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Huckleberry Lake

Page 41

by Catherine Anderson

  Wyatt was so far gone at that point that he no longer cared about her tapping plan. The lantern was still on. As long as he could see her face, he was good. Now that he’d finally gone for the hook and swallowed it, she was stuck with him. He kissed her. It wasn’t one of those hello moments reserved for first kisses. He’d already said hello to her in his dreams a dozen times, and holding her in his arms was even more erotic than he had imagined. She opened sweetly for him. He could taste the lingering flavor of marshmallows on her tongue when she intertwined it with his. Passion, hot and fiery, coursed through his body in thought-obliterating waves. His body screamed for release, he went after her breasts again, and she began double-tapping his shoulder, his arms, and his back. That was all the go-ahead he needed.

  He wasn’t sure how he got rid of his boots and pants. He only knew he felt the jolt when her velvety skin pressed against his. Just as he had imagined that afternoon when he’d watched her digging postholes, he felt the supple strength in her legs and arms as she enveloped his body with sweetness and drew him to her. His shaft found her opening as if it were one of those high-tech, heat-seeking missiles, and he thrust himself into her with everything he had. The incredible, wet heat of her surrounded him, and for the first time in his life, he felt as if he’d finally come home.

  He also knew, as only a man can, that he was going to ejaculate too soon. But he couldn’t control his body. He tried and just couldn’t. Spasms of pleasure rocked his whole frame, and when they subsided, his arms felt as limp and heavy as wet bath towels.

  Erin held him close and trailed kisses over his shoulder and up the side of his neck. He clung to her like a child, too spent to pretend she hadn’t just rocked his world. Erin. He’d dreamed of holding her like this, and now that he had, he didn’t know if he could ever let her go. Tears flooded into his eyes and dripped onto his cheeks, and her signal to him wasn’t a tap, but a fierce clench of her arms around his neck that nearly choked him but also told him she understood what a life-altering moment this was for him. And maybe for her as well. At least he hoped.

  He lifted his head to look down at her precious face, and she gazed up at him with love for him shining in her eyes. That was all he needed to see, and he prayed she saw it in his as well, because he was too exhausted and mentally drained to compose a single word and try to say it.

  They fell asleep wrapped in each other’s embrace. When Wyatt awakened later, he had no idea how much time had passed, only that they’d left the light on. He lifted his head to gaze down at her face. Her dark lashes fanned over her sun-kissed cheeks. Her full and oh-so-kissable mouth was lax. He could feel Domino snuggled against his back, but he didn’t care if the dog got a crash course in sex education. He wanted Erin again, so he kissed her awake, first nibbling at her lips and then moving down to her breasts.

  This time when he made love to her, his sole intent was to give her pleasure. He couldn’t hear any moans of enjoyment, but he could feel her shivers of delight and the rush of hot wetness at the apex of her beautiful legs. She also double-tapped repeatedly, which meant, Don’t stop. He took his time and left no part of her unattended. He wanted her to burn for him, just as she’d made him burn for her.

  Paybacks were sometimes pure hell. But sometimes they were a man’s most carnal fantasy. Something he’d yearned for and never found. A dream that vanished the moment he opened his eyes each morning. A wish that he’d been afraid to ever make.

  * * *

  * * *

  Trying to cook breakfast over a campfire was an attempt that was aborted before Erin and Wyatt finished their first cup of coffee. They ended up back in the tent again to make love for the third time. For Erin, it was pure bliss. She was with the man she loved, and there was no doubt in her mind that they were meant for each other. Maybe Wyatt still fooled himself into believing this was a temporary departure from normal and their former relationship could be reestablished when they left the lake, but she knew he wouldn’t be able to let her go when that time came. Not if he felt about her the way she felt about him. This was forever stuff, and she knew he would come to realize that as the days they had left together wore on.

  After making love, Wyatt rolled onto his back and angled an arm over his eyes. “We can’t keep doing this. When Slade gets here, he’ll expect this camp to be in tip-top condition. How the hell are we going to get anything done?”

  Erin snuggled close to him and nipped gently at his nipple. “Well, we’ll work—and then we’ll play,” she said as she reared up so he could see her lips. “What we need to do is establish goals. When we get the cook shack table and shelving set up, we can take an hour break. Then we’ll hit it again. How’s that for a plan?”

  He tweaked her nose. “Do you realize how draining sex is for a guy? I’m not Tex’s little bunny that can just keep going. My batteries need to be recharged.”

  Erin pushed up on her arms to straddle him and lowered the tips of her breasts to almost graze his lips. He groaned and surrendered. When they were both satiated, she asked, “How was that for a recharge?”

  After bathing in the lake together, they ate cold wieners for breakfast and worked like dervishes on the interior of the cook shack so they could prepare food. For lunch, they made grilled cheese sandwiches, two for her and four for him.

  As they sat at the table together and ate, Wyatt asked, “Where do we go from here, Erin? I’m assuming you’re on birth control, because we haven’t used any protection, and you don’t seem worried.”

  She gave him an impish smile. “Heck, no. I’m using you to get a baby. Remember me, the lady whose biological clock is ticking?” At his startled look, she laughed and said, “Not really, Wyatt. I’d never do that. Of course I’m on the Pill. And STDs aren’t a worry for me. I haven’t been with anyone for a long time.”

  “I haven’t been with anyone for almost seven years, so I’m safe. As for birth control, I’m glad you’re protected. We need some time to decide what comes next, and babies have a way of calling all the shots.”

  Erin figured they needed only a week. He loved her just as much as she loved him. In the past, Erin had never felt confident of herself with a man, but with Wyatt, she sensed that she was already his everything. When the moment of realization struck him, he would ask her to marry him. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind about that. If she was wrong, she was afraid it would destroy her, because he had become her everything, and for her, there was no turning back.

  That afternoon, Erin’s phone jangled to notify her of a text message. She saw that it was from Julie and knew her friend wouldn’t disturb her on this trip without good reason. She immediately opened the missive, and what she read nearly made her knees buckle. She sank onto a large rock that radiated warmth from the sunshine.

  “Oh, my God! Julie’s pregnant! Well, she says that she and Blackie are pregnant, but same thing. When she had that flu, she upchucked her birth control pills. And the first time she and Blackie were together, they didn’t use protection. Bang! She’s preggers.”

  “They had unprotected sex only once, and she’s pregnant? Wow.”

  Erin sent him a loaded look. “Wyatt, it only takes once. Didn’t you learn that in sex education?”

  “Of course, and during my brief time as a player, I always wore protection. But I figured the teachers just told kids that to scare the bejesus out of them.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “Nope. They were telling the truth. It is a pretty scary thought, though. I’ll bet Julie was beside herself when she first found out. Blackie is fifty-three, and the last thing he wanted was a baby. Apparently, he’s changed his mind. It sounds as if they’re over the moon about it now. And get this! They’ve gotten a marriage license and have a preacher all lined up. They want to get married fast because of the baby. And I don’t have to go back down the mountain for the wedding, because they think it’ll be romantic and fun to say their vows up here by the lake
on the day Four Toes is introduced to his little lady bear. She says most of their favorite townspeople will be up here for the campout, anyway. She won’t even have to send invitations.”

  Wyatt put his hands on his hips and gazed at the lake, which lapped at the grassy shore like molten sapphires. “It sure is beautiful. I can think of worse places to get married. In fact, I think it’s a pretty great idea. Out here, surrounded by nature. Does it get any better than that?”

  For the rest of the afternoon, Wyatt didn’t talk much. Erin worried that he was regretting his snap decision to make love with her, and a chink developed in her newfound armor of confidence. She hadn’t asked for forever when she’d propositioned him last night. In fact, she’d double-dared him to have sex with her. She guessed that hadn’t been one of her most stellar moments. She’d made this trip out to be a vacation from Wyatt’s reality, and she’d made no conditions. All for fun, no ties to bind.

  By dinnertime, he still wasn’t saying much, and an ache had taken up residence in Erin’s chest. She wouldn’t be the first woman to love a man with all her heart and not be loved in return.

  Over an evening meal of steak and baked potatoes cooked in foil on hot coals, Wyatt asked, “So do you still think ranching is your cup of tea?”

  Erin didn’t take the question lightly. “I know I still have heaps to learn, but, yes, I still believe the ranch is where I belong. Maybe it’s in my blood. My mom came from generations of ranchers, after all. I feel at peace down at Uncle Slade’s. I can’t explain it, Wyatt, but it feels as if I’ve been lost all my life and finally came home. I really enjoy the animals. That surprises me. I didn’t set out to be a horse enthusiast, but they’ve grown on me.”

  She got up to give Domino what remained of her meal. While the dog gobbled the scraps, she washed her eating utensils with lake water they’d collected in a bucket.

  “Speaking of horses, I’ve neglected Firecracker the last two days. I really should work with her tonight. Do you mind?”

  “Not at all. I’ll be along in a minute.”

  Erin couldn’t determine what was eating Wyatt, and she tried not to let it bother her as she went through the usual routine with her horse. To her surprise, Firecracker seemed almost eager to be petted tonight. It was as if she’d missed getting the attention and treats that Erin always gave her. She did act up when the bubble gum container was dropped at her front feet, but she didn’t rear or strike out with her hooves.

  True to his word, Wyatt came to lean against a tree and watch. Toward the end of the session, he said, “You’ve made huge strides with her, Erin. I couldn’t do better myself. She’s starting to love you.”

  As of last night, Erin had become convinced Wyatt loved her, too. But she didn’t take it as a good sign that he’d been so thoughtful and quiet all day. She had an awful suspicion that she’d done or said something to put him off.

  They walked back to camp after she tied Firecracker off to the highline. At the fire, they sat beside each other, shoulder to shoulder, which made it difficult for Wyatt to carry on a conversation.

  “Did I ever mention to you that when my grandfather dies, which I hope doesn’t happen anytime soon, I will inherit our family ranch?”

  “Maybe. I can’t really remember if you told me or someone else did.”

  He resumed staring at the fire. “When I was younger, I dreamed of turning it into something grand, sort of like Slade’s place. There’s adjoining land that will come available, so I’ve been saving money since I left home and got my first job. I’d like to buy it. The owner is old, and his kids aren’t into taking over the homestead.”

  “Have you saved enough to buy it?”

  “Not quite enough. I’ll have to set aside most of the ranch profit for a couple of years to swing a deal. But that’s all it’ll take to turn my family ranch into a thriving operation. I’ll need more land for running larger numbers of cattle.”

  “As long as you can pay the bills and keep your equipment maintained, saving most of your profit shouldn’t be too hard.”

  He turned and met her gaze. “Would you be interested in working with me to turn that ranch into what it should be?”

  Erin couldn’t think what to say. “You mean you want me to relocate to Klamath Falls and work for you?”

  “I said ‘work with me,’ Erin. Not only as a worker, but as my life partner.”

  Her eyes burned with tears. “Are you asking me to marry you?”

  He frowned. “Well, I’m sure not asking you to live with me out of wedlock. My mother would have a coronary. Not that she and Dad will be around all that much. They’re in their fifties now and want to semi-retire when Grandpa passes on. Mom wants to travel a little, and Dad’s only goal in life is to make her happy. But it is the family ranch, and they’ll still live in the other house when they come home to roost.”

  Erin felt her mouth curve into such a big smile that her cheeks ached. “Can you, like, maybe, actually say the words? I mean, nobody has ever proposed to me, and I really want to hear those words just once.”

  With the agility and strength that she’d so often admired, he moved in one fluid motion to get on one knee and faced her with his heart shining in his blue eyes. “Erin De Laney, I love you with all my heart. I have for months. Will you please put me out of my misery and do me the great honor of agreeing to become my wife?”

  He still hadn’t said the words that she’d always dreamed of, but the sincerity behind his request made up for it. Tears spilled over her lower lashes onto her cheeks. He reached up to thumb them away. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

  “Happy tears,” she said in a squeaky voice. “And my answer is yes. I’ve been in love with you for a while, too. I just didn’t think you’d ever return my feelings.”

  “I’ve returned them from day one. Well, no, that’s a stretch. I didn’t have much use for you that first day, but after that, every time I saw you, my heart dug a deeper hole for me to wallow in. I was so hung up on you that I actually woke up one night in the middle of a wet dream, and Tex and Kennedy were gaping at me. I don’t know what I said or did to wake them up, but it was one of the most humiliating moments of my life.”

  Erin caught his face between her hands. “No more of that! From now on, I won’t be a dream. I’ll be real, and you won’t be sleeping in a bunkhouse with other men.”

  She started to get up, her mind already on the pleasure awaiting them inside the tent, but Wyatt grabbed her arms and made her sit still. “I’m not finished. Ever since that text came from Julie, I’ve been thinking that we should make it a double wedding. How do you feel about that?”

  Erin thought it sounded heavenly. “But we don’t have a marriage license.”

  “We can go back to town and apply for one. I think we can get the license right away, but we’ll have to wait three days before the ceremony, so we need to do it fast. I was thinking that we can just use Julie and Blackie’s preacher. Unless you object for religious reasons, that is. If you want another man of the cloth, I’m okay with that, too.”

  All Erin cared about was being spiritually and legally bound to this wonderful man for the rest of her life. She kissed him to seal their bargain, and they never made it to the tent. They made love on the lush meadow grass by the fire. Afterward, when Erin lay pressed against him and listened to the haunting cry of an osprey as it circled over the lake, she knew that she’d looked in all the wrong places to find where she truly belonged. For her, home was right where she was, in Wyatt Fitzgerald’s arms.


  On the day of their wedding, Erin and Wyatt stood arm in arm as the campout guests from Mystic Creek arrived. Dozens of people had ridden up on horseback. The entire Sterling family had come, even Jonas, the only bachelor remaining in the Sterling brood of four boys and two girls. His brothers showed up with their wives and kids: Jeb with Mandy; their daughter, Chloe; and
their son, Jeremiah. Ben was there with his wife, Sissy, and their two little ones. Barney showed up with his adopted daughter, Sara, and his wife, Taffy, six months pregnant with a baby boy. Ma Thomas absolutely couldn’t miss what she called “the triple wedding.” She viewed Four Toes’s introduction to Ginger as a bear version of marriage and refused to think of it as anything less. Jake, who owned the Jake ’n’ Bake, came bearing two large tubs of baked goods, one of them filled with day-old stuff that he explained were for the newlywed bears. Tony Chavez, owner of Dizzy’s Roundtable, also made an appearance, although he said he could stay only one night. Tanner Richards and his wife, Crystal, came up with their two kids.

  The only people who walked up the mountain were Blackie and Julie, because Blackie wouldn’t allow the newly pregnant mother of his child to get on a horse. They had hiked most of the previous day, rested overnight at another camp, and then come the rest of the way that morning so they wouldn’t be exhausted for the ceremony. Erin’s breath caught when she first saw Julie with honey-blond hair. The blue streak had finally vanished, and Erin knew that meant her friend had found love, happiness, and peace in her heart. The preacher, with whom Blackie and Julie had made the ceremony arrangements, arrived on horseback a little later than they did, but that was fine, because the ceremony wouldn’t take place until evening after the two bears had been introduced.

  When Kennedy showed up, Erin got nervous butterflies in her stomach. Wyatt’s parents had ridden up with their younger son, each of them on a separate mount while Kennedy rode double with Jen, who sat behind him and hugged his waist. Apparently she wasn’t yet healed enough to ride by herself. Erin was just thankful that Jen looked healthy and happy.

  Wyatt led Erin out to meet his folks. Erin wasn’t sure what to expect, except that the couple probably still clung to some pretty old-fashioned ideas. She’d deduced that because of Wyatt’s prediction that his mother would have a heart attack if he ever lived with a woman out of wedlock.


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