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Winter Fire: an Urban Fantasy Novel (Coldharbour Chronicles Book 3)

Page 12

by Richard Amos

  “Hecate? Don’t you have anything?” I’d asked the same question over and over without a response.

  Shield must stay …

  I gasped at her voice. “You’re here! I thought you’d left me.”

  Never leave …

  “Why didn’t you answer me?”

  Cannot see …

  “That’s fine … just please talk to me.” I blew out a really long breath. “Part of me was starting to think Lilisian was right, that this was the end for me.”

  Stay in shield …

  “What’s swimming through this crap?”

  Stay in shield …

  “I guess you don’t see it.”

  No …

  “Bloody hell …” Doubt was a bastard, but I was really starting to worry.

  Not over yet …

  “Good to know.”

  A disturbance in the gloop above me … Bollocks! Was that thing in here with me gonna start making moves?

  “Bring it on!”

  A hand burst through my shield. I yelped as it moved in closer and grabbed my collar and pulled.

  “What the bloody hell!”

  I didn’t move, but the hand and arm became a shoulder, a neck and then a head.


  I pulled him in and the shield expanded to allow him inside. He took hold of me, wrapping his arms around me, spluttering gloop in my face.

  I wiped it off.

  For a moment, I thought I was hallucinating. “Dean? Is this really you?”

  He wiped his face, stinking to high heaven like me. His face was inches from mine, his body pressed up against me, my arms wrapped around him in this cocoon of mine.

  “Really me,” he answered. “Thank fuck you’re okay.”

  “I … I don’t understand …”

  “Give me a minute.” He turned his head and coughed violently, gagged and vomited.

  “I’m dead.”

  “What?” He frowned.

  “This isn’t possible.”

  “Believe it, Jake. I’m here.”

  Man, was I on the verge of bawling my eyes out. “How?”

  “We’ve been looking for you all over the palace.”

  I noticed his coat was gone, his jumper sliced open in random places. He had a graze on his right cheek. “Thank God you’re okay, Dean. Is everyone okay? What the hell’s been going on?”

  “After you went inside that spider, that tree took the beast into the ground. Shit!” He sighed. “My blood went proper cold.”

  I didn’t say anything to that.

  “Anyway, we lost all connection to you. None of us could feel a thing coming from you. Greg went mental, fired rockets at the palace. We just stormed it then, fighting our way through owl beasts and crazy trees.”

  “Where’s Greg and Nay … and the white eye guy?”

  “Safe.” He gestured upward with his head. “Back up top. I jumped in here as soon as they opened the hatch.”

  “There’s a hatch?”


  “I’m still confused.”

  “Your SOS signal suddenly kicked in as we reached the main palace gates.”

  I told him about the blood-cleansing.

  “Impressive,” he said.

  “Thank the goddess.”

  “Thank the goddess,” he repeated. “So, when we could trace you again, we ended up receiving some help.”


  He took a moment to answer. “You’re gonna like this. It was from a member of this beast priesthood Floyd keeps banging on about.”


  “Yeah, go figure. I’ll let him tell you about it when we get out of here and have some breathing room.”

  “O-Okay. This is … blowing my mind.”

  His hand went to touch my cheek, but retracted. “I’ve been going crazy.”

  My skin tingled at the lack of his touch. Damn. “I can’t believe you jumped in!”

  He chuckled. “Greg would’ve gone down like a rock—not that I gave him or Nay an option. Listen, there’s a plan to get out of here. It’s not fun, but it’s the only way.”

  “Okay. What is it?”

  He cleared his throat. “Yeah, well, you have to drop your shield and let that beast eat us.”

  Did I just hear him right? “Come again?”

  “Apparently, this beast has no teeth and a really huge mouth—like a whale. We’ll end up in its belly. The priest reckons he’ll have us out in an hour, before digestion kicks in. You have to keep your hands away from everything. You kill it before we’re cut out, we’ll drown in this stuff.”

  There went some cranial loop the loops. “Let me get this straight. We get eaten by this beast to then be surgically removed?”

  “That’s it.”


  “Yep. This pool is deeper than deep. Nothing ever gets out.”

  “How’s he gonna get to it?”

  “Luring it down to the bottom of the pool and trapping it.”

  Right. “And we’re trusting this beast priest?”

  “Seems to be good friends with the white eye guy.”

  Right. A kernel of rage sat in my chest. “Does he now?”

  “Says he really wants you to get out so you can stop Lilisian. Didn’t say why, but him and the white-eyed wanker exchanged knowing looks and all that rubbish. He’ll tell you more. Ready?”

  “Let’s do it.” My stomach ached with terror.

  “Hands in your pockets,” Dean said.

  I obeyed and was pulled into the tightest hug ever, my body glued to his.

  “Whenever you’re ready, Jake.”

  With a deep breath, I dropped the shield.

  Chapter Twenty

  The gloop sucked away all the air, smothering me in its grossness. My eyes were squeezed closed, as was my mouth. I didn’t attempt even the smallest sniff, and my hands were buried in my coat pockets like I was told to do. I was completely at Dean’s mercy, held only by him.

  Don’t kill the beast, don’t kill the beast …

  Interesting turn of events, eh, Hecate? I asked her.

  Indeed ...

  We sank deeper. It wasn’t long before we were sucked downward, cutting through the gloop at an alarming rate.

  Don’t let me go …

  He will not, the goddess answered.

  That wasn’t meant for you …

  He is a loyal man … He will hold you …

  I know …

  He will hold you, Jake …

  Yeah, thanks. You’ve made your point.

  We fell in the dark, rolling down bumpy softness. I never did enjoy fairground rides, always made me want to hurl. I’d had my friggin’ fill of spewing my guts up to last a lifetime.

  We finally stopped rolling, bouncing off something spongy and landing on something of the same feel, me on top of Dean.

  It was dark as pitch. I could see absolutely sod all, but could hear and feel Dean’s breathing.

  The stink of the gloop, as well as this new fishy stench, was the tonic to the normal horniness that would’ve resulted from this up close and personal situation.

  “I think you should stay where you are.” His tone was full of huskiness.


  “Yeah, I’m a buffer between you and this beast.”

  My hands were still in my pockets. “I guess you’re right.”

  “I don’t fancy taking the risk of drowning in that crap.”

  “Me neither.”

  A beat of silence …

  “So, it turns out my shield likes you enough to let you in,” I said. “Did you know?”

  He chuffed. “I didn’t really think about it. I just jumped in. How else were we gonna tell you the plan?”

  Reckless, but so fucking awesome. And made sense. “Mental.”

  “I wasn’t about to let you die. None of us were. You were in there, the SOS signal pinning you down, so I went for it.”


“No worries.”

  I wanted to rest my head against his, to mold myself to him. But we still needed to talk and work this out, despite the kiss at The Mermaid.

  Now was not the time to be thinking about that stuff. I’d had enough of thinking. I wanted out, to be out there killing my way through the palace all the way to Lilisian on her throne. If she had a throne … Of course she bloody did.

  “What day is it?”

  Dean sighed. “Friday, almost dawn.”

  “I’ve been trapped all that time?”



  “I know.”

  I wasn’t gonna dwell on that. I had to focus. “So, did you come through some secret passageway or something to get to me?”

  “Actually, yeah. The palace is a lot bigger than you’d think.”

  “We’ve gone all Pinocchio,” I said, just to stop my head from spinning.

  Dean laughed, the rumble from his chest vibrating through my ribcage.

  “Is this the most uncomfortable position you’ve ever been in?” I blushed a little at my words. Idiot.

  “I’ve been in worse positions.”



  “Are you okay, Dean?” The words just fell out.

  “I’ve been better.”

  Shit. What should I say now? I wasn’t asking about his general health.

  “DI Williams,” he said. “Rachel—is that what you’re talking about?”

  Oh, bollocks. “Yeah … sorry. I should keep my mouth shut.”

  “It’s cool.” He was silent for some seconds, and I was full of regret. But then he said, “I feel real bad for her.”

  “Yeah, m-me too.”

  He sighed. “She’s a good woman, doesn’t deserve this. I wish I could help her.”

  “Maybe we can.”

  “You heard Lilisian—there isn’t any Rachel left in there.”


  “It is.”

  “We’ll set her free.”

  “Only you can do that,” Dean whispered.

  Would Rachel’s body turn into those gold shards when I delivered my killing touch, just like every other beast?

  There was that damned thinking again! How long did it take to cut open a beast whale? Probably a bit of a process getting through the blubber, presuming this thing had blubber.

  “If you’re asking something else,” Dean added, “I didn’t feel anything for her in a romantic way. We had sex, that was it. I was making sure my magic had one its job on her after the hospital drama with the hyenas. We got talking. Turns out we both have a thing for honey.”

  I felt my forehead scrunch up. “You what?”

  He chuckled lightly. “Honey, Jake. You know, what bees make?”

  “You seriously had a conversation with a detective about honey? How the hell does that happen?”

  “We were just talking about the city and she pointed out there’s a place that sells amazing honey over near the city farm.”


  “Then we had sex.”

  “Because of the honey?”

  “Because we were both lonely and needed a release.”


  “Base desires and all that.”


  “There would’ve never been anything but that between us. She could’ve been an awesome ally under different circumstances.”

  I erected a dam up between the state I wanted to be in (let’s get to it!) and the part of me that had so many questions, wanted to get to the talk we needed to have about us, establishing if I was another outlet for his sexual desire …

  He’s lonely …

  Wham! I sealed the shit out of the dam against myself. Not now!

  “We’ll avenge her, Dean. We will.”

  “We will.”

  “I’ve never seen you eat honey before. But then, why would I even notice?”

  “It’s a fae thing. The honey in Fairie is like nothing over here. I’m talking beyond amazing. That would mean going over there to get it, though.”

  He’d told me bits about Fairie before, how it was stunning but full of backstabbing and political bullshit.

  “Surely it’s worth popping over there for if it’s that amazing.”

  “That’s why I would visit now and again, stock up. You like honey?”

  “I do like it—particularly on crumpets with butter.”

  “Me too!”

  I giggled like a friggin’ idiot. “It’s so good! I mean, who could not love that with a nice hot cuppa in the morning? I haven’t had it for ages.”

  “Too distracted by Mr. Douglas’s amazing cooking,” Dean offered. “The way he fries an egg is extraterrestrial.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “The yolk, the white …”

  “The perfect balance,” I finished for him.

  “I actually look forward to every single meal. I mean, I wasn’t bothered when I worked at the facility. It was eat to function, all really depressing.”

  The facility did not sound fun at all.

  “Cold beans sometimes,” he continued. “Or tinned corned beef. If I don’t ever have to eat that shit again, I’ll die a happy man.”

  “Ah, corned beef, chips and beans is amazing.”

  “That’s disgusting,” he replied. “But then you’re the man who enjoys cheese in his fish finger sandwiches.”

  “All right, Honey Man.”

  He chuckled, and his hands slid down my back a little, sending pleasant sensations down my spine. I had to bite my lip to stop a gasp escaping.

  “Is that my new name now?” he asked.

  “Nah, it’s a bit naff really. Couldn’t think of anything else.”

  “Yeah, I could tell.”

  My nose skimmed his. “You cheeky git!”

  His laugh was light, soft, as the tips of our noses met.

  Oh, crap!

  The sound of sawing suddenly cut through our conversation.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Dean helped me turn on top of him, so my back was on his chest. His breath tickled the back of my neck.

  Light burst through the darkness as the whale beast’s flesh parted. Bone crunched, more flesh ripped. Blood, stinking of rotten fish, drenched Dean and I, but it was so good to see light, an opening above my head.

  I blinked against the brightness, a figure looming in the new hole. It moved away, replaced with another.

  “Been fishing, mate?”

  It was Greg.

  My eyes adjusted to the light, and there he was, my golem friend. The relief that followed almost sent me to my knees.

  “Where is he?”

  “Hi, Nay.”

  She beamed down at me. “Thank God! Oh, babe!”

  “Hang on,” Greg said. Seconds later, a ladder appeared. “Come on up.”

  I realized I was still lying on top of Dean, my hands still in my pockets and his arms around me.

  “After you,” Dean offered.

  I blushed and got to my feet, practically flying up the ladder. Man, were my sparks going wild at being inside this beast.

  That answered the being eaten by beasts question … well, when it came to whale-like versions anyway.

  I tumbled into Greg and Nay and we rolled down the black and white skin of the beast, landing in a heap together on a soaking wet stone floor.

  A serious group hug commenced.

  “I’m so happy,” Nay said. “So, so happy you’re alive.”

  “Likewise,” I replied.

  Reunion over, Dean landed beside me as I got myself vertical again.

  “And you!” Nay yelled at him. “You crazy bastard!” She grabbed him and hugged him, pinning his arms to his sides.

  Greg went over and gave him a bro-slap on the back. “Nice work, mate. But, yeah, you’re a crazy bastard.”

  “How lovely.” It was the white eye guy, voice immediately grating on my nerves.

  I turned to face him.
He looked pretty roughed up, one sleeve of his long black coat torn away. His pale arm sported some nasty cuts.


  “Great to see you alive, Jacob,” he added.

  I shrugged.

  “We were so worried.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “But you’re a resilient bloke, aren’t you? And smelly.”

  I ignored him, turning my attention to the other man.

  “Meet the priest,” the white eye guy said.

  The priest beast was a man in black robes, wearing crimson beads with a crimson star hanging from it. He looked so … priest-like, monk-like even. His hair was brown fuzz, his clean-shaven face showing his age to be similar to mine.

  My sparks spat at him.

  “Hello,” he said. “My name is Brother Bennett.”

  I blinked at him. “Where’s your saw?”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “You cut us out of that thing.” I pointed at the beast with my thumb. “Where’s your saw?”

  His brown eyes flicked to my hands. “Such beautiful lights.”

  “That can kill you.”

  “Yes. Power, such power. The goddess is clever.”

  “You gonna answer my question?”

  He took a step forward. “I do not require a saw.”

  “Used his magic,” the white eye guy added.

  I folded my arms. “Oh, yeah?”

  The white eye guy wagged a finger at me. “Don’t even try grilling him. That’s not what he’s here for. All in good time.”

  I couldn’t be bothered to argue with him, so I scanned my surroundings. This room was all concrete, like the walls of the pool room, but this one had an actual floor to stand on with a huge airlock-type door on the far side. There was also what looked like a drain in the middle of the ceiling with one in the floor to mirror it. And it was bigger, suitable to house a whale.

  The beast’s oily black skin shimmered in the light of the torches. It looked just like a whale, except for the yellow patches that should have been white to make it look just like a killer whale, as well as the four black eyes in its head.

  “Is it awake?” I asked.

  “Yes,” Brother Bennett answered.

  “Why’s it so quiet?”

  “It is sedated but aware. You will not be killing this beast, Jake. It will return to swim, to spend its days as it once was.”

  It was my turn to take a step toward him. “Is that so?”


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