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Demons Page 10

by Beth Abbott

  “Matt?” Suzy’s voice made him spin around. “I didn’t know you’d arrived yet.”

  He slipped off the stool and stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her.

  “I just got here a few minutes ago.” He leaned down to kiss her surprised lips. “You were engrossed in conversation with Claire, so I thought I’d give you a minute. Alice was kind enough to ply me with alcohol until you were free.”

  “One beer doesn’t quite constitute plying you with alcohol.” Alice smiled as she climbed off the stool. “I’ll leave you two to catch up.”

  Matt watched Alice slip out of the kitchen and leaned back to look down at his wife.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here any quicker, babe.” He apologised. “Some hold up on the M1 and we were all stuck in a jam for over an hour.

  “It’s Ok.” Suzy nodded, not even raising a smile. “Rory didn’t miss you.”

  “Did anybody?” He tried to make a joke of it.

  “Taylor, maybe?” Suzy shrugged, and he could see the traces of redness around her eyes from her tears.

  “Well, I missed you.” He pulled her close. “It’s been a horrible couple of days, but at least I’m free to spend time with you and the kids until Monday.”

  Suzy glanced up at him, her eyes narrowed.

  “Are you sure that’s allowed? I mean there could be an emergency that only you can deal with.” Did he detect a hint of sarcasm in her voice? “Someone might lose the key to the gents’ toilets in the club’s VIP lounge. Or the drains might get clogged up in the staff kitchen. Heaven forbid, how will they ever be able to cope without you?”

  Yep, that was definitely sarcasm.

  “I left Logan in charge of kicking down doors, and Evan’s on standby with a sink plunger.” Matt smiled, glancing at his watch. “For the next…thirty-eight hours, I’m all yours.”

  “Great!” Suzy rolled her eyes. “When we’re sharing a bedroom with Rory and Taylor, and the house is packed to the rafters with our family? Now you tell me you’re all mine?”

  Matt reached under Suzy’s arms and lifted her onto the kitchen counter, moving forward so he was standing between her legs.

  “I have always been all yours.” He said quietly, lifting her chin with one finger so she had to look into his eyes. “And I will always be all yours. Just like you’ll always be all mine, until death us do part.”

  He watched as the tears formed in her eyes.

  “I know things haven’t been easy, sweetheart, and I know that it’s mostly my fault.” He touched his lips to hers for just a second. “But if you’ll just give me a little time, just a few more weeks, I promise you I’ll have everything sorted and we’ll be back to how we used to be. You and me, working together, living together, loving together. You’ll see so much of me you’ll be begging me to go away on a business trip.”

  Suzy smiled, just as the first teardrop leaked from the corner of her eye.

  “I love you, Suzy.” He caught the tear with his finger and put it to his mouth to lick it away. “With all my heart and soul, my body and my mind. You’re my other half.”

  “The Ying to your Yang.” She smiled.

  “The Sonny to your Cher.” Matt grinned.

  “Divorced!” Suzy scowled at him.

  “The Laurel to your Hardy?” Matt suggested.

  “Both men, both married to other people.” Suzy continued to scowl at him.

  “The Sooty to your Sweep?” He offered.

  “Still both male, and not a couple.” She scoffed. “And I don’t think, technically, that glove puppets have emotions.”

  Matt rolled his eyes.

  “How about you’re the Queen to my Prince Phillip?” He suggested. “They’ve been married for about seventy-five years or something like it.”

  “Yeah, right!” Suzy smacked his chest. “And the guy’s reputed to have had more affairs than Donald Trump! And that’s really saying something.”

  Matt gave up trying to compare them to anyone else, and instead crowded into her so they were groin to groin, the warmth of her heat making him harder by the second.

  “I am trying to explain to you that there will never be another woman in my life, or my bed, except for the occasional sleepless night when Taylor has a bad dream.” He growled. “Are you gonna accept that, or shall I tie you down and fuck you senseless to get you to believe me?”

  “Not on my kitchen counter, you won’t!” Hearing JT’s voice behind him was like having a bucket of cold water poured over Matt’s aching cock. “If you’re gonna start getting frisky, I suggest you try the back seat of my Range Rover in the garage. It’s the only place you’re likely to get any privacy away from the kids. But please put some towels or a sheet over the leather. I don’t want to have to explain the stains to the valet service.”

  Matt stared down at Suzy’s blushing cheeks.

  “I’m up for it if you are.” He grinned at her.

  “As tempting as it sounds, I left Charlie looking after Rory and Cody about half an hour ago.” Suzy shrugged. “I’d better go and relieve him.”

  He leaned down and whispered in her ear.

  “Are we Ok, Suze?” He leaned back, waiting for her reply.

  “We’ve been better.” She murmured. “But I have a feeling we’ll get back to where we need to be before too long.”

  “Good enough.” He nodded, leaning down to give her a gentle kiss.

  When he raised his head, his wife was grinning at him, and he knew she was at least halfway back to her normal self.

  “So, JT?” Suzy leaned around him to speak to their host. “I don’t suppose you still have any of our old toys hanging around the place, do you? Handcuffs? A spreader-bar, possibly? No, maybe not the spreader bar. We wouldn’t want to scratch the leather in your car.”

  She winked at Matt, egging him on to join in.

  “Ooh, what about those nipple clamps we used to play with?” Matt grinned at her. “How about it, JT? Please tell me Alice hasn’t thrown them away. I think we left them in the bedside drawer.”

  He turned to find his former commanding officer staring at them like they’d grown antlers.

  “If she hasn’t already thrown them away, I’m gonna go and make sure she does!” JT huffed, heading for the door. “No way do I want Joey or Andrew finding those!”

  Matt turned and grinned at his wife.

  “You know, I think I like the sound of nipple clamps.” He murmured, giving her a wink.

  “Me too.” Suzy slid down off the counter, and headed after JT. “Only I think I like the idea more when the person wearing them is you.”

  Matt felt his nipples clench at the very suggestion.

  Still, he thought… never say never!

  Chapter 13 – Megan

  Megan sat at the breakfast counter in Robbie’s house, staring at the kitchen clock, counting down the minutes until she could make her excuses and leave.

  Christmas lunch had been wonderful, well, if you ignored the presence of Cerys, the half-sister from hell.

  The food had been cooked by Joan, with Megan helping out here and there, and Robbie’s dad had been his usual jovial self, making sure everyone’s glass was topped up, and keeping Cerys and Robbie from strangling each other.

  It was at times like this that it was brought home to Megan that she had been raised as an only child, whereas her half-brother and half-sister had been raised under the same roof, at least for a while. They actually squabbled like brother and sister, despite their age difference, in the way that brothers and sisters did, regardless of the fact that they shared no more blood with each other than they did with her.

  “She’s hard work, isn’t she?” Joan’s voice came from behind her, making Megan jump.

  She didn’t bother to pretend she didn’t know what Joan was talking about.

  “I’m lucky.” Megan smiled. “I only have to tolerate her on Christmas and Robbie’s birthday. Poor Robbie has to put up with her every day. No wonder the poor kid spends
so much time in his bedroom playing on his Xbox.”

  Joan smiled.

  “She’s always been a selfish little madam.” She nodded. “We tried to help her grow out of it, tried not to spoil either of them too much, but where we succeeded with Robbie, we failed miserably with Cerys.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up.” Megan smiled at the older woman. “As much as I’d like to say that she takes after her father and deny any connection with her, I’m afraid that would be a complete lie. She’s my mother’s daughter, through and through. Selfish, inconsiderate of others, and only interested in whatever she can get for herself. Obviously, I like to think that both Robbie and I take after our respective fathers.”

  Joan pulled out a chair and sat at the table.

  “I think Robbie takes after his dad.” She smiled. “He’s kind and generous, too generous, if anything. I’m afraid I never met your father before he died to pass comment. What was he like?”

  Megan shrugged, trying to remember something positive about her father.

  “Weak.” She eventually murmured. “Especially when it came to my mum. He’d let her do whatever she liked to the point where she walked all over him. When she finally walked out it was such a relief to me, but I think my dad was totally devastated. He’d genuinely thought that if he gave in to her over every little thing, that she’d stay. He didn’t have the benefit of hindsight that we have now. My mum simply wasn’t the staying kind.”

  “How old were you when he died?” Joan asked, sympathetically.

  “Twenty-three.” Megan shrugged. “He was diagnosed with cancer in the September and was dead by the following May.”

  “Gosh, that was so quick.” Joan murmured.

  “He didn’t even try and fight it.” Megan shrugged. “No chemo, no surgery. He just gave up and waited to die.”

  “That must have been a terrible time for you. Losing your dad at twenty-three.” Joan reached over and squeezed her hand.

  “Yeah, I guess.” Megan nodded.

  She’d had a rough few years in her early twenties, being dumped by her husband at twenty-two, then losing her dad at twenty-three and her mum at twenty-four.

  If anything, losing her dad was easier, because at least people expected to see her grieving.

  “How are things going at the hospital? You were lucky to get today off.” Joan smiled, changing the subject.

  “I’m working over New Year’s Eve instead. Besides, I was working last night, up until ten o’clock, and I’m back in work at six tomorrow morning.” She smiled ruefully. “So, as much as I’d love to stay and help you keep Cerys amused this evening, it’s about time I thought about heading back to town.”

  “Oh, there’s a shame.” Joan sounded genuinely disappointed. “Robbie was hoping you’d still be here when his friends came over. We were going to have a game of bowling in the alley off the games room.”


  Thanks, but hanging out bowling with a couple of Robbie’s team-mates was hardly her idea of fun.

  “I’m afraid Cerys will have to keep them all happy.” Megan smiled, as she stood up. “It’s almost seven o’clock, and this little chick needs her beauty sleep.”

  “I’ll go and tell Robbie you’re leaving.” Joan hurried off in search of her stepson.

  Megan made her way out to the hallway and found her coat under a pile of others on the pegs.

  She’d left the bag with her presents in next to her handbag, ready to make a quick getaway, so all she had to do was pull her boots on, which she did as fast as she could.

  “You’re not going yet?” Robbie skidded to a stop in front of her. “But I thought we were going to get in a couple of games of bowling.”

  “Sorry, sweetheart.” She stood up and ruffled his hair. “Some of us have proper grown-up jobs that start at early o’clock in the morning. We don’t get to lie in bed half the day until it’s time to get up and kick a ball around.”

  Robbie reluctantly opened the door, and she turned to kiss his dad and stepmother before walking with him to the car.

  “Score a hat-trick tomorrow, Ok?” She turned to give him a hug.

  “What, again?” Robbie grinned at her.

  “Yeah, show off!” She laughed as she turned back to the car. “Oh, shit!”

  The sight of the flat tyre wiped the smile right off her face.

  “Oh, shit in a bucket!” She growled, bending down and spotting the cause of the flat straight away. A nail was sticking out of the tyre, right on the curve.

  “Problem?” Joan called from the doorway.

  “That’s not gonna be a fixer.” She hissed. “That’s a new tyre when everything opens up in two days, dammit!”

  “Dad can give me a hand to put your spare on.” Robbie sympathised. “It’ll get you home at least, and then you can take it to the tyre place when they’re open.”

  “I don’t have a spare tyre.” Megan growled. “Just one of those cans of stuff that re-inflate your tyre for long enough to get you home.”

  “Ok, then use that.” Robbie obviously didn’t see the problem.

  “Rob, they work if the puncture is on the flat part of your tyre, but they’re not supposed to be used on the curved part. They don’t seal properly.” Megan sighed. “Look, do you have that taxi app on your phone? Call me a cab, and I’ll sort something out later in the week when everything is open again.”

  As she turned to lock her car, she heard the rumbling sound of a car engine approaching the gates. Please be a taxi bringing Robbie’s friends to visit, she prayed. At least then I can hop in and get a ride back to town.

  Robbie pulled the remote out of his pocket, pressing the button, and as the gate slid back to allow the car to enter, a large black Audi pulled up in front of the house.

  “Excellent timing!” Robbie grinned at the occupants. “You couldn’t give my big sister a ride to town, could you. She’s got a flat tyre and no spare, and she needs to be in the city in the morning.”

  She heard a Scottish voice chuckling.

  “This one’s all yours.” The man snorted. “If you will insist on being the designated driver, then it’s only fair you get to drive.”

  The passenger door opened, and a giant of a man climbed out of the car, his short red hair caught in the light from the house.

  “My boy, here, will take ye home, lassie.” He grinned at her, and Megan didn’t miss the moment that his facial expression froze in place.

  “You’re not Cerys.” He said, as though the words had just tumbled out of his mouth before his brain had kicked into gear.

  “Great powers of observation, Logan.” Robbie laughed, and Megan blushed.

  She thought she’d seen all of Robbie’s teammates, and she didn’t remember any of them being that big. Or Scottish for that matter.

  “Logan was my protection officer until last week.” Robbie grinned at her. “Which you’d have known if you ever bothered to visit me.”

  “Pleased to meet you.” Megan nodded politely.

  As the driver’s door opened, Robbie stepped back to let the driver get out.

  “And this bundle of laughs is my current protection officer.” He moved out of the way for the man to step forward. “Megan? Meet Evan. Evan Williams.”

  How she stayed on her feet, Megan never knew, but she did, and she even managed to force half a smile.

  “Megan Powell.” She nodded. “I’m pleased to meet you both. It’s nice to know Robbie is in good hands.”

  “Yeah, yeah!” Robbie scowled. “Look, I’m freezing my ass off out here. Evan, could you run Megan into town? Her car’s got a flat which isn’t gonna get sorted anytime soon. She has to be back tonight because she’s working early tomorrow.”

  Evan offered her a polite smile.

  “Sure, I’d be happy to.” He nodded. “Have you got everything you need?”

  Megan watched him open the back door, and she handed him her things to put on the back seat.

  She turned to wave at his parents
and then hugged her baby brother a little longer than was usual.

  “Call me after the match, Ok?” She instructed.

  Megan walked around the car to find Evan holding her door open for her.

  “Your carriage awaits.” He gave her a slight bow.

  She glanced at his face, but there was nothing there but mirth, as though he was finding this whole predicament funny.

  Surely, he had recognised her. She hadn’t changed that much in ten years, for goodness sake!

  Chapter 14 – Evan

  Evan’s first proper glimpse of his ex-wife had all but taken his breath away.

  At the hospital she’d had her hair pulled back and her uniform on, and it had taken almost all of the four seconds before she’d stepped back out of sight, for Evan to convince himself he wasn’t dreaming.

  Standing next to her brother, long dark hair cascading over her shoulders, her trim figure covered by what fashionistas would probably refer to as a classic ‘little black dress’, there was no mistaking who she was for one second.

  How could ten years have passed by, and yet she barely looked a minute older?

  Megan pulled her coat around her as she walked around the car, and he held the door for her like she was a movie star.

  Hell, with her looks and figure, she could certainly pass for one.

  “Thank you.” She murmured as she climbed into the car, and he closed the door carefully, making sure her coat was tucked out of the way.

  With a wave to a grinning Logan, Evan pulled out of the driveway and headed back to the main road.

  “Which way?” He asked politely, as they reached the junction.

  “Take a left, please.” Megan leaned forward and tapped the navigation symbol on the screen built into the dash. She tapped it a few more times, adding a postcode before sitting back. “That’ll get us back to the hospital where I work. I’ll direct you from there. It’s easier.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Evan nodded, trying to keep things friendly.

  He didn’t think for one minute that she’d failed to recognise him, but for the life of him he couldn’t think how to start up a conversation that wouldn’t be painful for them both.


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