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A Superhero's Assault

Page 22

by Lucas Flint

  I smiled. “Don’t worry, Grandfather. I’ll always make time for you. School really isn’t that hard or time-consuming. I’ll just copy whatever Kyle does. He’s usually right.”

  Grandfather laughed. “That’s not a good habit to get into, Jack. But I’m glad to hear you’ll still make time for me. But your superhero work …”

  I shrugged and looked at Thomas’ grave. “I’m not sure I’ll still do it. Now that Icon is gone, the Injectors are destroyed, and you’re back here, I don’t think I have anything else to do. Bug Bite did a good job protecting Rumsfeld before I came around and, now that he’s out of the hospital, he’ll keep doing a good job. He caught that Aeolus freak all on his own, after all, so he obviously doesn’t need my help.”

  Grandfather tilted his head to the side. “Maybe that’s true, but I think I know the real reason you want to quit: TW.”

  I started and looked at Grandfather. “What about him?”

  “I think his death affected you,” said Grandfather. “I understand. He was just an AI, but he was very human, too, more human than even some humans I know. It was tough for me to send him away to you in the first place.”

  I shifted uncomfortably where I stood. I had told Grandfather about TW’s passing shortly after we returned to Rumsfeld. Grandfather hadn’t cried or anything, but it had been obvious to me that TW’s death had affected him almost as badly as it affected me. It probably hit him even harder, because Grandfather had known TW even longer than me and was his original creator and programmer.

  “Well, that’s why I gave you the Trickshot Watch back,” I said. “Now that Trickshot isn’t needed anymore, I figured you should have it back as a reminder of TW.”

  “I know,” said Grandfather. “And I appreciate it. But I think you should have it back.”

  Grandfather stuck his hand into his pocket and pulled out the Trickshot Watch. He held out the Watch toward me, which I took with a surprised look on my face.

  “Why are you giving this back to me?” I said, turning the Watch over in my hands.

  “Because you earned it,” said Grandfather. “When you told me about how you used the suit to defeat Chaser, that was when I knew that the Trickshot Watch was yours. It told me that the Watch considered you its master and that it wouldn’t listen to me or anyone else. It’s only right, then, that you should be the one to own it.”

  I slipped the Trickshot Watch back on my wrist and looked at Grandfather. “Thanks, but I’m still not sure I’m going to use it. I guess it could just be a reminder of TW’s sacrifice, but—”

  “My sacrifice?” said a familiar voice in my head all of a sudden. “Odd. That would imply that I’m dead.”

  A flash of blue light erupted next to me, and when it faded, I found myself standing next to a hologram that looked like Grandfather but which was obviously not him.

  My jaw fell open. “TW? Is that you? You’re alive?”

  TW smiled. “Yes, it is. And I am better than ever, thanks in no small part to Gregory.”

  I looked at Grandfather in disbelief. “You resurrected him? For real?”

  Grandfather’s smile was even bigger than TW’s. “Oh, it wasn’t that hard. I was the one who originally created TW in the first place, after all. When you gave me back the Watch and told me about TW’s death, I spent all of my free time working on repairing him. What did you think all of those noises you heard in my room over the last month were from?”

  Tears welled up in my eyes and started pouring down my cheeks. I brushed the tears out of my eyes and said to Grandfather, in a shaky voice, “T-Thank you, Grandfather. I don’t know how I can repay you.”

  Grandfather put a hand on my shoulder. “Just be the best man and superhero you can be. Uphold the Trickshot legacy and keep it alive. Bug Bite might be enough for Rumsfeld, but it doesn’t hurt to have another superhero around just in case.”

  I sniffled, but before I could say anything in response, TW put a hand on his forehead and said, “I’m intercepting a police radio transmission. Apparently there’s a bank robbery going down in downtown Rumsfeld being pulled off by some kind of supervillain. Bug Bite is unavailable due to another supervillain attack on the other side of the city and the police are calling for help.”

  I looked at Grandfather. “Grandfather, do you mind if I—”

  “Do it,” said Grandfather. “I’ll tell your mother where you are, don’t worry.”

  I nodded and, pressing the ‘TRANSFORMATION’ button on the Trickshot Watch, turned and flew into the air, listening to TW’s directions the entire time as I soared like an eagle.


  Read on for more titles by Lucas Flint!

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  Other books by Lucas Flint

  The Superhero’s Son:

  The Superhero’s Test

  The Superhero’s Team

  The Superhero’s Summit

  The Superhero’s Powers

  The Superhero’s Origin

  The Superhero’s World

  The Superhero’s Vision

  The Superhero’s Prison

  The Superhero’s End

  The Young Neos:






  Minimum Wage Sidekick:

  First Job

  First Date

  First Offer

  First Magic

  First Mentor

  First War

  The Supervillain’s Kids:

  Bait & Switch

  Tag Team

  Blood Gems

  Prison Break

  The Legacy Superhero:

  A Superhero’s Legacy

  A Superhero’s Death

  A Superhero’s Revenge

  A Superhero’s Assault

  Dimension Heroes:


  Team Up


  Lightning Bolt:

  The Superhero’s Return

  The Superhero’s Glitch

  The Superhero’s Cure

  The Superhero’s Strike

  The Superhero’s Clone

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  About the Author

  Lucas Flint writes superhero fiction. He is the author of The Superhero’s Son, The Young Neos, Minimum Wage Sidekick, The Supervillain’s Kids, The Legacy Superhero, Dimension Heroes, and Lightning Bolt.

  Find links to books, social media, updates on newest releases, and more by going to his website here. You can also sign up to be the first to learn about his newest releases by subscribing to his mailing list here.




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