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Wolflord: A Dark Shifter Romance

Page 8

by Delta James

  Ruari called his beta to join them and quickly dispatched orders to ready a company of men to ride to Gareth’s aid. It would seem Alaric’s warship was about to come in handy.

  “I think you need to stay here at Dundalk,” said Ruari’s beta. “There are too many outside our clan who might try to take advantage of your absence to move against us.”

  Ruari nodded. “I don’t disagree, but I will not hide in Eire. Seamus can handle things here. I will ride to Gareth’s aid.”

  Connor smiled. “Our people were glad to see you ride up to the gates before your brother passed. To see the pack pass within the family provides a continuity that is comforting. And to see your brother’s mate and his daughter treated with such kindness lets us know our new alpha was kind and honorable—someone we can be proud to serve.”

  “My brother’s mate, Bridget, and their daughter are family and clan and will remain here.”

  “If you like,” said Sloan, “I can check with the seal-shifter who brought me across about helping get us back to Britannia and can then lead your men to Ravenscar...”

  Sloan looked at her with astonishment as Arielle piped up, “And I can go and help...”

  Ruari shook his head. “You, cushla macree, will be going nowhere. As for you, mistress of Ravenscar, I meant what I said, you will remain here. I will not have you further endangered due to your foolishness. If your mate has not seen fit to take a strap to your backside yet, he may well make up for lost time.”

  “You are not my alpha, Ruari. I answer only to Gareth...”

  “And in his absence to the alpha who is taking you under his protection.”

  “I’m not asking for, nor do I want or need, your protection...”

  “But I am extending it, nonetheless. Be careful, Sloan, or I will decide you are in need of my correction in Gareth’s absence,” Ruari growled, taking hold of her upper arm. “I will escort you to one of my guest rooms. You will remain here until Gareth either comes for you or sends an escort.”

  As he started toward the main stairs dragging a reluctant Sloan with him, Arielle launched herself at him.

  “Let her go,” she cried, batting at his hands.

  “Enough,” Ruari shouted, catching her by the upper arm as well. “I have had my fill with belligerent she-wolves who either don’t know or have forgotten their place. The two of you can spend the rest of the day in your rooms. I will have a guard outside each of your doors. If you need something, they will arrange to have it brought to you. Otherwise, you will remain there until I send for you at dinner. I would suggest you give some thought to your misbehavior. My guess is that both of you will find yourself on the receiving end of a good welting before this is all over.”

  He called to two of his men to take up guard outside his room and the one where he would lodge Sloan. Why the hell was this happening now? He wanted nothing more than to have Arielle recite her vows in front of the clan’s ranking members and then take her into seclusion. Each time he had spanked her and then forced an orgasm from her, it was all he could do not to allow his knot to swell and knot and tie her to him. And her response as he claimed her maidenhead and marked her as his had been beyond compare. His cock was painfully hard and suppressing his knot was becoming more difficult by the minute. He placed Arielle in their room first and then thrust Sloan into hers.

  “He won’t take kindly to your manhandling of me,” threatened Sloan.

  “He’ll thank me for keeping you safe and take a strap to you before he reminds you in a more visceral way just which of you is alpha.”

  Ruari locked the door. He heard her pound the door from the other side in frustrated fury as he turned toward his own chambers. He entered and before Arielle had a chance to harangue him, he pulled her into his arms, crushing her mouth with his. He needed desperately to feel her sweet response and was not disappointed.

  After a momentary hesitation, she softened and molded her body to his. His tongue darted past her teeth and enticed hers to dance with his. She moaned and he answered her, rumbling with seduction and restrained lust. He needed her to know that it wasn’t just his arrogance that made him lay claim to her. She needed to know that all the feelings he had forced from her were ones he reciprocated.

  He cupped her bottom gently; Arielle winced before she pressed herself more firmly to his body. She rubbed herself against his hardened length and purred; his innocent kitten had become a wanton alley cat. Ruari smiled.

  “Now, that’s the proper way to greet your mate,” he grumbled sensuously.

  “You aren’t really going to ride off and leave me, are you?” she asked.

  “It won’t be long, and you’ll be safe here.”

  “Take me with you.”

  “Take you into battle? No, Arielle. You will stay at Castle Dundalk to look after our people until I return.”

  “But what if something happens to you before...” Her voice trailed off, obviously embarrassed.

  “You need have no fear. I would return from the gates of hell to bed you again.”

  Arielle burst into tears. He bent to kiss her tears away.

  “Do you want to continue to dispute that I am your fated mate?” he asked gently.

  She shook her head.

  “Do you want me to get our ranked members to hear you recite your vows?” he continued.

  She nodded before asking quietly, “When will you leave?”

  “Not until morning.”

  “Then we can... I mean you can ...”

  Ruari laughed. “If you can’t say it, perhaps you’re not ready...”

  “I am too,” she growled.

  He chuckled as he patted her behind, and she hissed.

  “Mind your temper, mate, or your bottom will be in no shape for me to hold in my hands as I steady you to be knotted.” He nuzzled her neck. “And you want me to knot you, don’t you, mate?”

  She nodded but he sensed her unease. Nuzzling her again, he growled into her ear as he stroked her back.

  There was another knock on the door and Seamus entered.

  “Ruari?” he asked. “What’s the plan for this evening?”

  “You’re to fetch Connor immediately. My mate is desirous of taking her vows... as well as all that will come after. Then we’ll have dinner in the main hall and have the ship ready to leave with the morning tide. I will see to my mate’s knotting before we leave.”

  Seamus left the room quietly.

  “I’m going with you,” interjected Arielle.

  “Nay, lass, you’re not. But I won’t be gone long. Your claiming mark will barely have time to heal before I return. Once we’ve dispatched Edwyn, I’ll return and put my hand toward improving things here at Dundalk and putting our heirs and daughters in your belly.”

  Connor and Seamus returned.

  “I, Ruari, alpha to the Dundalk clan, take you, Arielle of Calon Onest, to be my one true and fated mate. What say you?”

  “I, Arielle of Calon Onest, take you, Ruari, alpha of Dundalk, to be my one true fated mate and alpha. Is that right?”

  “Aye, lass, you did fine,” he said as he gathered her close and kissed her deeply.

  Arielle clung to him and purred.

  “I need to see to a few things. Why don’t we have Bridget come in and help you finish dressing.”

  “Ruari, can I speak with Sloan?”

  “About what?” he asked suspiciously.

  “Nothing in particular. I just used to spend a lot of time with her, and that isn’t going to be possible going forward.”

  He nodded. “I’m sure we’ll find a way to let the two of you visit. I know that you’re close to them both.”

  Chapter Eight

  Arielle poked her head in the door. She had made sure that Ruari’s claiming mark was hidden. She didn’t want to have to explain what had happened with Ruari, especially when she was unsure of her own feelings. She knew Ruari was her fated mate and couldn’t deny that in the ways of their kind, he had done nothing wrong. Truth
to be told, despite the pain, she had greatly enjoyed their coupling and had offered him her throat. Still, she wasn’t sure how she felt about having taken such great pleasure in it.

  “Can I keep you company? I asked Ruari for his permission,” she said quietly.

  “Of course.” Sloan patted the bed beside her. “Come and sit here with me.”

  “I know it hasn’t been very long, but I’ve missed you,” Arielle said, joining her.

  “I’ve missed you and Ro too.”

  Sloan shuddered.

  “Are you all right?” asked Arielle.

  “I’m fine; just missing Gareth. It’s part of that whole fated mates thing. I’ll be fine as soon as I get back home.”

  “Has it been awful for you being mated to Gareth? Is he mean to you? Sometimes I think Alaric is mean to Rowan.”

  Sloan was taken aback. “Gareth isn’t mean to me. And I’m sure that Alaric doesn’t mistreat your sister.”

  “But he has. Remember when he brought her home from the standing stones? You could see how hard he had beaten her.”

  “He didn’t beat her, Ari. He spanked her and yes, that hurts, but when it is your mate it leads to a lot of very intense feelings of pleasure and sort of resets things between the two of you.”

  Arielle breathed a sigh of relief. It was good to know she wasn’t the only one that reacted that way. “I don’t know that I believe you,” said Arielle, trying to ensure Sloan had no inkling of all that had transpired since they’d last seen each other.

  “Why would I lie to you?”

  “I don’t know, but Rowan lied as well. Tristan spanked me because I disobeyed Alaric, and I didn’t feel anything but pain.”

  “That’s the difference between being disciplined by the pack’s beta and by your mate. What are you doing up here anyway?”

  “I didn’t like being spanked at all, so I decided to leave home for a while to teach them not to do that to me.”

  Sloan laughed and hugged her close. “I hate to tell you this, but my guess is all you’ve done is made Alaric angrier and he will have Tristan take a strap to you and confine you to your room.”

  She couldn’t find it in herself to share with Sloan that she would not be returning to Calon Onest. Arielle didn’t add that she had no doubt that Rowan would have no influence with Ruari. She was quite sure that Ruari would have no problem spanking her whenever he chose.

  Sloan laughed. “Gareth would say that the way to avoid it is to avoid doing anything that would get me spanked, but I’ll never be able to pull that off. Sometimes whatever it is that I want to do is worth it. Knowing I have additional men headed to fight for my pack is worth the spanking I’ll get when Gareth gets ahold of me.”

  “But you will have done the right thing. That’s not fair.”

  “I don’t disagree. But I also know that in Gareth’s opinion, it was not worth the risk I took.”

  “So, then you’ll stay here because you know that he would want you to?”

  Sloan laughed again. “Probably not. But as Gareth likes to remind me, I can be difficult. Keep in mind that it isn’t what I did that will have his palm itching to connect with my ass in a decidedly unfriendly manner. It’s the fact that, in his opinion, I put myself in danger.”

  “But you’re all right with his spanking you?”

  “I don’t know that I’d say that, but I knew he’d punish me when I made the decision to go.”

  “What will you do?”

  “Try to slip out and get home to stand and fight with my pack. In my mind, being mistress isn’t just about being the best hostess, it’s about caring for those in my pack... including my mate.”

  They continued to talk, but all the while Arielle considered her own future. She had little doubt that Ruari was her fated mate, but she had yet to reconcile how she felt about that and about merely accepting her destiny.

  * * *

  When Ruari joined them in the guest room, Sloan seemed to be somewhat contrite, but not happy about having to stay behind. Perhaps they’d find solace in each other’s company. Ruari invited her to join the rest of the clan for the evening meal. He led them to the large dining hall where they were both greeted and given the deference afforded to guests of importance.

  Arielle made him proud. Without any fanfare or announcement that she had taken her vows, she unobtrusively lifted the burden of mistress of the clan from Bridget. The effect was palpable and allowed Bridget to focus on her young daughter and be comforted by the rest of the clan. He could tell that Sloan was fascinated as she watched the young girl that Arielle had always been begin to transform into a young woman ready to step into her destined role.

  As the evening ended, Sloan pleaded fatigue and left them to turn in early. Ruari watched her and told Seamus to keep an eye on her while he and Connor were gone with the men. He admonished him to try to make things as easy for Arielle as he possibly could.

  “Bridget seems so lost without your brother,” Arielle whispered to him.

  “Tis the way between fated mates. She needs time to grieve, but she will have their child to care for. Don’t think your efforts to begin performing your duties went unnoticed by the clan.”

  “I wasn’t trying to usurp her place...”

  He leaned close and nuzzled her. “That was the furthest thing from anyone’s mind. And that you did so after being punished and humbled by your mate only endeared you to them.”

  “I don’t want to lose you. Can’t you send Seamus?”

  “I could, but I won’t. I am a warrior and I will not ask any wolf to risk himself for me. But let’s not talk of battle or parting. Let’s you and I retire to our room where I can take you to bed and knot and tie you... and perhaps put our first baby in your belly.”

  Ruari loved how she blushed as he whispered to her. He knew he had to leave her come morning, but he meant to take his time with her this night. When he left, he would leave her a bit sore, but with memories to sustain her should the worst happen. Ruari had planned that when he took her virginity to delay knotting her, so her body had time to recover both from his initial possession and his marking her. But he found that on the eve of going off to battle, his need to knot and tie her to him was overpowering. He was inclined to do so and ride her hard so as to seed her womb as many times as he could.

  He watched Bridget send his niece up to bed before she approached. “Arielle, I wondered if you might like my assistance in getting ready for bed.”

  Arielle glanced between Ruari and Bridget, who smiled benignly.

  “You’ll find that we are a close-knit clan, and little happens that isn’t known by everyone. The happy news that you took your vows in front of the ranked members of the clan was received with great joy,” explained Bridget.

  “Go on, mate. Let Bridget get you into bed and I’ll join you shortly.”

  He watched them leave the dining hall and head toward their chambers.

  Seamus sat down beside him. “She’s quite extraordinary, your mate.”

  “She is that. I’ll need you to keep a close eye on her for me.”

  “Do you think she’ll persist in her naughty ways?”

  “No, but she is young and untried. Her heart is in the right place, but I worry that she will overdo, especially...”

  “Especially if your seed strikes fertile ground?”

  Ruari nodded thoughtfully. “I doubt we’ll have little trouble routing Edwyn and his men and putting an end to whatever they are up to. But this is the first time I ride for battle leaving a mate behind... and perhaps a child. My hope is that I will be home long before we even know if she is pregnant.”

  “And if she isn’t, you can take her into seclusion upon your return, get her bred properly, and begin siring your offspring. I think, my alpha, you will find great pleasure in breeding your mate. She will make a beautiful mistress of the clan and will give you many heirs and daughters.”

  Ruari smiled. “Part of me thinks I should wait until I return so that I can
be with her...”

  “Nay, Ruari. You need to get her knotted and tied as soon as possible. The sooner you get a baby in her belly, the safer she’ll be. Besides, your men might question your sanity if you left behind your beautiful mate barely touched.”

  Ruari laughed. “You might be right. My mate has a passionate nature that I intend to enjoy for many years to come.”

  Ruari rose and endured numerous, good-natured suggestions, admonishments, and well wishes as he left the hall and headed to his chambers. Bridget was just coming through the door when he approached.

  “She’s a lovely girl, Ruari. The fates did right by you. Shame that the same can’t be said of your treatment of Arielle. You could have been gentler with her.”

  He leaned across to her and whispered through clenched teeth, “She is my fated mate and I plan to spend the rest of my days reveling between her thighs.”

  Bridget hissed. “You might have brought her home to mark and claim her. You have little of your brother in you, except, I hope, your devotion to your family. You are fortunate to have been fated to her. I wish you a long and happy pairing.”

  Ruari watched her walk away. He hoped that Bridget might be called to another at some point in the future. He was a firm believer that she-wolves did best when mated, and his brother’s mate was no exception. Her breach of protocol in speaking to the alpha of the clan in that way only confirmed her need for a strong wolf to keep her in line. While it was true that wolves mated for life, they could find another if their mate died. In the case of fated mates, she-wolves often lived on after their mate died and might even be called to another fated mate. However, male wolves rarely survived the death of a fated mate by even six months.

  He opened the door to see Arielle standing by the window in a sheer gown that left little to the imagination. He smiled, thinking he didn’t need to conjure up fantasies; he had seen his mate in all her uncovered glory. As he was fated to her, he could sense her emotions, although it was easier now that he had marked and claimed her.


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