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The Fire (Hurricane Book 4)

Page 13

by R. J. Prescott

  “Not that it has anything to do with you, but I was trying to protect my daughter. I was wrong to do what I did, but I did it with the best of intentions and I was right. Evelyn leaves home and the first thing she does is fall for a boy who’ll break her heart. There was pity in the eyes of the entire congregation today. Every one of them knows your reputation and that Evelyn is a nice, well brought up girl. They all know what will happen if she continues her association with you, and they felt sorry for her because of it. You’ll drag her down, and you won’t even know you’re doing it,” she said, her judgemental eyes sharp with malice.

  “Enough,” Evie said, quietly but firmly. “When I hold Tommy’s hand, I feel the scars and the callouses that remind me that they were the hands that lifted and carried me to safety. When I look at his body, I see the body of a man who’ll risk his life without a moment’s thought, to save someone else’s. When I look into his eyes, I see the gaze of a man who stares at me like I’m his whole world. Like I’m the only he sees, no matter who’s around us. And when I listen to his voice, despite the swearing, I hear the words of a man who makes me feel nothing but strong and beautiful and loved.

  “I’m sorry that you can’t see all that too. That the opinions of other people matter to you more than my own. Despite everything that’s happened, I really would like a relationship with you and Dad, but the fact that you’re still trying to control me tells me that’s not happening any time soon. For now, I think it’s best if we both keep our distance from one another. I love you Mam, I really do. One day, I hope that will be enough for you,” she said.

  After that mic-dropping moment, she turned and walked away. And for the first time in a long time, I was absolutely fucking speechless.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Where are we going?” I asked Tommy. I’d been so furious at my mother that I’d stormed away, not caring of my destination. When Tommy caught up, I let him lead me as I went over and over her words in my head.

  “Some place we can be alone without any interruptions,” he replied.

  “Why?” I asked. Not that I was averse to the idea, but now that I thought about it, he did seem in a bit of a hurry.

  “Because baby, that little show was hot as fuck and I’m fighting the urge to throw you down and bury my face between your legs with appreciation,” he said.

  It took me a second before I realised what he meant and then I felt colour flooding to my cheeks.

  “Tommy! You say the most inappropriate things sometimes. Honestly! And how will getting me alone help with that anyway?” I asked, waving my hand in the general direction of his groin to explain what that was.

  “Maybe it won’t, but there’ll be shenanigans going down, and I need space to work,” he replied, enigmatically.

  “Shenanigans,” I repeated, slowly. “What exactly does that mean?”

  Forty-five minutes later, I learned the answer to my question. We’d walked back to Tommy’s car and then he’d driven us to an apartment block.

  “Where are we?” I asked.

  “Casa del Riordon,” he replied. I looked at him blankly, having no idea what he was talking about.

  “It’s my place,” he explained.

  “I thought you lived with your parents,” I replied, a little surprised.

  “No disrespect to me Ma, but have you met her? It’s not that I don’t love her, but she’s a little much to live with. As soon as I got a job I planned to rent my own place, but then there was the accident and stuff. The fire service has pretty good sick pay that I was banking in rehab, so by the time I cleared my medical, I had a nice deposit saved,” he said.

  “You bought a place!” I exclaimed.

  “Yep,” he replied, smiling. “It only has one bedroom, and it ain’t exactly big, but Danny reckons that renting is dead money. He said it’s better to get on the property ladder now and work my way up, than to throw away money on rent.”

  “He’s right,” I replied, looking up at the apartment block in awe. Every time I thought I had him pegged, he surprised me. He jumped out of the car and ran around to open my door.

  “Thank you,” I said, loving the look of joy on his face. I didn’t know if he was excited that I was there, or keen to show off his own place, but he radiated happiness in a way that was infectious. Waiting for the lift he was restless and impatient, tapping his foot until the doors opened, then he practically dislocated my shoulder dragging me to his front door.

  “Sorry,” he said, pausing with his key in the lock.

  “Why? Is your place a mess?” I asked, having a vague understanding of how bachelors lived from seeing my brother’s place.

  “It’s not that,” he answered, looking, for a moment, a little unsure of himself. “I didn’t ask you before if you felt comfortable coming here on your own with me. It’s different at your brother’s place ’cause you know he’ll be home sooner or later. Here, it’s just us, and I should have asked.” My heart melted at the earnest look on his face.

  “If I didn’t want to be here, I wouldn’t be Tommy. I didn’t ask you where we were going because I trust you. I trust that, despite us being here, you won’t ever take things too far when I’m not comfortable, that you’ll stop when I ask you to stop and that you’ll take me home whenever I want to go home,” I replied.

  “I promise,” he answered, saying those two words with such conviction that, from his lips, they sounded like a vow.

  “Be honest though. Your place really is a mess,” I said, teasing.

  “Absolutely,” he replied. Twisting his keys, he pushed the door open into utter chaos.

  “You can’t possibly be living here,” I said. There were rubbish sacks filled with clothes and other stuff and little else.

  “Last night was my first night,” he said, proudly, as though surviving a night in that bomb site was an achievement.

  “Where’s your furniture?” I asked.

  “Don’t have any yet. The deposit, tax and fees took up most of my money so now I’ll have to be a bit thrifty to get some furniture. Although there is this,” he said, and lacing his fingers through mine, he whisked me into his bedroom.

  “What is it that I’m looking at?” I asked, carefully.

  “My bed,” he explained, pointing towards the sad, slightly deflated double air bed on the floor, half covered with a children’s duvet.

  It looked like the aftermath of a kid’s sleepover rather than the bedroom of a grown man with his shit together, and yet it fit him perfectly. He had a great career ahead of him, wonderful friends, a loving family, a car and his own home but with all the joy that children seem to lose as they slip, unknowingly into adulthood.

  “It’s perfect,” I told him. “You’ll pick up some decent, second-hand furniture in no time, but this place is amazing.” I wasn’t lying to him either. The flat was small, but perfectly sized for one and with a great view from the lounge and kitchen/ diner windows.

  “I knew you’d like it,” he said. “And this bed ain’t so bad. It’s plenty comfy.” He shrugged off his suit jacket then threw it on a pile of clothes and pulled me down to lie beside him before putting his hands behind his head as he looked up at the ceiling.

  “Like sleeping on a cloud,” I answered, smiling. He barked out a laugh which had me giggling even harder. My earlier anger long forgotten, he turned onto his side and rested his hand on my hip.

  “I’m sorry for all the shite that went down today with Ma’s friend,” he said, frowning. “It happened a long time ago when I was a kid. But if I could kick my own arse, I would. I wanted to call her out on her bullshit, but I didn’t stop and think about how it would embarrass you.”

  “I shouldn’t have let her get to me, but I couldn’t listen any more. Can we just figure out how we’re going to deal with it, if it happens again?” I replied.

  “We’ll have a code. If any woman comes over to us again, and you feel uncomfortable, just say ‘how about a spot of tea?’” he sugges

  “And you can say, ‘that sounds lovely,’ and we’ll walk away,” I agreed, crossing my fingers it wouldn’t happen again any time soon.

  “By the way, I loved what you said to your Ma earlier. I didn’t want to put you in a position where you had to speak up for me, but I won’t lie, it was fucking hot,” he said.

  “It felt good,” I admitted. “It was cathartic. I meant every word I said, but that speech wasn’t just about you. It was about me finally standing up for myself and acting like the person I want to be. I acted like a doormat for years, and if I hadn’t, she never would’ve said the things she did to you.”

  “Haters gonna hate Evie. You can’t always do anything about that. But standing up for yourself and what you believe in ain’t ever anything but good. It makes you stronger and it’s sexy as hell to watch. And you know what else is sexy?” he said.

  “What?” I asked, smiling as he slid his leg between mine and drew lazy circles in the inch of skin above my jeans where my top had risen up.

  “The way you talk. Say cathartic again, and I might just shoot my load,” he replied.

  “Such a romantic,” I teased, but with a boldness I didn’t know I had, I leaned towards him and whispered the word he wanted to hear into his ear. Barely an inch separated us. We were so close, I felt the warmth of his breath on my neck from his answering groan.

  “Jesus Christ baby, I have no idea what kind of spell you’ve cast over my dick, but I don’t ever want it to wear off,” he said. Any reply I might’ve given was lost, as he thrust his hand into my hair and pulled me into a kiss.

  His hungry, bee-stung lips were unrelenting as they pushed mine apart. I should have been shocked by my own responsiveness, but there was no thinking when we were together like this. We were wild and uninhibited, and I loved it. Gently, his tongue slid against mine, teasing me achingly toward madness. I don’t know which of us moaned first, but I felt the vibration of it through to my core. Gripped the front of his shirt, I steadied myself against the torrent of sensation.

  There was no way to prepare for it. No way I could’ve known how his touch would make my heart sing and my body hum. Every sigh, every brush of his fingertips. Everything, resonated through me until I was practically climbing out of my own skin with the need to be closer.

  His big hand released my hair and moved to cup my cheek. Brushing his thumb gently, almost reverently across my skin, he released my lips to look at me. His eyes, thirsty with desire, stared deeply into mine.

  “Have you done this before?” he asked, gently.

  “Many, many times. In fact, you’ll have to forgive me if I call out the wrong name from time to time. Guys kind of all blur into one after a while,” I replied, cheekily.

  He smiled at me enigmatically. I expected him to laugh. Maybe tickle or tease me. I should have known better. Tommy rarely did anything I expected him to do. Sliding his hand beneath my top, he held my waist, so close to the edge of my breast that I could feel the heat of his hand through my bra. My breath hitched as he stared at me. His eyes held mine with a promise, and by the time he moved his lips to the side of my neck, nuzzling me with the tiniest of nibbles and kisses, I was completely breathless.

  “I’ll ask again. Have you done this before?” he repeated.

  “You know I haven’t,” I whispered in reply. He sighed in pleasure, like I had given him a gift.

  “I’m going to ruin you Evie. I’m going to worship every inch of your body so fucking hard, you’ll never be able to come without whispering my name on your lips,” he replied.

  His mouth was on mine long before I could think of a reply. Slow kisses, that were torture of the best kind. With every sigh of surrender, he demanded more. Each stroke of his tongue against mine fuelled my frenzy, drugging my senses and destroying any semblance of reason or sanity I had left. Letting go of his shirt, I wrapped my hand around his neck, pulling him to me. My fingertips grazed the base of his buzz cut and he moaned, a tremor running through his body as he slid his hard, muscled leg between mine. I had no idea what I was doing, or whether I was doing it right, but thousands of years of evolution taught me what I needed to know. I was an instrument. Made to make the most beautiful music with the one man born to play me.

  “I think I’m already ruined,” I said, undulating slowly. The seam of my jeans pressing against me as I rode his thigh, had me wet and wanton. Perhaps I should’ve felt ashamed that things were moving so fast between us, but nothing about what we were doing felt wrong. The moment felt cherished and precious and I knew it was those feelings I’d remember tomorrow when I touched my swollen lips.

  “Baby, you’re not even close,” he replied. He brushed his thumb across my nipple and I spasmed so hard I swear I almost snapped my spine.

  “What are you doing to me?” I asked.

  “Making you fall in love with me,” he answered, burying his head in my neck as he went back to nuzzling.

  “You do this with all the other women you’ve been with?” I said. I was half joking, but I couldn’t deny that there was a part of me that hated the thought of him sharing this part of himself with anyone else.

  “What other women? There’s no one but you Evie and there never will be. What we have. Shit. It ain’t anything like I’ve ever experienced before. It’s nothing short of mother fucking magic, and I’ll give anything to make you feel what I’m feeling,” he replied.

  I could see in his eyes that he meant every word, and just like that. I fell in love. So hard and so fast there was no hope of stopping. My body. My heart. My soul. He wanted them all. But I had made a vow. Not just to God, but to myself. Breaking that promise would compromise everything I believed in, and the possibility of doing just that was never more real than with him.

  “I feel it. Every bit as much as you. But if we’re going to be close like this, I need to tell you something. I know you’ll think it’s old fashioned. I know you won’t like it. But I made a promise I take seriously,” I said.

  “What, and you don’t think I already figured out that there’s no sex before marriage?” he replied, with a smirk.

  “You know? And you’re not mad?” I asked.

  “Love, you’re the friggin’ poster girl for good Catholic girls. I knew that was part of the deal the first time I turned up at your door,” he said.

  “Then why did you bring me here? I feel awful that I let things get this far without talking to you first, but if you already knew, then why?”

  “Maybe I can’t go on the ride, but I sure can tour the theme park,” he replied.

  “Um…I’m not sure I really understand. Did you just compare my body to a theme park, because I don’t think I’m feeling that flattered?” I asked.

  “Shenanigans baby,” he answered. “Ain’t gonna let it get that far that you have to go back on your word, but until I get a ring on that finger, there’s going to be lots and lots of fucking shenanigans.”

  “You mean kissing and cuddling. Like this?” I asked, wanting complete clarity on what he believed would skirt the boundaries of my self-imposed rule.

  “You need the list?” he asked, my body melting, one achy molecule at a time, as he nibbled and bit, before swirling his tongue around my sensitive skin.

  “Oh Lord. I really think I do,” I replied breathlessly.

  Bracing himself on his forearm, he trapped the lobe of my ear between his teeth and nipped gently before whispering the list of filthy, debaucherous, sensual, sinful things he planned to do to me.

  And so help me God.

  I. Could. Not. Wait.

  Chapter Fifteen


  A couple of weeks later, and my evening had gone from bad to worse. Evie was the only saving grace. Taking her back to my place after church that day had been a turning point for us. With the afternoon to ourselves, we chatted and cuddled and most importantly, we talked. About absolutely everything. Our families, our friends, our goals and hopes for the future, and most importantly to Evie, her fait
h. She looked so nervous telling me that she didn’t believe in sex before marriage, but the arsehole in me fucking loved it. Maybe not the fact that my balls would likely be blue and fall off before I got that close to her, but because it meant that she was a virgin.

  Even thinking it made me a hypocrite. I had slept with so many women, I probably couldn’t tell you half their names. Don’t get me wrong, I would’ve felt exactly the same way about Evie if she’d slept with a thousand men. But knowing that I’d be the one to teach her how amazing sex could be; that I’d have the privilege of witnessing her sexual awakening. Of seeing the look on her face when she shared that part of herself, made me feel like a motherfucking god.

  Like another barrier between us had broken down, things just got better and better. Every day I wasn’t working, we were together. Even then, I sometimes got the boys to stop the truck outside the library on the way back from a shout just so that I could run in and grab a quick kiss. Of course, she blushed and looked all riled up and flustered when I did, but that just made me want to do it more. As the guys reminded me frequently, I was totally fucking whipped.

  I didn’t. Give. A shit.

  Station life had settled down a little. We were constantly busy, which was pretty much the way of it for every London firefighter, but the leisure centre had been our last big job. White Watch had been called out to a fire in the tax office, but they’d been passing the building on their way back from another shout, so they’d been able to put it out before the fire took hold too badly. Still, it was the third major incident at a Council building in recent weeks, making all of us a little twitchy.

  Evie’s boss at the library called sooner than anticipated to say that they’d had a couple of people call in sick and was she interested in returning to work early. Turned out she didn’t do so well with hanging around the house, and her brother and I refused to let her do any house work at either of our places, so she was chomping at the bit to go back. I couldn’t say I was happy about it. She’d breathed in a serious amount of smoke and I would’ve preferred her to have taken more time to rest up, but my girl knew her own mind. All I could do was support her decision and keep an eye out for her. Being back with her books made her happy, and that made me happy. It was a feeling I’d carried with me, right up until that evening.


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