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Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8)

Page 10

by Nicole Edwards

  That was likely the reason I hadn’t freaked when I noticed Talon watching me in the bathroom mirror. Perhaps I would have if I hadn’t been inundated with this overwhelming … warmth. It trickled through my veins, ratcheted up my heartbeat, and seemed to encompass my entire body. The way it had the very first time I met him. During an encounter much the same as the one earlier, only that had been a false alarm and this … well, I wasn’t sure what this was yet.

  Rather than panic that he’d seen me naked, for the first time in my life, I decided to let the moment play out, finding that I thoroughly enjoyed the way those slate-gray eyes skimmed my body like a physical caress. I could blame it on my self-imposed abstinence for the past year, but I didn’t think it was only that. It was strange, yes, but there was something about Talon that made me trust him.

  Speaking of trust…

  “Is my brother here yet?”

  Talon removed the phone receiver from its mount on the wall beside him. He relayed my question, then was quiet for a moment before finally responding with a quick “Thank you” and hanging up.

  “They’re getting him settled in.”

  Settled in? Why did that sound foreboding?

  “You said he was all right,” I accused, my voice a bit higher pitched.

  “He is.” Talon’s tone was smooth as silk. “I assure you, he’s in the best hands.”

  “That’s not the same as being all right.” Instantly I was on my feet, wincing. “I want to see him.”

  Talon stood slowly, gracefully. Rather than take me to my brother, he stepped closer, tilting my head back so I was forced to look up at him.

  “We’ll be taking off momentarily,” he explained. “Once we’re in the air, I’ll take you to him.”

  If it weren’t for the sincerity in his eyes, I would’ve argued. For whatever reason, it didn’t feel like Talon was placating me. Then again, if he was … if something had happened to Ransom and he was hiding it, there would be hell to pay.

  “The pilots are readying for takeoff,” he said softly. “You should buckle up.”

  With the wind once again out of my sails, I eased back into the chair, peered down at the arms, hoping to be discreet while I searched for the seat belt because there was no belt or buckle waiting for me to connect them. Maybe that was just a movie thing?

  “Let me help you,” Talon said firmly, leaning down and opening the cushioned armrests on each side of the chair. Sure enough, there were seat belts built in, as well as a dozen other controls I didn’t get a chance to identify. My attention shifted to his big hands as they began adjusting the belt and effectively securing me.

  I’d never really noticed a man’s hands before. Talon had nice hands. Like, really nice hands. They were smooth, his fingers long and wide, his nails short and clean. It made me wonder what he was capable of doing with those hands. Namely, what sort of pleasure could be induced by his touch, his…

  I inhaled sharply when I looked up to find he was still bending forward, his face dangerously close to mine. I couldn’t see his eyes, but I could feel the smooth skin of his cheek lightly brushing mine.

  God, he smelled good. It was a scent similar to that which had been on the leather jacket. Only this was more powerful, but not in an overbearing manner. It was uniquely Talon, a scent that stirred things inside me.

  “Comfortable?” he asked, his voice pitched low.

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  He nodded, his cheek brushing mine again before he stood tall and returned to his seat.

  Several minutes passed as a series of announcements came through the speakers strategically placed throughout the space.

  A man I assumed to be the pilot gave a brief announcement, including weather conditions, and then a woman—flight attendant?—gave a few instructions over the intercom. All the while, I glanced around Talon’s office, admiring the spacious room, the furnishings, the decor. There was a minimalist element to the room, and it felt as though it suited Talon, though I wasn’t sure how I knew that other than the fact I was sure he contributed to the design choices. He seemed like a man who was in control of every aspect of his life.

  “Are there others joining us? I mean, besides the doctor you mentioned?” I prompted when Talon disconnected from another phone call.

  “There are, yes. Although I have offices in various US states, my base of operations is on Sapphire Island. While I am prone to splurge on luxury, I prefer not to waste if at all possible. Taking the jet to and from the island is costly, so I tend to keep my staff close.”

  “Let me guess, you own the island?” I’d meant it to be teasing, but I should’ve known it was fact.

  “I do.”

  I did my best not to act surprised. “How long is the flight?”

  “Roughly seven hours.”

  I smiled shyly. “I’m sorry if it seems as though I’m interrogating you.”

  Talon laughed, a deep, throaty sound that made my skin tingle. “I enjoy your curiosity, Miss Bishop.”

  My thoughts instantly drifted back to seeing him watching me in the mirror, and I realized I enjoyed his curiosity, as well. Not that I would share that fact with him. It was bad enough my nipples had pebbled tightly and my clit throbbed with excitement. Strange how a couple of hours ago I was in dire straits, escaping the clutches of a madman. And here I was, contemplating what it would feel like for Talon to touch me with those really nice hands.

  Honestly, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt such an overwhelming sexual attraction to anyone. Probably not since the early stages of my relationship with Jake. There for a while, I’d started to believe I wasn’t interested in sex. I was happy to say that was not the case. At least if my reaction to this man was anything to go by.

  “What are you thinking about?” Talon asked, his gray eyes pinned on me, a smirk on his lips as though he knew where my thoughts had drifted.

  I felt the heat traveling up my neck and wondered if my skin was as red as it felt.


  “A lie,” he said boldly.

  Because of the disapproval I saw in his eyes, I felt guilty, but I wasn’t sure I was capable of telling him the truth.

  “Tell me.”

  The command in his tone had a strange effect on me. I’d noticed it since the moment we met. I found myself wanting to obey him despite my hesitance to do so.

  “Miss Bishop.” His head canted to the side, eyes narrowing on my face. “I will not ask you again.”

  Holy hell. The tone, the command … it coalesced into a firestorm that erupted inside me, and the next thing I knew, I was blurting out my thoughts. “I was thinking about you watching me in the shower.”

  He did not seem surprised by this revelation. “Did you enjoy it?”

  More heat rushed to my head, making my ears burn. “Yes.”

  “Look at me.”

  It took effort, but I managed to meet his gaze.

  “The feeling’s mutual, Miss Bishop.”

  My eyes widened with surprise as I studied him momentarily. He was watching me closely. So much so I could practically feel the heat of his gaze.

  “In fact, I’m also thinking about watching you in the shower,” he said, his voice even, eyes blazing.

  I swallowed, continuing to hold his gaze and willing him to elaborate.

  “I like seeing you naked.”

  I inhaled sharply, my skin tightening, a subtle throbbing between my thighs.

  “If you belonged to me, you’d be naked right now.”

  That throbbing … not so subtle now.

  While I found myself intrigued by what seemed to be a mutual attraction, there were a million questions I wanted to ask him—mostly related to the two half-naked men in the other room—but before I could launch the first one, my stomach pitched as the plane began to move.

  “I’ve never been on a plane before,” I admitted, gripping the armrests as I leaned into the cushioned back of the chair.

  “You have nothing to wor
ry about.” Talon’s gaze scanned my face again. “Once we’re in the air, there’ll be enough to keep your mind occupied that you won’t even know we’re flying.”

  I swallowed hard, but not in fear.

  That sure sounded like a promise.

  And I had to wonder why I liked it so much.

  Half an hour later, the pilot informed us we’d reached cruising altitude, and according to Talon, the seat belt sign had been turned off. I didn’t actually see a sign or a light, so I had to take his word for it.

  Talon quickly took off his seat belt, then picked up the phone. I ascertained he was speaking to the doctor, which was confirmed a minute later when we were joined by a handsome man carrying what appeared to be an old-fashioned doctor’s bag.

  “Dr. Tate,” Talon greeted.

  The man nodded, then kneeled down at my feet.

  I frowned, feeling slightly shunned that he wasn’t speaking to me although those were my feet he was looking at.

  “I used the first-aid kit,” Talon explained.

  Lifting one at a time, his gaze skimmed over each foot briefly. When he was finished, he stood tall, glanced at Talon. “You did a fine job.” He finally looked at me. “Do you intend to be up walking around?”

  “She will,” Talon confirmed. “For a bit.”

  The doctor had the decency to respond to me. “When you’ve settled in and don’t plan to be on them for a little while, I’ll tend to them more thoroughly.”

  Not sure what to say to that, I offered a polite, “Thank you.”

  Dr. Tate wasted no time, grabbing his bag and exiting as quickly as he’d come in.

  Well, that felt … abrupt.

  “As promised, I’ll take you to see your brother,” Talon said as he got to his feet.

  After fumbling to release my seat belt, I finally got it unlatched, then managed to stand, gripping the robe, keeping it closed at my chest, feeling incredibly vulnerable because I was naked beneath.

  Talon gestured toward the doorway, and I stepped in front of him, leading the way. It was slow going, what with me taking awkward steps to keep from agitating my injured feet, but I managed. When his hand pressed against my lower back, I inhaled, praying it wasn’t as loud as it sounded.

  We stepped out of Talon’s office and back into the bedroom. That was where I saw Talon’s two submissives—Auberon and Rolphe, I believe he’d called them—kneeling on the floor, heads lowered, hands resting on their thighs.

  They were both shirtless, tanned skin glowing in the low lights. It took effort to look away, but I forced myself, continuing toward the door with Talon still at my back.

  Clutching the robe, I let him steer me toward the back of the plane, the hallway narrowing somewhat.

  “Right here,” Talon said, motioning toward the left.

  I stopped at the closed door.

  “When you’re finished, you can rejoin me in my office, or you can return to the living room we were in earlier.”

  I wasn’t sure why I’d expected him to come with me, but I nodded, grateful to have a few minutes alone with my brother. The fear I’d felt earlier had returned with a vengeance, and I felt the cold seeping into my bones once more.

  Talon must’ve sensed it, because he leaned in, cupping my face and meeting my gaze.

  “You’re safe, Braelyn,” he stated, his voice low and sensual. “I won’t let anything happen to you or your brother. I promise you that.”

  Again, I believed him.

  To my shock, Talon leaned forward and pressed his lips lightly to mine. It was a quick movement that left me no time to prepare, but even as he was strolling away, my lips tingled and that warmth returned, effectively chasing away the chill.

  The first thing I thought as I watched him stroll back the way we’d come: this man was too good to be true.

  It wouldn’t be long before I learned just how true that statement really was.



  Admittedly, I was no stranger to people who had money. Many of those I associated with were wealthy. I, personally, was not.

  I didn’t live paycheck to paycheck, no, but I wasn’t rolling in dough. I’d managed to squirrel away a little in savings, but nothing to write home about. What I did have wouldn’t go far, certainly not far enough to ensure my sister was taken care of in the event something happened to me, but that was what I worked toward. I didn’t want for much; therefore, I saved every penny I could for her.

  Except for wanting to ensure Braelyn was provided for, I’d never really worried about money, either. It wasn’t something I fretted over. As long as I had a roof over my head and could provide one for Braelyn should she ever need my help, I considered myself lucky.

  At least I had. Right up until I hobbled onto this enormous jet that screamed wealth and privilege. This thing … this was some serious shit, and having just seen a small portion, I got the feeling Talon was wealthier than pretty much everyone I knew combined. Based on his company offices, his attire, this plane, and the staff who were at his beck and call, I’d say the man was well into ten digits in the net worth department.

  I wasn’t envious. Like I said, money had never meant all that much to me.

  Granted, there wasn’t a piece of furniture in my house quite as comfortable as this leather recliner onboard this enormous plane, so maybe I didn’t know what the finer things in life really were. It was quite possible I was missing out. Hell, the bed that wasn’t two feet away was likely nicer than the one in my house. As for the secondary apartment I rented, yeah, the bed was far nicer than the cot I’d added just so I’d have a place to lay my head. I would’ve tried it out if it weren’t for the fact I didn’t figure I could get back up once I lay down. The recliner seemed a lot more stable.

  I heard voices coming from somewhere, but I didn’t bother to get up. I was too damned tired to move. My body hurt and rightfully so considering the events of this evening. Based on the fragments of memory that continued to come back to me, the car had imitated an accordion upon impact with that whopper of a tree, trapping me inside while my lungs filled with the powdery substance from the exploding air bag and the fire that had ignited under the hood.

  It could’ve been worse, though. I could’ve taken a dive over that embankment without the benefit of having Zion Sisk on my tail. Talon’s right hand had appeared at the exact right time, almost as though he’d expected me to be trapped inside a burning car on a backroad leading away from my house. Although he hadn’t offered any details, aside from assuring me he’d taken care of the goons responsible for the crash that was likely meant to end my existence before coming to my rescue, I knew it hadn’t been a coincidence.

  Which meant Talon had been tracking me. I should’ve been pissed and would’ve been if it weren’t for the fact Zion had no doubt saved my life.

  “When you’re finished, you can rejoin me in my office, or you can return to the living room we were in earlier.”

  I recognized Talon’s deep voice, but I wasn’t sure who he was speaking to.

  It was another minute or so before I found out. The door opened then closed with a soft click.


  The sound of my sister’s voice had me sitting up straight, wincing as every bone and muscle in my body protested. The pain lingered mostly in my shoulder, the bones seeming to grind together in a way they weren’t meant to. Nothing was broken, I knew that much, but I would be dealing with whiplash and a plethora of aches and pains in the coming days.

  When Braelyn stepped around in front of me, she gasped.

  “Oh, my God. What happened?”

  If her horror-filled eyes were anything to go by, I looked about as good as I felt.

  I motioned to the chair across from me.

  Slowly, and never taking her eyes off me, Braelyn perched on the very edge, leaning forward and resting her elbows on her knees. She was wearing a robe that was far too big for her, the thick black cotton enveloping her like a blanket. Was that … Ta

  “Are you…?” Tears formed in her eyes and the sight nearly broke my heart.

  “Car wreck,” I told her. “But I’m fine.” I forced a smile. “I promise, Brae. I’m fine.”

  It was clear she didn’t believe me.

  “And yes, I would tell you if I wasn’t,” I said before she could lob that question my way. My sister would make a damn fine interrogator.

  “Is that why you weren’t answering your phone?” she asked, her face pinched with worry. “Because you were…” She waved a hand in my direction.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry about that, honey.”

  She reached over, rested her hand on my knee. “What hurts?”

  Pretty much everything. I didn’t tell her that, though. No reason to get her more worked up than she already was.

  “Just some scrapes and bruises. I promise, I’m okay,” I assured her again. “I just need to sleep for a while. And I will. Right after you tell me what happened to you.”

  “Nothing.” Her eyes remained locked with mine and I saw the tears forming.


  She sighed, just as she’d done as a little girl when I had gotten on to her for doing something she shouldn’t.

  “He…” Braelyn took a deep breath, let it out slowly. “He found me.”

  I knew better than to interrogate her, because that usually resulted in Braelyn clamming up. So I waited, exercising all the patience I had.

  “Someone knocked. I thought it was you,” she began. “Or the little boys down the hall. I looked out the security hole and no one was there.” Her eyes lowered. “I know I shouldn’t have, but I opened it, looked out. I didn’t see anyone, so I went back inside. Before I could close it, there was a man…” Her words were coming faster now. “He barged in.”

  “Did he hurt you?”

  She shook her head quickly. “Didn’t get a chance. I made it to my room, locked the door, and climbed out the window.”

  The fear in her eyes told me it hadn’t happened quite as effortlessly as she made it sound.

  But I didn’t press. “Good girl.”


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