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Light Unbroken (Ardor of Light Trilogy) Book 1

Page 16

by K. Lew

  Chapter 15: A Brief Reunion

  “Hurry now. You will have to move faster than that.” A part of her still wanted to go back, but another part of her forced her to keep moving so she could see her brother again. Her tears have dried up, but inside she was wreck. When they first entered the forest, the woman told Phoebe that her name was Ms. Delphine.

  Ms. Delphine led her through the forest, squeezing her right hand tightly. The sound of the horn seemed to be fading, but every once in awhile; the sound of the horn would come back, louder and stronger than before.

  I never got to thank Willis for all he did for me. As she ran on, branches and leaves whipped against her face. Occasionally she could hear the fleeting sound of horses galloping on the forest floor. Ms. Delphine would motion for her to duck down in the undergrowth among the grass. Together they huddled behind the thick bushes and tall grass. They waited until the horses galloped past them before it was safe to get up and move forward again. They stopped at a grove of trees with shrubs growing underneath the base of the trees.

  Ms. Delphine huffed and puffed before speaking. “Let’s stop here. I need to catch a breath. It’s hard to walk in this dress.”

  Phoebe spoke. “We need to go look for my brother. I know it in my heart that he is looking for me.”

  Ms. Delphine asked with annoyance. “Do you know where he is exactly?”

  Phoebe answered. “Somewhere in this forest.”

  Ms. Delphine spoke. “That’s not very helpful. I have a home in the city of Leydeity. It’s not too far away from here. There will be food, shelter, and protection there.” Ms. Delphine glanced at her. Ms. Delphine spoke. “You know, I always wanted a daughter. I tried having kids, but after my third miscarriage I was told that I was unable to bear children. So when I saw you, I thought the Light Gods finally answered my prayers...”

  No way. Don’t even think about it. That is never going to happen. Phoebe shouted. “No!” Before lowering her voice when Phoebe noticed Ms. Dephnine’s hurt expression. “My brother is almost an adult. He will be seventeen soon.” My Brother Bear is more than capable of taking care of himself and me.

  Ms. Delphine’s face lit up when she spoke. “I could adopt the both of you. A forest is not a good place for children to live in.”

  How would you know? By the way, I am not a child anymore. Phoebe was starting to regret taking Ms. Delphine with her. I wish you were here with me, Willis.

  Ms. Delphine spoke again. “Well could you at least think about it? I don’t think your brother would mind at all.”

  Phoebe spoke. “Okay. But I won’t make my decision until I find him.”

  Ms. Delphine spoke. “Fine. But I think every child needs an education. If you decide to live with me, I will be enrolling you to Withper known for producing famous actors, actresses, and singers.

  Phoebe protested. “But what about my brother? He won’t be able to be with me.”

  Ms. Delphine spoke. “Don’t be silly. Of course you will see each other after school.”

  When Phoebe made an agitated face, Ms. Delphine spoke. “But I promise if you live with me, I will make sure you get a proper education. I have a big house, so you both will have your own rooms so you don’t have to worry about sharing.”

  Then Phoebe turned around when she heard the sound of rustled leaves and grass. A boy emerged out of the trees behind Ms. Delphine. Phoebe shrieked in delight. The next moment, the Phoebe felt two strong arms wrap around her. It was her brother. Her brother embraced her tighter. Phoebe gasped for air. She managed to speak, out of breath. “Brother Bear, I..,can’t…breath.”

  Her brother whispered excitedly into her ear. “Deary, me too.”

  Phoebe shouted. “No! You. Are. Holding. Me. Too. Tightly!”

  Her brother released his embrace.

  Her brother spoke. “Sorry, Deary. It’s just I finally found you. I want to hold and never let you out of my sight again. I love you so much, Deary.” Her brother grabbed her hands and kissed her cheeks.  

  Phoebe cried in relief. “I love you too, Brother Bear. You look skinnier. Have you been skipping meals?  Her brother shook his head. He spoke. “Doesn’t matter now that I found you. I was worried-sick searching for you. Who is this?”

  Her brother glanced at the woman. Ms. Delphine spoke. “Hello. My name is Ms. Delphine. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. I was captured by the Strongblood and thrown in a cage. That’s where I met your sister. Luckily we escaped together.”

  Phoebe spoke to her brother. “How did you find me, Brother Bear?” Her brother turned back and two figures walked out of the shadows of the trees. A monkey and an old man came from out the shadows. The monkey was covered in fluffy brown fur. The monkey’s eyes were huge. The old man had a hat woven with leaves and tiny branches. He had a long white beard.

  Her brother spoke gently to her. “I have to be honest with you, Deary. I was going to leave with them. Long story short, we were walking towards to his home, when suddenly Mary caught a scent of something and ran forward. Benjamin and I pursued Mary until finally Mary led me straight to you.”

  Phoebe asked. “Who is Mary?” Her brother looked back at the old man.

  He spoke to the old man. “Hey Mary, can you introduce yourself? This is my sister and over there, is Ms. Delphine.”

  The old man stepped forward, waving wildly. Mary spoke. “Yobo. Yogo. Mary likes you.” Phoebe ran to Mary and gave him a huge hug.

  Phoebe whispered to Mary gratefully. “Thank you so much, Mary.” After she let go of Mary, Mary began jumping up and down in joy. Phoebe spoke to the monkey. “I haven’t forgot about you either. Thank you, Benjamin.” She bent down to give the monkey a hug.

  Benjamin replied. “The pleasure is all mine.” She flinched back. Her brother moved towards her. The brother spoke. “Yes, Deary. He can talk. It’s a long story.”

  Phoebe spoke. “That is so cool. I’m so jealous. Can we keep him?”

  As her brother opened his mouth to speak, Ms. Delphine interrupted. “I’m sorry to interrupt. But we need to keep our voices down. The Strongblood still have knights searching for us. We should have this conversation maybe somewhere more safer.”

  Benjamin spoke up. “I concur.”

  Her brother spoke. “But where to?”

  Immediately Ms. Delphine answered quickly. “I have a home in the city of Leydeity.” Benjamin retorted after she spoke. “Well I have a home too.” Benjamin stared at her brother intensely as Benjamin continued speaking. “Where ever you two decide to go, ultimately you have to decide what is best for you.” Before an argument could break out, Phoebe spoke out. “Wait! I think its best we go our separate ways. My brother and I will go with Ms. Delphine.”

  Her brother spoke to them all. “Would you all mind if I could have some time alone with my sister.”

  Benjamin nodded solemnly. Benjamin and Mary walked off.

  Ms. Delphine spoke. “That is fine. But please hurry, we are pressed with time.” Ms. Delphine walked towards where Benjamin and Mary were sitting.

  As soon as they were out of earshot, her brother spoke. “Deary, I been thinking it would be best if we went...”

  Phoebe shook her head furiously. She yelled. “No!” What is he talking about?

  Her brother spoke. “Deary, I think it’s time for us to go our separate path. You can’t believe how relieved I’m to see that you are safe.”

  Phoebe had tears welling up in her eyes. She spoke. “Why? Is it because you have grown tired of me? Father and Mother told us we always have to stick together.”

  Her brother spoke. “You know that’s not true. But Benjamin told me something that been gnawing at my mind. What if I lose you again? I want to be strong enough so that will never happen again. If I lost you again, I don’t know how I will be able to live with myself.”

  Pheobe spoke. “No. I don’t like this one bit. I think we are stronger when we are together. I don’t want you to leave me again, Brother Bear.”
/>   Her brother spoke calmly. “I know you don’t. I don’t either. I know Mother and Father wouldn’t have wanted that either if they were still alive.

  She spoke angrily, starting a fit. “Where was mother and father when I was moments away from drowning? Where were they when I was chased by those long-nosed felines? Where were they all these years? They are dead and that is life. And I will have to go on living in this cruel world.”

  Her brother replied. “I can’t tell you what you want to hear. It’s true what you said. But they died for us.”

  She yelled. “You always go on about how our parents gave their lives for us. But how come I don’t remember any of it. I only have your word which right now means nothing to me.”

  Her brother spoke. “Deary, don’t be like that. I’m your older brother and I want what’s best for you.” Her brother spoke. “Benjamin told me I wouldn’t stay longer than a month. Before you know it, I will be with you again. Can you trust that lady, what’s her name?”

  Phoebe softened her stance and replied. “Ms. Delphine. My heart tells me that I can trust her. I mean she is a bit rough on the edges. But the little time that I spent with her, I found her to be trustworthy.”

  Her brother spoke. “I trust your judgment, Deary. Oh before I forget I have some things for you.” Her brother handed her a peachy conch with shades of white. It had a spiral tip at the end. Her brother spoke. “If you ever get homesick of the forest, bring the conch next to your ear and you can hear the sounds of the forest. You will never be far from home.” Phoebe instantly put aside her anger and put her hands around his neck. After they embraced, her brother handed her a damaged yew longbow and a quiver of cedar arrows. Her brother spoke. “I am sorry I couldn’t fix it.”

  Phoebe spoke. “Are you crazy? I thought I was never going to see my bow, broken unbroken again. Thank you, Brother Bear. I’ll go and get ready to leave.” As she turned to go, her brother put his hand onto her left shoulder.

  Her brother spoke. “Hold on. I have to confess something to you, Deary. I killed a man. I think you know him.”

  Phoebe asked. “Who?”

  Her brother spoke. “I do not know his name. But he had blue eyes and blond hair. He was the worst of the worst. He was a slaver.”

  Phoebe spoke. “I know. He was a monster. I’m glad he is gone. He deserved much worse.”

  Her brother replied. “But it didn’t make it any better. I killed a man. My hands are stained of another person’s blood. Now I’m a killer.” Her brother had tears in his eyes. He quickly wiped his tears away.

  Phoebe never saw this side of her brother. She spoke gently. “It was either you or him. You did the right thing, Brother Bear. You have to stop thinking about it.”

  Her brother nodded and spoke. “I know. That’s why I have to leave. I want to become stronger. Deary, I have one last thing to give you.” He pulled out a gray book out of his backpack. Phoebe couldn’t believe her eyes. She spoke. “Father’s research book. You found it for me.” She flipped through the pages of the book. She felt the crisp pages and saw the bold, black letters. She spoke again. “The pages are dry too.”

  Her brother spoke. “The pages were wet, but I was able to air dry the pages.” Phoebe placed the book and the conch into her pack. She slung her oak bow and her quiver of arrows onto her back.

  Phoebe spoke. “Thank you Brother Bear. I love you.” Her brother smiled, his eyes filled with relief and joy. Her brother replied. “Hey Deary. Let’s make a promise to each other that the next time we see each other, we will be stronger than before.”

  Phoebe nodded. Her brother called the others back. As Mary, Benjamin, and Delphine stood in front of her, her brother cleared his throat. Her brother spoke. “I have an announcement to make. My sister and I have decided to go our separate ways. I will go on with Benjamin and Mary to start my training. While my sister will go with Ms. Delphine.”

  Her brother looked to Ms. Delphine. He asked. “Is it fine if my sister can stay with you?”

  Ms. Delphine replied. “Of course. While she is with me, I will be enrolling her into a school where I teach. She is safe with me and I raise her with a woman’s touch.”

  Her brother raised his eyebrows before speaking. “Thank you. Please both of you take care.”

  Delphine nodded before speaking to her. “Are you ready?”

  Phoebe spoke. “Yes, let’s go.” As she and Ms. Delphine walked, she felt like she losing not just her brother but part of herself again. Brother Bear, you made a promise. I’m holding you to it.

  Patton watched as his dear sister walked away. Not once did he see her head turn around. His Deary was growing up.

  Benjamin spoke. “Your sister is quite the sweetheart. I can see why you hold her close to your heart.”

  Patton spoke. “I do. She’s not only my sister, she is my best friend.”

  Benjamin replied. “I can tell. But there are those who will see that love you have for your sister and use it against you. You must learn to control your emotion. I’m not saying you should have the emotion of a rock. But it would be wise to refrain from showing too much emotion.” Then Benjamin walked away. Patton stared at the spot where her sister disappeared through. Mary pushed him lightly to get him moving. He took one last look before following Benjamin. As he walked onwards, his fingers played with a ring nervously in his pocket. I’m sorry Deary. I lied to you. But this is my only chance. The golden ring in his pocket belonged to his mother. Which meant his parent was somewhere out there. I will find them and together we can be a happy family again.



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