Book Read Free

Coral Sea Affair

Page 28

by Drew Lindsay

At 3 pm sharp, Ben’s mobile phone rang. It was Yana.

  ‘I’m going to get into huge trouble if anyone finds out about this.’

  ‘I’ll be totally discreet Yana.’

  ‘You better be. The car is registered to a corporation, and they are in Port Douglas, not Rockhampton.’


  ‘Now you’re doing it.’


  ‘Saying “what” you dope. Shut up and listen. The car is owned by a Chinese company named Lei Tou Zi Gong Si.’

  ‘You have any idea what that means in English?’

  ‘Yes, as a matter of fact. Lei in Chinese means lightening. Tou Zi means investment. Gong Si means Company. Lightening Investment Company. They are known by ASIC. The Director is a man named Chin Chian Qian. In Chinese his name means something to do with money. “The Treasurer”. All Chinese names are quite revealing, unlike most modern English names.’

  ‘You are a whiz baby. So the Inspector up here is telling lies about the ownership of the car.’

  ‘Yep, would appear so.’

  ‘I wonder why?’

  ‘Oh, another thing. Lei Tou Zi Gong Si owns an island up that way.’

  ‘Skull Island.’

  ‘How did you know? It took me hours to discover that’

  ‘Just a lucky guess.’

  ‘Yeah right. Something is going on Ben and you’re in the middle of it as usual. You need help?’

  ‘I’m not sure Yana. That island is now host to quite a few Ninjutsu.’

  ‘Ninja? What would they be doing on an island up there?’

  ‘Not sure yet but I’m going to find out.’

  ‘You stay away from more trouble Ben. You’re already in over your head by the sound of things, including movie stars hanging off you.’

  ‘I’ll be careful. Can I call you tomorrow?’

  ‘You better.’

  ‘And thanks again for the research. It puts me miles ahead on a few things.’

  Derek, Ben, Sandra and Elizabeth sat in deep comfortable lounge chairs facing a circular, timber coffee table. The Lobby lounge at the Sheraton Mirage was massive and beautifully furnished. There was deep plush carpet throughout and a black grand piano in one corner. A lofty skylight allowed filtered sunlight into the area. Glasses sparkled at the bar. Couples whispered at intimate tables and small groups sipped champagne and ate nuts and treats on a lower mezzanine floor.

  A waitress in casual crisp white attire brought their drinks and some nibbles on a tray. Sandra Quinn gulped at her ice smothered Malibu and smiled a little self consciously. ‘I was thirsty,’ she said. ‘It’s very hot out there.’

  ‘You did a marvellous job today Sandra,’ said Derek, sipping on a gin and tonic. ‘Marvellous.’

  ‘Directing Brenda is a joy,’ replied Sandra. ‘She is such a professional and so natural.’

  ‘She looks radiant at the moment,’ said Derek. ‘Quite stunning. The Australian climate and this charming place are doing wonders for her. I’ve never seen her look so…..’

  ‘Yeah, the climate is doing wonders for her,’ interrupted Elizabeth with a glance at Ben. ‘All that tropical heat and moonlit walks on the beach.’

  ‘Well I don’t care what it is,’ said Derek. ‘I like it and so will millions of movie goers, all paying lots of money to see her in the Coral Sea Affair.’

  ‘I must admit, she is glowing just now,’ said Sandra.

  ‘Can we drop this glowing and radiant and doing wonders stuff for a moment,’ snapped Elizabeth. ‘The underwater shoot has additional problems that we have to discuss.’

  ‘Quite true,’ said Derek. ‘We’ll be doing an inspection first thing in the morning if that’s OK.’

  ‘I’ve hired two uniformed guards,’ said Susan. Both will have side arms and both are very big men. They will accompany you to the diving platform and I understand Ben and Elizabeth are diving with a camera man to inspect the set. We’ve convinced Stan Café and some of his team to accompany you to the platform as well.’

  Ben sat back in his comfortable lounge chair. ‘This is a test to see if we get any reaction from the people on Skull Island. We will all have to be very careful but I don’t expect too many problems with our armed guards present. The police don’t appear willing to assist so we’ll take care of things ourselves this time.’

  ‘How exciting,’ said Derek.

  ‘Could be dangerous,’ said Elizabeth.

  ‘I know,’ said Derek with a chuckle. ‘That and the murders last night.’

  ‘What murders?’ said Elizabeth.

  ‘Two motor cyclists were bashed to death last night right outside the Port Douglas police station and another was in Mossman hospital in a coma. My convalescing cameraman told me the third man died a couple of hours ago. Ben and I discussed it this morning.’

  Elizabeth looked at Ben and back to Derek. ‘No-one told me about this. Why wasn’t I told?’

  Derek shrugged. ‘We’ve not had a chance to chat until now.’

  ‘Ben?’ Elizabeth fixed her deep blue eyes on him.

  ‘They weren’t bashed to death….’ It was too late to take back what he had blurted out. They were all looking at him.

  ‘The police said they were,’ said Derek. ‘Do you know something more about this?’

  Elizabeth narrowed her eyes and sat forward in Ben’s direction. ‘You and I need to talk buster.’

  ‘I don’t understand any of this,’ said Derek.

  ‘What happened with the bikies won’t affect this film,’ said Ben. ‘It’s another issue.’

  Elizabeth jumped to her feet. ‘OK, now it’s our turn for a walk on the beach Ben Hood. Get moving and start talking. Derek; I’ll come and chat with you and Sandra when I’ve found out what our security expert here is up to.’

  Elizabeth strode to the carpeted stairway leading down to the boardwalks and the beach beyond. Her long black hair swirled around her shoulders with the rhythm of her walk. Ben put down his orange juice, smiled weakly at Derek and Sandra, and followed Elizabeth down the stairway.

  He told her everything. This was no leisurely stroll along the beach. Ben was walking quickly to keep up with her long legged stride. There was no holding of hands and they both kept their shoes on. The afternoon sun threw long palm tree silhouettes on the sand. When he had finished Elizabeth stopped abruptly and turned to face him. ‘You have no idea what danger you have placed all of us in, do you? What were you thinking Ben?’

  ‘I didn’t pick this damn location to shoot a movie. We’ve stumbled over something else here and I’m doing the best I can to contain it.’

  ‘By killing people!’

  ‘I was protecting an old lady.’

  ‘You could have just made them run away or something.’

  ‘These guys just don’t run away Liz. They were obviously paid to do a very nasty job and I had to stop them quickly and protect myself at the same time.’

  ‘Well obviously you can fight. I’ve had a few punch up’s in my time but I’ve never killed anybody.’

  ‘I’m trained.’

  ‘In what?’

  ‘Karate….sort of.’

  ‘Oh I see. Sort of. And don’t call me Liz. That’s for my friends.’


  ‘What sort of Karate?’

  ‘Shinobi Ninjutsu.’

  She looked into his eyes. She was almost as tall as Ben. ‘That’s not a very nice style of fighting.’

  ‘No, it’s not.’

  ‘So why did you learn it?’

  ‘I didn’t want anyone to hurt me. Not anyone.’

  ‘Hmm. You’re a piece of work Ben Hood.’

  Ben didn’t know what to say to that, so he said nothing. Elizabeth turned and began walking back towards the Sheraton Mirage. Ben caught up with her. ‘So there are three tasks for me to complete over the next couple of days as well as ensure that nothing bad happens to Brenda and t
he rest of the film crew.’

  ‘You got a superman suit hidden somewhere?’

  Ben ignored her and continued. ‘I’m going into that police holding yard tonight to take a look at Winston Mackay’s boat.’

  ‘You’re nuts,’ said Elizabeth softly.

  ‘Then we’ve got to see if there is any reaction from the mob on Skull Island when we visit the diving platform tomorrow morning.’

  ‘You don’t have to tell me the third task,’ said Elizabeth. ‘You’re going to try and get onto Skull Island and see what’s going on.’

  ‘Spot on.’

  ‘You are out of your bloody mind.’

  Ben walked beside her in silence for a while. ‘I want you to meet Joy Mackay.’


  ‘Because then you will know why I’m going to do what I have to do. I’ll take you now if you’re free. We’ll only be gone an hour or so.’

  Elizabeth stopped walking. Ben stood beside her. ‘She called you a white knight.’

  ‘Who did?’

  ‘Brenda. She feels totally comfortable and very secure with you.’

  ‘I’m no white knight Elizabeth. Far from it.’

  ‘Hmm….’ She began to walk again.

  The big Harley purred with a deep, throaty rumble as they headed north. Ben had phoned Joy and she was expecting them. Elizabeth wore the helmet and Ben took a chance without one. The lush jungle rushed past and a cool ocean breeze pulled at their T shirts. Elizabeth felt extremely comfortable with her arms around Ben’s chest. She had little experience on a motor bike but felt wonderfully safe on the Harley with Ben in control. It bothered her that she had trusted him so quickly. Her experience with men had convinced her to never trust a man again.

  Ben was having some difficulty concentrating on the road ahead. Elizabeth’s large, firm breasts were pressed against his back. They moved against him with the motion of the bike. Her arms encircled his chest. It was driving him crazy but he did not dare ask her to sit back a bit. He would have killed to know if she was doing it deliberately and she would have killed him for suggesting it. What a dilemma. He chose to say nothing and enjoy the feeling.

  Joy was waiting for them on the outside deck. Ben parked the bike underneath and led Elizabeth up the stairway. He made introductions and Joy ushered them into the lounge room and waved vaguely towards the chairs. Ben sat on Winston’s favourite. Elizabeth sat on the two seater lounge. Joy brought iced green tea, passed them out and sat next to Elizabeth. Ben pulled a face at the iced tea and put it on the coffee table beside him. He hated any kind of green tea.

  ‘Ben has told me about you young lady.’

  ‘Has he now?’ Elizabeth smiled at the use of “young lady”. She was 41. Then again, compared to Joy she was probably “young”. ‘I hope none of it was bad.’

  ‘No. You take care of Brenda Grant so I hear. A personal bodyguard.’

  ‘Yes, and I’m also her friend.’

  Joy took an envelope from a coffee table next to her. She slid out 5 photographs and handed them to Elizabeth. Ben stood and walked behind the lounge to also view the photos. The first one was of Joy. An extremely frightened Joy with her back to her car; cowering.

  ‘The thug who was going to beat me up took this just before Ben arrived. He said it was to be the “before’ shot.’

  ‘And the other shots?’ asked Ben.

  Elizabeth fanned them out. They were taken on a brilliantly white beach fringed with hundreds of palm trees. A deep lagoon was partly in view.

  ‘It’s Skull Island,’ said Joy. ‘It has to be. There is nothing like that around here. The sand is too white.’

  ‘So the biker was on Skull beach at some stage,’ said Ben.

  ‘One day before he attacked me. They are digital photographs and the date taken is stored in the property section of the file.’

  ‘Smart lady,’ said Ben.

  ‘I’d have been a dead lady if it wasn’t for you.’ She turned to Elizabeth. ‘Did he tell you what happened?’

  ‘Some of it.’

  ‘Well let me tell you what happened in a bit more detail Ms. Rose.’

  ‘Liz will be fine.’ She looked at Ben.

  ‘OK Liz.’ I’ll just have another sip of this green tea. Lovely isn’t it?’

  ‘Yes,’ said Liz, smiling.

  ‘You’ve not touched yours Ben,’ said Joy.

  ‘I’m not fond of green tea,’ said Ben.

  ‘I’ll get you some iced water.’ Before Ben could object, Joy had scurried out of the room and returned a few moments later with a huge glass of water, jingling at the top with ice cubes. She handed it to Ben.

  ‘You shouldn’t have bothered Joy.’

  ‘I owe you more than iced water young man. A lot more.’

  Joy spent the next 15 minutes explaining in detail what had happened on the night she was approached by the three bike riders. There were tears in her eyes as she tried to explain how helpless and frightened she felt. There was no-one around. No-one to help. She knew it was likely they would kill her and there was nothing whatsoever she could do to protect herself. Then a total stranger appeared out of no-where. He moved with lightning speed and within less than 30 seconds the three bikers were on the ground…..two not moving and the third clutching his throat and trying to scream through broken vocal chords.

  Elizabeth was also moved. She could feel the emotion in Joy’s voice as she outlined the details of her rescue. She could feel tears welling up but was forced to smile when Joy explained how Ben had kicked her attacker’s bikes over when he had finished dealing with them. Final adrenalin burst to conclude the situation. She knew the feeling.

  Joy went on to explain her concerns for her missing husband. She left nothing out. It seemed to reassure her as she vocalised her opinions. When she finished she took a long sip of her iced tea.

  Elizabeth handed the photos to Ben and he returned to Winston’s chair. Her eyes never left him. He slipped the photos back in the envelope and put them in his pocket.

  ‘There’s more now,’ said Ben.

  Joy was instantly alert. ‘What more?’

  ‘You have to keep this to yourself. It’s getting rather messy.’

  ‘I’ll do whatever you want Ben.’

  ‘OK. Your Police Inspector is telling you lies.’

  Joy looked astonished. ‘What sort of lies?’

  ‘The Lincoln is registered to a Chinese company based here at Port Douglas.’

  Joy flew to her feet and planted her hands on her hips. ‘I knew it. I knew he was full of shit.’

  ‘The Chinese company own more than the Lincoln Joy.’

  She walked towards him and held out her wrinkled hands. He took them in his own without hesitation. She studied his face carefully. ‘Skull Island?’


  Joy began to weep. Ben stood and led her back to the two seater. Her knees buckled and she slumped onto the lounge. Elizabeth hugged her and Joy put her head against Elizabeth’s shoulder. Ben stood back.

  It wasn’t an awkward silence, but no-one spoke for some time. Joy pulled a handkerchief from her pocket and blew her nose. Elizabeth took her arms from Joy’s shoulders and they both sat back on the lounge.

  ‘So, it would appear I have two guardian angels taking care of me now,’ said Joy.

  Elizabeth looked embarrassed. She also felt very emotional and that frightened her.

  ‘I need to get onto Skull Island and have a good close look,’ said Ben. ‘The movie will go ahead as planned but my inspection of that island seems to have taken priority. What do you think Elizabeth?’

  ‘I agree,’ she said without hesitation. ‘And it’s Liz.’

  Ben watched her for a moment. Her blue eyes never left his. ‘I need to get some equipment,’ said Ben, ‘but I’m planning on visiting that island very soon.’

  ‘What sort of equipment?’ asked Joy.

  ‘SCUBA diving gear and a waterproof light. I’ll have to approach the island underwater at night.’

  ‘I’m going with you,’ said Elizabeth.

  ‘Like hell you are. You stay with Brenda.’

  ‘You going to take the cannon?’ asked Joy.

  Elizabeth looked confused.

  ‘Yes. I’ll need it totally waterproofed and the cartridges as well.’

  ‘I’ll take care of that. It will be ready soon.’

  ‘I’m not even going to imagine what you two are talking about,’ said Elizabeth.

  Ben stood up and headed for the sliding glass doors. ‘Alright, I’ve got a boat to inspect tonight.’

  ‘Winston’s,’ said Joy. ‘If you get caught in that holding yard, you’ll be in a lot of trouble.’

  ‘I’m being careful Joy. That boat may be a big piece of the puzzle. The police say it was holed on a coral reef and your husband was subsequently lost at sea. A timber boat crashes into a coral reef and what would you expect to be left behind in the hole?’

  ‘Bits of coral?’ said Elizabeth.

  ‘Coral is very brittle and breaks easily,’ said Joy.

  ‘And by the end of tonight, I’ll know what caused the hole in your husband’s boat; one way or another.’

  Joy accompanied them down the timber stairs to the car port below. Elizabeth slipped on the helmet and climbed onto the huge bike, sliding her arms around Ben’s chest. He kicked the starter lever and the motor roared into life. Joy laid a hand on Ben’s shoulder. She had to shout over the noise of the motor. ‘Let me know about the boat?’

  Ben kissed her on the cheek. ‘Stay by the phone.’

  He moved the bike slowly down to the coast road and gunned it south towards Port Douglas. Twilight had settled across the ocean and jungle. Ben turned the headlight on. Elizabeth clung tightly to him. He tried again to ignore the thrust of her breasts against his back. The Coral Sea was now black. The air became cooler.

  Ben turned the bike into the Sheraton Mirage car park and killed the motor. He kicked the stand down. Elizabeth pulled the helmet off and flicked out her long black hair with one hand. They walked together up stone steps illuminated by flickering lanterns, through a jungle garden to the main entrance. An immaculately dressed doorman pulled a large glass door open and they entered the marbled foyer.

  They walked towards their resort rooms. Ben took the helmet from her as they stopped outside the executive suite. ‘Thank you for taking me to meet Joy.’

  ‘Widens the view somewhat don’t you think?’

  ‘A whole lot.’ Elizabeth fidgeted for her key. ‘You want to have dinner with us tonight. It’s a private room again and Sue will be there.’

  ‘I’ve got a bit of work to do tonight.’

  ‘Are you going to jump the fence?’

  ‘Are you crazy? I stopped doing that when I turned 30. Now I cut my way through.’

  ‘With what?

  ‘Secret contraption. Can’t tell you.’

  She slapped his arm playfully. ‘You’re so full of it.’

  ‘I’ll be back for dessert. Save a chair for me.’

  ‘How much should I tell the others?’

  ‘Nothing. Tell them I’m out for a jog. I’ll bring Sue up to speed with all this later tonight when we discuss tomorrow’s diving platform inspection.’

  Elizabeth swiped her electronic door card. The lights flashed green and the door clicked open. ‘You be damn careful.’

  ‘My middle name is “careful”,’ said Ben.

  ‘And now I know your other names as well, said Elizabeth softly.


  ‘White Knight….. Like Brenda said and Joy Mackay knows.’


  Chapter Twenty Eight


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