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For the Liberty of Texas

Page 17

by Edward Stratemeyer



  At the time of the war between Texas and the government of Mexico, SanAntonio de Bexar could truthfully be said to be a city of importancegone to decay. Many of the churches, convents, and missions weredeserted and fast going to ruin. The friars had returned to Mexico, andwith them had gone many of the best of the old Spanish families,although here and there some Castilians remained, to keep up the styleof the times as best they could.

  All told, the city numbered about twenty-five hundred inhabitants, themajority of whom were Mexicans, with a fair sprinkling of Americantrappers and traders. It was situated mostly on the west bank of theriver, at a point where both banks of the stream were lined with pecanand other trees. There were two large public squares, once the scene ofmuch gaiety, but now overrun with grass and weeds, and between the twosquares stood the grand old buildings of the San Fernando Church. Onthe east side of the river, about half a mile from the city proper,stood the mission, with its church, convent, and walled courtyard,commonly called the Alamo.

  General Cos had now arrived at San Antonio with six hundred Mexicanmilitia, and as soon as he learned that the Texans were gathering foranother contest, he sent down to the Rio Grande for additional troopsand extra pieces of artillery. In the meantime, the troops under Austinmoved up to Salado Creek, four miles from San Antonio.

  The time was a momentous one, and, arriving at the creek, the Texanssent forth a flag with a message to General Cos, demanding thesurrender of the place.

  "I refuse to surrender," was the Mexican commander's answer. "And ifyou send another such flag it will be fired upon." This, of course,brought negotiations to a complete standstill. Austin waited forreinforcements, and the Mexicans spent the time in barricading thehighways leading out of the city and in strengthening their severalfortifications.

  "We are not getting along very fast," remarked Mr. Radbury, to one ofhis brother officers, while in the camp at Salado Creek.

  "I believe Sam Houston is coming on to take charge," was the answer."He's an old war-horse and will be certain to lead us to victory."

  Everybody felt that under Houston the Texan cause could not fail. But,although Houston came up, he did not take command, declaring that theexpedition was in the hands of Austin, and that he was neededelsewhere.

  Several days passed, with much anxiety on both sides, and then ColonelBowie and Colonel James W. Fannin were ordered to take a band of scoutswith them and reconnoitre the enemy's position, with a view to movingthe Texan army still closer to San Antonio.

  "We'll do it," said both officers, without hesitation, and hurried off,taking about ninety men with them. In this body was a detachment underMr. Radbury, and Poke Stover was also along.

  The party moved along slowly and cautiously through the clumps of treesand mesquite-bushes, until some time during the afternoon, when theycame to a bend in the river known as the Horseshoe, where was locatedthe Mission Concepcion.

  "This is a strong position," said Colonel Bowie. "The river and timberwill shelter us from behind, and in front is the bluff. It's an idealplace."

  "You are right," said Colonel Fannin. "General Austin cannot do betterthan bring the army here."

  The orders had been to return, if possible, before nightfall, but atthis time in the year it grew dark rapidly, and it was decided to gointo camp for the night; and outposts were accordingly stationed in alldirections, that they might not be surprised.

  Although the Texans were not aware of it, the Mexican scouts had beenwatching them closely, and no sooner did the party go into camp thanthe enemy resolved to surround them in the darkness, and either shootthem all down, or take them prisoners. For this purpose General Cossent out four hundred of his best troops, determined to teach theTexans a lesson that they should never forget.

  Lieutenant Radbury, as we must now call him, had charge of the outpostsalong the river, and, anxious to see that his men did their duty, heremained out with them, travelling slowly from one sentinel to another.On duty at one point was Stover, as alert as though after some biggame.

  "Any alarm, Poke?" asked the lieutenant, in a whisper, for it was notknown but that the Mexicans might be close at hand.

  "Yes, and no," answered the old frontiersman, slowly. "Perhaps myhearsight is deceivin' me, but I 'most reckoned as how I heard thecreakin' o' wheels about--thar they go ag'in!"

  He broke off short, and held up his hand for silence. Both men listenedintently, and from the river bank they heard the steady, lumberingcreak as of heavy wagon wheels.

  "Am I right, leftenant?" demanded the frontiersman, when the sounds hadcome to an end.

  "You are, Poke; do you know what it was?"

  "Can't say exactly."

  "It was the creaking of artillery wheels."

  "Whoopee! Then they must be comin' over fer fair!"

  "Yes. I will report at once."

  Lieutenant Radbury lost no time in making his way to the tent in whichColonel Fannin was poring over an old map of San Antonio.

  "I have to report the coming of some artillery," he said, as hesaluted.

  "Artillery?" repeated the commander. "Mexican artillery?"

  "I think so, colonel." And Lieutenant Radbury related as much as heknew. He had scarcely finished, when Colonel Bowie came in on the run.

  "They are starting to surround us!" he cried. "They are bringing overmen and cannon!"

  The whole camp was soon in alarm, and, after a short talk among theofficers, it was decided to bring up the men in a semicircle, close tothe bluff's edge. While this was going on, a shot rang out, and thenanother, showing that one of the outposts had been fired upon.

  As the night wore away, a heavy mist swept up the river, and even whendawn came but little could be seen. Yet, anxious to avenge the loss atGonzales, the Mexicans opened fire at once, which, however, did noharm. As the mists cleared away, the Mexican cavalry surrounded thewhole front of the Texans' position.

  "Give it to 'em!" shouted the Texan officers. "Give it to 'em hot!"

  The cry was drowned out by a solid fire from the Mexicans, whocontinued to pour in volley after volley just as fast as they couldreload.

  The Texans did not fire by volleys. The orders were: "Fire at will, andmake every shot bring down a greaser!" And there was a constant crack!crack! and the Mexicans were seen to fall in all directions.

  Lieutenant Radbury now found himself under actual fire, and instantlyhis mind took him back to his service in the war of 1812. He carried arifle as well as a pistol, and did as good work as any man on thefield.

  "They are preparing for a charge! They are bringing up a cannon!" wasthe cry that soon rang along the line, and then the Mexican buglersounded out the command, and the cavalry came on with a rush calculatedto sweep everything before it. But the Texans stood firm.

  "Drop 'em!" roared Colonel Bowie. "The first line, boys!" And a scoreof shots rang out, and the first row of saddles was emptied almostcompletely. Some of the horses were killed or wounded, and these,falling, caused some confusion. In the meantime, other Mexicanscontinued to drop, and soon the cavalry retreated to reform.

  "Now they are going to use the cannon!" was the cry which went updirectly afterward, and then a four-pounder, stationed on a bluff, wasdischarged. The cannon was aimed much too high, and it is said thatevery shot from the piece went over the Texans' heads.

  The cavalry now came on again, and it was seen that the Mexicansintended to shift the position of the cannon so that they mightenfilade the line,--that is, shoot from one end to the other.

  "Not much ye don't!" sang out Poke Stover, and, leaping to a slightknoll, he took careful aim at one of the mules attached to the pieceand fired. Then he discharged his pistol at a second mule. Both beastswere badly wounded, and, breaking away, they tore first through thecavalry and then through the infantry, throwing the latter into muchconfusion.

  "We have 'em on the run!" Like magic the cry arose from nearly everyTexan's throat. The cavalry
had charged again, and again the leadingline had gone down. Now they were retreating, with the infantry besidethem. Seeing it was of no use to remain longer, the cannoneer attemptedto spike the four-pounder, but a Texan sharpshooter cut him down in theact.

  "Come on, boys, let us follow 'em into San Antonio!" cried several, butthis the leaders would not allow, for they were only ninety strong, andall were exhausted from the battle, which had been sharp if not of longduration. So the Mexicans were allowed to form in the plain half a mileaway, and from there they marched rapidly back to the city. Their losswas sixty-seven killed and forty wounded, which showed how deadly hadbeen the Texans' aim. The Texans lost but one killed and severalslightly wounded.


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