Book Read Free

Coral Sea Affair

Page 24

by Drew Lindsay

‘What’s with the helmet?’

  ‘Long story. What’s with the attack on the diving platform?’

  Susan flopped onto the lounge in Ben’s resort room and put her bare feet on the coffee table. ‘Yesterday these Chinese guys in a rubber boat pulled up at the platform and told our chief technical engineer to pack up and piss off. He told them to take a hike or he would call the Police. They have Government permission to film there. A bigger rubber boat turned up late this evening with more Chinese and divers and you know the rest.’

  Ben perched on the wide window sill and looked out over the smoky, torch lit gardens. ‘So what’s going to happen now?’

  ‘Derek wants to do the underwater stuff at that location. He’s spent a fortune setting up there. He and Sandra are in a bit of a flap over this.’

  ‘Alright, so what have the Police done?’

  ‘They said they were making inquiries.’

  ‘That means they’ve probably done bugger all.’

  ‘So why do these guys want us out of that area? There’s nothing there but lots of coral reef and a few islands.’

  Ben moved to the coffee table in front of the lounge. Susan shifted her feet and he sat down facing her. ‘Exactly where is our diving platform?’

  ‘I’m not sure. Why?’

  ‘I need to find out. Ring Derek.’

  Susan picked up the house phone from the lamp table next to her and dialled a number. She had a brief conversation and hung the phone up.

  ‘Just off Batt Reef. It’s on the edge of a deep drop off and fairly close to a coral island called Skull. Derek wanted the island as a back drop for some of the Coral Sea shots.’

  ‘Batt Reef?’

  ‘Yep. That’s where Steve Irwin died from the stingray barb a few years ago.’

  ‘God, I remember that. I loved that guy.’

  ‘We all did.’

  Ben took out his mobile phone and dialled the number written on the back of his hand. Joy answered almost immediately.

  ‘It’s Ben Hood. You OK?’

  ‘Yes, thanks to you Mr. Hood.’

  ‘They were setting up to film just off Batt Reef and fairly close to an island named Skull.’



  ‘My God. He’s alive. I know it.’

  ‘What are you talking about Joy?’

  ‘Remember I said a puzzle with lots of pieces?’

  ‘You’ve got that right.’

  ‘Then I’ve just figured out more of the pieces Mr. Hood. Can we meet again soon?’

  ‘I think so. Can I ring you first thing tomorrow morning?’


  ‘OK. Goodnight Joy.’

  ‘Goodnight Mr. Hood and thank you again for everything.’

  ‘No problem.’ Ben pushed the hang up button.

  Susan sat up and pulled her feet off the coffee table. ‘So what was that all about?’

  ‘I met this lady tonight.’

  ‘Ben! We’re working here.’

  ‘She’s in her 70’s and she was in deep trouble.’

  Susan stared at him. ‘How does a 70 year old woman get into deep trouble and how do you get involved?’

  Ben put his head in his hands. ‘When I was out jogging earlier, I went down to Port Douglas and in the big car park near the marina, found these thugs about to beat up this old lady.’

  ‘To rob her?’ Susan was shocked.

  ‘Not to rob her. They had taken a photo of her and were going to work her over and then take another shot.’

  ‘How the hell did you figure that out?’

  ‘One of them took a photo of her before he started to push her around.’

  ‘My God, what for?’ Susan swung her long legs to the floor and sat up straight.

  ‘Leverage I figure, but I’m not sure why. I’m going to talk to her again tomorrow if I can get away for a while.’

  ‘Well we won’t be doing the scheduled underwater stuff; that’s for sure.’

  ‘I think I’ve probably killed one of the bike thugs that were going to attack her. I know they are all going to be in pretty bad shape anyway.’

  Susan stared at him. ‘Killed him! How?’

  Ben shifted uncomfortably on the lounge. ‘I know a fair bit of stuff about fighting Sue.’

  ‘Yeah I heard. Karate.’

  ‘Not just Karate. Shin obi Ninjutsu.’

  ‘Isn’t that Ninja stuff?’


  ‘Where the hell did you learn that? No-one teaches that in Australia.’

  ‘Wrong. We have a master of Ninjutsu living in Sydney. He trained in Japan for the better part of his life.’

  Susan studied him for a long moment.

  Ben got up and walked to the window again. ‘This old lady lost her husband in an accident at sea months ago; at least that is what the police concluded. His boat washed up damaged on a small island out there but the body has never been found.’

  ‘I’ve called Rodney. I’ve got a bad feeling about this and what happened with you tonight has made it worse.’

  ‘What are the movie people going to do?’

  ‘Derek and Sandra are at the hospital now with the diver who got shot. Derek will make the call.’

  ‘Where is the technical engineer you mentioned?’

  ‘Locked in his room I suppose.’

  ‘Brenda and Liz?’

  ‘Likewise, but they are not happy campers.’

  ‘Who have the police interviewed?’

  ‘Only the diver at this stage and I think they spoke with Derek at the hospital also.’

  ‘Have they been out here to speak with the rest of the crew?’

  ‘No. Claim to be very busy.’

  Ben and Susan looked at each other for a moment. ‘Now I know why they got so busy,’ said Susan. ‘How many did you take down?’


  ‘And kill at least one?’

  ‘Probably two.’

  ‘Would the bodies be found easily? Where did this happen?’

  ‘In the car park almost right outside the Police Station.’

  ‘That would do it. I’m ringing Rodney again. We’re getting out of our depth here.’

  ‘I need to talk to that engineer for a while. I need details of that attack. I better chat with Brenda and Elizabeth first.’

  ‘OK, I’ll ring them now and set it up.’

  Ben walked to the bathroom and closed the door. His face looked somewhat drawn in the pink fluorescent lighting. He washed his face and hands and removed his jogging gear. The white cotton gown smelt clean and fresh. Susan was chatting on the phone as he walked into the robe closet. He quickly changed into a white casual shirt and blue jeans. He zipped up his dress boots and walked back into the lounge.

  ‘Brenda and Liz are ready now. The engineer will come here when we call him back.’

  ‘You want to come?’

  ‘Wouldn’t miss it for the world.’

  Brenda was in her hotel gown and looked magnificent, stretched out on the huge white lounge, her long blond hair a tussled mess. She wore the resort’s white, embroidered slippers. Elizabeth was standing at the panoramic windows wearing black jeans, a tight fitting mauve T shirt, bare feet and a grumpy face.

  ‘OK we’ve got a situation here,’ said Ben, cutting straight to the point. ‘It seems someone doesn’t want us filming out at sea and they are fairly determined to get their point across.’

  ‘Fairly determined!’ Elizabeth flicked her hair back with both hands. ‘Put a damn spear through our underwater photographer’s leg.’

  Ben dropped into a huge lounge chair opposite Brenda and smiled at her. Susan remained standing. ‘You OK pretty lady?’

  Brenda beamed at him. ‘Seems to get better whenever you are around.’

  Elizabeth began to pace. ‘Will you two stop cooing at each other?’

  ‘Yes,’ said Susan, unable to think of anythin
g else to say.

  ‘OK.’ Ben had become serious. ‘We’ve got something going on here and it’s a tad more complex than someone not wanting us to film out on the Great Barrier Reef.’

  Susan perched on the arm of the lounge chair beside him. ‘So fill us in?’

  ‘I can’t. I don’t have all the pieces of the puzzle yet.’

  ‘Are we doing something wrong by the environment or something?’ Brenda propped herself up on an arm. ‘We haven’t even started shooting yet.’

  ‘It’s got nothing to do with the environment, or the film you guys are making,’ said Ben. ‘It’s something else and I’ll need some time to find out what it is.’

  The three girls looked at each other and back to Ben. No-one said anything.

  ‘So what’s the plan?’ said Elizabeth eventually. ‘You have a plan, right?’

  ‘Are we in any danger?’ asked Brenda softly.

  ‘I’m not sure,’ said Ben.

  ‘Oh great!’ said Elizabeth with a snort. ‘They assign us Australian bodyguards because you know the territory, but you have no idea if we are facing some danger here?’

  ‘You’re also a bodyguard,’ snapped Ben. ‘How often are you in possession of all the relevant information when you take Brenda into a situation?’

  Elizabeth glared at him.

  Brenda sat up and put her hands out towards Ben. He looked into her eyes for a few seconds and then took her slender fingers in his huge hands. ‘Nothing is going to happen to you……any of you,’ he said, glancing at Elizabeth. ‘We continue as normal with this shoot, with Derek’s permission.’

  ‘Are you out of your bloody mind!’ said Susan loudly.

  Elizabeth looked at Ben and back to Susan, obviously confused.

  ‘We’ll need a fair degree of tightening where security is concerned, but I think we should continue with this picture. The shooting schedule will change and I’ll discuss that with Derek and Sandra. Once I’ve spoken to the technical advisor and the underwater photographer, I’ll know more about handling the underwater site.’

  ‘So you’ve suddenly become a movie expert along with other things,’ said Susan.

  Elizabeth sat down beside Brenda. Ben realised that he was still holding Brenda’s hands, and let them go. ‘There is no obvious threat to Brenda or the other actors at this point. We have no clear idea what happened out on the diving platform, or why. I need to talk to a few people and try to see where this is going. In the meantime, I need you both to lock down tight for at least a day or two and if the police show up, tell them nothing. Neither of you were out on that diving platform.’

  ‘You’re not the police up here Ben,’ said Susan. ‘Let them handle it.’

  Ben turned to her. ‘I need you with me, not against me.’

  ‘He’s a cop,’ said Elizabeth. ‘Until the other lot show up we don’t have much option.’

  ‘What do you want us to do Ben,’ asked Brenda softly.

  ‘Just sit tight for a while. Susan will be here 24/7. I’ll try and get Derek to arrange shooting at the Sheraton while I figure out what happened on the reef platform.’

  ‘Room service?’ asked Brenda.

  ‘No, the private dining room as usual with all the trimmings. We want things to seem normal.’

  ‘Damn,’ said Brenda. “I love room service.’

  Ben got up and walked towards the huge double doors. ‘Until I figure what is happening here, try to keep to the usual routine.’ He glanced back at Elizabeth. ‘Just keep twice as alert, OK?’

  Elizabeth gave him a very false smile. ‘I’m stuffed. We’re having room service tonight.’

  Ben shrugged and left the apartment. Susan reluctantly followed. Elizabeth clicked the dead lock on, attached the security chain and stomped back into the lounge room.

  ‘You like him.’ It was a statement from Brenda, not a question.

  ‘I hate him.’

  Brenda stretched back on the lounge. ‘He’s getting to you babe.’

  ‘In all the wrong ways.’

  ‘He’s turning you on.’ Brenda was smiling.

  Elizabeth pulled her T shirt off over her long hair. ‘I’m having a shower. You and Ben Hood can go to hell.’

  ‘So what’s for room service?’

  ‘Order your own bloody room service.’ Elizabeth tried to slam the bathroom door behind her but it was fitted with anti slamming hydraulics and all she got was a gentle hiss and a click. That made her even angrier.

  ‘I didn’t sign up for this kind of treatment.’

  Ben nodded empathetically and indicated with a wave of his hand that the technician should sit down. They were in Ben’s resort room. The technician chose a chair. Ben sat opposite him. Susan stood back, watching. The technician had some sticking plaster over his left eyebrow.

  ‘We’re going to get to the bottom of this Stan. I’m sorry; I didn’t catch your last name?’


  ‘Is that French?’

  ‘Way back it was. People now call my surname ‘cafe’ like where you sit to have a sandwich. I hate that.’

  ‘Alright Stan. Susan and I are security for the Australian sector of this movie, as you know.’

  Stan rolled two brown eyes in a large, sunburned face.

  ‘Our job is primarily to protect Brenda and the other stars.’

  ‘Good for them,’ said Stan sarcastically. ‘And who protects us?’

  ‘I guess the rest of the crew weren’t considered predatory targets.’

  ‘Well I’ve got a news flash for you Mr. Hood. That is your name?’


  ‘Ben. WE seem to be the predatory targets as you so eloquently put it.’ He pointed to the sticking plaster over his eyebrow.

  ‘So it would seem.’

  ‘Andy Hayter, our lead underwater camera man, also seems to think that we may perhaps be ‘predatory targets’ as you put it. The stainless steel spear fired into his left leg from some sort of high powered pneumatic underwater gun, has influenced his thinking to some extent in this regard. Would you agree?’

  Ben was quiet. The traumatic events of the day were starting to catch up and this conversation wasn’t helping. Susan was at his side instantly. She laid a hand on his shoulder.

  ‘Mr. Café,’ she said (pronouncing the surname correctly) ‘You and your team on the underwater diving platform were threatened recently?’

  ‘Yes Ma’am.’


  ‘Yesterday a couple of chinks turned up in a rubber boat and told us to pack up and go film somewhere else.’

  Ben started to say something but Susan put one of her fingers to his lips. The effect electrified Ben but it also shut him up.

  ‘Did he say why he wanted you to go somewhere else Mr. Café?’

  ‘He said we were not allowed to be near Skull Island and that we should move across to Agincourt reef with the rest of the tourists.’

  ‘And what did you tell him?’

  ‘I said we weren’t tourists and that we had Government approval to set up an underwater studio off Batt Reef and was going to film there.’

  Ben cut in. ‘I gather it wasn’t the first time a film crew had been working in the Batt Reef area. Isn’t that where Steve Irwin was killed by the stingray?’

  ‘I understand they were on the other side of the reef, totally out of sight of Skull Island.’

  Ben nodded.

  ‘I gather these ‘chinks’ were not happy with your response,’ said Susan. ‘Can I first ask you what nationality you believe these people were?’

  ‘Chinese. Japanese. Vietnamese. Aren’t they all the same?’

  Susan glanced at Ben. ‘Well no actually. All extremely different, but go on. Did they all talk at once or was there a leader?’

  ‘Only one spoke.’

  ‘And how was he dressed?’


  ‘What was he wearing?’


  ‘Black what?’

  ‘Black everything. Long sleeved shirt. Black pants. Black shoes. Black head scarf. Thick black belt. Sword.’


  ‘I think it was a long curved sword, with a carved, black and white handle.’

  Ben couldn’t contain himself. ‘Did any of them take out their swords?’

  Stan Café turned to Ben. ‘No.’

  ‘What about the second time they visited. Did they draw their swords?’


  ‘But they assaulted you the second time from what I hear, and sent a diver down and shot your underwater camera man with a spear gun.’

  ‘Yeah, through the leg.’

  ‘Not through the chest?’ Ben looked at Susan and back to Stan Café.

  ‘No. Good Lord. Through the chest and he’d be dead.’

  ‘So they didn’t want to kill your underwater photographer,’ said Ben. ‘Just frighten him….and you?’

  Stan Café scratched his balding head. ‘Hell of a way to frighten us.’

  ‘I agree,’ said Ben. ‘Can you tell me something else? Did the diver who shot Mr. Hayter, leave his spear gun behind?’

  Stan Café stared at Ben. ‘What kind of question is that?

  Susan looked at Ben with confusion on her face, but she supported him. ‘Can you recall this detail Mr. Café?’

  ‘Now that you mention it, the spear gun was attached to the spear with a long nylon cord. I think the gun, cord and spear were all loaded onto the police launch that took Andy to the mainland.’

  Ben leaned forward. ‘Did the spear have large movable barbs at the point, you know, the ones what make it very difficult to pull the spear out?’

  ‘Yes, that’s why we couldn’t pull it out. I really don’t see the point of this line of questioning.’

  ‘You’ve been very patient Mr. Café,’ said Ben. ‘I need to speak with Derek and Sandra first, but I want you to understand that I feel the movie should go ahead with the underwater scenes right where you are located.’

  ‘Are you crazy?’ Stan jumped to his feet. ‘I’m not going back out there.’

  ‘You will be heavily guarded the next time,’ said Ben. ‘There will not be a repeat performance of recent events.’

  Stan looked at Susan. ‘What; you two going to stand on the platform and protect us?’

  ‘Armed, uniformed guards,’ said Ben. ‘I’ll arrange it.’

  Susan squeezed her long fingernails into Ben’s shoulder. He ignored her. ‘None of you guys will work on that platform again without at least 2 armed, uniformed guards, standing by.’

  ‘That’s very reassuring Mr. Hood, but it’s not going to help Andy Hayter very much.’

  ‘We’ll take care of that. I’m sure Derek will be doing everything possible to support and compensate Mr. Hayter. This project is more than adequately insured.’

  Stan Café looked at Susan. She nodded.

  ‘How many underwater photographers were assigned to this film Mr. Café?’ Asked Ben.

  ‘Only two. We also have two divers doing lighting.’

  ‘And where were the lighting guys when Mr. Hayter got shot in the leg?’

  ‘Here at the resort. We only need them for the underwater night action. That was scheduled in 3 days time if the weather holds.’

  Ben got up. ‘Mr. Café. I have no idea exactly how this movie is going to progress from this point, but it has to progress.’

  ‘I’m not following you.’

  ‘The underwater parts of this film will proceed. You and your men will be very well protected.’

  ‘Tell that to Andy Hayter?’

  ‘He’s out of this. Assure the rest of the crew that we’re going ahead safely. I’ll be there to support you and answer any questions.’

  Stan appeared somewhat deflated. He pulled his nose a couple of times. Susan kept a straight face. Her mind was in turmoil.

  ‘And what about the Police?’ asked Stan.

  ‘What about them?’ said Ben.

  ‘Don’t we have to do what they tell us to do?’

  ‘And what have they told you to do Mr. Café?’

  ‘I’m very confused about all of this Mr. Hood. The Police haven’t spoken to me yet.’

  ‘Then perhaps you should work with me for a while.’ Ben glanced at Susan. Her face remained blank. Stan Café was obviously uncomfortable.

  Ben walked to an open window and gazed at the flickering torches and extensive, shimmering pools below. The resort staff were setting up a huge bar- b- q on an outside deck. Light blue smoke rose and swirled in the ocean breeze. Exotic smells of steak, lamb, prawns, lobster and fish, invaded his nostrils.

  ‘I don’t have all the answers to what has happened here Mr. Café, but it appears to me that we’re not getting a full picture.’

  Stan Café said nothing.

  ‘I intend speaking with the Police myself and making a few other inquiries but in the meantime, we’ll see what Derek intends to do about the film and work out a plan from there.’

  ‘Sounds fair.’

  ‘He may just move the underwater location or perhaps call the entire show off and send us home. I don’t personally think that would be a good idea.’

  Stan Café rubbed his chin thoughtfully. ‘We’ve put a damn lot of money into this project so far Mr. Hood. A damn lot. I just can’t figure the reaction from the chinks on that island. We’re not hurting them. We’re no-where near that island.’

  ‘You’re obviously close enough to be seen. They can see you and you can also see them. It would seem that the fact you can see them is what triggered the incident today.’

  ‘Armed guards you say?’

  ‘At least two of them, with Derek’s permission.’

  ‘OK, I’ll wait until I’ve heard from you before I speak to the rest of the crew.’

  ‘Sounds fair.’ The two shook hands and Stan Café left.


  Chapter Twenty Four


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