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Demons Page 12

by Beth Abbott

  “Are you trying to take all of me in, baby?” He bit down on her shoulder. “Are you gonna do all the work by yourself? Or do you want me to help you along?”

  “Matt, please… I need you. I need you so much.” She bit out, her hands curling into fists on the counter.

  Matt jerked his hips forward suddenly, impaling her to the end of her channel.

  “Oh God! Oh God!” Suzy gasped at the suddenness of the movement.

  Matt released one of her breasts and slid his hand down until he grabbed her around the waist. Behind her, she felt him move, and he tapped her feet apart, making her spread her legs wider.

  He leaned over her, forcing her to bend further against the counter.

  “Put your hands on the mirror, Suzy.” He instructed. “This is gonna be a hard ride, and I don’t want your head going through the glass.”

  Suzy immediately raised her hands to brace herself.

  “That’s it, baby. Now keep your head up. I want everyone to see that face when you come.”

  Suzy’s pussy clenched at his words.

  Matt pulled back almost all the way out of her and paused, leaving her almost screaming in frustration.

  “How badly do you want this?” He teased.

  “Matt!” She growled. “Fuck me, damn you!”

  Without warning he slammed into her, filling her sex completely with one thrust.

  Suzy jerked forward, her head only missing the mirror by centimetres.

  Matt stepped back a few inches, pulling her with him.

  “Careful, Suzy.” He warned. “We don’t want this over before we’re finished.”

  Suzy rocked her hips, gaining a bit of friction on his shaft.

  Matt instantly pinched her nipple harder, making her pussy convulse.

  “Patience, Suzy.” He cupped her breast as he twisted the peak. “I promise you’ll be rewarded.”

  Suzy used up every last ounce of willpower trying to stand completely still.

  “Good girl.” Matt whispered, before pulling out and slamming home.

  Suzy groaned in pleasure as he started a rhythm of strong, deep strokes. She could feel him grazing every internal muscle as he pushed in, and every muscle contracted in protest as he pulled back out.

  Once he was happy that she was braced sufficiently, the hand around her middle loosened, and before she had time to wonder where it was going, she felt it slide down to her sex, pinching her lower lips together, applying a blunt pressure to her clit.

  Suzy could feel the orgasm begin as her sex clenched on Matt’s cock. She just needed a little more… something!

  “Matt, please?” She begged, her mind starting to fog over as her nerve-endings received blazing hot flashes from everywhere.

  Matt bit down on her neck as he squeezed her breast.

  “Better?” He whispered with a chuckle.

  “Matt!” She gasped.

  Matt’s fingers released her lower lips, and with a quick movement he spread them, his thumb pressing directly on her clit.

  Suzy’s body jerked as though she’d been plugged into the mains, as the orgasm slammed through her, and her inner muscles clenched, trapping Matt’s cock inside her for a few seconds.

  As she gasped out her release, her inner muscles suddenly released, and Matt was able to move freely again.

  He didn’t need a gilt-edged invitation to take what he wanted, slamming into her over and over until her whole body rippled with pleasure.

  When Suzy’s head would have fallen forward, Matt slid his hand from her breast up the soft skin of her throat, until he was carefully supporting the weight with his hand just under her chin.

  “I need to see your face, baby. Gotta watch you coming for me.” He gasped as the pounding continued, and Suzy cried out her release with every thrust.

  Just as she thought the orgasm was about to subside, she felt Matt double the attention he was paying to her clit.

  “I’m gonna come, baby.” He murmured. “Need you to squeeze me dry.”

  Suzy’s inner muscles rippled in response, and she forced her ass higher, standing on her tiptoes to give him the best angle of penetration she could.

  She felt his cock swell inside her, and with the next surge he must have hit her G-spot, because she felt her orgasm explode to greater heights.

  “God, yes!” Matt gasped, his cock even harder inside her, pumping his hips ferociously as his orgasm roared through him.

  If Matt hadn’t been holding her upright, Suzy thought there was little chance she would have still been on her feet by the time the orgasm faded to the tiny spasms of pleasure still rippling through her sex.

  “Dear God!” Matt half collapsed onto her back. “How the fuck do you do that to me?”

  Suzy would have chuckled, but she had no breath to spare.

  When he could finally move, Matt staggered as he pulled himself upright, his softened cock slipping from her channel.

  He wrapped his arms around her, turning her to face him and hugging her to his chest.

  “That was amazing.” He whispered, kissing the top of her head. “So, did you like the thought of voyeurs watching you?”

  Suzy chuckled.

  “Not exactly.” She shook her head. “I liked the thought that you were turned on by the idea of people watching what you were doing to me. Because you never know what’s behind a mirror, right? There’s always a slim chance that it’s two-way, or it has a camera concealed behind it.”

  Matt put a finger under her chin and lifted her face to his, unfastening the tie so he could see her eyes.

  “Do you seriously believe I’d ever let another man see what I do to you?” He whispered. “Do you think I wouldn’t kill any man who got to see you naked, or coming apart in my arms?”

  Matt looked out over her head.

  “See for yourself.” He smiled.

  Suzy turned to look into the mirror she’d been facing, but there was nothing there. Well, that wasn’t quite true. There were shiny black marble tiles above the shelf she’d been holding onto.

  “I don’t understand.” She frowned.

  Matt stood to one side, so she could see the mirrored wall behind him.

  Obviously when he’d blindfolded her earlier and spun her around, he’d deliberately left her facing the tiled wall. She’d never been facing the mirror at any point.

  “You tricked me.” She whispered.

  “No.” Matt smiled. “I let your imagination run riot. And it really did, didn’t it?”

  Matt leaned forward and pulled the cups of her bra up to cover her breasts, before helping her refasten her blouse. While she used the toilet, he washed his softened shaft, tucking himself away and zipping his trousers before replacing his tie.

  As Suzy washed her hands in front of the real mirror, she glanced up at his reflection.

  “If that’s the sort of surprise I can expect every time I visit, you can be pretty sure I’ll be stopping by on a regular basis in future.” She grinned.

  Matt turned and unlocked the door.

  “You can visit me in my bathroom every day for all I care, although, I can think of someone who might object.” Matt winked at her.

  At the reminder of ‘Lacey the Bitch’, Suzy’s smile turned to a scowl.

  “Not Lacey!” Matt grinned, checking his watch. “But we’d better hurry if you want to find out what your real surprise is.”

  “You mean that wasn’t it?” Suzy smiled.

  “Nope.” Matt tugged her hand to get her out of the bathroom. “I actually think you’ll like the real one just as much.”

  “A surprise I’ll like as much as slamming sex and multiple orgasms in your office bathroom?” She gasped. “Wow! And I thought Christmas was last week!”

  Chapter 16 – Matt

  By the time Matt walked out of his office, at least half of the staff had arrived for the day.

  Ignoring Lacey’s stare as he walked past her workstation, directly outside his door, he continued down the office t
owards the reception area.

  “Hi Alfie. Listen, I have a guest booked in to arrive at ten o’clock.” He smiled at the receptionist. “All the details are already in the visitors’ book, but when they arrive, I want you to point them straight at my office. No announced arrival, Ok? It’s a surprise for my wife.”

  Alfie looked up and smiled at him.

  “Sure, Mr Johnson.” He smiled. “But I’d be happy to show them the way if you’d like me to.”

  Matt turned and pointed the way he’d come.

  “It’s forty-eight steps to my door.” He grinned. “No corners, no junctions, not even a roundabout. I think my guest is just about smart enough to walk in a straight line and open a door with my name on it when they reach it.”

  “Yes, Mr Johnson.” Alfie blushed. “Straight line, forty-eight steps.”

  Matt strolled back to his office, half a smile on his face.

  If his little surprise didn’t knock Suzy on her ass, then he’d eat his socks.

  “Matt? Can you spare me a minute?” Lacey stepped out of her cubicle. “I need to run through the invoicing for the clubs’ away matches. You said you were going to come up with staff numbers required for each of the clubs’ away fixtures for January through to April.”

  Matt would have brushed her off if she hadn’t walked straight in front of him.

  “I did the interim invoices yesterday and stored them in the folder imaginatively titled, ‘Invoices’.” He tried to keep the impatience out of his voice, but probably not as hard as he should have. “If you have any problem understanding them, just look in the folder at the invoices we issued for August through to December. They’ll be almost identical for most matches.”

  “Oh, well, that should be fine then.” Lacey smiled. “Did you want me to arrange the meeting with Robbie’s agent for later this morning? There’s an email in your in-box asking for you to get in touch with him about security at the training ground on weekdays.”

  “I replied to that last night from my phone.” Matt shook his head. “I’m meeting him at Robbie’s before I head into the office tomorrow morning.”

  “Ok.” Lacey nodded. “Do you want me to meet you there?”

  Whether it was because his wife was waiting in his office for him, or whether it was because Suzy’s proximity was making him see Lacey through Suzy’s eyes, Matt wasn’t sure, but one thing he was certain of was that the woman was irritating the hell out of him.

  “No, I don’t need you to be at every meeting, Lacey.” He tried to temper his words with a smile, but knew his effort was lacking real conviction. “And I won’t be needing you at all this morning, either. I’ve an important meeting lined up.”

  Lacey smiled as though she didn’t believe him.

  “So she said, earlier.” Lacey turned to go back to her desk.

  “If by ‘she’ you’re referring to my wife, Suzy, I don’t believe she said anything about a meeting.” Matt bit out. “Suzy told you we didn’t want to be disturbed. If you heard anything about a meeting in what she said, I’d be interested to know how.”

  “Oh… I just… well, I just assumed.” Lacey tried to backtrack.

  “Yes, you did.” Matt scowled. “Well, as I said… I have an important meeting this morning. I won’t need you at all.”

  “Of course.” Lacey smiled nervously, returning quickly to her cubicle.

  Matt turned back to his office.

  Funny how she’d never irritated him before, but now Suzy was in his office, he was seeing his PA in a slightly different light.

  He closed his office door behind him and flopped onto the sofa next to Suzy.

  She cuddled up beside him.

  “So, when do I find out what the surprise is?” Suzy smiled up at him.

  Matt chuckled at her impatience.

  “Any minute.” He glanced at his watch again. Two minutes to ten. “This particular surprise is renowned for its punctuality.”

  Suzy frowned at him.

  “How can a surprise be punctual?” She wondered.

  Before he had a chance to answer, he heard a noise outside the door.

  “I’m sorry but you can’t go in there.” Lacey’s voice could be heard clearly. “You have to report to the reception desk and wait to be announced.”

  Matt ran for the door, trying to intervene before Lacey spoiled the surprise.

  “Honey, have you any idea how old I am?” The woman’s voice sounded amused. “I could be dead before you people found time to announce me.”

  Suzy jumped off the sofa.

  “Is that who I think it is?” She gasped.

  Matt pulled the door open to see Lacey standing with her arms folded, glaring at his guest.

  “I’m sorry, but you’ll have to go and wait in reception.” Lacey insisted, obviously oblivious to his presence.

  Claire could clearly see him over Lacey’s shoulder, but she ignored him for the moment, leaning in to speak to Lacey, as though in confidence.

  “I wouldn’t spend too much time with your arms crossed, sweetheart.” She said loudly enough for Matt to hear her. “It flattens your chest and makes you look matronly.”

  As Lacey’s mouth dropped open like a goldfish, Matt couldn’t help but smile at Claire’s teasing. She was almost seventy years of age, but she had the energy and spark of someone thirty years younger.

  “Now, sweetie, if you’ll get your skinny ass out of my way, I’m expected.” Claire brushed away Lacey’s protest like a pro.

  “Now, get over here and give me a hug.” She finally walked up to him.

  Matt stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her, lifting her up and spinning her in a circle.

  “Ok, a little less rotation would be good.” Claire grumbled, smacking him on the shoulder to get him to put her down.

  “Claire?” Suzy’s face was priceless. “What the hell?”

  “Give me a hug, sweet-cheeks, and then you, me and Matt can retreat into his man-cave and we’ll fill you in on what’s going on.” Claire swept Suzy up in her arms and kissed her cheek. “Surprise!”

  “Oh, God!” Suzy smiled at Matt over Claire’s shoulder. “Best surprise EVER!”

  As she finally pulled away to let Claire catch her breath, the older woman gave her a little wink.

  “Umm, sweetie?” She turned to Lacey with a fake smile. “Get me a coffee, would you, please? Decaf, two sweeteners, no milk, and whatever Matt and Suzy want.”

  “Make that two more regular coffees, with milk, please.” Matt grinned at Lacey. “No sugars.”

  He followed the women into his office and closed the door behind them.

  “So, is that Lacey the Bitch?” Claire was grinning at Suzy.

  “Lacey the Bitch?” Matt almost choked before pointing an accusing finger at Suzy. “So, that’s what you were about to say earlier when you called her ‘Lacey the Lacey’?”

  “Possibly.” Suzy murmured, trying to hide her blush. “Anyway, never mind that. What the hell is going on here?”

  Claire glanced at Matt.

  “Do you want to tell her, or shall I?” She asked him. “It’s been your secret really.”

  “No, be my guest…!” Matt grinned.

  They paused when there was a knock on the door, and Lacey appeared with a tray of coffees.

  “Ok, honey… well, you know there was that director’s meeting before Christmas, where Matt explained that he needed more help up here?” Claire began once the door was closed again, waiting for Suzy’s nod. “Well, it would have been unreasonable for one of the other directors to be expected to up-sticks and move up here at a minute’s notice. You know how difficult it is to find accommodation in the right catchment area, and then get the kids into a good school.”

  “Almost impossible.” Suzy nodded.

  “Well, there were volunteers to come up here, but it couldn’t be done overnight, so I agreed to step in for a few months to help Matt get things back on an even keel, so he doesn’t have to work all the hours God sent.
” Claire grinned.

  “But your family are in London.” Suzy protested. “You don’t want to leave them behind, surely?”

  “My youngest grandson is up here, doing his PhD at the university.” Claire smiled proudly. “He was sharing a house with his girlfriend until they split up in November, so he’s been looking for a roommate to help pay the bills. When I asked whether he’d mind sharing his house with his old gran, he seemed more than happy with the idea.”

  “You realise that’s because he thinks you’re going to cook for him and do his washing, don’t you?” Matt grinned.

  “Of course, he does.” Claire laughed. “But he’ll soon learn.”

  “So, what will your role be while you’re up here?” Suzy frowned.

  “I’ll take all of the pre-existing contracts off Matt’s hands, leaving him to focus solely on the clubs. I can also take all the HR stuff off his shoulders, and have staff report directly to me.” Claire smiled. “Including ‘Lacey the Bitch’.”

  “Really?” Suzy grinned at Matt.

  “I made it clear to Claire that the only person I wanted to manage directly was my unruly wife.” Matt grinned. “She can take on responsibility for everyone else.”

  “Wow!” Suzy grinned at them both. “This is more than I ever hoped for.”

  “Well, as a temporary measure, it sure fills a gap.” Matt agreed.

  Suzy’s smiled faded a little.

  “How temporary is it?” She asked.

  “We agreed on no more than six months.” Claire patted her knee. “But don’t worry. When the permanent replacements arrive, you’ll be more than happy for me to leave.”

  “Replacements… plural?” Suzy frowned. “Who…?”

  “Drew and Tony.” Matt grinned. “Tony on a full-time basis, and Drew part-time to fit in with the counselling sessions he already does up here.”

  “And Vicky too?” Suzy whispered, almost as though she was holding her breath.

  Matt smiled.

  “Vicky might have to stay behind while they close up the house, but as soon as she’s able, they’ll all be moving up here, including Amelia, so Taylor will be ecstatic to have a playmate.” He nodded. “They don’t want to sell the London house, because they only just had it built.”

  “Plus, there’s always the chance we’ll develop the next crop of directors from within the Birmingham office, and we won’t need Drew and Tony to stay up here.” Claire explained. “It’s on a semi-permanent basis.”


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