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Light Unbroken (Ardor of Light Trilogy) Book 1

Page 4

by K. Lew

  Chapter 3: The Legacy He Left Behind

  Hundreds of men and women gathered on the field of grass, waiting and watching solemnly as a white casket was carried by six lightkeepers in white cloaks on either side. At the center of the grass field, there was an unearthed hole in the ground. The men were dressed in black cloaks, the custom color appropriate for a funeral. The ladies accompanying the men wore white dresses. A lady in gold dress standing closest to the earthed hole had her head down. Next to her, a white-cloaked man with a silky black beard chanted a prayer rite. The man’s eyes were closed as he chanted what sounded like gibberish to Kelan.

  Kelan was in the back of the crowd next to a chubby man. The chubby man had long ginger hair that was tied in a ponytail. He wore odd-looking black-framed eyeglasses that covered his hazel eyes. The odd-looking eyeglasses had temples that went around his ears once before spiraling up above his head like bug antennas. Kelan spoke. “Sere, my old friend, it has been too long. How have the city life been treating you?”

  Sere responded. “Better than ever, Kel. Where have you been? You left ten years ago without a farewell to yours truly.”

  Kelan spoke. “I have been traveling. I wanted to see what the world had to offer. I visited the city of Iea where mountains erupt melting fire into the sky.”

  Sere asked. “Iea near the Crashing Mountains? Fancy that. Did you happen to stumble upon any precious metals or gems while you were there?” Sere took out a transparent card as images of mountains appeared on the touch screen.

  Kelan spoke. “No. Unfortunately I didn’t. I was only there for a day. “ Kelan waited and listened while Sere tapped on the touch screen of his ID card. “I only asked because I am planning to send a mining party to the Crashing Mountains next year. I’m hoping to double my investment.”

  Kelan asked without any restraint. “Do they have any leads or suspects in custody?”

  Sere shook his head. Sere spoke. “Not here. I will tell you what I know later. What in the world were you traveling alone in the Dead Desert?”

  Kelan spoke. “I didn’t say I was. I traveled in the company of the Itipio tribe.”

  Sere widened his eyes and spoke. “You traveled with the Itipio tribe? Aren’t they...”

  Kelan replied. “No. Their culture may seem foreign to us, but they are like you and me.” And some are very beautiful like Suyzi.

  Sere spoke carefully. “I mean are they, you know...”

  Kelan finished the word for him. “Savages.” Kelan turned to Sere and gave him a hard look. “Those savages welcomed me with open arms. On the other hand, when I arrived to the city, the guards arrested me and put me in chains. Later they threw me in a cell without telling me why I was being arrested in the first place. So you tell me who the real savages are?”

  Sere said. “Surely it was all a misunderstanding. Ever since the Freeman began intensifying their attacks months ago, security around the gates has tightened.”

  Kelan shook his head and looked out at the clear sky. Back in the Dead Desert his feelings were conflicted. He tried his best not to look into her eyes. He couldn’t stare into her eyes without the beast within him roaring with yearning. He knew that for another second or so and he would have followed her to the end of the world. But the Chemlam was good to him. He had to find the ones responsible. But why did he let a lie slip from his tongue to her ears. If there was ever a time he hated himself, it was now.

  Kelan looked back at the crowd and whispered. “Who is that?”

  Sere replied back. “Where?” Kelan pointed at a woman dressed in a gold dress in center of the crowd.

  Sere exclaimed. “She is the widow of the decreased Chemlam and a trusted friend of mine.”

  Kelan asked. “The Chemlam has a wife?” Kelan looked around to make sure no one was nearby before he opened his mouth. “Sere, I didn’t know the Chemlam married? Who is she?”

  Sere spoke. “A few years back, her father, the Lord Strongblood arranged a marriage between his daughter and the Chemlam. The Strongblood is one of the richest and most powerful families and Chemlam needed their support to rule. At first, everyone including me thought that this arranged marriage was a power play for the Lord Strongblood to consolidate even more power for himself. When she became the Chemlady, she avoided her family and cut all ties with her father. Let’s just say Lord Strongblood wasn’t too pleased. He publicly disowned her and named his nephew as his sole heir. Only under the intervention of the Chemlam, Lord Strongblood reinstated his only daughter back into the family, but the rumor is that father and daughter have not seen each other since her wedding day.”

  The lightkeepers in white cloaks shot strings of iridescent lights into the sky with their flashlights as the casket was lowered into the hole. Then the booming sound of cannons could be heard, blasting little stars infused in golden radiance into the sky. The little stars fell apart falling down as sprinkles. Before the sprinkles of light reached the ground, they dissipated in thin air. The white-cloaked man finished the goodbye speech and the crowd broke away, leaving behind the lady and the white-cloaked man by the casket. Four knights in gold stood a few feet away from the lady.

  Sere spoke. “The Chemlady is renowned for her generosity and beauty. All who come to the City of Lights from every corner of the world come for a glimpse of her beauty. I can arrange an audience with her.”

  Kelan nodded. “Yeah. I would like to see if her reputation precedes her.” Sere spoke. “Then it is settled. Follow me.” Kelan spoke. “Right now? No, I must prepare myself. It has been a long trip.”

  Sere spoke. “The Chemlady does not care for appearances. But do make sure you address her by her first name, Mariah. She hates to be addressed as Chemlady or lady. Another thing, keep your head bowed low and wait until she speaks before making eye contact with her.” Kelan opened his mouth to protest, but Sere grabbed his hand and dragged him forward.  The crowd broke out, drifting away. But Kelan only had eyes for the lady in the gold dress. Kelan noticed her eyes were red and tears were running down her face.

  Before they could get any closer, four knights moved in front of the woman in the gold dress. The four knights were clad in golden armor. Their golden breastplates were encrusted with diamonds. Their golden leg armors had a capital D on their knee. Strapped around their backs, they had heater shield in white with a capital D inscribed on the face of the shield. Each of them wielded golden tridents in one of their hands. Sere waved for them to move. “Move aside. I’m the Chemlady’s minister of intelligence. Don’t you recognize me? I’ve important news for the Chemlady.” The four knights did not bulge.

  The white-cloaked man appeared, speaking to the golden knights. “What is this disturbance?” Then the white-cloaked man turned and saw Sere. “Oh its just you. I haven’t seen you in court for a while. I thought you died, drowning your sorrows in mead or wine in some dirty tavern.”

  Sere answered. “Versia, you slippery serpent. What lies have you been whispering to my Chemlady?”

  The lady in the gold dress spoke. “Stop it the both of you.” Her voice was firm and crisp. Two of the golden knights moved aside to the left, while other two moved aside to the right.

  Sere and Versia bowed their heads down. Both Sere and Versia gave sideway glances at Kelan who was standing still. On cue, Kelan bowed his head down. She spoke. “You may all rise.”Kelan lifted his head up. Sere spoke civilly. “Mariah, may the will of Light keep you strong. Your husband was one of my greatest and closest friends. He will be greatly missed. You will always have my support till my lasting breath.”

  Kelan naturally wanted to comfort her, but knew doing so would be inappropriate. She smelled like bouquet of fresh flowers. Even though Kelan could tell she had been crying earlier, she was a natural beauty without a touch of makeup on her face. Her brown hair was covering her left eye. She was wearing a diamond wedding ring on her right ring finger. Her gold dress had stripes of silver running down the dress hems. She was wearing a necklace with a ball of shi
ning light in the middle. When the sunlight shined in her eyes, he could swear her eyes changed from brown to violet. He had insatiable urge to kiss her. He fought hard to quell that urge. He tried hard and focused his mind on Suyzi.

  Mariah spoke to Sere. “Your words comfort me. Who is your friend?”

  Kelan realized his mouth was wide open. Quickly he closed his mouth. Kelan spoke. “My name is Kelan from the City of Light. My lady may I say for once the rumors are true.” Mariah looked at him smiled and said, “And what would that be? Kelan said. “That you’re beauty is like the rarest flower in the world my lady.”

  Her eyes sparkled in the sunlight as she said, “You are too modest. Kelan, was it? My husband spoke of you dearly. He missed your company.”

  Sere spoke up. “Mariah, I must excuse myself. I have errands to attend too.”

  Mariah nodded. “Please come see me later. I have something to ask of you.” Sere bowed his head. He patted Kelan on the back. Then Sere walked past Versia and began singing.

  “Somewhere out in the seven seas, I was left out to die.

  Oh, I never met a sea serpent that wouldn’t lie.

  Trapped under a rock, they would cry.

  Promised me gold and shiny gems.

  The moment I set them free.

  They left me to rot undersea

  If only the future, I could foresee.

  Somewhere out in the seven seas, I was left out to die.”

  Kelan saw Versia frowning at Sere, but turned his attention to Kelan. Kelan spoke. “I miss him too. He was good to me.”

  Mariah spoke with sadness. “Yes, he was. He was a loving husband and could always get me to laugh like no one else. I still remember my wedding as if it was only yesterday. Now a day doesn’t go by that I don’t miss them.”

  Kelan spoke. “I’m sorry about your losses.”

  Mariah replied solemnly. “Todd was my other love. He was my beloved dog and my best friend.”

  Kelan spoke. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  Kelan waited before replying. “My lady, I came to give you my condolences. Your husband was a wise man of great eminence. His presence will be greatly missed. The people of this city including myself are indebted to him and will always be grateful for what he did for this city.”

  Mariah said. “Your words give me comfort in a day filled with sadness. Thank you.” She wiped the tear off her face.

  Kelan went to her side and put his arm around her. The golden knights gave him a warning glance. Versia interrupted. “No one can touch the Chemlam’s wife.” His eyes looked ready to kill.

  Kelan pulled his hands away.

  Mariah said. “Versia, he meant it as a comforting gesture.” Mariah turned to Kelan and asked. “Isn’t that right?”

  Beautiful does you no justice. You are beyond it. Still in a trance and caught unprepared, Kelan said. “Sorry, my lady could you repeat what you said again?

  She smiled. It was as if he was caught in a spell casted by her beauty. She was twirling a strand of her brown hair behind her ear.

  She took the moment of silence as an opportunity. Mariah spoke. “Versia could you bring me an umbrella. The sun is becoming unbearable for me.”

  Versia frowned, clearly unhappy. Versia replied. “I would feel more at ease if I was by your side.”

  Mariah spoke sharply. “Are you assuming that I can not take of myself?” Versia spoke. “No. Never...But it is my job to keep you safe.”

  Mariah waved him concerns away. “I’ll be fine. I have my brave knights in gold.”

  Reluctantly Versia walked off. But before he did, he glared at Kelan with pure hatred. Kelan spoke as soon as Versia was out of earshot. “Who was that, my lady, if I may ask?”

  Mariah answered. “Oh Vesira? He’s just doing his job as my chief security adviser.”

  Kelan replied. “He could work on his temper, my lady.”

  Mariah smiled and asked. “Could you do me a favor?”

  Kelan replied a bit too quickly. “Anything.”

  Mariah spoke. “Could you be a doll and call me Mariah.”

  Kelan spoke fast. “My apology. I was distracted by the presence of such exquisite beauty in front of me.”

  Mariah smiled faintly at his awkward compliment. “I would like to show you something.” She began swirling her hands, creating clouds of grayish black smoke. The clouds of smoke began to build up, swirling into a miniature tornado. The clouds of smoke cleared away and there was nothing to see. Then a dog bark came from the spot where the smoke dissipated into the air. It was a low deep bark.

  Kelan stepped back with his hands in his back pockets, yelling in surprise. “Whoa! Where did that bark come from?”

  She laughed and spoke. “This is my blessed dog, Todd…Watch this.” She pulled out a lighter from her handbag. She switched it on. A little red fire appeared on the tip of the lighter. Then she dipped the tip of the lighter into the air. In seconds, the red flame spread through the air until a shape of a dog on fire appeared in front of him. The fire burned brightly and the heat coming from Todd was hot and quite real. Now Todd was moving back and forth in front of her. Todd growled at him.

  Kelan’s mouth was hanging open in complete awe.

  She noticed his amazement and spoke. “Let’s play a simple game. I’ll ask you a question and if I find your answer satisfactory, in return, you may ask a question of your own. Does that seem fair?”

  Kelan nodded. Mariah asked. “Why did you leave?” Kelan answered. “I wanted to leave and see the world around me.” Mariah looked at him suspiciously. “Tell me the truth.” Kelan looked around and stared at the golden knights. Mariah spoke. “They won’t tell a soul.” Kelan whispered. “I left to run away from my past. I was in the Mosdeath organization.”

  Mariah spoke in surprise. “The Mosdeath? I thought they disbanded.” Kelan replied. “I do not know. I haven’t contacted them for over ten years. I was tired of the mindless killing. I couldn’t do it anymore.”

  Mariah spoke. “I understand. I won’t convict you for any past crimes you may have committed. However I will need you when the time comes.” Kelan nodded.

  Mariah spoke. “Have you heard of the Freemen?”

  Kelan spoke. “They are a band of rebels who once were citzens in this city, but left the city to oppose the injustices that they hold the Chemlam responsible during his rule. They are ruthless and won’t hesitate to kill innocents to accomplish their goals. But I know the Chemlam was a good man. Anyone against him or his legacy is also against me. If you accept my support, I will lead the fight against them.”

  “Such brave words. I want to believe you’re a man of your word. However I have been wrong countless time before. My husband is dead and all people care about is how this death will affect them personally. We were truly in love…I really loved….”

  Her bottom pinkish lip quivered and she couldn’t finish. Todd stopped pacing around and his red flames flickered. Todd moved his head to her in concern.

  She was holding in the tears. “It’s okay…I’m fine.”

  Kelan glanced down at the transparent dog changing colors from a red flame to blue flame, and asked timidly. “Is that normal or should I be worried?”

  Her eyes glittered wetly, every beam of sunlight that hit her eyes were like diamonds. “Should you? Don’t worry my Todd is very special. He is only dangerous to those who do me ill will. And I am good at weeding out the rotten apples on a tree. Oh I almost forgot. You answered my question so now you can ask me a question.”

  Kelan asked. “I know this is personal. But I need an honest answer. Do you know who murdered your husband?”

  She answered simply. “No.” She paused and then gently touched his lip with her index finger. “Come closer.”

  Kelan pointed at himself and wetted his lips. How did he get so lucky? What was he thinking? She is the Chemlam’s wife. He tried to think of Suyzi and her light brown eyes.

  But slowly Kelan moved closer until their heads were almos
t touching only inches away. Up close she was even more breathtaking. Her skin was flawless without any blemishes. The iris of her right eye seemly changed colors from brown to blue, and finally to violet. Her eyelashes were long and curled, bringing out the color in her eye. She smiled at Kelan and pushed her brown hair away from her left eye. She whispered. “I just met you, but I feel like I can trust you. Can you keep a secret for me?” Kelan’s eyes widened and replied. “Of course.” She then turned her eyes to Todd. Todd snorted defiantly but relented. He strutted a few paces away and stared forward. His pointy ears twitched in different directions as he sniffed the air for trouble. Something was wrong because of all sudden, Todd let out a shrill whine.  She whispered something softly to Kelan’s ear. Kelan nodded and spoke. “It was nice talking to you.” She smiled and fumbled for something in her handbag.

  Twenty knights appeared in black full armor coming forward. Each knight in black carried a steel katana in each hand. A man in the front of them wore a black cloak with red baron sigil pinned on his collar.

  The man in the black cloak yelled. “Mariah Strongblood, you are stripped of your title and will be placed under arrest on the order of Lord Strongblood, please dissipate your pet and do not resist.”

  The four gold knights stepped forward and aimed their trident in striking position at the knights in black.

  Mariah spoke. “Yield. Do not engage.” The knights in gold went back to standing position. Mariah spoke. “My sweet cousin, what a pleasure to finally see you after all these years. You have grown to a young handsome man. But there must be a misunderstanding.”

  The man had brown, spiked-up hair and cold, blue eyes.

  Todd burst into red flame. Todd was barking loudly, snarling at the man in the black cloak and the knights in black. Kelan quickly moved in front of the lady. “What is the meaning of this?”

  The man in the black cloak stepped forward and pushed Kelan roughly aside and snarled. “None of your concern. Now leave before I arrest you too.”

  Her cousin turned his attention back to the lady, speaking. “Mariah, you are accused of having a hand in poisoning your husband, the late Chemlam. You will escorted to your father’s castle and there you will stay until your trial commences.” She calmly petted the wisps of flames of Todd. With a wave of her hand, Todd disappeared.

  Mariah spoke quietly. “How is my father doing?”

  For the first time, her cousin spoke in a gentle tone. “He is doing well. He welcomes you back in open arms.”

  Mariah replied. “How considerate of him.” Mariah turned to her four knights in gold. “My brave knights, you have protected me. Numerous times, you have put your life on the line for me. I can never repay what you have all done for me. But under the will of Light, you’re all free to go. I release you from my bond.”

  The four knights in gold kneeled down before their Chemlady. One of the knights pulled his visor up. His blue eyes were filled with mixture of dedication and trust. He spoke. “Mariah, we swore a vow before the Light under your husband, the late Chemlam to protect you until our last breath. We shall wait for you until your release.” The other knights in gold chanted. “May the will of Light keep our Chemlady safe.”

  Kelan saw Mariah’s lips quivered slightly before composing herself. “My brave knights, please protect the city while I’m gone.”

  They bowed again before stepping back. The light from the sun shining down on their gold armor reminded Kelan of the legendary knights of the past.

  The black-cloaked man motioned for the knights in black to take the Chemlady. The knights in black surrounded the Chemlady. Then they led her away with five knights in black behind her and the black-cloaked man and five knights in black in front.

  Kelan watched until the circle of knights in black disappeared into the distance. Kelan stood frozen where he was. The words she whispered to him rang in his ears. I’m pregnant.



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