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Winter Fire: an Urban Fantasy Novel (Coldharbour Chronicles Book 3)

Page 3

by Richard Amos

  “She all right?” Greg asked.

  “Yes, she’s just got a lot on. Probably Floyd stuff. She looks exhausted. She said she’s sorry she can’t meet tonight.”

  Mr. Douglas returned with the drinks. “Hello, Miss. Hawk. Would you care for a drink?”

  “I’d love a cola. Thanks.”

  He bowed and exited.

  “I don’t think we should talk about any of what’s gone down right now,” Nay announced. “My head needs a break.”


  “Too right. Something unbelievably trashy.”

  Greg didn’t disappoint with the B-movie about a mega-sized spider and a snake teaming up to wreak havoc on Los Angeles with bad actors running from the horrendous CGI monsters.

  Halfway through, Dean left and didn’t come back. Greg and Nay didn’t seem to notice, too caught up laughing at the uber-shitness of the film.

  Once the credits were rolling, Greg said, “Fancy another?”

  “Do it,” Nay answered, scooping up the last slice of pepperoni pizza.

  “I’m gonna call it a night,” I said.

  Nay paused in her move to bite the slice. “You sure, babe?”

  “I’m pretty knackered.”

  “Rest easy, mate,” Greg said.

  “Remember to be downstairs for seven,” Nay added.

  “Sure. Goodnight.”

  I headed upstairs.

  Pausing at my bedroom door, I stared at Dean’s. He was right there, behind that wood. I could go in there and talk to him, to try and make this right somehow.

  With a heavy sigh, I went into my room.


  It was Greg.

  I woke up from a dreamless sleep. There were no unopened flower dreams tonight—where I would hang out in a rocky alcove in a cliff listening to the voice of the goddess Hecate. I was glad to not be there tonight.

  I sat up. “What is it?”

  “I need to talk to you.”

  I rubbed my eyes and yawned. He was standing at the foot of my bed. “What time is it?”


  “Can’t we talk tomorrow?”

  “It’s bugging me, mate. Can I get in?”

  I pulled the covers back. Greg climbed in next to me.

  “Sorry to wake you,” he said.

  “You should be.”

  “Ah, you know what it’s like when something plays on your mind.”

  I snuggled back down. He could talk all he wanted. I wasn’t about to not be in a cozy position.

  “You and Dean.”

  I sat back up, suddenly wide awake. “What about us?”

  “What’s going on between you two? Me and Nay have both noticed but kept our mouths shut. Did something happen?”

  Oh, crap. How was I supposed to broach this one? I couldn’t lie.

  “I knew something happened,” he said.

  There was the reason right there why I couldn’t lie. He had some sort of second sight!

  “It did.”

  “Look,” he said. “I know I’m a nosy bastard. You don’t have to tell me if you really don’t want to. But the tension is thick. If there’s any animosity between you then it needs to be put to bed.” He sighed. “I know, I’m preaching. It’s just that we’re such a good team, and I’d hate for everything to be messed up by something we can make better. I can help you, mate. So can Nay.”

  “Wow, you’re rambling.”

  “Be serious, Jakey.”


  “Is it that bad?”

  Was it? “I wouldn’t call it bad.”

  “Don’t talk around an answer. Either tell me or don’t. But I do want to help.”

  “That’s like being pulled in two different directions.”

  “That’s me, Jakey.”

  Right. I just had to come out with it. “Dean and I … kissed.”

  Silence—all of the noise sucked out of the room.

  “You still alive?”

  “I, er … what?”

  Dammit! “You heard correctly.”

  “You kissed? Like a proper snog-fest?”

  My cheeks were blazing. Thank God the light was off. “Yes.”

  “Wow. So he likes a bit of variety?”

  “I, er, don’t know.”

  He sighed. “Angsty kiss.”

  “Yep. All on me.”


  “You got it.”

  “Shit. You know, I really thought Dean was sweet on that detective. Well, not now her body’s been taken over by Lilisian but before that.”

  “So did I.” Yet there’d been moments between me and Dean, slices of something I had been convinced was purely one-sided—my side.

  “You fancy him?”

  “I … don’t know.”

  “He’s a hot bloke.”

  “Can we talk about something else?”

  “No, we’re trying to solve this problem.” I heard him scratch his chin. “This one’s gonna be tricky to fix.”

  “I’ll fix it.”

  He chuffed. “Because you’re doing so well dealing with it.”

  “I am dealing with it.”

  “No, you’re obsessing. You like him, don’t you?”

  “I just said I don’t know.” Please let me sink into the netherworld of my mattress.

  “And he likes you it seems.”

  I let out a heavy sigh. “I don’t understand, Greg. Why me? What is it he wants? He had a girlfriend before he got trapped in Coldharbour, and he’s banged DI Williams. There’s never been the mention of another guy on the scene before.”

  “Doesn’t mean there wasn’t one.”

  “And he doesn’t have to say anything. I just … I can’t.”

  “Because of Michael.”

  “I’m whining.”

  “You can’t help how you feel, Jakey. But from what you told me … I’ll shut up.”


  “Not my place to say anything.”

  “You can say it.”

  “You have every right to move on with your life, to be free from the grief.”

  “It hasn’t been long enough,” I replied.

  “Is there a rule?”

  “I was married and committed to my husband … who was leaving me for another man. Who cheated on me …” I was really starting to loathe this conversation.

  “All of that aside, you are still breathing. That’s all I’m saying.”

  “I’m not ready.”

  “That’s completely fine. You do whatever makes you comfortable.”

  “I’m so confused.”

  “I’ll be right here if you need to vent.”


  “Always, mate.”

  Man, I loved Greg so much. And Nay. They were like my big brother and sister, always looking out for me.

  “So?” he asked.


  “You not gonna give me some details?”


  “Come on. Was he good?”

  I flashed back to the moment, reliving all the sensations my body swam in. If I hadn’t stopped, I would’ve drowned in pleasure. Fuck!

  “I’m not telling you that.”

  “Can I tell Nay?”

  “You’re asking?”

  “Of course.”

  “Let’s just not talk about it. I’ll tell her.”

  “You’d better. She’ll be pissed off if you leave her out of the loop on this one.

  “Bloody hell!”

  “That’s the beauty of having best mates, Jakey. You can share everything in the sacred circle.”

  I liked the ring of best mates. “What about Dean?”

  “He operates on his own level, but still our mate. Well, not yours. He’s your complicated friend.”

  “Potential love interest,” I said without thinking.

  “That’s it!” He snorted. “I love this.”

  “What, my torture?”

  “Don’t torture yourself, mat
e. So you had a snog. Good for you. Try not to drive yourself crazy. But I do think you need to have a serious talk with Dean because the air so badly needs clearing.”

  “I will.”

  “Do it soon.”

  Easier said than done. “I will.”

  “Ah, the messiness of love.” He was silent for a good thirty seconds. “What do you think of Bliss?”

  “What? Why?”

  The werewolf was hot-headed and not someone I’d want to seriously piss off.

  “Just wondered.” Another pause. “I got something to tell you.”


  “We’ve been texting each other—me and Bliss.”

  “You have?”

  He pulled out his phone. My eyes squinted at the sudden brightness of the screen.

  “Oh,” I said as my eyes adjusted and took in the text messages. They were pretty … steamy. “Maybe you shouldn’t be showing me this.”

  “They get … better.” He put his phone away.

  “I’m confused,” I said. “I didn’t think you two liked each other very much.”

  “She’s a bitch,” he answered. “And she always looks like she wants to rip my head off.”

  “I noticed.”

  “But I like her, Jake.”

  “Still confused.”

  “There’s something about her, something wild and hot, and I can’t stop thinking about her.”

  Sounded familiar. “Opposites attract I guess.”

  “You’re not alone in being screwed up over a potential love interest.”

  I chuckled. “Good to know. You think it’s a lust thing?”

  “Could be. I don’t know. All I know is I want her, and she tells me she wants me.”

  “Would it be that way face to face, you think?”

  “I bloody hope so.”

  “When did this start?”

  “New Year’s Day,” he said. “We just started texting. Not all about the shagging, but other things like feelings.”

  “Bliss talking about feelings? I would never put the two together.”

  “I know, right? Nay reckons I should try and arrange her coming down here. What do you think?”

  “I think you should follow your heart. Don’t know how you’re gonna get Sabrina West to allow one of her wolves to come visit without a very good reason.”

  “Yeah, I’m still working on it.”

  I had to admit, this had taken my mind off what was to come—even if the Dean talk made me squirm. It shouldn’t do that. A man wanted to kiss me. What was so wrong with that?

  Argh! Sleep needed!

  “We’ll figure it out,” I said.

  “Thanks, mate.”

  “Can I get back to sleep now?”

  “Sure. Sorry to have woken you.” He shifted down under the duvet.

  “I gather you’re crashing here.”

  “You mind? I can’t be arsed to go back to my room.”

  “Just don’t hog the covers.”

  He snorted.

  I curled myself up, warm and cozy and exhausted. Dean was in my head for a little while, but not enough to stop me drifting off to the land of non-dreams.

  Chapter Five

  “Hello, my dear boy.”

  Crap. So much for the non-dreams. “Hi.”

  The never-ending storm raged behind me as I sat in the rocky nest in the alcove in the gigantic cliff. The unopened flower jutting from egg-shaped rock was not something I wanted to see right now.

  “How are you?” the goddess asked me in her melodic tones.

  “Fine. You? I wasn’t expecting to see you tonight.”

  “I have something for you?”

  Oh, good. “Info?”

  “You will be delighted, dear boy.”

  “Please, spill the beans.”

  “You have grown in power.”

  “I’ve levelled up? I get a new power?”

  “No,” the goddess said as delicately as a whisper. “All of your power is true and there.”

  Earth, wind, fire, water and spirit—the five elements that made up my powers. She didn’t like me making even the smallest criticism. To be fair, it all worked well. The healing magic (earth), my sparks (fire), amber ribbons of light to indicate beast fear, and sometimes provide a trail to follow (air), all did great, held together by me (spirit)—though I did wonder about my spirit sometimes. It was my shield (water) that I couldn’t wrap my head around. Sometimes it would come to life at just the right moment, while other times it would be a no-show. I had zero control over it, like all of my powers. But the shield was the one that bugged me.

  “You do now,” the goddess said.


  “Your power has grown enough for you to control your shield.”

  “You answered my thinking … again!” She always did that.

  “We are one,” she said.

  Oh, my God! It just hit me … did she hear me thinking about Dean?

  “He is a handsome man,” she said. “A man you desire.”

  Bloody hell! “Can we stay on point here? So, the shield …”

  “Is now yours to command, Jake.”

  I brushed away the Dean stuff. “Cool. Can I try it now?”

  “When you are awake again. Here you do not need to use your power. Just be, Jake.”

  I let the just being roll by for less than a minute. “Have any more info?”

  She took a while to answer. “I am trying to clear the last of the darkness that hides the thing that hides.”

  That thing blocked her, stopped her from being at full goddess capacity—hence why she made me. Once the flower bloomed, I’d know why she picked me.

  My patience was wearing thin.

  “You’ll get there,” I said. Check me out giving Hecate reassurance.

  “Sweet boy,” she replied.

  I sat and waited to be released from the dream.

  Chapter Six

  My body went from sleeping to awake in an instant, no groggy transition period. I was a kid on Christmas morning who just wanted to cut the crap and dive under the tree for the good stuff.

  My phone read 06:00. I had an hour until the meeting with Karla, so I brushed my teeth, pulled on some shorts and a vest, and headed downstairs to the gym.

  I stood in the middle of the former ballroom on a mat and closed my eyes. The shield power was mine to control. I had to figure this out.

  Deep breaths …

  I wanted to say something. I was one with my power, all roads connecting on the inside.

  Deep breaths …

  Focus …

  It would be the only power I’d be able to control. This was new. How did we talk?

  Speak to me …

  I was the power, all of the elements me. We had synergy, each one of us, and we all joined to be one to make a whole, a weapon. I had to command it. That was the direction our relationship was going in now. It wanted me to take the reins. I’d earned my stripes.

  It didn’t speak to me; I spoke to it.

  I called upon the water …

  The preceding cool wetness rushed across my skin. Dark blue energy burst forth and cocooned me in a shell.

  I’d done it! I’d actually made it work.

  I told it to go away.

  It obeyed.

  Once again, I called it back and closed it down.

  Wow. This was awesome! I was finally gonna be less of a puppet. And how bloody handy it would be now that I was in charge.

  Wait … So it was all on me now? There was no more self-preservation that made the shield come up at near-death moments?

  Yes … the creepy version of the goddess’ voice answered.

  “Yes what?”

  Self-preservation …

  Phew. That was a relief. At least I had a built in Plan B.


  I turned to see Dean standing there in his gym shorts and trainers, nothing up top.

  “Er, hi,” I said, trying not to look at his abs.
r />   “I’ll leave you to it.”

  “No … I was just leaving.”

  “You were?”

  No. “Yeah.”

  “Getting in some training before the meeting,” he stated.

  “Yes.” I told him about the shield thing, deciding I should talk to him and not run away. My hands were shaking.

  “That’s great.”

  I looked up into his eyes. Damn. As long as he stayed over that side of the room, everything would be fine.

  He started to move, and I jumped back. He froze. “What is it?”


  “It’s not?”

  “No. Sorry.”

  “What you sorry for?”

  I sighed. “For being a dick head.”

  It took him an age to answer, all the while scrutinizing me with his dark eyes. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “But I am sorry, Dean. I didn’t mean … I don’t even know what happened between us.”

  “We kissed.”

  “And what does that mean?”

  “It means we kissed,” he said, heading over to the punch bag.

  I moved to block him. “It means more than that.”

  “Does it?”

  Okay, he was pissing me off. “A kiss means more than some dismissive remark like that—at least in my world.” I didn’t give him a chance to answer. Cue rambling … “I’ll admit I find you attractive. There, I’ve said it. I thought it was all me, all in my head, some stupid crush. But then you kissed me and something shifted and … and I don’t know what it means.” I took a breath. “I’m sorry I’ve been acting like a teenager, Dean. I really am. We’re supposed to be friends. We need to talk about this.” Man, did I want to run. “And I should be here for you, to ask you how you’re coping.” Another breath. “How are you coping?” I shook my head. “I wish I could find a way to get Lilisian out of DI Williams. That’s so fucked up you having to see her taken over like that. And here’s me getting all … messy.”

  Dean crossed his arms. “You done?”

  “I’m done.”

  I couldn’t read his face at all, but I could feel a chill coming from him. “I lost my head. It was just a kiss. Thanks for your concern, but I’m fine.”

  “Dean …”

  He turned and left.


  He was gone.

  I’d tried to stop the bullshit, but he didn’t care. What a cold bastard. He was the brooding type, unreadable, but he was also caring and had my back. He’d even won me a blue teddy bear from a grabbing machine down on Rainbow Mile. What the fuck? My head gets scrambled by me because I’m all in lust, then he whisks it all up by kissing me, and then … Everything always goes to shit.


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