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Coral Sea Affair

Page 9

by Drew Lindsay

Derek Disano was the producer of ‘Miami Affair’. He had not personally chosen Stewart Shaw to direct; in fact he hated Stewart with a passion. The financial backers wanted Shaw to direct as he had worked with Brenda Grant on other occasions. The money men also wanted the name of the movie kept secret and had threatened to terminate Disano’s contract if he revealed it to anyone. Of the film crew, only he and Shaw knew what this movie was about and where it was to be shot. He had no idea why all the secrecy but suspected it to be a publicity stunt.

  It was no secret that the director and his star fought constantly. She had never walked out on him before. Now she had. Negotiations had failed miserably. Shooting with another star of Brenda’s quality was a fairly remote option as the money people specifically wanted her.

  Stewart Shaw was paid off and took a holiday in Europe. He was promised another film within a year. Nothing was put in writing.

  Disano took the unprecedented gamble of appointing a female director, Sandra Quinn to continue with the film. The money men were well aware of this Japanese/American director, but wary of her independent style and aggressive attitude. They tried to convince Disano that Brenda would never work with her and that the two would fight more than in the previous relationship. Disano won.

  He arranged a meeting between Sandra Quinn and Brenda Grant in his Santa Ana home.

  Brenda wasn’t happy. She sat sideways in the car seat and glared at Elizabeth, who was driving. ‘You know this chick Liz?’

  ‘I’ve seen her work. It’s impressive.’

  ‘They say the Mona Lisa is impressive but when I saw it I couldn’t work out what all the fuss was about. It sucks!’

  ‘You’re uncouth Brenda. It’s a masterpiece.’

  ‘I’ve never worked with a woman director before. I think I’ll hate it. I don’t like what I’ve heard about her. Isn’t she Japanese?’

  ‘Japanese born and American bred. Aren’t you Swiss born?’

  ‘That’s different.’

  ‘And wasn’t your Father’s family German?’

  ‘OK but it’s not the same as Japanese.’

  ‘You’re a racist.’

  ‘No I’m not. I hang around with you and you’re half Mexican and lots of other things.’

  ‘Alright, shut up. We’re almost there.’

  Brenda turned and sat back in her seat. The breeze through the open window pushed her hair in all directions. She touched a button and the window slid up.

  ‘I don’t feel good about this Liz.’

  ‘Give her a chance girl. I need to make next month’s payment on this car.’

  Brenda laughed. ‘You’ve got more money than me tucked away and you know it.’


  Elizabeth pulled into the kerb outside a large white weatherboard home set back from the street and partly shielded by manicured gardens. She checked a slip of paper on the console and swung across the road into the driveway of the house. The double gate was open and she drove onto crunching gravel, up to a parking bay left of the entrance. A dog barked at the rear of the house but didn’t appear.

  Elizabeth turned off the engine, removed the key and got out. Brenda didn’t move.

  ‘Come on you.’

  ‘I hate dogs.’

  ‘You hate everything.’

  Derek Disano came onto the front verandah. ‘It’s alright.’ He called. ‘He’s chained.’

  Brenda blushed slightly and got out of the car. She walked with Elizabeth to the stone steps leading onto the verandah.

  ‘Welcome girls. Brenda, you’re looking stunning as ever.’

  ‘Yeah, yeah.’

  Elizabeth shot her a dark look.

  ‘Come in and meet Sandra.’

  Derek led the girls into a tastefully furnished parlour. Deep red curtains were pulled back from each window and tied with heavy cords. Sandra Quinn rose from a black leather lounge and smiled as they entered. She was indeed Japanese by appearance. Neither Brenda nor Elizabeth had seen this woman before. She was in her early 40’s, very pretty and quite petite at 5’4”. Her silky black hair was cut short and straight with a low fringe almost reaching saucer sized brown eyes and jet black eyebrows. She approached the girls and held out her hand to Brenda. ‘I’ve seen one of your films. You are very beautiful and you act well.’

  Brenda was taken aback. She slowly extended her right hand and Sandra Quinn shook it firmly.

  ‘This is Elizabeth,’ said Derek. ‘She is Brenda’s companion.’

  Elizabeth towered over Sandra and smiled as she extended her hand. ‘I’m sort of a bodyguard is what he means. I keep the unwanted men off her, and sometimes women.’

  ‘I’m pleased to meet you.’ She shook Elizabeth’s hand.

  ‘Why don’t we all sit down?’ said Derek. ‘Sandra and I have something to discuss with you Brenda but I must insist that details of our conversation do not leave this room. Are we clear on that?’

  Brenda nodded. They all sat down on the black leather lounges.

  ‘Obviously that goes for you as well Elizabeth.’

  ‘Naturally, although we’re confused about all the secrecy. Brenda’s face is known all over the world. How are you going to put her on location and someone not recognise her?’

  ‘Exactly what I told the bankers,’ said Derek, ‘but they wouldn’t listen so we’ve got to play this game their way until the cat is out of the bag so to speak.’

  ‘Stewart is gone. I suppose you are aware of that?’ said Derek.

  ‘Thank God,’ said Brenda.

  ‘Sandra is taking over as Director and she has some ideas which the bankers have reluctantly agreed to but they will be watching like hawks.’

  Sandra Quinn crossed her legs and smoothed out a wrinkle in her dress. ‘This film was to move on location to Miami once the opening interiors were completed here. The title of the film to date has been ‘Miami Affair. That was Stewart’s idea and the money men agreed with him.’

  ‘I don’t like Miami much,’ said Brenda, wrinkling her nose.

  ‘I don’t either,’ said Sandra. ‘Nor does the writer.’

  ‘We weren’t even told who the writer is,’ said Elizabeth.

  Sandra uncrossed her legs and sat forward slightly on the lounge. ‘He’s not well known. His name is Tim Attard. He put a lot of time and effort in researching this story. He never meant it to be set in Miami. The love affair begins in LA and most of that is done. We need to tidy up the relationship with Brenda and her rich toy boy and also shoot the theft scene. Stewart didn’t make it that far and the scene in the toy boy’s library is vital.’

  ‘We figured it was,’ said Elizabeth, ‘but Stewart wasn’t saying much.’

  Derek stood and walked to a large timber desk. He opened a drawer and took out a well worn manuscript. He flicked through about 40 pages and stopped. ‘Brenda’s character is after money, that’s all. The old guy is loaded and keeps cash all over the place.’

  ‘So she gets some cash, right?’ said Brenda.

  Yep, lots of it. He’s got it stashed all over the library. In drawers, in cupboards, in books, under books.’

  ‘Why hasn’t he got a safe?’ said Elizabeth.

  Derek tapped the manuscript. ‘He has.’ He walked back to the lounge chair and sat down. ‘It’s an old safe, probably over 100 years old. Its key operated.’

  ‘OK,’ said Brenda impatiently. ‘So where’s the safe and what’s in it?’

  ‘Ha!’ said Derek loudly. ‘If it’s got you in, it’s got the audience in also and that is what Tim was trying to weave into the first couple of dozen pages of this script. Then the story gets really interesting.’

  ‘Can I have the short version?’ Brenda stretched her long slender arms behind her head and locked her fingers.

  Sandra Quinn waved Derek to be quiet. She looked first at Elizabeth and then Brenda. ‘You find a large old key. It wasn’t an easy find but I won’t go into deta
ils. You’re very pretty and very blond and have a great body, but you’re not dumb. The key fits something and you go looking. You find the safe. It is also extremely well hidden and you find it by accident. The key opens the safe. Inside are papers bound with string and some old black and white photographs. Strangely enough, there is no cash in the safe. You conclude that what is locked up in the safe is more valuable than the few hundred thousand in fifty and one hundred dollar bills you have found in various parts of the library. You gather up the lot and on the way out of the house get confronted by elderly lover boy. He’s not happy. You are fit. He’s not. He meets with a little accident but he doesn’t die.

  Even Elizabeth is sitting forward on the lounge at this point.

  ‘The documents and photographs relate to the murder of several rather nasty drug people and their entombment together with several million dollars worth of heroin in a cave under a coral reef off the coast of a town called Port Douglas in Far North Queensland, Australia. That is where the exciting parts of the story unfold. That’s where Tim Attard set the main location for the story. He called it ‘Coral Sea Affair’.

  ‘Far North Queensland!’ Brenda put her arms in the air. ‘Isn’t it full of crocodiles and sting rays? What about that Steve Irwin guy. Didn’t he die up there?’

  ‘It’s a movie Brenda. We’re not going on safari.’

  ‘We’re doing most of the shooting around Port Douglas,’ said Sandra.

  ‘It’s probably a stinky little fishing village with no hot water,’ said Brenda.

  ‘You have a suite at the Sheraton Mirage Port Douglas darling,’ said Derek. ‘We start shooting there in 2 months. Google it.’

  Brenda looked at Elizabeth and back to Sandra. ‘I’ve never been to Australia. Will they like me?’

  ‘They will love you Brenda,’ said Sandra. ‘They already love you.’

  Elizabeth smiled and poked Brenda in the arm. ‘We know a cop from Sydney that loves her.’

  Brenda slapped Elizabeth’s arm away. ‘It was just an email and he was tanked.’

  ‘Port Douglas is a long way from Sydney,’ said Sandra, ‘although we have to fly into Sydney to connect with a flight to Cairns in Far North Queensland.’

  ‘OK guys,’ said Derek. ‘Are we together on this project? The location is stunning and Australia is hot movie property just now. Combine that with Brenda and our new Director and we have a winner.’

  ‘I want to fly first class with Liz,’ said Brenda.

  ‘Qantas has two first class seats with your names on them girls,’ said Derek. ‘Champagne and caviar all the way.’

  ‘I’m in,’ said Elizabeth. She looked at Brenda. ‘Let’s go get you an Aussie man with a big smile, sun tan, and who knows how to cook.’


  ‘And perhaps one for me too.’

  ‘You hate men.’

  ‘They breed them tough down there so I’ve heard. I might find one who can actually whip me!’

  ‘You’re nuts.’

  ‘I think we should call up that cop.’

  ‘I’m not saying another word to you. OK Derek. We’re in. Sandra….can I have a quick word with you in private?’

  ‘Sure.’ Sandra rose and walked into the hallway. Brenda followed. Derek and Elizabeth looked at each other but said nothing.

  In the hallway, Brenda turned to Sandra. ‘I’ve never worked with a female Director.’

  ‘I’ve never worked with you. You going to make it tough for me?’

  ‘You know Stewart?’


  ‘You anything like him?’


  ‘Then I’m not going to make it tough for you. I want to make this work. I want to make a lot of money out of this. I’ve got a few personal issues but money smoothes them out.’

  ‘Then we’ll work together, OK?’


  The two women looked at each other for a few seconds. Sandra walked back into the lounge room. ‘Take her home Elizabeth, said Sandra. We’re resuming this project at 7 am tomorrow at the hangar. I want her fresh.’


  Chapter Ten


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