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Agent Nine

Page 1

by Olga Ordina

Agent Nine

  And The Head Of The Monster

  Olga Ordina



  Text copyright © 2015 by Olga Ordina

  All rights reserved.

  Dedicated to Lyndsay, let's see if she reads this one.

  Agent Nine

  Chapter One

  "I'm, er, whatcha call 'em, a poet." Agent Nine came up with a brilliant lie to fool the judge and jury in the courtroom, while testifying on trial under conspiracy to commit espionage. Yes, a poet. That should do the trick he thought. Nine was a well polished man in both style and conversation. His charm flashed and dazzled his confidence and sophistication. One may say that Nine was truly a handsome devil. He had a genuine look on his face, doing his best not to give anything away. Raising an eyebrow, he looked around and quietly made an observation, sizing up everybody in the courtroom.

  "You are a spy! A secret government agent working for Earth are you not?" A handsome, elegantly dressed lawyer accused agent Nine. Pointed fingers at him and everything. The prosecutor had a short buzz haircut and a mean look on his face. This guy looked like an Ivy League lawyer, the kind you'll find smirking on a cover of Lawyers World magazine. His tone, his physic, and the way he spoke all pointed to a high priced lawyer.

  "Objection!" an older gentleman in his 80s, who appeared to be Agent Nine's lawyer, quickly jumped to Nine's defense.

  "I'll allow it." the judge waved his hand flamboyantly. He then curled his long judge wig hair with a finger. "Go on."

  "I thought I was invited here for drinks, I had no idea you're all going to make me sit here and judge me." Agent Nine was disappointed. "It's a little uncalled for, and not very classy of you, might I add."

  Nine looked at everyone with his intimidating eyes. Everybody in the court room looked ashamed of themselves and didn't want to make eye contact with the man. One of the jury members was so intimidated that he looked down at his own shoes to avoid the visual confrontation.

  "We gave you a defense lawyer didn't we?" the judge asked pointing to a gentleman in sweatpants.

  "Yes, but still." Agent Nine crossed his legs, then his arms, and looked for an escape.

  "Your real name is Tatum is it not? You are an intergalactic secret Agent Nine, short for 955291, a spy! He is here to steal our top secrets your honor!" the elegantly dressed prosecutor slammed his fist on the courtroom bench in front of the accused.

  "No! I'm telling you, I'm a poet." Agent Nine defended himself.

  "Very well then, recite something for us pretty boy." The prosecutor walked up to agent Nine and looked him squarely in the eye.

  "Objection!" Agent Nine's lawyer quickly jumped to his defense.

  "I'll allow it." the judge waved his hand again.

  "That's alright." Nine sighed and looked at the judge. "Well, I guess I'll recite something I wrote recently. Roses are red, violets are blue, this court is adjourned and so are you!"

  At that point Nine jumped on the bench, punched the fancy lawyer in the face, ran across the courtroom, and leaped out of the window head first to freedom.

  "Damn! I thought I told you to keep that window shut!" the judge started to bang his gavel and glanced down at an old man who appeared to be the bailiff.

  "It was stuffy in here." the old man replied in a raspy voice.

  "Well, after him!" the judge pointed at the window.

  "Okay, okay, hold your horses." the bailiff got up from the chair and pulled a leg muscle at the same time. "Ouch! Got up too quickly." the old man said and sat back down.

  The judge face palmed himself. The prosecutor ran to the window and shook his fist. "I'll get you Nine!" he shouted. "You won't get away with this!"

  Agent Nine climbed down the building using sucking cups that he kept in the back pocket of his Versace suit. Once he got to the ground he ran as fast as he could. Behind him, a couple of on duty officers, ran out of the courthouse and started to chase him. Agent Nine looked at the time and started entering codes on his wrist watch. A silver rocket ship descended from the sky, slowed its speed, and hovered a few meters above Nine as he ran. A door from the ship's belly slid open and produced a rope. Nine jumped up grabbing it and tied it around his wrist. The ship then started to pull up and Nine began climbing up the rope into the ship.

  The officers couldn't catch up and stopped once they noticed it was too late. One of the officers took off his blue hat, threw it on the ground, then angrily jumped on it.

  Agent Nine witnessed the officers for a moment and waved them a good bye. He then closed the belly door of the ship and ran to the ship's controls. He pulled on the steering wheel, getting the ship into space, fearing a chase.

  As the ship sped up Nine spotted several enemy ships on the radar. Once he was out of the planets gravitational pull he zoomed passed a moon and maneuvered downwards sharply, away from the several ships behind him. Nine turned on the rear view, live image, and saw that one of the ships was gaining on him.

  With that, Nine maneuvered his ship into a 180 degree turn and punched in a few codes. Seconds later, the hood of the ship opened slightly and a net spewed out of it. The net wrapped itself around the enemy ship causing it to lose power. Nine punched in a few codes closing the hood and pushed the controls downward once more. Turning on the ship's camouflage, Nine then pulled the ship upwards and climbed up high as fast as he could. He noticed the other ships began to spread out on his radar, giving away that they've lost him.

  Agent Nine punched in a code at a virtual screen, next to the radar, and hologram of a beautiful, young woman appeared in front of him. She had strawberry blond hair, and green eyes. She was chewing on gum and had a headset on.

  "Welcome, state your code and password." the woman spoke.

  "Agent Nine, password 955291. Please connect me to Sebastian, I need to speak with him right away." Nine spoke quickly still catching his breath from his run. The lady's hologram disappeared and a rainbow wheel appeared. It buffered. After a minute a hologram of an older, balder, and heavy set gentleman appeared in front of Nine.

  "Ah, Nine, how great to see you alive and well. I was wondering why it was taking you so long. Planet Kate Hudson shouldn't have taken you this long to decode."

  Since the discovery of the new planets, NASA's scientist took to naming them with a letter followed by a few digits. Earthlings hated the new names and took to naming them themselves. By popular demand, a vote on planets names took place on social media. Most of the planets ended up with celebrity names, except for planet Bacon, that seemed to be a fluke of some sort.

  After it was proven that most of these newly discovered planets were habitable people started to move and created their own civilization there under democracy rule. The planets that were not so habitable, yet sustainable, human beings took to building cities that strived in artificial living environments. This was good news for Earth as it was getting overpopulated. However, Earth's government didn't like having new planets in their galaxy with their own rules, and once in a while would send a spy to crack down on anything suspicious. Other planets were bothered by this and sent spies to Earth to view these secret projects Earth was planning, thus interrupting a peaceful and quiet universe for everyone.

  "I've been compromised." agent Nine spoke with concern.

  "So you ran? You didn't fix anything?" Sebastian asked.

  "It was a surprise trial." it was true. As soon as agent Nine walked into that courtroom everyone literally jumped out of curtains and chairs and even yelled surprise. His charm easily bought him friends and popularity.

  "Somebody must've gave you away." responded Sebastian and placed his index finger on his chin tapping it gently.

  "I can't even sir, not even!" Nine had no polite word
s to describe the failed mission.

  "We need to find out who keeps doing this. It is the third planet you've been compromised on this year."

  "Maybe we should permanently delete all my records sir, and hold off our annual secret agent parade for a couple of years." agent Nine suggested.

  "My god Nine, you'll be a ghost. I like that idea." Sebastian replied. "You are our best agent Nine. We will deal with planet Kate Hudson's president from our end and find a way to prove them that you were a poet after all. I'll come up with a few publishing titles under your name."

  "Thank you Sir."

  "Your next mission Nine, is waiting for you at the office. When you get here please see Christine, she will brief you."

  "Will do."

  "I'd also like to invite you over to my mansion tonight as I am hosting a dinner party." Sebastian added. "There are a few gentleman I'd like you to meet."

  "Noted Sebastian, you can count on me." Nine ended their transmission and sat back down at the pilot's seat. He looked at the radar and it appeared as though the other ships were heading back to Kate Hudson planet with an "out of order" ship in tow.

  Nine gunned the accelerator on his rocket and before entering Earth's gravitational pull he turned off the camouflage. He then headed to a remote island in the Caribbean.

  As he approached closer and closer, beyond the clouds, a white, modern mansion came into view. Carefully, Nine set his ship down at the mansion's elegant entrance. He jumped out of the ship, brushed off some lint off his suit, and swapped the keys with a tag number with a valet attendant.

  As the agent approached the front doors of the mansion. Above the entrance was a sign that read 'Organization Headquarters'. Nine pushed a doorbell on the left side.

  "What's the password?" a female voice echoed through an intercom.

  Agent Nine thought for a bit then said, "Let me in you idiot!"

  The doors gracefully swung open and the agent adjusted his tie. When he entered the mansion, his footsteps echoed from every step he took on the sandstone floor. The interior was completely empty with only beige walls introducing the setting. He walked up to a giant stairwell in the middle of the lobby that split into two at the wall, each leading to a separate part of the building. He took the one that lead to the right side of the mansion and ended up in a hallway upon the last step of the stairs. The corridor was well lit as it had large open windows over viewing the courtyard. The sunlight reflected off the beige wall and bounced off gently, sending a warm like glow in the hallway.

  Nine walked to the end of the hall and pressed his thumb against a box that looked like the thermostat. It read his thumb print and blinked a couple of times. The wall in front of Nine slid open and he entered a secret room.

  The interior of the room was wooden, from the floor to the ceiling. The energy was cold, the lighting was dim, and the air was stale. Strawberry sat at her desk that was located at the back of the room. She had a few gadgets on it and seemed to be working on some paperwork.

  "Ah, Tatum, great to see you." she turned around and ran to hug him. She was very friendly and polite. "I heard your mission was disrupted. What happened?"

  "Oh Christine, I was compromised, yes, somebody gave away my position." Nine replied with a whisper. He couldn't help but smile at her. "How are things on your end?"

  "Oh wonderful!" Strawberry grinned. "I got engaged!" she extended her hand exposing a diamond ring on her finger. The ring shimmered brightly even in the dim lit room.

  "Wow! Who is the lucky guy?" asked Nine.

  "Oh you wouldn't know him. He is not on the force. He is a paramedic." Strawberry pulled her hand away from Nine and walked over to her desk. She picked up a tiny bobby pin and handed it to Nine.

  "You can do better." Nine teased. "You should get yourself a doctor." He winked at her and his smile was too contagious that Strawberry couldn't help herself but smile back at him.

  "Alright. Look at here," Strawberry pointed to the pin. "This key is designed to fit in any lock." she flirtatiously caressed the bobby pin and hypnotized Nine's attention. He watched her fingers and looked up at her.

  "Any other new inventions you could provide me with?" Nine took the bobby pin and put it in his pocket. He glanced into Strawberry's eyes who tried very hard to fight the temptation to kiss him. Their chemistry was undeniable.

  "Yes! As a matter of fact there is." She forced herself away from Nine's seductive pull and walked to the desk again. "Here is a new, updated watch." Strawberry extended her hand to show Nine. "The new features are listed in its manual. Please read through it before connecting and using it. Your mission, as Sebastian mentioned to you earlier, will appear on the watch as soon as you connect it."

  Agent Nine took the watch and put it in his pocket. He smiled at Strawberry and she gave him a hug.

  "Christine, you are the most beautiful creature I ever laid eyes on." he whispered into her ear.

  Strawberry let go of his hold and turned back to her desk, shuffling through some paperwork. She didn't say good bye but her body language gave the signal for Nine to leave, so he turned around and left Strawberry be.

  Nine stepped out of the secret room with its door shutting closed behind him. He walked down the hallway and smiled to himself. His history with Christine Strawberry was very rich. Whatever they had was a long time ago he shouldn't bring it up anymore, he knew better, yet a part of him always wanted her back. Nine stepped out of the mansion and gave the tag to a valet attendant who ran to get the ship. The valet attendant brought it back intact, cleaned, and well polished for Nine to fly off in.

  I look smashing in this Nine thought to himself as he admired the shiny glare reflecting off of the ship's hood. He loved the flashy, expensive, and top quality products. He took off his watch and replaced it with the watch Strawberry gave him. He didn't turn it on yet as he was still on his way to Sebastian's party. He figured it wasn't mission time yet.

  Nine approached another isolated, jungle like island in the Caribbean. This island was beautiful as it had palm trees that stretched up so high they almost covered a large, two story, beach house in the middle of the island. Closing in on the house, Nine looked at the two new jet skis that were parked at a near by dock. He then spotted Sebastian's yacht docked out in the ocean with a few other yachts. Those must be the arriving guests Sebastian mentioned.

  Nine approached a large parking area for spaceships, which was just a few miles away from the beach house, and landed on one of the spots. He noted that there were twenty other fancy ships on the lot, indicating a large crowd to be expected at the party. This meant that this party was quite important to Sebastian.

  A driver in an open jeep drove up to Nine's ship and waved at him. Nine ran up to the vehicle and jumped into the passengers seat.

  "How are you doing this evening sir?" the driver greeted Nine.

  "Well, thank you." Nine smiled at the driver. "Is Natalie at the party?"

  "Yes, she is." the driver nodded as he drove out from the parking lot and onto a tiny trail through the jungle that lead to Sebastian's beach house. The green leaves sparkled from their water vapor and the sun light peaked through some of the jungle tree leaves. Sebastian loved this island as it had the rarest and the most exotic flowers on the planet. Nine spotted a few of them hiding under some heavy larger leaves as the driver sped on straight through. Once they reached the front gates of the house, the gates automatically opened inward welcoming them. The driver took Nine to the front doors of the beach house.

  "Thank you." Nine jumped out of the jeep and the driver took off to pick up more arrivals. The trees were so tall that when Nine looked up in the sky he had difficulty to spot any more ships coming this way. He then straightened his tie and entered the house.

  Inside it, Nine spotted well dressed guests conversing with one another, and several butlers and waitresses who ran around the house, carrying trays off food and wine bottles. Nine stopped one of the waitr
esses and she handed him a glass of champagne. She smiled at him politely and continued to cater to the rest of the crowd. As Nine walked into the living room he heard classical music coming from the home speakers of Sebastian's house. He sat down on a couch and observed everyone.

  "Welcome to my estate ladies and gentleman." Sebastian walked into the living room and was immediately followed by applause. "Thank you everyone! I have an announcement to make at the end of the evening, so please do enjoy the ambiance, dinner will be served shortly." Sebastian smiled and everyone proceeded to mingle. Sebastian walked over to Nine and sat down beside him.

  "Agent Nine my most brilliant protégé. You know, since you've joined you caught everyone's attention. Have you looked at your profile lately?" Sebastian asked Nine.

  "It will have to be deleted as discussed sir." Nine replied.

  "Yes, well, it is brilliant. You have rescued children touched by armed conflict, caught the two brothers who were Earth's most dangerous criminal leaders, assassinated five hundred spies, help seize a billion dollars worth of drugs, and been recently promoted to an intergalactic agent. You will do plenty more for our galaxy, I can assure you." Sebastian patted Nine on the back. "It is quite impressive with what you have done for our organization Tatum."

  "Thank you sir." Nine took a sip of his drink and continued studying the guests. "What is this big announcement that you are going to make anyway?" He asked.

  "I'm retiring." Sebastian whispered to Nine.

  "You can't retire! You are the best in the field." Nine tried not to catch anyone's attention.

  "It is simply my time. I'm too old, too stiff, I can't think, move, or act as fast as I use to. I will be here if you need me." Sebastian got up on his feet and went over to greet the newly arrived guests.

  Nine was disappointed and felt like he wanted to leave the party. As soon as he stood up he spotted Natalie, a beautiful brunette woman wearing a cut out, open leg, red dress and diamond necklace. He froze for a minute and observed her as he tried to study her mood and current behavior pattern through her body language. She then glanced at him with her hazel eyes and he smiled at her. She walked up to him in an elegant manner, exposing her open toe, red, 6-inch heels. Nine was a bit taller then her, but her heels always brought them to the same height.

  "I heard you finished your mission early with no results." She mocked him.

  "Christine tell you? Did she tell you?" Nine asked Natalie and studied her face.

  "Yes, well, not all missions are successful Tatum." she took the drink Nine was holding from his hand and took a sip.

  "Sweet Natalie, I am still far ahead with my missions then you."

  "Yes, but all mine were successful." she blew Nine a kiss and walked away with Nine staring after her.

  "Dinner will be served in the back." Sebastian announced from somewhere in the room and everyone began moving to the backyard of his beach house.

  When Nine stepped onto the porch of the back yard he noticed just how big it was. The sunset lit up the whole space with a golden hour and pink sky. The porch appeared to be a stage and there were several round tables out on the grassy field area. Each table was set, with seven guests per table. Sebastian grabbed a microphone and waved everyone to take their seats.

  "Welcome, welcome everyone. Dinner is about to start. Please enjoy!" He announced, then placed the microphone down on the stage and ran to the field helping sit everyone down.

  Nine leaned against the screen door that lead to the backyard and Sebastian waved at him to go take a seat next to Natalie. As he walked over to them, a glamorously dressed Christine ran passed them, and mouthed something to Sebastian. He seemed surprised about the information he had just received and Strawberry took out a tablet from her purse.

  Nine followed as instructed to sit next to Natalie and watched Sebastian walk on the stage leaving his guests behind. Nine looked over to Natalie who felt his stare but didn't give him any credit for it. A few second later Nine looked at where Sebastian stood at the screen door, in front of some pathetic, low life hippies who wouldn't let him back into his house. They didn't look like they were invited.

  There seemed to be an argument between Sebastian and the hippies, and out of nowhere, a gun shot echoed through out the field, and startled all the guests. Sebastian was shot, he knelt down in front of the hippies then hit the floor.



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