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Page 39

by Beth Abbott

  “Nah, it’s Ok.” Vicky smiled. “Besides, Megan is going to be exhausted. You could end up having to carry her out of here, in which case you’re gonna need someone to watch your back, in case those assholes try to make a run for it through the woods.”

  He turned back around, and they started to make their way over the branches, but this time, Evan tried to make sure he took the easiest route, if not always the most direct.

  “That’s it, Evan, you’re right on track.” Hannah’s voice was reassuring in his ear.

  “Is Megan moving towards us.” He murmured into the mic.

  “We haven’t been able to get through to her yet.” Hannah confirmed. “Claire is hitting redial, but she’s not picking up.”

  “Are the kidnappers anywhere near her?” Evan glanced back at Vicky who was also listening in on the conversation.

  “No, there’s no other signs of life nearby.” Hannah instantly reassured him. “Maybe she just forgot to take the phone off silent?”

  “How much further?” He asked, urgently.

  “Maybe five hundred metres?” Hannah guessed.

  As he turned back to Vicky, she waved him on.

  “Go and get your girl, Evan.” Vicky smiled. “I’ll catch up with you eventually, and we can get Megan out of here.”

  “Will you be Ok?” Evan was torn, desperate to get to Megan, but not willing to abandon Vicky.

  “I have Hannah keeping an eye on things with her satellites, and a perfectly good sidearm which I’m not afraid to use.” Vicky chuckled. “Will you go and find your girl, for goodness sake!”

  Evan really didn’t need telling a third time, and he charged forward, leaping over anything that got in his way like he’d been hurdling all his life.

  “You’re covering good distance, Evan.” Hannah’s voice encouraged him. “Two hundred metres now.”

  Evan started counting his steps, guessing he was making a metre with each one, but as he had to repeatedly change direction to run around trees, he eventually gave up trying.

  It wouldn’t be much longer until he got to her.

  “Last twenty metres, Evan. You should be able to see her soon.” Hannah sounded as excited as he was.

  Evan slowed his pace, not wanting to overshoot Megan’s position.

  “She should be right in front of you.” Hannah said, bringing him skidding to a halt.

  “There’s nothing in front of me, Hannah.” Evan frowned, looking around him. “Just a tree and some bushes.”

  “Well, she’s there, Evan.” Hannah sounded confused. “Try looking around the tree, or under the bushes.”

  Evan walked around the tree without seeing anything, and when he got to his original spot, he frowned.

  Dropping to his knees, he started prodding and poking with his hands, but his heart sank as he realised she wasn’t anywhere he could see.

  “Hannah, she’s not here.” Evan murmured. “Are you sure your equipment is working Ok?”

  “Evan, I’m telling you, she’s right there.” Hannah huffed. “You’re literally right on top of her!”

  “Hannah, I swear to you, she’s not here.” Evan repeated testily.

  Hannah’s chuckle was as surprising as it was annoying.

  “What are you laughing at?” He demanded.

  “I’m laughing because I got it the wrong way around.” Hannah snorted. “You’re not on top of her, she’s on top of you!”

  “What?” Evan couldn’t understand why women always had to talk in riddles.

  “Look up, Evan!” Hannah instructed. “Check up in the tree.”

  Evan’s head shot up and he gazed up into the branches above him.

  It was too dark to see much, so he pulled a small torch out of one of his many pockets and shone it up into the darkness.

  “Oh, holy shit.” He breathed.

  “Is she up there?” Hannah was excited now.

  “Yeah, she’s up there, about twenty feet above me.” Evan confirmed. “She’s hanging onto a branch, but by the look of it, she’s fast asleep.”

  “Is she likely to fall?” Hannah worried.

  “It’s entirely possible.” Evan confirmed. “She hasn’t exactly found a big branch to hang onto. If I call up to her, there’s every chance startling her could cause her to topple.”

  “Do you need any help?” Hannah asked.

  “No, I should be Ok.” Evan reached for the lowest branch. “If you could guide Vicky to the right place, that would be good.”

  “Sure thing.” Hannah confirmed. “She’s only about a hundred metres away from you now.”

  “It’s Ok, guys, I’m listening in.” Vicky’s voice sounded breathless. “I’ll be there as quickly as these stupid brambles allow.”

  Evan swung himself up onto the first branch, and immediately reached for the next one up. He looked for some sort of foothold halfway between the two, and pushed off again, scrambling up another few feet.

  He was still only about eight feet off the ground, and the branches were already getting thinner, and he worried whether they would take his weight.

  He reached for the next branch and swung himself up, again and again until he realised his face was almost level with Megan’s feet.

  He looked around for another branch to bring himself up level with Megan, quickly realising it would have to be the branch she was sitting on. No way would it hold their combined weight.

  He glanced around trying to figure out how she’d climbed up so high, spotting a stump of a branch off to the other side.

  Evan ducked under Megan’s feet and managed to hoist himself up onto the stump.

  His upper half was right next to her now, and he was confident he could lean forward to wake her up, while keeping her steady in case she woke with a jolt.

  Evan tucked his torch in the side of his stab-vest, so it was pointing at the tree and not directly at Megan, but still giving off enough light that she’d be able to see him.

  “Hey, baby? Are you gonna wake up for me?” Evan slid his arm across her legs to make sure she couldn’t slip. “Come on, Megan. Robbie’s waiting to give you that almighty cwtch you’ve been asking for.”

  He watched as she started to twitch a little, and with his free hand he took hold of a wayward strand of hair and gave it a gentle tug.

  “C’mon Meg. Wake up for me sweetheart.” He smiled as she frowned at the disturbance. “Listen, if you want me to snog you up a tree, like we used to do over Splott Park when we were teenagers, I’m well up for it. But you could at least have the decency to wake up first.”

  Evan watched as Megan’s eyes started to flicker, and slowly her eyelids opened.

  “And there she is.” Evan grinned at her. “The most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.”

  “Evan?” She tried to fix her gaze on him, but her pupils were still dilated. “Is that really you?”

  “Of course, it’s me.” He chuckled. “How many other men do you know that would climb a tree just to snog you?”

  Megan’s head shot around as she noticed her surroundings.

  “I’m up a tree.” She stated the obvious. “And so are you.”

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, sweetheart.” He smiled. “And while the full snog can wait until we’re both safely on the ground, a little ‘welcome to my tree’ kiss wouldn’t be rejected if it were to be offered right now.”

  “I was trying to avoid creepy-crawlies.” Megan explained.

  “Well, I’m not creepy or crawly, I hope.” He grinned. “But I’m still waiting on that kiss.”

  Megan suddenly seemed to come awake and realise where she was, and why she was there.

  “You’ve come to rescue me.” She breathed, grabbing Evan’s face and planting an appreciative kiss on his mouth.

  Evan held her legs tighter, not wanting her to slip off the branch in her enthusiasm.

  When she came up for air, Megan was staring at him.

  “I don’t think I can climb down.” She admitted. “It w
as hard enough getting up here, but since I did, I think my legs have turned into blocks of ice. I don’t think I can move them.”

  “Don’t worry, Meg.” Evan smiled encouragingly. “I’ll get you down even if you have to climb onto my back.”

  He was just going to lean back to give her some space when she grabbed his hand.

  “Suzy!” She gasped. “Is she Ok? Have you got her?”

  “It’s Ok, Megan.” Evan smiled reassuringly. “Matt and another seven men from our team have gone directly to the factory to find her. We’ll know as soon as she’s free.”

  Megan nodded, but the frown never left her brow.

  “C’mon baby.” He squeezed her hand. “We need to get you out of this tree.”

  He leaned back and stepped down from the stump to the lower branch.

  “Swing your leg over to this side, Meg, and slide down a little until I’ve got hold of your feet.” He explained. “I’ll guide them down to the stump where you can stand up, and we’ll take it bit by bit from there.”

  “My legs are so cold, I don’t think I’ve got much control of them.” Megan swung her leg across the branch, and he could see her wince in discomfort. “Be careful I don’t knock you out of the tree.”

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart.” He caught hold of her ankle. “Once you’re down on the stump, I’ll be able to guide you the rest of the way.”

  For someone who’d been kidnapped, roughed up, escaped, and climbed a tree, all in the space of one eventful day, he had to give Megan credit for being cool under pressure. She followed his instructions, never complained, never whined, and kept any fear or panic well locked down.

  “That’s it.” He guided her feet to the branch and waited for her to steady herself. “Now put your left foot out and bend your right knee, and I’ll guide you down to the next branch.”

  Bit by bit, he helped Megan lower herself from branch to branch until he was on the ground, and she was low enough to jump down.

  As she sat on the lowest branch, ready to drop to the ground, Evan stepped closer, nestling between her legs, his arms wrapping themselves around her shoulders.

  “I think I’ve earned that snog, sweetheart.” He grinned.

  “A snog?” She snorted. “How old are you? Fifteen? Sheesh! You can take the boy out of Splott…! Now, ask me for a passionate kiss and you might get lucky.”

  Evan rolled his eyes.

  “Megan, would you be so kind as to offer me a passionate kiss?” He smirked.

  He’d barely got the words out when she pulled him forward, and her lips met his, matching every ounce of passion he was feeling.

  Evan’s heart raced, and as their hands gripped each other as though they were about to be ripped apart, every high or low emotion that he’d gone through that day flooded through him, and it was as much as he could do not to sob his relief.

  When they finally came up for air, Evan stared into Megan’s tired but still beautiful eyes.

  “I thought I’d lost you.” He whispered. “After all those wasted years without you, I’d finally got you back in my life, and somehow you were going to be ripped from me again. The thought… I couldn’t breathe.”

  Megan nodded slowly.

  “I don’t want to waste any more time being miserable.” She admitted. “I don’t want to have to live without you, just to make you suffer for hurting me. That punishes us both.”

  “I swear I’ll make it up to you.” Evan whispered. “I’ll do anything and everything to make you happy. No matter what it takes.”

  “Umm, guys? I’m trying to be invisible here, but it’s bloody freezing, and we need to get back to the chopper.” Vicky’s voice made Megan jump so badly, she nearly fell backwards off the branch.

  “Shh, it’s Ok.” Evan pulled Megan forward and lifted her down. “Megan, I want you to meet Vicky Dixon. She’s our helicopter pilot tonight, and one of my colleagues at Alpha Company. She’s married to two of our directors.”

  Megan stared at the woman as though Evan had introduced her to a Martian.

  “How can you be married to two directors at once?” She murmured.

  “It takes a hell of a lot of patience, let me tell you!” Vicky grinned. “But maybe we can leave the how’s and the why’s for another time, hmm? We need to get you back to the chopper, so we can check you over and start to warm you up.”

  “Can you walk, or do you need me to carry you?” Evan looked down and could see how exhausted Megan looked.

  “I can probably walk, but you might need to give me a hand climbing over stuff.” She shrugged. “I just want to get out of here before they come looking for us.”

  “That’s not going to happen, sweetheart.” Evan took her hand and pulled her forward. “Hannah has a thermal image of the entire area, and she’d let us know if anyone was heading in our direction.”

  “Last I heard, all the activity was still over by the factory.” Vicky smiled at Megan. “But if there are only five of them, and eight of us, then I don’t think the odds are much in their favour.”

  “But they’re not small guys.” Megan protested. “I mean, they’re not as big as you, but they’re a lot bigger than me.”

  “Honey, you’ve seen the size of Logan, right? Roughly the same height as me, maybe six feet three, and two hundred and something pounds?” Evan grinned at Megan as she nodded. “Well, we’re the babies in the team. The shortest and the lightest.”

  Megan glanced at Vicky for confirmation.

  “He’s right.” Vicky nodded. “My Drew is bigger than the both of them, and he’s about the same size as Luke and Danny, and a touch bigger than JT, but Matt, Kellen and Hollywood are even bigger again.”

  “So, don’t you worry that those guys are gonna be a threat to us.” Evan promised. “Our biggest worry is that Matt gets to them first and beats the living daylights out of the lot of them.”

  “That’s not going to happen is it?” Megan worried. “I wouldn’t want him going to prison for something like that.”

  “Matt is going to be too busy rescuing Suzy to worry about the kidnappers.” Vicky explained reassuringly. “By the time he gives a thought to doing anything to punish them, I’m hoping the police will have them all in custody.”

  “How about you stop worrying about other people, and concentrate on getting out of these woods, hmm?” Evan gave Megan a nudge. “Otherwise the rest of the team will be back at the chopper, and they won’t have a pilot to fly them out of there.”

  Megan fell silent as Evan led her from the woods, and when they finally reached the field, Vicky wasn’t the only one who breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Come on.” Evan wrapped his arm around Megan’s shoulder and swept her up into his arms. “Let’s get you wrapped up in a warm blanket and get a hot drink inside you.”

  For once, Megan didn’t complain about his macho ‘take charge’ attitude.

  No doubt in the morning she would be back to telling him how it was gonna be. But for now, he was just so relieved she was letting him hold her.

  He would never take it for granted again, that was for certain.

  It was one luxury he was going to cherish, for as long as he lived.

  Chapter 63 – Matt

  “Ok, guys, you’re no more than fifty metres from the factory, just approaching a left-hand bend in the road.” Abbey relayed the information through Matt’s earpiece. “There hasn’t been anyone outside for almost five minutes, and the last sighting of them was going into the building to your far right as you approach. Megan said that Suzy was closer to the building on the left. We still haven’t been able to trace the van yet, but possibly because it’s under cover of the trees.”

  “Thanks, Abbey.” JT murmured, holding his hand up in a signal for them to stop. “Ok, so this is how it’s gonna play out… Matt and Danny will take the building on the left and go straight to the basement to look for Suzy. Logan, Kellen and Hollywood will take the building in the middle, and again head for the basement. One of you will
take up position to stop anyone heading towards Suzy from the right-hand building, and the other two make your way back towards Matt until all the rooms are confirmed clear and Suzy has been found. Once they’ve got her, Matt and Danny will get Suzy back to the chopper. Luke, Drew and I will monitor the building on the right, and if necessary, lock it down to stop anyone making a run for it. Any questions so far?”

  JT looked around and everyone shook their heads.

  “Ok. So, once we have confirmation that Matt and Danny have Suzy clear of the building, and Logan, Kellen and Hollywood have made their way to us, we’ll go in and drag those little fuckers out of wherever they’re hiding. We’ll have a welcoming committee ready to have a little chat with them.” JT smiled. “Don’t forget, we still need to find out who was behind it all.”

  “When do we get the police involved?” Luke asked.

  “When Danny and Matt get Suzy back to the chopper, they’ll give Hannah the go ahead to bring the police in.” JT nodded. “We should already have the kidnappers subdued by that point, but in case they’ve slipped by us somehow, the cops have the lane blocked, so there’s no way they’ll be going anywhere.”

  “Is ‘subdued’ a technical term for beaten fucking senseless?” Danny smirked. “Because if it isn’t, it sure as hell should be.”

  “There shouldn’t be any unnecessary violence shown.” JT said firmly, but even Matt could see his lips were twitching.

  “Sure thing, boss.” Kellen nodded. “Do you think we should take a medical kit in with us, in case one of the kidnappers has chipped a nail?”

  JT grinned, but Matt wasn’t in the mood to be jokey.

  “When do I get my turn with them?” He growled.

  “You don’t!” JT shook his head. “Prison stripes aren’t particularly flattering on a larger guy, and I don’t think Suzy will be too happy if we let you kill those assholes. You just concentrate on getting your wife out safely.”

  Matt growled his disappointment, but he knew JT was spot on. He wouldn’t be able to stop himself from killing those fuckers if they’d so much as touched a hair on his wife’s head.

  “I’m going in.” He murmured, knowing Danny would be right behind him, no matter how fast he ran.


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