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Ancient One: Paranormal Romance (Protectors of the Veil Book 1)

Page 10

by Ruby Wilder

I was so pleased to see him, I couldn't keep the smile off my face, but the feeling wasn't mutual. His expression was stone-cold.

  'Looking for the vampire. Don't you think you should be too?' he said, looking at Adam.

  'Already caught,' Adam said, with an equally icy stare.

  But then he turned to me and smiled - that rare, stunning smile - and said, 'Isn't that right, Ancient One?' And bowed.

  I was flustered - that was Adam's superpower. He only had to smile at me, and I was dazzled into submission. I couldn't remember what I'd been saying, or what he had just asked me, he completely threw me. I just stood there, gawping at him.

  Levi, never one to miss an opportunity to kick Conri while he was down, said, 'Ah, yes, you don't know, do you? These three are super fast and strong now. They've bonded. Caught the vampire, then put a hideous spider woman - which Adam fancied - back into the underworld in seconds.'

  'I did not fancy her.'

  'Did. Anyway, I think we should toast again to these three because they were awesome. I don't know what you do in bed, Maeve, but it has made these two super fast and strong. I think I'm going to be next to find out,' he said, grinning at me and licking his lips.

  'To the three who have had horny sex,' he said, raising his beer.

  'Horny sex,' Drago and Adam joined in.

  It was too much. Conri's face was like thunder, and he glared at me, growling. His face was so angry that my magic sparked up in my hands of its own accord, casting a blue light around me.

  Fiona gasped and Drago moved to stand in between me and Conri.

  Conri turned on his heel and walked out of the door into the cold night air.

  I pushed past Drago - who didn't try to stop me - and ran after him.

  'Conri,' I shouted, 'Wait!'

  He stormed ahead of me, his hair loose and wild in the wind.

  'Conri, please,' I begged, trying to catch up.

  He turned suddenly, his face twisted in anger.

  'What do you want, Maeve?' he spat.

  I stopped and took a step back - his fury shocked me.

  'Come back to the cottage, Conri.'

  'Why? So I can watch you fuck all the others?'

  It could've gone two ways here.

  I could've gotten really pissed off at him and blasted him with my blue shit - like he deserved.

  Or, try to reason with him. My natural instinct was to hit him with magic so hard, that the next time he transformed he'd be a puppy. But I didn't. I chose to be the better person...

  'Don't be like that, Conri. You know what has to be done. I didn't choose this, but you did...'

  'I was about to leave The Protectors - to be with you, ' he shouted.

  'But you don't have to leave now. You can be a Protector and be with me. Isn't that what you want?'

  'No,' he screeched.

  'What do you want then?' I asked. But I knew the answer. He wanted me exclusively.

  It was quite sad when you thought about it because before my birthday I would've given anything to be with Conri exclusively. It was what I had wanted. But now that I knew I was the Ancient One, bound with six gorgeous Protectors... why choose?

  He sighed, his shoulders dropped, and he looked at the floor, the fight had gone from him.

  'You don't know what its like, Maeve. I've wanted you from the beginning. I imprinted on you the first day I saw you. That means there can be no other for me - only you and forever. It's a werewolf thing.'

  'Oh,' I said. I hadn't realised his feelings for me were that strong.

  'I don't know if somehow I knew you were the Ancient One and that's why I imprinted on you. Would I have imprinted if I saw you and I hadn't been a Protector? Is it the Druid magic? I just don't know. I was going to ask you out, Maeve. I was going to ask you to marry me.'

  He rubbed his hands through his thick brown hair and continued.

  'But I didn't know how to tell you I was a werewolf. I mean, I thought you were a human.'

  He shook his head.

  'I can't share you, Maeve. And I can't stand by and be a Protector while you are fucking the other five. I'll not watch you whore yourself out,'

  'Hey!' I said, beginning to get angry.

  'That's all you are, a fucking slut whore!' he shouted.

  Magic fired up inside me. How dare he say that! I knew he was hurting, but a slut whore!

  He started to twist and growl in front of me. He was transforming! It looked painful, he moaned and groaned, while his body contorted.

  I was fascinated. My magic faded, so he mustn't have been a threat to me. I watched as he shifted.

  First, his body changed. His feet destroyed his shoes and he grew paws. Then his trousers filled out, but they didn't pop. Next, his torso began growing, ripping his top to shreds. He had fur and huge muscles, but his arms were still arms - hairy and muscular - but arms. His hands were human but hairy and with claws.

  Last to change was his head. He grew pointed ears and a snout, but somehow he still looked like Conri - maybe it was his eyes, they were still golden and kind.

  I wanted to touch him, to hold him, smell him. I wanted to bury my face in his lush pelt. How would you kiss a werewolf? Would he lick me like a dog?

  I reached up to touch his chest, but he stood tall and proud, batting my hand away.

  'Leave me alone, you fucking tart. I never want to see you again,' he growled.

  He bunched up his back legs and sprang away into the night. I was left alone, and heartbroken.



  I ran and ran until I could run no more. I was so exhausted I couldn't even howl. Why had I said those things to Maeve? I loved her.

  Jealousy of course.

  The pain in my heart and the ache in my stomach came back, so I set off running again. At least when I ran I felt free from guilt and trouble.

  It was no good, I couldn't keep the running up, so I climbed up a hill and lay on a large rock at the top.

  It was unbearable. I felt like I would die.

  The thought of not seeing Maeve again was too much. Why had I said those things? I didn't mean them. I was just angry. Jealous and angry.

  I wished she was here now, I would beg her forgiveness, fall at her feet pleading, tell her I was an idiot.

  A little part of Maeve would be better than none at all.

  I couldn't get the look on her face out of my mind when I called her those things. She looked like I'd tore her heart out. What an ungentlemanly thing to do to her.


  I had transformed in front of her too. Something I didn’t like to do - which is stupid, because she needed the wolf version of me to fight the Fae.

  Her face was disgusted at me transforming. I wish I could've stopped, turned back human, but it doesn't work like that, I'd had to complete the shift.

  She stared at me as a wolf, her eyes searching mine for any trace of Conri. But there was none. I was a filthy werewolf to her, I could see it.

  I didn't deserve her. She was the Ancient One, revered amongst the good Fae and Druids, and I had disrespected her.

  Who did I think I was?

  Even when she was just Maeve, I didn't deserve her. She was beautiful, inside and out, and I was a loutish werewolf. An animal.

  I shook my head. What was I going to do?

  I couldn't go back now. The rest of them would tear me to shreds when they found out how I'd disrespected her. And I deserved it.

  I'd ruined everything, hurt Maeve and abandoned the Protectors.

  I knew as much as any of them that all seven of us needed to be together, to bond and act as one. Or the underworld would win.

  In my jealous rage, I had condemned humanity.

  And worse than that to me, I'd never see my Maeve again. I began howling. A pitiful, self-loathing howl.

  It was all I could do to stop me from jumping off this rock and into oblivion.


  Even after all the horrible things Conri called me, I still co
uldn't blame him. I saw the hurt in his eyes. He couldn't help it.

  What had he called it? Imprinted? That was it, he'd imprinted on me. He just wanted me for himself, and what girl didn't find that attractive?

  Trouble was he couldn't have me all to himself. I belonged to the others now as much as to him. If only he would open his mind to it, come round to the idea. I'm sure he would be happy. I'd make him happy.

  I'd tried to follow him for a while, but he was too fast - I'd lost him almost straight away - still, I'd aimlessly walked around shouting his name.

  We needed him, I needed him. What would we do now? It was only a couple of weeks to Samhain and the veil was becoming weaker, I could feel it. I needed all of my Protectors with me. And bonded.

  I'd fantasised about sex with Conri many times, and it was still something I very much wanted, even though I had all the others now. Conri was different, special. He was my crush.

  I was worried about him, he looked so hurt. I hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid. Could I do this without him? I didn't think so.

  My mind wandered. He looked so hot as a werewolf. Would it be too weird to have sex with him in that form? Would he have a man or a dog's penis?

  Stop it Maeve. You need to think about how to get him back. Not perv on his hot wolf form.

  I turned around and began making my way back to the cottage, but in my mind, I could only think of Conri. Where was he? Was he okay? Could we bring him back to us?

  As I approached the standing stones, I heard my name being called. I looked around but no one was there.

  'Maeve,' the stranger woman's voice called.

  'Who is it? Who's there?' I asked.

  'Lilith,' she replied.

  'Where are you?'

  I looked around but couldn't see anyone. She called me again - her voice was coming from the other side of the veil. I hadn't realised before because it was so strong and clear, unlike the other voices I'd heard in the past.

  'What do you want?' I asked, moving closer to the stones.

  'I wanted to help you, give you some advice. Us ladies should stick together you know.'

  'Help me?' I laughed, 'I don't think so.'

  The energy from the ground pulsed through my body and sparked out of my fingers, causing blue light to glow all around me. I was ready if she tried to escape.

  'I won't try to escape,' she said, reading my mind somehow. 'I am Queen of this underworld. I won't leave until everyone else has gone first.'

  'Very noble of you.'

  'No, not really. I can't. I'm bound by them. They are mine - like The Protectors are yours.'

  She lied. How could she be bound to the whole of the underworld? I had trouble controlling six!

  'We are similar, you and I,' she continued, her voice deep and sensual, 'both women, both powerful, both sexual.'

  'I'll ask you again. What do you want?' My magic was buzzing around me, it felt the danger as much as I did.

  'You cannot do this without the wolf. You need him. You need all of them. You will fail without them, and humanity will perish. My people will ensure that it is their only desire. The Changling messenger did not lie to you when she spoke of their thoughts towards you. You will fail.

  I'd had enough of this bitch and her 'help' - my magic sparked all around me and I began to pull it into a ball, but I was too late.

  She must have seen or sensed me prepare my spell because she cast one of her own.

  Red fire spat its way out of the veil and straight into my chest. It felt like the fires of hell had hit my heart and was burning away inside me.

  It was agony.

  The last thing I heard was Lilith laughing at me as I sank to my knees. My blue lightning extinguished.



  I wasn't the jealous type, but I had felt a pang when Maeve went running after Conri.

  We both knew how she felt about him - she used to shout her thoughts loud enough. But I'd hoped she would come to like me in the same way, maybe if she had feelings for me I would stop fantasising about ripping her throat out whilst fucking her.

  Where was she? She'd been gone ages. The other Protectors didn't seem bothered, so why was I?

  I listened carefully, I could hear some shuffling outside - just a rat. The wind had gotten up, I could hear the trees rustling. I car door shut in the visitor's car park, then footsteps. Probably the new girl who worked in the gift shop - Maeve's replacement.

  But I couldn't hear her, or Conri, they must be quite far away.

  Why was no one worried?

  I looked at each of them - Levi sat, long legs spread out on the sofa, watching TV.

  Vig - enormous frame laughing at something Drago said.

  Drago - drinking his beer, grinning at Vig.

  And Fiona, staring at me.

  Our eyes met and I heard her say telepathically, ' I can hear her, she's coming back, don't worry.'

  I touched my two fingers to my temple, in a mini salute - well I had been in the army in the WW1.

  I listened - I still couldn't hear her. This binding thing had great benefits - no way should a simple shifter have greater hearing than me.

  It was a good few minutes before she came into my range, and even though I believed Fiona, it was still a relief to hear it for myself that she was safe.

  She was talking to someone, but I couldn't hear who. I asked Fiona, but she could only hear Maeve too.

  'Guys, guys, listen. Can you hear Maeve?'

  Levi nodded, 'I've been listening to her for a while.'

  'Me too,' said Vig.

  Drago nodded. So they were all listening, even though they appeared not to care.


  'Can you hear who she is talking to?'

  Drago, Vig and Fiona shook their heads, but Levi didn't.

  'She's talking to Lilith,' he said.

  'You can hear her?' I asked, surprised.

  'No, she's blocking her voice, but I know she's there. I always know when a demon is close. Especially a powerful one - like Lilith.' he said.

  'THE Lilith?' Drago asked.

  Levi nodded his head.

  'Shouldn't we go and help her? Isn't Lilith crazy?' Fiona said.

  As the last words came out of Fiona's mouth, the ground shook and an almighty bang sounded. The smell of sulphur soaked into the cottage walls.

  'Fuck,' said Levi, jumping up.

  'I can't sense Maeve anymore,' Fiona said, panicking.

  Vig bounded towards the door, closely followed by Drago.

  For a second I was too shocked to move. That was twice one of The Protector’s powers had been better than mine today. I needed to bond with Maeve as soon as I could. Being weaker than the others did not sit well with me.

  Following the others outside, the sight I saw shocked me - I hadn't realised Maeve had been in such danger.

  How stupid of me.

  She was lying on the floor, with a red glow coming from her chest. She wasn't moving.

  Fiona dropped to her knees, 'Maeve,' she pleaded. But Maeve didn't answer.

  Drago was looking around, scanning the area.

  'Get her inside,' he growled.

  I was still the fastest - bonded or not. Picking her up, I had her lying on her bed before Fiona had even registered Maeve had moved.

  She felt cold - even to me - and stiff. I knew she wasn't dead though, I could sense her weak, slow heartbeat. I would have missed it and presumed she was gone if I hadn't been concentrating very hard to find it.

  Her hand was small and pale as I held it in mine.

  'Maeve, wake up. Please.'

  I shook her gently, knowing it wouldn't wake her.

  The others came through the bedroom door.

  'Is she... is she...' Vig couldn't finish the sentence.

  'No,' I said, 'but her pulse is very weak - the weakest I've ever felt on someone who lives.'

  'What happened?' Drago asked, all the colour drained from his face.

  'It wa
s Lilith. She cast a spell. I don't know how she isn't dead. She's one of the most powerful of all the demons,' Levi said.

  'Maybe she not want dead. Only... only this,' Drago said, waving his hand over Maeve.

  'Drago is right.' It was Hilda, Maeve's gran with Mr Green behind her.

  'If Lilith had wanted Maeve dead, she would be dead now. Especially as she has only bonded with two of you,' she said, glaring at the rest of us.

  'This is absolutely the last time we can get involved,' Mr Green said. 'The old Ancient Ones and Archangel Racheal are becoming annoyed - it is against the rules - they've only allowed it because Lilith is playing dirty.'

  I shook my head. Playing dirty? This wasn't a game. Humanity was in danger and Maeve was in some sort of magical coma. If the veil gave way now, we would all die without Maeve to close it.

  'It's a Sleeping Beauty spell,' Mr Green continued, 'Only true love's kiss can wake her.'

  'Shut up. A what?' Fiona sneered.

  'You heard me correctly,' he said.

  Hilda said, 'It's a test, but it's also a trick - and this is why Racheal is angry and allowed us to help you. She knows you haven't been a team for very long - a few weeks before Samhain is almost an impossibly short time to work as one. Lilith is taunting you with this spell because she knows none of you has had enough time to fall in love with her.’

  Mr Green said, ‘That’s what is particularly cruel - you must bond and fall in love to be strong. But now you can’t because of Lilith.’

  Maeve's gran put her hand to her eyes and a small sob came from her lips.

  Mr Green put his arm around her shoulder and whispered into her hair, 'We can't give up hope Hilda, we've got to keep strong.'

  Love was a very strong emotion. I know I didn't love Maeve. I wasn't sure if vampires could love. But what about the others? Did any of them love Maeve? We'd all only known her a week or so.

  'Hilda, you love her, can you not kiss her awake,' Fiona said.

  'It's not that kind of love, my dear. Maleficent was only a movie,' she said, dryly.

  Mr Green was speaking again. Telling each of us to go and kiss her.

  Levi went first saying, 'I won't wake her, I hardly know her.'


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