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Demons Page 11

by Beth Abbott

“Did you have a nice Christmas?” She asked after a few minutes. “I’m sorry to have spoiled your plans for this evening.”

  “Logan and I went out for lunch to a local curry house.” Evan smiled. “There weren’t many places open that you could just walk into without having booked up months in advance, or without needing to take out a second mortgage to afford. It was pretty good, but then, Birmingham is reputed to have some of the best curry houses in the country.”

  “So, I’ve heard.” Megan nodded before lapsing into silence.

  “As for our evening plans, bowling with your brother would have been fun if your sister hadn’t been around. With Cerys there, I think I’d rather have a root canal, thanks very much.” He grimaced.

  “Half-sister.” Megan murmured. “She’s my half-sister, like Robbie is my half-brother. But I suppose you remember that.”

  Evan glanced around to see her staring straight ahead.

  “I realised who you were about five seconds before Robbie introduced us.” Evan shrugged. “Until then, I had no idea the two of you were related.”

  “But you weren’t surprised to see me.” She glanced around at him. “You certainly didn’t appear surprised.”

  “I saw you at the hospital the other day.” He admitted. “When Robbie stepped back tonight and there you were, well, it kinda all fell into place.”

  “I saw you, too.” Megan admitted.

  “Is that why you bolted?” He smiled, following the satnav’s instructions and turning left.

  Megan opened her mouth quickly, and he guessed she was going to deny it. But what would have been the point? They both knew that was exactly what she’d done.

  “I didn’t see the point in having a reunion in the middle of the ward.” She shrugged. “Or a reunion anywhere for that matter. We used to know each other, now we don’t. Thanks for the ride. See ya.”

  Evan chuckled.

  “Is that how this ride is going to end?” He smirked. “You have it all planned out.

  “That’s how it would have ended if I’d called a cab.” She pointed out. “This is no different.”

  “Fair enough.” Evan nodded. “So, how’re the family doing. Everyone well?”

  Megan turned and stared at him, and he could see he’d annoyed her.

  “What?” He grinned. “Taxi drivers are the chattiest people I know. This is me being sociable.”

  “I’m just surprised you started by asking about my family. You already know all about Robbie and Cerys. I’m not sure what else you want to know.” Megan huffed. “Let me see… my father died the year after you dumped me. Cancer, refused treatment, didn’t give a toss about who he was leaving behind. Then, of course, my mum died the year after that, not that anybody bothered to let us know, or tell us where or when the funeral was being held. Oh, and let’s not forget the pets. Snuffles, you remember the big ginger cat I had from when I was seventeen? Well, he got run down by the school bus on Splott Road about six months after I lost dad.”

  Evan stared out of the front windscreen, wondering why his family hadn’t told him all this. He spoke to his mum regularly, and she’d never said a word.

  “Oh, and Vegas, the Scottish Terrier you bought me when we got back from America?” Megan paused. “Well, he developed a tumour and had to be put to sleep on my twenty-fifth birthday. So, let me see, have I forgotten anyone? Nope. Don’t think so. You’re all caught up.”

  Megan turned to look out of the passenger side window.

  “I’m sorry, Meg.” He said quietly. “I really am. I know how much you loved Vegas. That must have been awful for you.”

  And he was sorry. For so many reasons.

  “Could you pull over a minute?” Megan asked suddenly. “Stop here.”

  Evan looked in his mirror to make sure nobody was behind him, and then slowed the car, pulling into a bus stop. They were still miles from the city centre.

  “Is everything Ok?” He asked, frowning. “Do you feel well?”

  “I feel fine.” Megan opened the car door and stepped out.

  Before he could get his seatbelt off and get out of the car, she had the back door open and was retrieving her things.

  “What are you doing?” He scrambled out of the front seat.

  Megan opened her bag and pulled out her purse.

  “It’s treble time for today, I think.” She pulled out two twenty-pound notes. “That should cover it.”

  She pushed the money at him, and without waiting to see if he’d taken it, she hoisted her bag up over her shoulder.

  “Have a good evening.” She turned and started walking in the general direction of the hospital.

  Evan just stared at her in astonishment.

  “Megan?” He yelled after her. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? It’s freezing!”

  “Please go away.” She called back over her shoulder. “It’s creepy when a driver starts following you.”

  “Megan, for God’s sake. What’s the matter with you?” He started to jog to catch up with her. “What did I say to turn you into crazy Mary?”

  Megan stopped dead, and he nearly ran into the back of her.

  She spun on her heel and glared at him, throwing her bags on the floor.

  “What did you say?” She growled. “You’re asking me what you said?”

  He looked at her and shrugged, having no clue what had set her off.

  “You said the words I’ve waited to hear for the last ten years!” She hissed at him. “You said ‘I’m sorry, Megan’. But the bitch of it is, you said them for entirely the wrong reason. You didn’t say them because you broke my heart. You didn’t say them because you destroyed my whole world and left me picking up the pieces. You said them because my fucking dog died!”

  He watched her gasp for breath.

  “Well fuck you, Evan.” She hissed, bending down to retrieve her bags. “Fuck you and fuck the Audi you drove up in! I’ll walk home before I get in that car with you again.”

  “Megan, you can’t…” Evan started to protest, but stopped when she stood and glared at him.

  “I can!” She yelled at him. “I can do whatever the hell I want, and you have no say in the matter. You lost every right you ever had to an opinion ten years ago. So, go to hell!”

  As she trudged off up the road, Evan ran back to the car.

  If the stupid woman was insistent on walking home, then the least he could do was follow behind her to make sure she was safe.

  When he saw Megan pull out her phone, Evan wondered whether she was calling the police on him, but when a cab pulled up alongside her five minutes later, he realised who she’d called.

  He carried on following the cab, and when it finally pulled up outside a block of flats, he watched her get out and walk up to the door.

  She’d obviously known he was still there, because before she stepped through the door, she turned and looked straight at him.

  Jeez, if looks could kill, he’d already be six feet under!

  As Megan disappeared beyond the door, he relaxed in his seat for the first time in half an hour.

  Well, as reunions with the ex-wife went, he was pretty sure that one had gone reasonably well. At least she hadn’t cut his privates off, and they were both still breathing.

  Yep, not too bad, all things considered.

  Chapter 15 – Suzy

  “As much as I think it’s great that you want me to come into work with you this morning, I can’t help but think I’m going to stand out like a fifth wheel.” Suzy stared out of the windscreen, still wondering what the hell was going on. “If you’re just trying to demonstrate to me how little I know about the work you’re doing at the moment, there’s really no need. I get it.”

  “You seriously think I’ve dragged you out of bed at six in the morning, just to take you into the office, to do what? Humiliate you?” Matt scoffed. “Thanks for your faith in me, sweetheart.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that.” She protested. “But what good am I going to be? Un
til one of the directors from London moves up here to help share the load, it’s just you and Lacey the… Lacey. I’ll just be in your way.”

  “Lacey the Lacey?” Matt grinned. “Why do I get the feeling that wasn’t what you were about to say?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Suzy sniffed, trying not to grin. “Any more than I know what you’re up to. You’re being too secretive.”

  “Me? Keep secrets from ‘Suzy the super-sleuth’?” Matt chuckled. “It’s never been known to happen. Although… now you come to mention it… I may have a little surprise up my sleeve. One I think will please you.”

  “Lacey quit?” Suzy grinned at him.

  “No, Lacey hasn’t quit.” Matt scowled at her. “Lacey actually does a good job.”

  “Then, what’s my surprise?” Suzy leaned over and ran her hand up and down his thigh. “Does it involve you and me and the stationary cupboard?”

  “It didn’t… but it bloody well does now.” Matt took her hand and ran it over his groin, where she could feel his burgeoning erection. “You know the rules, Suzy. You light the fire, you know you gotta put it out. You just earned yourself an hour, restacking toner-cartridges.”

  “As long as your little PA doesn’t get in the way, I’d be happy to help you out with any… stationary request.” Suzy grinned. “Would you prefer me bent over retrieving some paper clips? Or maybe on my knees, reloading the copier?”

  Matt growled at her.

  “Do you know how easy it is to get rid of an erection once you’ve got one?” He complained. “We’re five minutes from the office and look at the state of me!”

  “Well, obviously I know the quickest route to getting rid of an erection, but that’s probably also the quickest way to get us both arrested for indecency. There are too many traffic cameras around these days.” Suzy chuckled. “Danny generally recommends an ice pack. Would you like me to ask your PA to pop out and get one? I’m sure she’d be only too happy to oblige, if I explained the reason you needed it.”

  “Thanks, but no, thanks.” Matt scowled. “You can take care of this all by yourself. As long as traffic stays this light, we should arrive earlier than anyone else.”

  Within minutes they were pulling into the carpark, and Suzy was equal parts excited and turned on.

  The idea of having sex with her husband in his office was enough to have her panties dampening. The thought that Lacey the Bitch might walk in on them was just the icing on the cake.

  Matt pulled the Range Rover into his parking space, and Suzy hopped out before he’d even applied the parking brake.

  “Eager much?” He grinned at her as she almost ran past him, grabbing his hand at the last second to pull him inside the building.

  She ran past the bank of elevators, not wanting to bother waiting just to go one floor up, and dragged Matt to the stairs, urging him up as fast as she could get him to move.

  “Hey, we could have had a make-out session in the lift.” Matt protested. “That was a missed opportunity.”

  “Yeah, and it would have lasted ten seconds and been recorded for posterity by the hidden cameras. No, thanks.” She scoffed. “Now, hurry up! We don’t want to risk finding out how long it takes for an erection to go down.”

  As they hurried down the hall to Matt’s office, Suzy thought she heard a noise from one of the side rooms.

  “Oh, Matt?” A woman’s voice called out. “There’s a fresh pot of coffee in here, and some of your favourite muffins.”

  Suzy skidded to a stop. How did Lacey the Bitch know they were going to be in this early?

  Matt stopped next to her and stared down at Suzy, obviously as anxious as she was to get to his office, but slightly less reluctant than she was to offend his young assistant.

  Suzy turned and marched over to the kitchen door.

  “Thanks for the offer, honey.” She watched as Lacey almost jumped out of her skin. “But I make sure Matt gets all the muffins he needs at home.”

  She spun on her heel and walked back towards Matt.

  “Oh, and Lacey?” She turned her head to call out. “Could you make sure we’re not disturbed for at least an hour? Thanks, sweetie.”

  Matt scowled at her, but there was a twinkle in his eye that told her he understood why she was staking her claim on him.

  As they entered his office at the end of the hallway, she noticed Lacey just emerging from the kitchen, mug in hand.

  Suzy avoided the temptation to give the woman a little finger-wave.

  Matt closed the door behind him and clicked the lock.

  Suzy spun around to see him staring at her with a look of lust she hadn’t seen in a long time.

  “Where do you want me?” She whispered, barely able to conceal her grin.

  Matt looked around the room. While the furniture was comfortable, it was built more for its functionality.

  “My bathroom.” He nodded towards the door on the far side of the room.

  Suzy walked in front of him, swinging her hips in what she hoped would be a sultry fashion.

  Matt’s growl as she stepped inside the large marble tiled bathroom was reassurance that she was achieving the right effect.

  “Stop.” Matt instructed, and she heard him lock the bathroom door behind him.

  She waited for his next instruction, not moving a muscle unless he gave her permission to do so.

  She listened carefully, hearing a rustling sound, and then without warning, something silky slid down in front of her eyes, blinding her.

  His tie!

  Suzy shuddered involuntarily as she felt his hands on her shoulders, spinning her around and around. When he stopped, he held onto her to make sure she wasn’t dizzy.

  “Take two paces forwards and put your hands out in front of you, until you reach the counter top.” He instructed.

  Suzy felt her inner muscles clenching when he stepped with her, crowding into her from behind when she reached the counter. Being unable to see just heightened her other senses, especially her sense of anticipation.

  “There aren’t any paperclips for you to pick up, but I’d still like you to bend over a little for me.” He murmured in her ear before sucking on the lobe and biting it softly.

  Suzy leaned forward slightly, causing her ass to push back into his groin.

  “That’s just where I want you.” Matt stopped her. “Put your hands on the counter or on the mirror in front of you, if you want to brace yourself.”

  Suzy quickly leaned her hands on the counter, not wanting to waste a second.

  She felt Matt lean down and then the drag as he gripped her short skirt on either side, and slowly lifted it up over her ass.

  As Matt caressed her flesh over her underwear, she heard his breath exhale sharply.

  “Thigh-high stockings?” He marvelled. “In this weather?”

  Suzy chuckled.

  “I couldn’t find any tights that Rory hadn’t laddered for me.” She admitted. “Besides, I thought you liked stockings.”

  “Are you kidding me?” He leaned in to rub himself into the crack of her ass. “I’m so fucking hard right now, I could explode.”

  Matt slid his fingers into the sides of her silk panties, and Suzy thought her legs were going to buckle, when he slowly slid them down her thighs until they dropped to the floor.

  Suzy groaned as he swiped a finger through her juices.

  With the tie covering her eyes, she couldn’t see what he was doing, but it didn’t take twenty-twenty vision to picture him licking his fingers clean.

  She heard a zipper being lowered, and a few seconds later she felt him push his erection into the crack of her ass, wedging it there as he squashed her against the counter. She felt his lips on her neck as he reached his hands around her and slowly unfastened the buttons on her shirt, one by one.

  “You look so fucking sexy, babe.” He murmured in her ear as he peeled the material off her shoulders, letting it drop down to her waist. “It almost makes me wish this was a two-way mirror,
and there was a room full of men back there, watching you, wanting you as much as I do.”

  Suzy could hardly believe what he was saying.

  Matt wasn’t one for sharing, neither of them were, but if it turned him on just to say the words, then it almost brought Suzy to orgasm thinking about what he’d do to her if they had an audience.

  He moved slightly back from her body, and Suzy groaned at the loss of contact, but he was simply rubbing his cock up and down her slit, coating himself in her juices.

  When he’d covered his shaft completely, he lined himself up with her sex and pushed forward, not enough to penetrate, but enough to stop him from slipping out.

  “I just need to do one more thing.” He whispered as he leaned forward.

  Matt reached around her again and he cupped her large breasts in his hands. He squeezed them through the lace of her bra, and Suzy felt her nipples harden into peaks. Before he brought her any satisfaction though, she felt him grip the lace of her bra cups and drag them down until they completely revealed her breasts, tucking the material underneath, so they were supported from below, pushing them even higher.

  “Oh, baby.” Matt growled. “You should see what I can see. What all those voyeurs can see. Round, full, beautiful breasts. Nipples the colour of raspberries, ready to be pinched and played with. God, I wish I had some clamps that I could put on them.”

  Suzy’s pussy clenched, and she felt his shaft slip inside her another inch.

  Matt’s hands cupped her breasts and he pinched her nipples, rolling them between his fingers and thumb.

  Suzy pushed back into Matt, feeling his cock impale her a little more.

  “You like having your nipples pinched don’t you, baby.” He leaned down and suckled on her neck. “You like a little bit of pain with your pleasure, that’s why the clamps are so good. They give you what you need, leaving my fingers to take care of the other things you want me to do.”

  Suzy couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so turned on.

  Her nipples were so tight they were like little diamond chips, and her channel was spasming all on its own.

  She started a rocking motion, trying to impale herself on more of Matt’s gorgeous cock.


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