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Coral Sea Affair

Page 21

by Drew Lindsay

Ben knew fear. He had experienced it many times and to varying degrees. Storming a house where an armed offender was holed up was always gut wrenching. High speed pursuits of dangerous suspects were often frightening, especially if you were a passenger and not the driver. Infiltration of crime gangs and fear of detection and reprisal was very real. The fear which gripped Ben’s heart as he arrived by taxi at the Executive Jet area at Sydney airport was as alarming as any fear he had previously experienced, but very different.

  He was sweating profusely as he lugged his suitcase towards the Executive Jet building. He was ‘lugging’ his bag because one of the wheels was missing and the pull along handle had snapped off years ago. He was not sweating because of the heat as there was no heat. The dawn had brought overcast conditions with a stiff breeze from the west and a relatively cool 24 degrees C.

  Over 30 photographers and reporters milled around the glass entrance doors together with a small crowd of 50 or so young male and female fans. Ben was eyed with obvious lack of interest as he pressed the door bell. A young woman in a bright blue uniform came to the door and smiled, showing lots of gleaming teeth. Two uniformed security guards stood with her. ‘You with the movie group?’ she called through the glass.

  ‘Yes,’ said Ben.


  Ben fished his travel tickets from a small leather satchel and held them up for the girl to inspect. She opened the door and ushered him inside. Sue Beck had arrived ahead of him. The girl in the bright blue uniform moved to assist Ben with his luggage, until she saw its condition. She smiled. The gleaming teeth were almost hypnotic. She led him to a weigh in counter.

  ‘It’s not heavy. It’s just broken a bit.’

  ‘Thank you sir. Just leave your bag here and feel free to relax in the lounge. Would you like a coffee or tea?’

  ‘Yes please.’

  The girl looked up at his deep blue eyes and flashed her teeth again. ‘Both?’


  ‘Tea and coffee?’

  Ben blushed. ‘Oh, sorry. Coffee would be fine.’

  ‘No need to be nervous about flying sir. Our company have one of the best safety records in the world.’

  ‘I’m not worried about flying,’ said Ben. He moved into the lounge area and sat opposite Susan.

  ‘You OK?’ she said with a smile.


  ‘You look as tight as a drum.’

  ‘I’m alright.’

  Ben’s mobile phone rang and he jumped. He fumbled it out of his shirt pocket and looked at the caller ID. It was a private number which he did not recognise. He accepted the call.

  ‘Hi copper.’


  ‘Yep it’s me.’

  ‘How did you get my number?’

  ‘From a friend.’

  ‘Aka. Had to be.’

  ‘What you up to?’

  Ben rose and walked to corner of the lounge area. ‘I’m just about to get on a flight actually.’

  ‘To where?’

  ‘I’m on a private job and it’s a bit confidential.’

  ‘Can’t you say where?’

  ‘Port Douglas actually.’

  ‘Lucky you. When you coming back?’

  ‘Not sure.’

  ‘Can I ring you there?’

  ‘I’ll be working but the mobile will be on most evenings.’

  ‘OK, have a good flight. I’ll call for a chat in a few days.’

  ‘That would be nice.’

  ‘Take care copper.’

  ‘You too lawyer.’

  Susan was fiddling with a tiny two way radio. ‘We get the call they are on their way and we move outside with the airport security guys. You stick close to Brenda and her muscle and I’ll move wide. We don’t expect problems.’

  ‘What if they rush the stars or start pushing or anything?’ asked Ben.

  ‘It’s a small crowd. This location wasn’t advertised so I’m not sure how they even knew to be here. You’ve done crowd control Ben?’

  ‘Yeah but with batons and helmets.’

  ‘Na, this is gently, gently. Got it?’

  Ben nodded.

  The two way radio beeped and Susan listened for a few seconds. ‘Time to go,’ she said and moved to the front doors. She said something to the uniformed guards and they nodded. The girl in the bright blue uniform let them out. Ben was feeling extremely nervous but it had nothing to do with the crowd outside.

  Four large black limousines pulled into the parking area and the crowd went wild. Ben moved quickly with the uniformed airport security guards to stand between the limousines and the crowd. The photographers began to activate their cameras and strobe lights.

  The limo drivers opened doors and the movie people emerged. Brenda Grant was proceed by the very tall, black haired Elizabeth, who instantly made it clear from her stance that no-one was going to mess with her or Brenda. Brenda waved at the crowd and smiled for the photographs. They shouted at her. She moved towards a young girl with an autograph book. Elizabeth shadowed her closely.

  Simon Sutherland was mobbed by young female teenagers and the security guards looked on nervously. He was encouraging the attention and there was little they could do to stop it.

  Ben couldn’t take his eyes of Brenda. She was even more beautiful in real life. She was totally at ease with the shouting crowd and smiled warmly at everyone. She wore a brilliantly coloured red T shirt with a Koala bear embroidered on the front and tight blue jeans. High heeled shoes added to her already impressive stature. Her long blond hair flew about in the wind and wisped around her face.

  Film Producer Derek Disano and the stunning Japanese Director Sandra Quinn, emerged from a limousine and moved quickly with other members of the film crew towards the Executive Jet building. Susan caught Elizabeth’s attention and signalled with her hands to keep moving. Elizabeth nodded and gently urged Brenda towards the entrance of the building.

  Inside the sounds of the crowd diminished. Brenda and Elizabeth were ushered into the lounge area together with Simon Sutherland and the rest of the movie crew. Luggage arrived in other vehicles and was taken to a weigh in area via a side gate to the airport apron.

  Everyone was chatting excitedly. Ben moved as far back in the room as he could, forgetting for a moment that he was 6’1” and now looking extremely fit and very distinctive with his short greying hair and deep blue eyes.

  Brenda and Elizabeth sat together and were obviously relaxed. Susan spoke briefly with them. She looked around for Ben, frowning at his attempt to become invisible. She beckoned him forward with her right index finger. Ben reluctantly joined her. Derek Disano and Sandra Quinn also approached. Susan shook hands with them and introduced herself and advised her role. ‘And this is Ben Hood, the newest member of our security team,’ said Susan. Ben struggled to keep his eyes off Brenda, but she was only metres from him.

  ‘Nice to meet you,’ said Ben. He shook hands with Derek and Sandra.

  ‘Ben who?’ Brenda stood up and took a step towards him.

  Ben faced her. He was trembling. Something was not going the way Susan had promised. ‘Hood.’ He had almost lost his voice.

  ‘Ben Hood,’ said Brenda softly and she took another step towards him. ‘Don’t I know you?’

  Ben could smell her exotic perfume. ‘No.’ He was feeling sick.

  Brenda turned to Elizabeth. She stood and moved alongside her companion. ‘Do we know this guy Liz?’

  ‘Ben Hood.’ said Elizabeth with a wide smile. ‘Why I’m sure we do, but looks like we’re going to get to know him a whole lot better.’ Elizabeth took a step towards Ben and held out her hand. Ben took it automatically and she shook his hand firmly. ‘I’m Elizabeth Rose…..Brenda’s security companion.’

  Ben looked into her deep blue eyes. They were almost level with his but she was wearing heels. Brenda moved closer as well and held out her hand. Ben was a
bout to shake it when she suddenly moved in and kissed him quickly on the cheek. Ben jumped back like a scalded cat. Brenda laughed. ‘Thank you for the lovely email.’

  ‘They told me you didn’t read that stuff.’

  ‘I don’t. Liz showed it to me.’

  Ben looked across at Elizabeth. Amusement beamed all over her face. ‘Well, anyway, I’ve got to visit the gents.’ Ben turned and walked quickly in the direction of the reception counter.

  ‘Shy little thing ain’t he?’ said Elizabeth with a smile.

  Brenda’s infectious laughter rang through the lounge.

  The large Challenger 850 Jet screamed and rolled slowly to its take off point. Brenda and Elizabeth sat opposite each other in luxuriously padded white leather chairs. Behind them, Ben and Susan sat opposite each other. All of the 14 passenger seats were occupied. Susan hadn’t stopped smiling from the time she saw Ben scurry to the toilet back in the private jet terminal. She tried so hard to keep a straight face but the more she tried, the more she smiled. Ben was silent.

  ‘Captain here,’ came a voice over the cabin speakers. ‘Peter Walsh is my name and sitting with me in case I fall asleep is first officer Rhonda Wilks.’

  Brenda smiled and leaned forward. ‘I love that Australian accent.’

  Elizabeth nodded.

  ‘We’ll be in the air soon,’ continued the Captain. ‘I’d like to welcome you all on board, especially Ms. Grant and Mr. Sutherland. I’m a big fan. The taxi to the take off point is quite long this morning but if we don’t hit a pot hole or anything we should be in the air over Sydney in about 15 minutes and then we’ll set course north to Cairns. This jet cruises at around 800 kilometres an hour, depending on the wind. That’s about 500 miles per hour for our American guests. Cairns is around 1,954 kilometres from Sydney by air. That’s around 1,214 miles. I feel like a travelling conversion programme up here.’

  Everyone laughed.

  ‘We’ll climb to a flight level of 34,000 feet. I won’t convert that. Flight time to Cairns today will be…..’ There was silence from the cabin speakers for a few seconds. ‘Look, you guys can work it out. I’m busy trying to take off here.’

  Laughter again. Actually Ben hadn’t laughed at all, although he thought the Captain was amusing. He leaned forward towards Susan who had not only cracked up at the Captain’s jokes, but had tears rolling down her cheeks from the overall morning’s entertainment.

  ‘You said she wouldn’t read any emails!’

  That was all Susan needed to tip her over the edge and her laughter turned most of the heads on the jet, including Brenda’s and Elizabeth’s. ‘Happy bunch aren’t they,’ said Brenda, smiling widely.

  Elizabeth pointed at Ben, whose back was towards her. ‘Not everyone seems happy.’

  Now Brenda was giggling again.

  ‘What’s with you people,’ said Ben, as he settled back in the plush leather seat and stared out the window.

  The twin jet engines roared as the Captain applied power. The city of Sydney dropped quickly away. The gleaming white jet cut through the low cloud layer and out into the brilliant sunshine above.

  Brenda leaned forward to Elizabeth again. ‘What’s the name of this movie again?’

  ‘Coral Sea Affair.’

  ‘Yes, that’s right.’

  Elizabeth flicked back her long black hair and cocked her head to one side. ‘And?’

  `Oh nothing.’

  ‘You had better behave yourself Brenda.’

  ‘And I’ll be watching you too Liz.’

  Elizabeth rolled her eyes and looked out the window. Brenda sat back in her chair and tried to keep the smile off her face.


  Chapter Twenty One


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