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Coral Sea Affair

Page 34

by Drew Lindsay

‘The police were here looking for you this afternoon,’ said Susan. ‘Told them I had no idea where you were. That inspector guy wants you to call him.’

  ‘Yeah, when I’m good and ready,’ said Ben.

  ‘Derek has arranged a private bar b q by the pool this evening for the film crew and the stars. Obviously we’re invited. Will you please wear something appropriate?’

  ‘Will you lot get off my back about my dress sense,’ said Ben.

  ‘What dress sense is that?’

  ‘I’ll dress casually as I always do and it will be appropriate.’

  ‘Yeah sure. By the way, they are all excited about the underwater scenes being started tomorrow. Everyone feels a bit more relaxed with those two guards on deck.’

  ‘What time’s dinner?’

  ‘Seven. We’re out on the deck in front of the main restaurant. It’s cordoned off and I’ve asked Rodney’s guys along so you can get to meet them. The resort manager has also assigned his head of security to mingle with us tonight.’

  ‘OK, I’m heading for the spa. See you there.’

  ‘Love the shirt.’ Brenda threw her arms around Ben’s neck and kissed him. Ben stepped back and she let him go. ‘Are they hibiscus flowers?’

  ‘I have no idea. I just bought it today…in the local dive shop actually.’

  ‘I love it.’

  ‘I hate it,’ grumbled Elizabeth, joining them.

  ‘Well I think you both look amazingly beautiful,’ said Ben.

  ‘This little old thing,’ said Brenda with a laugh.

  ‘Cost a bomb,’ said Elizabeth. ‘And ‘little’ describes it to a tee. There’s not much of her you can’t see in that thing.’

  ‘Your top is not much better darling,’ said Brenda, slipping her arm through Elizabeth’s. ‘Busting out big time.’

  ‘I am not.’

  ‘Ben, is she busting out?’

  Ben was starting to feel uncomfortable again. ‘Well not exactly busting, but there is plenty to see.’

  ‘Careful mister,’ said Elizabeth. ‘This is the latest, must have, party frock.’

  Brenda flashed perfect white teeth. ‘Liz tells me that the diving was amazing this morning. I can’t wait to see the set for myself.’

  ‘It’s a beautiful part of the reef,’ said Ben. ‘Let’s hope the weather holds. The barometer has dropped a bit.’

  ‘I’m sure it will be fine.’ Brenda let Elizabeth’s arm go and took Ben’s instead. ‘Look, I may be just imagining this but is there something going on with you two that I don’t know about?’

  Elizabeth shot a glance at Ben. Brenda picked it up instantly. ‘I thought so! Want to let me in on the secret?’

  ‘It’s just about security darling,’ said Elizabeth lightly. ‘Ben and I have to discuss every aspect of security on an outside location like this, especially with the nasty incident out on the diving platform the other day. That posed a serious threat to our entire team.’

  ‘And that’s all?’ said Brenda, tightening her grip on Ben’s arm.

  ‘You make this movie a smash hit lady and we’ll take care of the security. That’s our job,’ said Ben.

  ‘So there’s nothing else?’ asked Brenda, her eyes never leaving Elizabeth’s.

  ‘You are so suspicious of everything,’ said Elizabeth, rather too forcefully.

  ‘Why don’t you two get mingling,’ said Ben, trying to steer the conversation in another direction. ‘I’ve got to meet some people as well.’

  Brenda unlocked her arm from Ben’s but she remained close, looking directly into his eyes. ‘I got a nose for secret stuff you know.’

  ‘And a very pretty nose if I may say,’ replied Ben.

  She pushed him playfully in the chest with both hands. ‘I’m watching you two. Come on Liz. We need a drink. I think a few Aviation Gins on ice might loosen your tongue.’

  ‘I’m not touching that rocket fuel and neither are you,’ said Elizabeth. They walked arm in arm towards the pool bar.

  Ben joined Susan and was introduced to the security operatives sent by Rodney. They discussed the attack on the diving pontoon. The two newcomers were obviously confused at the ferocity of the attack with motive being little more than securing the privacy of the owner of Skull Island. Ben quickly moved on to plans for the movie crew to start filming on the reef the next morning. It was agreed that the new operatives would accompany Susan and the two armed guards on the cruiser. Ben indicated vaguely that he may visit the wounded underwater cameraman later. In reality, he knew that he would be resting up for the covert visit to Skull Island. In his mind he had accepted that the mission was going to be extremely dangerous to say the least. It was unknown territory, occupied by people who were ruthless, and totally unafraid of reprisals from the law.

  A small band of musicians began to play off to the side of the main outdoor entertainment area. Soft guitars and deep bongo drums. Curious onlookers stayed behind the cordons. Camera strobes flashed. The security people intervened, politely but firmly moving people away.

  Dozens of flame torches lit the scene magically. Shadows danced across timber planked walkways. The Coral Sea breeze had freshened. Palm branches tossed gently and whispered as only palm branches do when touched by the wind.

  Laughter rose from groups gathered informally here and there. Glasses clinked. Hazy smoke rose, twisted and twirled from the outside bar b q. Chef’s in crisp white jackets and starched white hats worked at blurring speed, turning prime beef steak on hickory flames. Lobsters broiled. Huge king prawns sizzled. Salads, pasta, sauces, herbed bread and side dishes were meticulously prepared by younger Chef’s, each cringing slightly when the Head Chef came close. Exquisite aromas from the Australian outdoor kitchen tempted the most resistant palate.

  Brenda was the centre of attention. She chatted and laughed with everyone. Simon Sutherland tried to keep up, but realised quickly he was outclassed and moved closer to the bar in the company of two very adoring female fans who had apparently won the privilege of attending the party through a raffle held in the resort restaurant the night before.

  The dinner plates were Royal Doulton. Ben vaguely knew the name, but a plastic plate would have suited him more than adequately. The food was the best he had ever tasted.

  Susan told him the cutlery was by Jorg Jensen and very expensive. Ben asked her how much he might get if he put some of it on EBay. The look he received back was sufficient to broaden his smile.

  ‘And where the hell did you get that shirt?’

  ‘Rick’s Dive Shop and Boutique. It’s just off the main drag in Davidson Street.’

  Susan studied his face carefully for a moment. ‘Dive shop and boutique, right?’

  ‘Rick is a nice guy. Mention my name and he’ll give you a discount.’

  Susan sipped her orange juice. Ben sipped his apple juice. Both wished their drinks were more potent.

  ‘You wore it as a dare, right?’


  ‘I smell Brenda all over this. She put you up to this to annoy Elizabeth and me.’

  ‘Never! Rick says it’s the latest thing up here.’

  ‘Then Rick is an idiot, and so are you.’

  They both grinned at each other, but only for a moment. ‘So you’re obviously about to move ahead with your visit to that island?’

  ‘Tomorrow night, if the weather holds.’

  ‘I’m not happy about this Ben. I’ve got a bad feeling.’

  ‘Well you’re not the only one who’s told me that today. I’d have more of a bad feeling if I didn’t go. I’m ready for this.’

  Susan studied his face. ‘You properly equipped?’


  Derek Disano approached them. He was holding a half empty martini glass in one hand. ‘Either of you seen Brenda? I can’t locate her.’

  Ben deposited his empty glass on the side of a garden bed and strode through the mingling
guests. He couldn’t see Brenda or Elizabeth. Both of them were too noticeable to suddenly become unnoticeable. His heart rate quickened. He caught Susan’s eye and pointed towards the resort building. ‘Room check, fast!’ he called. Susan ran. Ben approached the head of security. ‘Did you see where Brenda and her companion went?’

  ‘No sir. I didn’t notice them leave the party. There are over 50 guests here.’

  Ben interrupted a conversation Sandra Quinn was having with a group of women. ‘Have you seen Brenda and Elizabeth?’

  ‘They were right here a moment ago,’ said Sandra.

  ‘How long since you’ve seen them?’

  ‘Not more than a few minutes.’

  ‘That’s too long,’ said Ben to himself as he pushed through the crowd and out onto the boardwalk beside the pool. He didn’t know which way to run, but he had to choose. He chose to head for the beach.

  ‘Ben!’ Sandra was leaning out an open window on the top floor. “Not here,’ she shouted.

  Ben pulled out his tiny LED torch and ran past the wedding chapel towards the beach. He flicked on the brilliant white light. He saw Brenda immediately. She was sprawled, face down across the boardwalk at its junction with the sand. His heart pounded. She was unconscious as he lifted and turned her gently and cradled her in his arms. She was bleeding profusely from an open wound on her head. Blood dripped through her blond hair and over her face. Ben pushed the palm of his right hand over the wound to stop the blood flow.

  Susan reached his side with other security guards close behind. She let out a cry when she saw Brenda.

  ‘Ambulance. NOW,’ yelled Ben.

  One of the men punched buttons on his mobile phone.

  ‘What happened?’ asked Susan, her voice shaking.

  ‘Take my torch and check the beach. Liz is missing. Hurry!’

  Susan took the torch from his fingers and raced onto the beach. She ran several hundred metres to the right and stopped to speak with a young couple walking in the shallow surf. She then sprinted back to where Ben was gently holding the unconscious Brenda. ‘They’ve taken her!’

  ‘Who took her? Ben’s voice has risen sharply.

  ‘Don’t know. Small group of men. The young couple along the beach up there thought they were playing a game. They were carrying something and all got in a rubber boat and headed out to sea.’

  Ben looked helpless. His hands were covered with blood and he was gently rocking Brenda in his arms. She was breathing slowly and was extremely pale.

  ‘Where’s that bloody ambulance!’

  ‘On its way sir,’ replied the head of security.

  Others from the party were beginning to gather at the side of the chapel. The two remaining security guards kept them back. Everyone was trying to talk at once. Everyone was asking questions.

  Ben looked at the Head of Security. ‘You know Inspector Tanner?’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  ‘Then ring him and tell him to get his arse down here with a team of detectives NOW. This has gone too far.’

  ‘Yes Mr. Hood. I’ll ring him right away.’

  A siren wailed in the distance. It quickly grew louder. Minutes later two paramedics were providing emergency care to Brenda. Ben stood back helplessly. Susan put her hand on his shoulder.

  ‘I got careless,’ said Ben. ‘I should have never let them out of my sight in an open situation like this.’

  ‘I’m equally responsible,’ said Susan quietly.

  Brenda was stretchered through the astonished crowd to the foyer area and into the ambulance outside. Ben and Susan followed. Several camera flashes went off.

  ‘Mossman hospital?’ asked Ben.

  ‘Yep,’ the Ambulance driver said.

  The ambulance sped away, sirens blaring.

  ‘Where are the damn police?’ demanded Ben as the Head of Security approached.’

  ‘Inspector Tanner is not available tonight. I think his partner Adam Kennedy is coming down.’

  Ben swung to face Susan. ‘Change of plan.’ He strode through the foyer towards the resort wing which led to his room. Susan ran after him.

  He threw his blood stained clothing in a laundry basket and quickly showered to clean the congealed blood from his skin. He dressed in black jeans, black T shirt and laced up his Nike runners. Susan was sitting on the end of his bed as he came out of the robe area. He opened a drawer beside his bed, removed the small bolt cutters and laid them on the coffee table.

  ‘Why did they take Liz?’ asked Susan, breaking the silence.

  ‘They made a mistake,’ said Ben through gritted teeth. ‘These gooks are not up with things. They saw Liz on the cruiser during the dive this morning and assumed she was the movie star. They were watching us through binoculars.’

  `Why kidnap the star?’

  ‘No star, no movie shoot on the reef. Right?’

  ‘What are you going to do?’

  ‘Go get her back. I’m going to the Mossman hospital first and then I’ll chase these sons of bitches down and teach them some manners.’

  ‘You’re very angry Ben. You’re confrontational. That’s not good for the Ninjutsu approach.’

  He stared at her for a long moment. ‘Are you out of your mind? You know nothing about Ninjutsu. I’ll take care of this my way.’

  Ben pushed buttons on his mobile phone. Joy answered immediately.

  ‘They’ve taken Liz and seriously injured Brenda,’ he blurted out.


  ‘I have to move tonight Joy. Do you think Sam will be ready?’

  ‘I’ll make him ready. Where’s Liz?’

  ‘Probably out on Skull Island. They took her right out of the middle of a damn bar b q party. No-one including me saw anything!’

  ‘And Brenda?’

  ‘Mossman hospital.’

  ‘It’s on the way here. Turn off to Mossman and follow the hospital signs. I’ll be waiting at home.’

  Ben pushed the off button.

  Susan held out his tiny torch. ‘You’ll need this.’

  ‘No. You keep it. I’ve got a much brighter one which works underwater as well.’ He picked up the bike helmet from a chair and tucked the bolt cutters inside it. ‘Wish me luck.’

  Susan got off the bed and approached him. ‘Just you stay alive out there Ben Hood.’ She hugged him quickly and stepped back. ‘I’ll walk you to the bike. Cops should be here by now. I’ll talk to them. Where do we say you’ve gone?’

  ‘To the hospital.’

  ‘And then?’

  ‘None of their damn business.’

  ‘I’d like a word Mr. Hood.’ Detective Sergeant Kennedy was waiting for him in the foyer. Two uniformed police stood nearby.

  ‘I’m visiting at Mossman hospital. You can talk to my partner Susan. She knows as much as I do what happened tonight.’

  ‘I’d rather speak to you if you don’t mind.’

  Ben approached the Sergeant. Ben was much taller and much larger than Adam Kennedy. There was no mistaking the look on Ben’s face. ‘I’ll come and speak with you when I’ve checked on Brenda Grant. She takes priority here. You just better hope that what happened here tonight has nothing whatsoever to do with you or Inspector Tanner. If I find out it has, I’ll personally crucify the pair of you.’

  Kennedy took a step back. Ben walked around him, past the two uniformed policemen and through the main doors. No-one attempted to stop him. He threw the bolt cutters into a side pannier of the bike. Minutes later he was roaring along the highway towards Mossman.


  Chapter Thirty Four


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