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Matrimony & Mayhem: A Made in Savannah Cozy Mystery (Made in Savannah Mystery Series Book 11)

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by Hope Callaghan

  “Yep. Like maybe she was choking on food or something,” Ricco nodded.

  “Great,” Carlita groaned. “Maybe her friend had it wrong about what happened, and we are responsible.”

  “People choke on food all of the time,” Mercedes pointed out. “You can’t be held responsible for someone choking on a piece of food.”

  “Is there anything else?” Carlita asked.

  “Nope.” Ricco shook his head. “Other than the friend was screaming Megan’s name over and over, real hysterical-like. That’s when Sam Ivey, the former cop, showed up and took over. He’s the one who called for an ambulance.”

  “How do you know it was Sam?” Mercedes asked.

  Ricco patted his pocket. “I know everyone who was invited to the wedding and cops, in particular, even former cops. It’s part of my job to know who’s around.”

  Carlita’s jaw dropped. “You have information on every single person who was invited to my son’s wedding?” It never occurred to Carlita that Vito would go as far as investigating the wedding guests. Then again, he and his “employees” were keeping an eye on his daughter.

  “I do. Luigi and I both have a list. We went over it last night.”

  “I see.”

  Ricco lowered his gaze, causing Carlita to wonder if there wasn’t something else. Something Ricco wasn’t telling her. “You know Sam Ivey, my tenant, is a retired police officer and you know something else about the wedding guests.”

  Carlita continued. “Please, tell me what you saw or heard.”

  Chapter 7

  “Ah, it’s nothing.” Ricco waved dismissively. “You pegged it right. The chick was chowing down, probably choked on an olive or something and keeled over.”

  Carlita suspected Ricco wasn’t telling her everything. Despite her attempts to get him to talk, he refused to elaborate. She finally gave up, and the trio made their way back to Ravello’s.

  Mercedes remained silent until Ricco was out of earshot. “He was going to say something and suddenly changed his mind.”

  “Did you happen to notice his earpiece?” Reese whispered.

  “He…uh, was probably staying in contact with his partner, Luigi.” Carlita didn’t dare elaborate, anxious to avoid answering too many questions about Luigi and Ricco.

  “I figured maybe he was talking to Elvira and was part of her security team,” Reese said.

  “They’re actually two different security companies.”

  Mercedes snorted, and Carlita shot her daughter a warning look.

  “We…we weren’t sure if Elvira and her sister had enough manpower to cover the event,” Carlita fibbed.

  “That’s cool. I figured since Elvira wore an earpiece, too, they were working together.”

  “Elvira is wearing an earpiece?”

  “Yep.” Reese nodded. “It’s one of those new-fangled contraptions. I’ve seen them on my crime scene investigation shows. Of course, you have to be on the same frequency to communicate.”

  The women began walking again.

  “I hadn’t noticed,” Carlita said. “You’ve got a sharp eye, Reese.”

  “Thanks,” Reese beamed. “A sharp eye and a vivid imagination.” She started to say something else and then stopped.

  “What were you going to say?”

  “It’s nothing.” Reese’s face turned bright red. “Just my brain working overtime.”

  “Does it involve Elvira?” Mercedes asked.

  “No. It’s about the other security guy. I’m sure it’s nothing, you vetted him, and he’s on the up and up.”

  Carlita said the first thing that popped into her head. “My son hired him.” Which was close to the truth, in a roundabout way. “Did he say or do something?”

  “No. He just looks kind of…”

  “Kind of?” Carlita prompted.

  “Mafia-ish. He has a gangster look. Like I said, I watch too many of the crime shows. I’m sure your son trusts him.”

  “Don’t be so sure about that,” Mercedes muttered under her breath.

  “We’re here.” Carlita stopped near the restaurant entrance. She waited until Reese and her daughter were inside, and she and Elvira were alone. “How’s it going?”

  “Good. Heard there was an incident over in the courtyard. One of the wedding guests choked on a piece of food and keeled over.”

  “We’re getting conflicting stories. I’m not sure if she choked or if it was something else. She complained to her friend of not feeling well before slumping over in a chair. She’s on her way to the hospital.” Carlita caught a glimpse of the earpiece Reese mentioned. “What’s that?”

  “What’s what?”

  Carlita rolled her eyes. “We’ve had this conversation once already. You’re wearing an earpiece.”

  “Oh, that.” Elvira let out a fake laugh. “I wear the earpiece to all of my jobs. I use it to communicate with the rest of my staff.”

  “Like Dernice?”


  “Where is Dernice?” Carlita glanced around.

  “She’s around the corner.”

  “I see.” There was a long moment of silence. “Is the earpiece capable of hearing someone else in the vicinity, someone who is also wearing an earpiece?”

  “Maybe.” Elvira shifted her feet. “Yeah. It’s possible.”

  “Let’s say, for example, my son’s friends, who are also here to keep an eye on guests and are also wearing earpieces. Would you be able to hear them?”

  “Could be,” Elvira admitted.

  Carlita knew her ex-tenant well enough to know she’d seen or heard something. She got right to the point. “What did you hear?”

  Elvira’s jaw tightened, and she stubbornly shook her head, a sure sign Carlita was onto something. “Elvira, you overheard something. What did you hear?”

  “All right. So…I overheard the goons in the suits talking about the guests. Did you know they have a detailed list of all of the guests who are here? Who does that?”

  The mafia. “A very thorough security detail?” Carlita offered. “They take their jobs seriously.” Or face Vito, she silently added. “I’m looking for specifics…did Ricco or Luigi mention a specific person or event while you were eavesdropping?”

  “I might’ve heard something. I’m not sure yet. We should discuss it later when no one else is in the vicinity.” Elvira crossed her arms. “I was thinking…I came up with a great idea.”

  “What kind of ‘great idea?’”

  “I was wondering if it would be possible for me to place a small business card stand; maybe next to the hostess station to help me drum up some business.” Elvira hurried on. “I got some special cards made up that I think would be perfect to hand out to your diners.”

  “You want to continue promoting your security services business in my restaurant and to my customers?”

  “Yep…and EC Investigative Services,” Elvira added. “I have some new double sided cards…EC Investigative Services on one side and EC Security Services on the other side. I would make it worth your while.”

  “Really?” Carlita lifted a brow.

  “I could pay you a finder’s fee. How does half a percent sound?”

  “How generous.”

  “Don’t knock it. Every penny adds up.”

  “I’ll think about it,” Carlita said.

  “We can talk later about what I may have overheard.” Elvira lowered her voice. “You never know who might be listening in. In the meantime, I’ll keep my ears open.”

  Back inside, Carlita didn’t have time to dwell on the new information. The wedding party and guests had already started eating. She filled her plate with food before making her way to her family’s table.

  She’d forgotten all about her brother and his wife, who were seated across the table.

  Eddie waited for Carlita to sit. “Heard there was a little problem in the courtyard.”

  “Yes, one of the guests fell ill and was taken away in an ambulance.” Carlita unwrapped her sil
verware and smoothed the napkin in her lap. “I hope she’ll be all right.”

  “The food is delicious, Carlita.” Anjelica took a bite of her lasagna. “I need to get your lasagna recipe.”

  “Thank you. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.” Carlita tasted a bite of each of the dishes and agreed her kitchen crew had done an excellent job of preparing the food.

  While the guests ate, Tony and Shelby stopped by each of the tables, thanking the guests for joining them.

  After finishing the food, the couple, along with Violet, made their way to the makeshift dancefloor for the family’s first dance. Soon, other guests joined them while the busboys cleared the tables.

  Carlita quickly finished her food. It was time to check on the young woman’s condition, and have a brief chat with the kitchen staff.

  She stopped by Pirate Pete’s table where he, along with the other members of the Savannah area restaurant group, was seated.

  She greeted Gil Cross, the owner of Monster Pizza, and Mike Russo, the co-owner of Russo’s Italian Eatery, both of which were also located in Walton Square.

  Pete eyed Carlita’s shimmery purple wedding dress, and let out a low wolf whistle. “You look stunning.”

  Carlita could feel her cheeks warm, and she absentmindedly ran her hand along the silky material. “Thank you. Mercedes helped me pick it out.” Embarrassed by the attention, she quickly changed the subject. “How was the food?”

  “It was every bit as good as mine,” Mike smacked his lips. “Your chicken parmesan sticks were my favorite, with the spaghetti and meatballs a close second.”

  “I second the chicken parmesan sticks,” Pirate Pete said. “Everything was top notch.” His expression grew serious. “We heard one of the guests was taken away by ambulance.”

  “Yes.” Carlita nodded. “It appears she may have choked on a piece of food. I’m on my way to find a quiet spot to see if I can get an update on her condition.”

  “That’s terrible,” Gil Cross said. “Hopefully, it was an accident and not the food.”

  “Why would it be the food?” Carlita asked. “I don’t see anyone else getting sick…unless you know something I don’t.”

  “No,” Gil said. “I’m sure the food was fine.”

  Carlita thanked them for the feedback and then made her way into the kitchen where she’d locked her purse in the desk drawer.

  She stepped out back and called the number on the card the officer left, but no one answered, so she left a brief message.

  “Mrs. Garlucci.” Dominic, her new manager, stuck his head out the door. “Well? How was the food?”

  “It was delicious. I’m getting rave reviews, even from other area restaurant owners.” Carlita smiled. “You’ve done a great job.”

  Her cell phone beeped, and she recognized the officer’s number.

  “If you’ll excuse me.” Carlita stepped to the corner of the building and pressed the answer button. “Carlita Garlucci speaking.”

  “Hello, Mrs. Garlucci. This is Officer Nate Clousen with the Savannah Police Department returning your call.”

  “Yes, thank you for calling me back Officer Clousen. I was hoping you might have an update on the condition of Megan Burelli, the guest at my son’s wedding.”

  “I do have new information. Unfortunately, it’s not good.”

  Chapter 8

  “She’s in the ICU,” Clousen said.

  Carlita reached out to steady herself. “That’s terrible. Do the doctors have any idea what happened?”

  “It’s still too soon to say,” the officer admitted. “I’m sorry to have to give you this news at what should be a joyous occasion.”

  “There’s no need to apologize. Thank you for the call, and please…keep me posted.” After hanging up, Carlita stared blankly at the phone, her mind whirling.

  Dominic, who was still standing in the doorway, spoke. “You got some bad news?”

  “One of the guests experienced a medical episode. They took her to the hospital. That was the officer who was on the scene.”

  “I hope she’s all right,” Dominic said.

  “We’re still waiting on more information.” Anxious to avoid giving too many details, Carlita quickly excused herself and returned to the reception.

  She went through the motions of the celebration, all the while Officer Nate’s words ringing in her ears that a young woman, her guest, was gravely ill. Should she tell Tony and Shelby what happened?

  After several attempts to catch Shelby and Tony alone, she decided to wait until the reception ended.

  The last official event was cutting the cake, and finally, the guests began to leave.

  Among the last to leave were Pirate Pete and the group of Savannah restaurant business owners.

  “Thank you for joining us.” Carlita attempted a half-hearted smile.

  “You’re welcome. Thank you for inviting us.” Pete leaned in for a hug. “Is everything all right?” he whispered in Carlita’s ear.

  “Not really. We can talk later.” Carlita pulled away. “How are the Flying Gunner and your Pirates in Peril show faring?”

  “Business is brisk. In fact, it’s better than expected. Of course, summertime is one of the busier seasons in Savannah. We’re booked at seventy-five percent for our weekday shows and almost a hundred percent on weekends.”

  “I thought that was the case and noticed long lines at the dock.” Carlita and Rambo were regulars at Morell Park, a stone’s throw from Gunner’s Landing, where The Flying Gunner was docked and where guests boarded the boat for the “Pirates in Peril” show.

  With the wedding and gearing up for the restaurant opening, Carlita hadn’t found the extra time to take in the show, which included a cruise along the Savannah River. “I’m hoping now that the wedding is behind us, I can sneak over one afternoon. Should I make a reservation?”

  “No reservation needed. We’ll fit you in, matie,” Pete winked. “Why don’t you bring the whole family?”

  “We could. Paulie, Gina and their children are in town for a few days. Mercedes and I will be watching Violet while Tony and Shelby take a short honeymoon. I bet my grandkids would love the show.”

  “Then what’re you waiting for? Bring ‘em all.”

  “I think I will.” Carlita thanked him and the other local restaurant owners again for attending.

  “You’ll do a bang up business here. You’re in a prime real estate spot, what with the new trolley stop right out front.” Mike Russo patted Carlita’s arm. “I’m sure there are plenty of patrons and enough room for both our Italian restaurants.”

  “And enough pizza eaters,” Cross, the owner of Monster Pizza, chimed in.

  “Thank you for all of your support,” Carlita said gratefully.

  “We’ll see you at Wednesday’s regular restaurant meeting?” Mike asked.

  “Of course.” Carlita waited for the trio to exit the building before turning her attention to the almost empty dining room. The busboys were hard at work clearing the remaining dishes left behind by the wedding guests.

  Reese and Mercedes stood talking near the back, while Violet skipped circles around them.

  Carlita joined them and grabbed Violet’s hand. “Did you have a piece of cake?”

  “Yes. I’m still hungry,” she said. “Can I have another piece of cake?”

  “I have a better idea. We’ll grab some leftovers to take home including some leftover cake.” Carlita picked up the small child and held her close. “Did you have fun at Mommy and Tony’s wedding?”

  Violet nodded. “I wish they could get married every day.”

  “Not me,” Carlita groaned.

  Vinnie, Brittney, Paulie, Gina and the kids wandered over.

  Violet wiggled out of Carlita’s arms, and the children scampered off to play.

  “You heard anything else about the woman out in the courtyard?” Vinnie asked. “Ricco said they took her away in an ambulance.”

  “She’s in intensive care. There’s no
news about the cause of her collapse yet.”

  “Oh no.” Brittney’s eyes grew wide. “I heard she was the same one who was flirting with Vinnie. I told her to knock it off, or I was going to have to ask her to leave.”

  “Are you sure you didn’t knock her off, instead of telling her to knock it off?” Mercedes joked.

  “Mercedes,” Carlita chided. “I’m sure Brittney wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Her father, Vito? He was another story.

  “Officer Clousen promised to call me as soon as he had more information.”

  The newlyweds wandered back inside and joined them. “The wedding and reception were wonderful,” Shelby gushed. “I don’t know how I can ever thank you enough for helping to make this one of the best days of my life.”

  “You’re welcome.” Carlita hugged her and then her son.

  “We heard about Megan Burelli. Any word on her condition?” Tony asked.

  “It’s not good. She’s in intensive care.”

  Shelby’s eyes clouded. “I didn’t know Megan well. She’d only just started working at the post office. She’s a friend of Sierra’s, another co-worker.”

  Reese consulted her watch. “I’ve got an evening shift to cover. I better hop to it and head to the trolley depot.” She hugged Tony and Shelby, and then Carlita walked her to the door.

  “Thanks for inviting me, Carlita. This is the most exciting thing to happen to me since I kicked Elvira off my trolley,” she joked.

  “You’re welcome. I’ll see you tomorrow morning, bright and early? I’ve got some stuff to return over on the other side of town.”

  “The Big Peach and I will be here at seven fifteen sharp.” Reese gave Carlita a mock salute and strolled out of the building.

  Carlita peered around the doorway, looking for Elvira. She didn’t see her, so she wandered to the corner, but Elvira was gone.

  She returned to the nearly empty dining room and could hear the clatter of pots and pans coming from the kitchen.

  Carlita eased the swinging door open. Dominic’s kitchen crew was gone. He and one other worker were the only ones left. “Before you put the food away, I would like to see if my kids want to take any leftovers.”


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