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Light Unbroken (Ardor of Light Trilogy) Book 1

Page 14

by K. Lew

  Chapter 13: Blows Close to the Heart

  Kelan opened his eyes, waking up to the bright, yellow light. He blinked several times until his eyes adjusted to the light. He found himself on the bed covered in crimson blanket. There was a brown countertop to the right of him. The sensation of an unbearable itch throbbed throughout his right arm. He looked down at his right arm. His arm from his elbow down to his right hand was gone. White bandages were wrapped around his elbow. Kelan tried to speak, but only a dry rattle was produced. Finally after clearing his parched throat several times, he spoke in a raspy voice. “Water. I need water.” But no one came. He yelled even louder. “Water!”

  Kelan could hear a footstep pounding on the hard floor. A server, a girl with blue eyes and auburn hair, entered the room. She carried a jug of water. Quickly she poured the glass of water into his mouth. As the cool liquid ran down his throat, he coughed out the water. The server was taken back, pulling the glass away from him. After his coughing subsided, Kelan spoke to the server. “Where’s Sere?”

  The server paused. “Who?”

  Kelan spoke. “Sere. He’s a chubby man who wears glasses with spiraling antennas.”

  The server spoke. “Yes, I saw him. He was beside your bed the entire night. He left a few hours ago.”

  Kelan asked. “Did he say where?”

  The server spoke. “No. Sorry.”

  Kelan struggled to get up, but the server held him down. The server spoke. “You can’t go. You just lost your arm. You are in no condition to walk. You are a cripple.”

  Kelan stopped and looked at her flabbergasted. The server gasped and covered her mouth.

  She spoke. “I’m sorry...I didn’t mean to say that.”

  Kelan looked down at his amputated limb and spoke softly. “No, you are right. I am a cripple now. Can you tell me what happened to my arm?”

  The server spoke. “I’m sorry. I’m not qualified to tell you. I can call a Chemlord over.”

  Kelan replied. “Please.”

  The server left hurriedly and few moments later, she came back with a jug of water and glass. A Chemlord was trailing her. She placed both them on the countertop next to his left arm. She bowed her head quickly and left in a hurry.

  The Chemlord was a tiny man. He had a brown watch on his right wrist. He had spiky hair that was gelled up that looked like porcupine spines. The man introduced himself. “How are you feeling? I’m Risotta and you, my friend, are a hero to this city. I would like personally thank you for your sacrifices and victory”

  Kelan was too exhausted to argue and simply nodded. Kelan spoke. “How did it happen?”

  Risotta explained. “When I saw you coming in a stretcher, your right arm was bloodied and dangling lifelessly to the ground. After we ran tests, we found almost every bone from your elbow down to your finger was crushed. We had no other choice, but amputate your arm. The surgery took place while you were asleep last night. You will be in bed for another few days.”

  Kelan didn’t feel anything, not even sadness for his lost arm, but he was just glad he had his life.

  Kelan spoke. “Is it normal to feel as if my arm is not gone. I have this itch where my arm used to be.”

  Risotta spoke. “Yes, this sensation you are feeling is called phantom limb sensation. It is normal for those who have just lost a part of their limb to experience it. The pain and sensation should decline over time. However if the pain is unbearable, I can give you numbing medication.”

  Kelan spoke. “No thanks, Risotta. Please I need some time alone to rest.”

  Risotta nodded and began walking towards the door. Risotta paused, lingering near the door. Risotta spoke. “The people love and respect you. Now is the chance for you to bring equality to the city. You can be remembered as the people’s champion or another fool who abuses his power for gallons. G’day to you.” Risotta walked out.

  Kelan lay there on the bed. He closed his eyes. Then suddenly, the flashbacks came back. The dreaded stomps of the footstep. The mighty, silver warhammer coming down on his arm. The unbearable pain coursing through his arm. He opened his eyes. His heart was beating fast. Warm sweat beaded around his forehead. As the seconds went by, he stared up at the white marbled ceiling.

  Then Sere walked in. “Kel, my friend, how are you feeling?”

  Kelan spoke. “Much better. Sere, where did you go?”

  Sere spoke. “There was a meeting in Beacon of Light for the nominations.”

  Kelan spoke. “Well? Who was nominated?”

  Sere paused before speaking. “Versia. The majority nominated him. I tried to prevent it from happen but to no avail. Light help this city.” Sere rubbed the temples of his head. Sere stopped and put his hands together in front of him.

  Sere muttered. “As soon as the ceremony for tomorrow is over, he will be our new Chemlam. There’s no other way around it.”

  Kelan asked. “What will Versia do about the Chemlady situation?”

  Sere balled his hands into fist. Sere yelled. “The Chemlady? Kel, we have bigger problems. My life is going down the drain. My title as the Merchant of Commerce has already been stripped away from me. I don’t know, Kel. Versia always had a deep longing for the Chemlady. I suppose Versia will pardon her past actions. Then he will marry her to cement his claim to rule. He will send an army to get her back from the Strongblood. He will start a war.”

  Kelan moved his left hand to Sere’s shoulder and spoke. “You know I won’t let anything happen to you and this city.”

  Sere looked up at Kelan and spoke. “Comforting words, Kel. I’m not worried about the city. I’m a dead man walking. Versia has probably sent assassins after me already. I have to leave the city today. Will you come with me, Kel? It will be like the old days just me and you.”

  Kelan spoke. “No, we are both staying.”

  Sere yelled. “Hell I will. Kel, did you suffer a brain injury as well? Are you nuts? Versia hates us, probably hates me more than you. When he finds us, he will kill us. Probably find a bogus charge to get his way.”

  Kelan spoke. “What did I say earlier before the attack?”

  Sere shook his head and spoke. “I don’t remember.”

  Kelan spoke. “We will not run. I promise to the Light Gods, no one will lay a hand on you.”

  Sere asked nervously. “How do you know that? How can you promise I will be safe? Can you see in the future?” Footsteps approached their door. Sere shifted his glance at the open door with fear. But it was just a server walking by.

  Kelan waved Sere off and spoke. “You’re being ridiculous. You’re letting your fear get the better of you. Listen to me. I might have found some allies. But we have to move quickly.”

  Kelan tried to get off of bed. Sere looked with concern, but Sere didn’t say anything. As Kelan lifted himself up with his left hand, Sere moved forward to help. But Kelan shook his head. Kelan spoke. “Sere, I got to do this myself.” Sere stopped and watched anxiously.

  Sere spoke. “If you fall, Kel, I swear I’m carrying you on my back all the way to the Beacon of Light.” Kelan pushed himself up and at first he wobbled. His balance was out of equilibrium. Kelan felt like he was going to fall to his right. Then Kelan felt a hand on his right shoulder. Kelan spoke. “Thanks, Sere. I just need a few moments to adjust to this new sensation.” I can do this. I have to do this. Kelan stepped forward. Then he walked around his room.

  Kelan spoke. “Okay, Sere. Let’s go to the Beacon of Light.” Kelan stepped out of his room. Sere followed Kelan as they walked out of the room. The atmosphere was buzzing with activity. He saw many Chemlords and servers walking in and out of the many rooms. They ignored the two, too busy caring for the many injured afflicted by the attack earlier. No one stopped them from leaving. The woman at the front counter didn’t even give a glance as they left the main doors. Kelan saw Sere’s carriage waiting out in front. There were many trunks in the back of the carriage. Kelan spoke. “You really were planning on leaving.” Sere spoke. “I am still
thinking about doing just that. But I trust you, Kel. You’re a brother to me.” Kelan nodded in agreement. As they got into the carriage, the driver opened the front window. “My good master, where to?”

  Sere replied. “To the Beacon of Light as fast as you can.”

  As carriage moved, Kelan looked out the window. He saw the full extent of the damages from yesterday. They passed many broken homes, crushed debris everywhere, but he also saw signs of life. Many workers were banging tools to rebuild their homes. The carriage stopped at the gate. The driver spoke. “We art hither, my good master.”

  Sere got up of the carriage with Kelan followed Sere out. The white ivory gates were still there. Kelan stepped forward. A lady voice spoke. “Good evening. Please place your ID cards through the slot, then step forward.”

  Kelan placed his ID card into the slot of the entrance. The lady voice spoke. “Thank you. Please wait.”

  A moment later, the lady voice spoke. “Kelan Royier. Title: Lightbearer. Please wait.” Kelan exchanged confused looks with Sere. Sere shrugged his shoulders. Sere stepped forward and placed his ID card into the slot of the entrance. A lady voice spoke. “Thank you. Please wait.” A moment later, the lady voice spoke. “Sere Placi. Title: Guest. You both may pass through now.” Sere winced when he heard the word guest. The entrance began to open. They both stepped through the gates. Kelan whispered to Sere impatiently. “Sere, what in the Light name is a lightbearer? Did you know about this? I never signed up for this.” Sere turned to Kelan with an aggravated expression.

  Sere spoke. “No. I swear to the Light Gods I had nothing to do with this. The day you agreed to lead the attack is the day they have their hold on you. The Council needed a convenient figurehead for the city people to rally behind. You fit the criteria.”

  Kelan spoke. “I can’t. I can’t stay in one place too long. I will give the title back.”

  Sere replied. “I hope you are not that naive. If you tell the Council that you refuse your position, you will be writing your own death sentence. They will throw you in a dungeon and leave you to rot or better yet, they give you a public execution for some fabricated nonsense.”

  Kelan spoke. “I don’t think I will be able to run then?”

  Sere retorted. “Don’t even think about it. Get that out of your head. If you run now, trust me, if the lightkeepers don’t get you, the dogs will.” As they approached the white building in the middle of dome roof was a beam of light changing into colors every few seconds. Sere explained to Kelan. “The light is changing colors to represent that a new Chemlam is appointed, so the changing colors symbolize the light needs to be cleansed as if the slate is wiped clean for the new Chemlam.”

  Kelan spoke. “The slate will be dirty by the end of Versia’s rule.”

  Sere replied. “If there will even be a city left standing after a war with the Strongblood.”

  As they entered the enormous room, they saw people on the Council from earlier seated around the round table. Versia was standing, dressed in a golden cloak. Three knights in gold stood silently behind him. Versia spoke to the Council. “What Lord Strongblood did by deserting, is unforgivable and a treason. He must be brought back to trial to face his punishment.” Kelan saw Melody shaking her head. Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope. Versia stopped speaking when he saw Kelan and Sere. Versia spoke loudly. “Kelan, it is good to see you are well.” As people on the Council turned and saw Kelan, they noticed his missing arm. Kelan could see a mixture of shock, awe, and sympathy written on their faces. Kelan walked forward.  Kelan spoke. “Congratulation, Versia.” Versia smirked, before speaking. “Now that our hero is here, I have another announcement to make. I have named our savior as the new Lightbearer.” Whispers immediately broke out. The Grandmaster spoke out. “What is the meaning of this, Versia? You are not the Chemlam yet and already you are, giving new titles out.”

  Versia spoke. “Quiet down now. Let me explain my reason behind it. First of all, I had to find a way to reward our savior. So what better way, by allowing him to stay, by appointing him a title?”

  Melody stood up and spoke furiously. “You overstep, Versia. It is not your decision to make. Only after a majority of the votes on the Council, can a new member join the Council.”

  Versia retorted. “Thank you for a lesson on the laws. But let me finish. Kelan will not be on the Council, technically. He will be an enforcer who will make sure the laws that the Council passes are enforced. He will share duties with Reno, to lighten his burden. A lightbearer primary role is to hunt down traitors down and bring them back to justice.” Versia plans to have me killed by sending me to the frontlines of war, but in an honorable way by appointing me a title. Sere yelled. “You plan to send him to his death, Versia.”

  Versia narrowed his eyes. Versia spoke. “You have no voice here, Sere. Speaking of, we have a traitor among our midst. I have recently been shown strong evidence that Sere has been aiding the Strongblood, sending money to our enemy. I have no choice, but order the arrest of this traitor. Lightbearer, will you do the honors?” Sere turned quickly at Kelan. Kelan stepped forward and grabbed Sere’s shoulder. Kelan spoke. “I’m sorry, Sere.” Sere glanced worriedly at the exit. But six guards in white chainmail blocked the exit. Sere did not answer and hung his head down sorrowfully. The six guards marched forward and one guard clasped metal cuff onto both Sere’s hands. Kelan watched in horror. Kelan spoke. “Where is the evidence, Versia?” Versia spoke. “Are you questioning my authority, Lightbearer?” Yes. I am, you piss rat. Kelan spoke. “No, not your authority, but your judgement. It just seems too convenient.” Kelan looked at the Grandmaster and Melody for some help, but they kept their silence. Versia ignored Kelan. Versia spoke. “Guards, take the weasel traitor out my sight. Lock him in the darkest dungeon until his execution.” Sere let out a fearful whine. Sere cried. “I’ve been nothing, but a loyal subject. I would never. I didn’t...” Don’t say anything, Sere. You are only making it worse on yourself. Sere was led away out of room by the six guards.

  Versia spoke again as if nothing had transpired. “Tomorrow will be joyful day for me and the people. We will have a celebration tomorrow.”  

  Versia turned to Kelan. Versia spoke. “Kelan, tomorrow you will leave with your men and bring back that traitor Strongblood alive or dead. Today is the beginning of new era as we rid ourselves of traitors and enemies who want to bring the city down.

  Kelan spoke, barely containing his anger. “What about the Chemlady?”

  Versia replied. “Bring her to me. This meeting is over. The Chemlam has spoken.”

  As people on the Council began to trickle out of room, Kelan couldn’t help, but feel as if an invisible target was painted across his back.



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