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For the Liberty of Texas

Page 37

by Edward Stratemeyer



  Immediately after the battle, Dan sought out medical aid and had hisfather attended to. Mr. Radbury was still unconscious, and for severaldays it was not known whether he would live or die. During all thattime, his son remained at his side, hoping and praying for the best. Atlast the planter was pronounced out of danger, but the wound had been adeep one and it was doubtful if Mr. Radbury would ever be as strongagain as he had been.

  While father and son were at the temporary hospital which the Texanshad opened, Dan made a discovery which filled him with interest. Amongthe Mexican prisoners that had been taken, the youth found a man fromSan Antonio whom he knew well,--a person who had joined Santa Anna'sarmy after the fall of the Alamo. During a talk with this individual,he learned that Carlos Martine was also in the army, having joined atthe same time.

  "I must find that man and have a talk with him," said Dan to himself,and as soon as his father was a little better he set out on his hunt.

  He had not made many inquiries, when he learned that Carlos Martine wasdead, having been shot down while trying to escape across the openprairie, and the body had already been put away.

  "But what of the dead--were the things in their pockets buried withthem?" asked Dan of one of the Texan guards.

  "No, their pockets were emptied, and everything found was turned overto the quartermaster," was the reply, and then the youth went to theofficer named and told him of Martine and of the missing papers.

  "Here is a lot of stuff, Radbury. You can look it over and see if thereis anything there belonging to your father."

  Dan examined the pile with care, and presently came upon the papers,safe and sound, just as they had been stolen by Hank Stiger.

  "They are here!" he cried, and passed them over for examination. "Won'tfather be glad of this!" And off he ran a little later to tell hisparent. Amos Radbury could scarcely speak, but his satisfaction shonein his eyes.

  "It is a great relief," he murmured. "They cannot disturb my home now."And then he added with a sigh, "I wish I were there now!"

  "All in good time, father," said Dan, affectionately. "We have trulynothing more to fear. Santa Anna is whipped and has already sent wordthat his other troops must withdraw. The independence of Texas isassured beyond a doubt."

  Dan was right in what he said. Not long after Santa Anna's defeat theremainder of his army was in full retreat. As they fell back they wereclosely watched by the Texans, but no further fighting took place.

  The government of Texas had retired to Galveston, but as soon as thevictory of San Jacinto became known, President Burnett and his cabinethurried to the Texan camp and opened negotiations with Santa Anna. TheMexican general was ready to promise almost anything in return for hisliberty, and Houston suggested that he be made to recognise theindependence of Texas, that the Rio Grande River should become theboundary between the independent State and Mexico, that all Texanprisoners should be released, that all private property should berestored, and numerous other things, all of which were afterwardembodied in a treaty signed at Velasco.

  Yet even then Santa Anna was not given his liberty. The people werearoused to the depths of their very souls and they feared that the"Mexican Butcher" could not be trusted. Against the advice of many hewas put into prison, and it was not until nearly a year later that hewas allowed to return to Mexico. Here he found himself "out in thecold" in more ways than one, and highly disgusted he retired to hisestate at Mango del Clavo, not to be heard of again for some time tocome.

  With the closing of the war matters waxed hot in Texas politically, butwith politics Amos Radbury had little to do. As soon as he was able, hereturned to his ranch on the Guadalupe, where both he and Dan werereceived in a warm manner by Ralph and the ever faithful Poke Stoverand Pompey.

  "You are both heroes," cried the youngest Radbury. And then he added,with all the ardor of youth: "How I wish I had been along!"

  "Never mind, lad, your time may come some day," said Poke Stover.

  "If it dun cum dat boy will prove as brave as any of dem," said Pompey."Yo' see, it's in de Radbury blood, wot fit in de Rebolution, de wah ob1812 and de Injun wahs. Da can't help it no moah dan da kin helpeatin', he! he!" And he slapped his thigh enthusiastically. Thatevening Pompey served the "spread of his life," as Dan designated it,and never were a party happier than the Radburys and Poke Stover asthey sat and ate and drank, and talked over the many things which hadhappened since the first trouble with the Indians.

  "But I am glad it is over," said Amos Radbury. "Glad it is over, andequally glad that we are all home once more."

  * * * * *

  Here let us bring to a close this tale of the war, "For the Liberty ofTexas." Summer was now at hand, and as soon as Dan felt rested he andRalph, assisted by Pompey, set to work to put the ranch in order andattend to the stock, which had suffered more or less from neglect.Later on, both Mr. Radbury and Poke Stover joined in the labour, andbefore fall everything was running as smoothly as it had the springprevious.

  The liberty of Texas had been assured, but the people were notsatisfied, and clamoured to be admitted to the United States. In a fewyears this was accomplished, and Texas became as she is to-day, thelargest State in our glorious Union. Then followed trouble about theboundary line between the United States and Mexico, and soon war wasdeclared between the two principal republics of North America. Thefurther adventures of the Radburys before this war and through aportion of it will be told in the next volume of this series, to beentitled, "With Taylor on the Rio Grande," in which we shall meet allof our old friends once more, and learn what they did to defeat boththeir personal enemies and also the enemies of their country.

  Yet for the time being all went well, and here we will say good-bye,echoing the shout Ralph gives as he dashes over the range on his petmustang:

  "Hurrah for the liberty of Texas! Hurrah for the heroes of SanJacinto!"


  * * * * *





  12mo Cloth Illustrated Price, $1.25

  Much is told here of Sam Houston, Davy Crockett, Colonel Bowie, andother Texan heroes in connection with the entertaining story of thefortunes of two brothers, Dan and Ralph Radbury. The fall of the Alamois introduced, and other famous incidents.



  12mo Cloth Illustrated Price, $1.25

  As with each of the series, this is a complete story, but continues theadventures of the patriotic young Radbury brothers. They serve underGeneral Taylor at Palo Alto, Monterey, and Buena Vista and share in theglory of "Old Rough and Ready."



  12mo Cloth Illustrated Price, $1.25

  In the concluding volume of this valuable historical series Dan andRalph come under the command of Gen. Winfield Scott and finally beartheir part in the triumphant entry of the proud city of Mexico.

  * * * * *

  These books were first issued under a pen name and by another publisher.We have now placed them in the regular list of this unequaled writer forboys, with an entirely new cover design in keeping with the uniformlyrich appearance of our Stratemeyer books.

  * * * * *

  "There are few live boys in the country who have not read the intenselyinteresting books of Mr. Stratemeyer, and who do not have a warm placein their hearts for him. No living American writer of boys' books is sowidely read, and none so sure of a cordial welcome for everything thatcomes from his pen."--_Chicago News._


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