” Dane asked, and Iris nodded.

  Then Dane was sliding out of the limo. From her position, all she saw were flashes of light. Dane was in front of a big spotlight being photographed by tons of news media outlets. Iris was unprepared for the near frenetic energy surrounding the red carpet, but she placed one high heel tentatively on the pavement, and Dane took her hand, ostensibly to help her out of the limo. All the while cameras continued to flash in her face.

  Iris smiled as best she could, reminding herself this wasn’t real. On any given Sunday she was in her pajamas watching the red carpet for the Oscars or some other Hollywood award night. Instead, tonight she was with Dane as he waved at his screaming fans, who held up signs with his picture and yelled they loved him.

  Dane bent his head and placed a kiss on her cheek and the crowd went wild. Reporters were yelling questions from all angles. Dane answered he was excited to have Iris on his arm tonight and they looked forward to a great movie.

  In the end, the movie was a complete dud, but Iris had never had more fun. Once she allowed herself to relax, she found celebrities were like everyone else with their own fears, insecurities and quirks. She and Dane stayed long enough for him to wish his friend luck at the box office before they departed for a late dinner.

  Instead of going out the front where Iris was sure the press waited, Dane led her out a side entrance to his SUV. “When did you arrange this?” she asked, giving him a sideways glance.

  “I gave the fans what they wanted at the beginning of the evening,” Dane said. “The rest of tonight is for us.”

  “I like that. I like it a lot.” She’d worried unnecessarily because in the end Dane was so thoughtful and cared about her needs. Something about him drew her closer and it was more than the powerful lust they shared, though they had that in spades. It was more. It was the tingle in her belly every time she saw him. It was the sensation galloping through her like wildfire when he touched her. It was the fireworks she felt when they made love.

  It was love.


  “I’m thinking of asking Iris to marry me,” Dane told Jason when they met up for a meeting that Monday morning. Jason had asked Dane to come to his office because he wanted to talk shop with no interruptions. And that was fine with him. It gave Dane time to go ring shopping and find the most exquisite and unique piece he could for a special lady.

  “You’re what!” Jason bolted from his seat and came around to face Dane. His agent was in his customary dark suit and tie, wearing designer loafers. “Are you mad?”

  Dane stepped back and glared at him. “What’s your problem, Underwood?”

  “You’re a star, Dane. A bankable Hollywood sex god. It’s what we’ve sold you as for years. It’s been your calling card. Now suddenly you want to flip the script?”

  “I’m not the first A-list actor to get married,” Dane responded evenly, “and I certainly won’t be the last. My marrying Iris won’t change my popularity.”

  “Why are you doing this?” Jason asked incredulously. “Out of guilt? Because you haven’t been there for your son? Out of some misconceived notion of responsibility? You weren’t responsible for Iris choosing to get herself knocked up by a sperm donor.”

  Dane shoved Jason against the desk and bore down on him. “Don’t you dare speak ill of Iris. Not only is she the mother of my child, but she’s a damn fine woman. You have no right to judge her, Underwood, especially considering some of the things you’ve done.”

  Jason’s eyes narrowed. “Are you really going to turn on me? On me? After everything I’ve done? I made you into a star.”

  “And you got paid handsomely,” Dane responded. “Don’t act like it was altruistic on your part. You’ve benefited from my success.”

  “And I’ve been like a brother to you, more than your own family,” Jason countered.

  “Do you think that gives you the right to tell me what to do?” Dane yelled. “Don’t get it twisted, Jason. At the end of the day, you’re my manager and agent. And I thought you were a friend, but I’m beginning to wonder if all you care about is your own best interest. But guess what? This is my life. I get to choose. Not you. Not the press. Not the general public. You got that?” He poked his index finger into Jason’s chest.

  “Fine. Do what you want. Throw away your life. Just don’t cry to me when it needs fixing because you’ve screwed yourself.”

  “I’ll remember that and take my leave before I say something I can’t take back,” Dane said. He started for the door and then turned around. “Why did you call me here anyway?”

  “I thought you might want to know George Murphy is interested in you for the next biopic he’s directing. His first pick, Kevin Brady, pulled out at the last minute after he’d gotten studio approval. He’s in a real pickle to cast in the next few months and you’re on the short list. Since you’ve always wanted to work with him, I was under the impression you might want to talk strategy on how to bring your name to the top of the list. But since you have other priorities, I’m going to fight for other clients who want it bad enough.”

  Dane wanted to strangle Jason. He didn’t appreciate his tone, but he’d been right to call him. George was the director he wanted to work with. Dane never thought he’d get a chance to read for him because he’d been seen as the pretty boy for years. But his latest film had shown all the doubters that he had some acting chops. However, he and Jason both needed a time-out to let cooler heads prevail. “I’ll call you later.” Dane swung open Jason’s door and stormed out.

  Once he was in the car, Dane wondered if he was a fool for considering making such a leap. He and Iris had known each other for only several months, but it felt as if he’d known her a lifetime. Iris wasn’t like other women who saw only his face and physique, or were only after him for his money and fame. Dane was under no illusion that if he di
dn’t have his good looks and the money to back it up they’d ever come near him. None of them wanted to get to know him. It was why he didn’t allow people to get too close. Jason was right about that. He didn’t trust easily.

  But Iris was special. She wasn’t just a selfless mother. She was a good listener, a caring daughter and... Well, when it came to the bedroom, they were very compatible. He loved her responsiveness. To his touch. To his kisses. He loved her little moans when he was deep inside her. After Jayden’s party, he’d almost said he loved her but thankfully caught himself in time. It was cliché to say those three little words while in the throes of passion. When he said them aloud, Dane wanted them to be real and meaningful.

  The question was whether she would say yes to his proposal. And there was only one way to find out: he’d have to ask.

  * * *

  “So you and Dane are officially a thing,” Shelly said to Iris later that afternoon. Her sister had come to Jayden’s chemo appointment to show her solidarity. “Who would have ever thought it?”

  Iris shrugged. “I’m just as surprised as you are.” When he’d asked her to attend the movie premiere a few days ago, she’d been on cloud nine. It had been exciting and scary being part of Dane’s world. The lights, the cameras, the questions shouted at him. Women had begged for his autograph and worn T-shirts printed with Dane’s face. He was a superstar, but he was with her. It had seemed surreal that at the end of the night, she got to go home with him.

  “When I met Dane that day in the hospital, my mind was on Jayden and finding a donor. I—I never thought my search would end up with me not only finding his match, but his father too.”


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