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Atticus And The Orb Of Time

Page 9

by M K Drake

  “Not enough time has passed, you know the portal does not work like that, and she certainly wouldn’t have wanted to risk your life and the lives of so many others in a quest such as the one you seek,” Elric holds the Professor’s shoulder again, “Focus, my friend, I knew not of Draconus’ survival; this is news to me, too, Razakel has hidden that well.”

  Elric tries to divert Geoffrey’s attention, “Did you learn the chant for the orb?” he asks.

  Shaking his head to focus properly, the professor recites the chant he has learnt; as he does so, something strange occurs back in the room where Atticus is sitting.

  # # #

  With a start Atticus shakes his head, not knowing if that was another dream or was he really seeing things through the professor’s eyes.

  He grabs his left forearm as he feels his birthmark tingling, a gentle breeze flows around the room fluttering the piece of parchment that the Professor left face down on his desk and then flipping it over. Atticus stares at the picture revealed in front of him. On it is his birthmark, and written above, “The mark of the chosen one,” his attention sways from the parchment when the covered globular object beyond the archway begins to hum and glow. Atticus stands, still clutching his arm, and walks towards it.

  The cover falls off to reveal a large orb, held in place by an oxidised metallic stand with intricate detailing. It shows engravings of a massive dragon and next to it, the image of Razakel standing. Atticus instantly recognises the dragon as Draconus and he grabs his arm again, the tingling is so intense now. He doesn’t understand what is happening, the realisation of truth overcomes him and he begins to panic.

  “Chosen one,” he gasps, “Me? It can’t be! I’m just, nobody.”

  Atticus re-focuses on the Orb as it starts to glow, first a deep scarlet red, then a piercing yellow, then orange, and finally settling on a blue hue. Atticus peers inside, there is a blue flame flickering at the bottom. Suddenly, out of the flame he sees himself jump out of the fire and into the orb. He sees himself smashing his fist on the side of the orb’s glass wall as if trying to smash his way out; at the same time the swirling breeze around him turns into a violent gust of wind. Atticus is astonished at what he sees, his orb version looks angry, desperate to get free, he makes out the words, “Help Me!” from the lip movement of his orb-imprisoned doppelganger. He reaches out, slowly moving closer to the orb, he places one hand upon it, then the other.

  “ARRRRRGGGHHHHH!” Atticus screams in pain, his hands welded to the orb. Sparks of electricity fly everywhere, the entire room is alight in blue as flames pour out of the orb as it begins to hover. Flying like a long piece of velvet ribbon across the room, it circles around Atticus’ head then moves away and shoots itself into his back.

  “Arrrrgggghhhh!!!” Atticus screams again, and then the orb drops back to the table as it was before. Atticus falls, his eyes closed, smoke rising from all over his body and around the orb. He sleeps, as the smoke forms a blanket over him and slowly dissipates.

  # # #

  Hours pass by, but to Atticus it feels like moments. His eyes blink open, squinting when the light from the candles strike them.

  “Easy there young lad, you’ve been through a bit of an ordeal.”

  It’s a voice Atticus has not heard in person before, but he recognises it. It sounds old, but also authoritative, harsh but also understanding.

  Atticus opens his eyes a little more and can make out an old but strong looking man. His long, silvery beard falls to his waist. His hair is also long and silvery, but tied into a tight ponytail. Professor Sprocking is also there looking down at Atticus as he wakes.

  “I thought I said not to touch anything?” Professor Sprocking scolds the drowsy Atticus.

  “Come now Geoffrey, even we were not aware that the Gooyeh Partaab would sense our words from such a distance. It seems our friend here is more powerful than we imagined, it’s the only explanation,” says Elric.

  “You mean the orb tapped into the power within Atticus?” asks Professor Sprocking, “But how?”

  “That I do not know,” Elric returns his attention towards Atticus, “Here you go,” he says, handing him a glass of what appears to be water, “My name is Elric Griffin, I hear you’ve been asking about me?”

  Atticus sits up wearily. He wonders if it was down to unwittingly looking through the eyes of the professor that caused the activation of the orb, but thinks best not to mention it yet, “What time is it?”

  “Don’t worry about the time, you have been excused from your afternoon timetable and your parents know you are staying a little late at school today. It’s been taken care of,” Elric helps Atticus up, “How are you feeling?”

  “Tired. What happened to me?” Atticus wipes the weariness from his eyes before putting his glasses back on.

  “It’s a complicated thing to explain, but, the orb you touched is what we call a Gooyeh Partaab, loosely translated it means Orb of Projection,” explains Elric, “As you have probably worked out by now, you are a very important person. We had to bind your powers when you were very young, lock them away until you were ready − or until they couldn’t be hidden from you any longer. You may well have experienced strange occurrences recently. As your mind and body grew, the power that is within you grew, too. It was only a matter of time until you outgrew our Magic with your own.”

  “So what was that in the orb?” asks Atticus.

  “You, Atticus, you were in the orb. Well, part of you, anyway. The Magical part. Geoffrey already explained to you that I concocted a potion, which was sent to a family friend of yours through Majjai placed in what used to be Persia. Once this was fed to you, your powers were fully projected into the Gooyeh Partaab, locked away until it was time for your Magical self to be awakened. Only two people in this world knew that you are the chosen one. I am one of them; the other, well, that person needs to be kept hidden for now. Although, knowledge of your existence will now be impossible to contain within the Majjai community.”

  “Fully projected?” asks a quizzical Atticus.

  “That’s another story,” Elric strokes his beard before continuing, “For reasons unknown, a part of you was already there.”

  Atticus shakes his head, finally waking himself up properly, confused as to how part of him could have been placed into the orb before the locking away of his powers, but thinks that there has been so much information taken in, that question can be asked another time, “So what happens now?” asks Atticus, looking towards Elric.

  “Well, it will take time for your body to readjust, especially because the transference of your powers was split. And you will need to learn some control, Geoffrey has told me of your dreams. Your last one was of great interest. What do you know of astral projection, Atticus?”

  Atticus pauses, he thinks back to things he has read or learnt during all those Internet searches about the paranormal, “It’s when someone projects their consciousness elsewhere, right?”

  “Correct Atticus, I believe these dreams you have been experiencing must be a form of astral projection. Only experienced Majjai are able to harness this ability, and yet you managed it in your sleep,” Elric stands and moves to Professor Sprocking’s desk to collect the piece of parchment that was left there earlier. Returning to where Atticus is sitting, he beckons Geoffrey to join them, “Your birthmark was prophesised in scripture centuries before the great battle where we banished Razakel to the dark realm. The chosen one, the one who would be born to defeat the great evil, would bear it. This chosen one will be so strong in the way of the Majjai that he will be able to perform great feats with a mere thought, his abilities are willed, whereas most other Majjai manipulate their gifts through other means.”

  “How so?” quizzes Atticus.

  Geoffrey responds to this particular question, “We use chants, amulets, and the teachings of the old ways, informing us how to tap deep into our own psyche. The mind is an untapped resource, Atticus. Teach it, and the possibilities are limitless. Gr
eat power lies within all, but only a few are able to use it. The other members of the Majjai Six are the exception, like you, they have a greater level of ability than the norm, though not as much as you. They are still limited to the aforementioned chants, amulets, and other trinkets. Although they also have key skills that need only a thought, just like you.”

  “So there are more Majjai?” asks Atticus.

  “Many more, Atticus,” answers Elric, “But I think this is enough for today, your parents will be here soon to collect you. Please, don’t try to ‘will’ anything too strange tonight. It will take some time for you to learn control over your abilities, and your awakening process has one final stage remaining. There is a quest we would like you to go on. Report to Professor Morgan first thing in the morning, and he will fill you in.”

  “But… I need to ask one more thing,” Atticus says quickly.

  “Go ahead,” replies Elric.

  “Who are the other members of this new Majjai Six?”

  Elric smiles, “Don’t worry, you’ll meet them tomorrow, although, you know one of them already.”

  “I do?”

  “Yes. She says you like pancakes quite a lot,” Elric winks at Atticus.

  Before he can respond, the phone rings to inform them of Joseph and Sophia arriving. Atticus leaves with Geoffrey to meet them for his journey home.

  The Majjai Journals:

  I have watched him for a long time from far away. He is cute. He has no idea of his potential. Elric is quite adamant that we keep an eye on this one; but in watching him, I think I’m getting closer to him.

  But what these feelings are I do not know. His mannerisms are quite unique, and those little freckles are just kissable, yet, there is something else in him. I sense his strength, as do the other Majjai, but there is more to him.

  I do not know if I should tell Elric about the darkness I have also sensed within him, but do I mistake this darkness with emptiness? I do not know.

  He possesses the gift of insight, but I believe he is unaware, mistaking the skill as either dreams or his unique astral projection ability that even breaks the binding.

  Olof was teasing me again, telling me that I just can’t stop talking about our new discovery. Elric keeps information about this new boy from us − what is he protecting us from? Could he be the sixth, the fabled ‘chosen one’?

  These new times are interesting, I want to get closer to this new one, not just because he is cute. He seems vulnerable, but also strong. He might need some coaxing and the like, but I think he will be able to handle this new world.

  This new ability I am feeling, these dreams… Elric says that I may be a seer. I get glimpses now and then of things that might happen, so perhaps that kiss I dreamt with him is meant to be? I don’t know, there are so many questions about our futures, things we do not understand about our enemies or ourselves.

  There are other dreams, too, these are much darker. Razakel may not be our only foe, there will be another if these dreams are anything to go by, but this foe seems confused between right and wrong. I should speak to Elric about these dreams, but when the time is right. At the moment he seems so pre-occupied.

  I wish he would ask us to do more, give us more responsibility, but he keeps saying that we need to save our strength for future tasks. He looks tired now.

  Anyway, tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully, Atticus will know everything he needs to. I need to speak to Elric before going to see Atticus in the morning, no doubt he will be telling me how things have gone tonight.

  Time to sleep now I think. Tomorrow will be very interesting.

  Joyce Sparks.

  Chapter 10


  Elric watches from the window as Joseph and Sophia drive Atticus home. He turns to see Geoffrey sitting with his head in his hands.

  “Come my friend, we should prepare for tomorrow.”

  Geoffrey looks up, “You know I have to go after him, don’t you?”

  Elric sighs, “I know, but the fact Draconus is still alive proves that we are unprepared to do so right now. The legend, it seems, is true. He can only die by the Sword of Al-Amir,” Elric sits opposite Geoffrey, “The sword was lost long ago; I fear Razakel keeps it locked in his domain, to protect his pet.”

  “Draconus is no pet, he is almost as evil as his master. He is rabid and twisted. We need to be sure of the location of that sword,” snaps Professor Sprocking.

  “Enough, Geoffrey,” says Elric, with a tone of authority, “These things will be done in time. More importantly, Razakel now knows of Atticus’ existence, and that he is definitely the chosen one. Our main goal must be to protect him, and unify the Majjai Six.”

  Geoffrey looks sternly towards Elric, “Fine. But, when we do find the sword, Draconus is mine.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way, my friend,” replies Elric.

  “Tomorrow will be interesting,” says Geoffrey, “Word will soon spread throughout the Majjai students about Atticus. I hope he is ready for the fame and the world that is about to be presented to him.”

  “Don’t worry Geoffrey. I sense something in Atticus that assures me he will be fine with this new world, almost like he has always known,” replies Elric.

  Geoffrey decides to change the subject, “Is Benjamin comfortable with his mission?”

  “Yes, I spoke to him at great length,” responds Elric, “His only reservation is that the team hasn’t learnt control yet, and are still too eager to use their gifts without measure. This will be a good test for them. Our watchers tell us that the beasts of the north are few and not powerful enough to worry even our junior students. The quicker this team learns to work together, the better, which is why I’m sending them.”

  “Agreed,” says Geoffrey, “let’s hope our watchers have done their job properly; we can’t afford any surprises on this one.”

  “You are right, Geoffrey, but I’m sure Benjamin will be able to handle any unforeseen circumstances. I think we should retire to our rooms now, we have a lot to prepare for tomorrow − as you said, word will spread quickly of the chosen one’s discovery,” says Elric.

  Geoffrey and Elric exit the room and retire to their sleeping quarters.

  Atticus opens his eyes on the drive home, realising he can almost see anywhere, through anyone else’s eyes, just by thinking about them, “This one will be useful,” he thinks to himself.

  # # #

  “BEEP!! BEEP!!”

  Atticus’ alarm clock shrieks into life, waking him with a start. Surprised at how fresh he feels this morning, he realises the reason is that he had no nightmares during the night. Atticus jumps out of bed, brushes his teeth, and decides to get on the phone to Joyce as quickly as possible.

  He frantically searches the pockets of the trousers he wore yesterday for the phone number that Joyce gave to him. Running downstairs to get to the phone, he bumps into Sophia.

  “You’re in a rush this morning,” she says as she dodges Atticus’ sprint, “If you’re running to call Joyce, she already phoned. She’ll be here in ten minutes. Your cereal is on the breakfast table.”

  “Thanks, Mum, did… erm, she say anything else?” asks Atticus.

  “No sweetie, nothing much. Quick, now, you don’t want to keep her waiting,” Sophia continues up the stairs. As she gets to the top she calls back down to Atticus, “By the way, I think she is lovely,” she smiles down at Atticus and continues to her upstairs office.

  Atticus wolfs down his breakfast, grabs his school robe, and waits for Joyce to knock on the door. He passes a mirror, double-checks his hair, and makes sure there are no embarrassing embellishments on his face. The doorbell rings. With a final check on his breath, Atticus ventures towards the door.

  “Bye Mum, I’m off; might be at school late again today. Will call you from there!” shouts Atticus before opening the door to meet Joyce.

  Joyce is already waiting near the end of the path, “Morning, pancake man. Good sleep?”

“Not bad, you?”

  “It was pleasant enough. So, how did your meeting go yesterday?” replies Joyce.

  “You knew about that, then?” Atticus finds it slightly annoying that Joyce threw so many hints without actually saying anything.

  Joyce blushes a little, “Well, I knew you had a meeting, but… erm, you know I couldn’t tell you and… erm, well, I really want to ask you something.”

  Atticus looks at Joyce, almost instinctively knowing what she will ask, “Sure.”

  “Is it true, then? Are you the chosen one?” Joyce asks, grabbing her chance.

  “I assume so,” says Atticus tentatively, “but to be honest, I don’t have a clue what that means, and what I have to do.”

  Joyce stops their walk for a moment, and holds Atticus by the arm, looking into his eyes she says, “No one knows, Atticus, it’s what we have to figure out. Did Elric get as far as to tell you about the Majjai Six?”

  Atticus nods.

  “So, are you going to show it to me then?” asks Joyce.

  Atticus stares blankly at her.

  She rolls up her sleeve to reveal her birthmark. It is the same as the one on the book cover: a ring, with a small spiral encompassing it. The Mark of the Majjai, “Right, show me yours, now; I’ve shown you mine.”

  Atticus rolls up his left sleeve, lays open his forearm with the palm of his hand facing upwards and shows his mark.

  Joyce stares at it, and brings her own forearm forward to compare, “So it’s true, you are the chosen one!” Joyce brings her other hand forward and touches the mark on Atticus’ arm. He shivers slightly as the touch sends tingles down his spine. Her touch is warm, soothing. The hairs on Atticus’ arm stand up as he closes his eyes.

  Joyce continues to caress his arm around the mark, but stops as soon as she spots the scar, “What’s this? I sense something dark here.”

  “I had a dream the night before last, about someone called Razakel,” replies Atticus. Joyce’s face grimaces at the mention of the name while Atticus continues, “I cut my arm in the dream, and when I woke up, this scar was here”


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