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Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8)

Page 12

by Nicole Edwards

  Alone once again, I skimmed my emails, ensuring there wasn’t anything urgent that needed my attention. I found a couple of updates from Gideon Malone, the head trainer on Sapphire Island, but nothing that required me to intervene. There was another from Tiegan, informing me of the status of next week’s activities, as well as updates on operations, something she’d taken to doing now that she was vying for the chief operations officer position.

  Again, nothing pressing.

  Any other day, I would’ve found pleasure in addressing those messages, responding with actions and questions. That wasn’t the case tonight. In fact, I found I could hardly focus on anything other than Braelyn, how good she looked in my robe, how good she smelled with my soap on her skin. How nice it was to have her around, have someone to talk to, to get to know.

  After only a few brief interactions with her, it appeared she had burrowed under my skin, something I’d never experienced before. She’d been plaguing me for the past year, more so now that she was here, close enough to touch. Needless to say, I was having a difficult time thinking of anything except for her. More accurately, I could not stop fantasizing about all the things I wanted to do to her, starting with returning to that shower and exploring every single inch of her long, lithe body. With my tongue.

  That thought had me getting to my feet, doing my best to adjust my jeans to accommodate the hard-on she inspired simply by breathing. It was an unnatural reaction for me to have so quickly, so easily, but it was something I’d anticipated. I knew at some point in my life I would meet the one person who could satisfy the other part of me, the part that was looking for the same things vanilla—in other words, normal—people did. And I knew when I did, she’d catch me completely off guard.

  She most certainly had.

  But Braelyn couldn’t know that I was ready and eager to move things to the next level because I’d been waiting more than a year for this opportunity. And a year in my world felt like an eternity.

  I’d never done the courting thing, never had long conversations that resulted in getting to know someone. My world revolved around sex, something I craved, something I needed. And I knew myself, knew if I didn’t tend to it now, it would become a nuisance later. The last thing I wanted was to put Braelyn in a position to deal with me in this state.

  I returned to my private suite, considered closing the door I’d left opened. Not so much for privacy. Considering my estate housed close to one hundred people, including the house staff, Owned employees, my possessions, as well as the three dozen other possessions on-site, privacy was in short supply. Then again, exhibitionists and voyeurs alike tended to enjoy having others around. I had a penchant for both.

  No, my brief consideration had to do with Braelyn. I wasn’t sure how she’d react if she returned to find me in the compromising position I intended to get myself in. On the other hand…

  I opted to leave it open. If Braelyn did return and was offended, it would tell me all I needed to know.

  Stopping in front of my possessions, I snapped my fingers once. Auberon and Rolphe immediately looked up, chins high, backs straight, hands sliding down to their sides, their lean, muscular torsos rippling. They would remain in that position until I gave them an order. At home, whether on the island or at one of my many other residences, they had duties that kept them busy day and night, but when we traveled or were at the office, they did nothing unless instructed specifically by me.

  I shifted my attention to Rolphe, admiring his positioning, how graceful he was when he moved. He was an exquisite male specimen, as were the others. While they were each unique in many ways, they had one thing in common: their build. Due to my size, it had been imperative I find males who could handle me in every manner, and though they varied between light skin and dark, their bodies were built similarly in that they were tall, leanly muscled, and most importantly, not frail.

  Aside from their solid forms and their desire to serve only me, they didn’t have much in common. Or they hadn’t until I’d brought them into my home, acquired them as my property. Being that the seven of them were forced to live together, work together, and interact in a sexual manner, they’d become close. Closer than I’d ever thought they would.

  While Auberon went with me whenever I left the island, the others took turns joining us. This trip, I’d brought Rolphe along.

  Rolphe, with his medium brown hair and light green eyes, was what some might consider exotically handsome. Right at six feet, he wasn’t too big, not too small, but it was his eagerness that turned me on. Whenever Rolphe was around, I could practically feel his need coming off him in waves, his desire to please me in whatever manner possible. Like the others, he was an incredibly sexual being, and he was one of those who enjoyed being used frequently.

  Good thing since I enjoyed the hell out of using him.

  “Rolphe,” I said softly as I reached for the button on my jeans. Before I had the zipper lowered, Rolphe shifted forward, kneeling before me, his hands at his sides, eagerly awaiting what was to come.

  When it came to sex with them, there was rarely foreplay. We did have our playtime, but that depended solely on my mood and what was going on in my life. Not that they cared one way or the other. I treated them as the possessions they were because that was the agreement we had. What transpired between us had nothing to do with intimacy or emotion. That was not something I wanted, which had been the difficult part of selecting the appropriate males to tend to my needs. They were not here to serve as my companions, they were here to service me in every way, and I’d had to search far and wide before I found those who wanted the same.

  Didn’t mean I wasn’t fond of them. I was. They took care of me, and in return, I ensured they were healthy and safe. It was my duty to keep them that way, and it was the only thing I had promised them.

  Reaching forward, I slid my hand into Rolphe’s hair, twining my fingers in the dark, silky strands as I tugged his head closer. With my other hand firmly gripping my thick, semi-rigid cock, I fed it between his lips, watching as he opened wide enough to take all of me. His eyes shuttered momentarily, as though he was savoring me. I’d admit, I fucking loved that about him. It turned me on like no other to have males who would do anything I instructed and enjoy it at the same time.

  With my hand still gripping his head, holding him still, I slid my dick in, retreated, letting his smooth, warm lips caress me. Unless I told him otherwise, Rolphe would remain like that, allowing me to use him how I wanted.

  His mouth was warm, his tongue soft as I pushed in deeper, going slow, enjoying the velvety rasp against delicate nerve endings. It didn’t take long before I was at full mast, continuing to watch as my cock disappeared between his lips and into the hot, wet haven of his mouth. Rolphe’s green eyes glazed over as pleasure consumed him, a soft hum escaping his throat from time to time.

  While he didn’t know whether I would fuck him or not, Rolphe would still achieve orgasm if I allowed it. It was a trained response. They had learned to take their pleasure from me taking mine. But they knew not to come when they were with me unless I explicitly gave them permission.

  Just another thing many people wouldn’t understand.

  Some considered my lifestyle perverse or even immoral. Maybe it was. But the males I’d taken ownership of were here because this was where they wanted to be. They lived the life they’d longed to live. Each of them had a desire to serve at my pleasure. It worked for all of us.

  “Suck,” I commanded, gripping his hair with one hand, rolling my hips forward as I buried my cock deep in his throat. “God, yes.”

  Reaching over, I slid my other hand into Auberon’s hair, tightened my grip until his face pinched. “Watch.”

  Auberon’s eyes focused on my cock disappearing into Rolphe’s mouth, his pleasure etched on his fine features.

  Holding on to them both, I fucked Rolphe’s face then, my hips maintaining a steady rhythm as the pleasure consumed me. Because I enjoyed seeing my cock in his mouth,
the way his tongue curled around the thick shaft, I held off for as long as I could, but eventually, I was overwhelmed.

  My thoughts drifted to Braelyn, and I briefly wondered what she would think if she knew I was in here taking my pleasure from one of those who’d pledged to see to my every need.

  “Suck,” I bit out. “Hard.”

  Auberon moaned at the same time Rolphe’s cheeks hollowed, and it was almost enough to send me over. Releasing Auberon, I fisted both hands in Rolphe’s hair, fucked his face several more times before jerking him forward and burying my cock as deep in his throat as I could go. A growl barreled up my throat as I exploded, followed by a satisfied shudder that traveled down my spine as I released him, sliding my hand once over his hair to show my approval.

  Sitting back on his heels, Rolphe didn’t move until I’d neatly tucked my cock back in my jeans, adjusted my shirt. When I turned away from him, he was resuming his position beside Auberon, where they would remain until I gave them something else to do.

  And yes, I found the notion of them sucking my dick then returning to business as usual extremely arousing. Hence the reason I took advantage of the opportunity frequently throughout the day. And because I had an intensely high sex drive, they all reaped the rewards.

  Rather than join the others or seek solitude in my office, I turned my attention to the windows, the inky-black sky beyond.

  If Braelyn had known what was happening, would she have stopped to watch? Enjoyed the show? Or would she have been horrified by my actions?

  I got the feeling it wouldn’t be too long before I got answers to those questions. After all, I was not known for my discretion.



  After leaving my brother, I needed a moment to get my bearings.

  Seeing him so beat up and clearly in pain was not something I handled well. Not that it happened all that much these days, but I recalled before. Yes. Before. Before Ransom had saved us both, escaping the violent hellhole my parents called home. Although the memories faded the older I got, there were still some that stood out.

  Back then, Ransom had suffered at my mother’s and father’s hand in equal measure. To hear Ransom tell it, he’d never wanted to go into the family business, and he’d had no qualms telling them as much. For two people whose entire existence was rooted in the criminal underworld, they could not fathom a son of theirs not continuing their legacy, and from what I could tell, they had intended to beat that into him.

  So, yes, seeing him in his current condition hit home on so many levels.

  Taking a deep breath, I stood in the hall, ignoring the desire to go back and interrogate him about what was going on. I deserved answers. I deserved the opportunity to help him the same way he’d helped me all those years ago. We had to make a plan. How would we move forward? Where would we go? Our names had to be changed again, and we needed to disappear permanently before my parents and their goon found us again. Something told me I wouldn’t be as lucky next time Jimmy came for me.

  My hands were shaking, my fear returning. A plan. We definitely needed a plan.

  But I had to remind myself Ransom wasn’t up to it right now. He needed to rest, to heal. Only then would he be able to decide what was best for us.

  Instead of bugging my brother, I headed back to Talon’s private suite, aiming for the attached office, figuring maybe he could answer a few questions for me since Ransom could not.

  I didn’t find Talon in his office. In fact, I didn’t make it any farther than the door to his private suite. It was open and, well … let’s just say Talon was in a very compromising situation. One that I clearly wasn’t meant to see, nor was I meant to watch. It was obviously a private moment between him and his submissives, but I was so shocked by it I was unable to look away.

  Captivated. That was what I was. Enthralled. Embarrassed that I was, but enthralled nonetheless.

  Not so much by what was transpiring inside that room. More so by my reaction to it. I was appalled by the fact that here I was invading his privacy, and I didn’t want to look away. In fact, I wanted to watch this erotic encounter, and I wanted to feel that twisty feeling in my belly and the tightening between my legs that signified I was turned on by the actions taking place.



  Turned on by watching.

  I found it intensely erotic to watch the dark-haired man kneeling before Talon, sucking his cock with such fervor. The look on the submissive’s face was one of pure elation, signifying he enjoyed what he was doing. And based on the way Talon was watching him do it … well, there was definitely a connection there.

  Another part of me was disappointed with myself. In the fact that I’d gotten so caught up in my physical attraction to Talon that I hadn’t considered this thing with his submissives was really a thing. Serious. Intimate. Perhaps even loving. He’d been so blasé about what they did for him, it never even crossed my mind that they had an emotional connection.

  Teach me to jump to conclusions.

  I glanced down the narrow hallway that led back to the room where I’d left Ransom. I should probably return there, or maybe go in search of where the others were. Talon had said there were several more people on this flight, but I’d yet to see anyone except for Talon, his submissives, and my brother.

  Before I could make up my mind on which direction to go, the door to Talon’s room swung open all the way, and then I was face to chest with the larger-than-life man.

  “Miss Bishop.”

  I swallowed and made an attempt to meet his gaze, praying he wouldn’t see the guilt in my eyes. I figured it was broadcast all over my face.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude.”

  Talon glanced behind him, then back to me. “You didn’t. Did you get a chance to speak with your brother?”

  “I did, yes. He’s not feeling well. The doctor was going to see him.”

  Talon stepped into the hall, stopping directly in front of me. I was forced to tilt my head back to maintain eye contact. I noticed there wasn’t an ounce of guilt on his face, and I felt even worse. Why would he feel guilty? He was in his private bedroom with his submissives. They had every right to be … doing what they had been doing. I was the one in the wrong, the one who’d been intruding.

  “What’s on your mind, Miss Bishop?”

  “Nothing,” I said on instinct.

  Once more, Talon pinned me with that knowing stare, the one that reflected his disapproval.

  “I’m hungry,” I blurted.

  At least it was the truth. Not the whole truth, but it was a start.

  “Perhaps you’d like to get dressed prior to joining the others.”


  “I’ve had some of your things put away,” Talon noted.

  Things? What was he talking about?

  “Clothing,” he clarified, a smirk forming on his mouth. “In my closet.”

  Ah. Right.

  Probably shouldn’t greet the others in only a robe. Heaven knows what conclusions they would jump to if I did.

  “Thank you.”

  The smile Talon gifted me with made me want to say more, but there was nothing left to say, so I moved past him and into his bedroom. I noticed Rolphe and Auberon were once again kneeling, their hands clasped in their laps, heads tilted down.

  I probably should’ve found it strange that they were doing that, but I didn’t. I knew enough about the lifestyle from Ransom and from my own brief stint into Domination and submission to understand that some Dominants had protocols that they expected to be followed. Based on their reactions to Talon, I could only assume he had plenty.

  I continued to the bathroom, fighting the images of what they’d been doing earlier as I went in search of my clothes. When I stepped into the walk-in closet, the lights came on automatically, brightening the dark wood that housed Talon’s clothing.

  Hanging from one of the bars were several outfits I didn’t recognize. Certainly not my things like Tal
on had said. Then again, I had abandoned everything I owned in favor of saving myself. I skimmed the assortment of skirts, blouses, leggings, and oversized lightweight sweaters very similar to what I tended to wear. And yes, it was a little odd that his selections mirrored my own considering he didn’t know me. Maybe Ransom had told him? But when could he have?

  Opening the drawer beneath, I was hoping to find panties and bras but came up empty. I searched another drawer. The same.

  It wasn’t until a throat cleared behind me that I turned to see Talon standing there, his big shoulder leaning against the doorjamb.

  “Missing something?”

  “Underwear. Do you happen to know where it is?”

  “Hmm.” He peered behind me before meeting my gaze once more. “I’ll have to check on that.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I turned to face him more fully. “You do not expect me to interact with others without underwear.”

  It wasn’t a question, but I got the feeling there was most certainly an answer.

  “What would you say if I told you that’s my preference?” he countered, one black brow lifting slowly.

  Swallowing hard, I stared at him, trying to figure out what was happening. I’d known this man for only a couple of hours, and here he was making suggestions as to how I should dress. Shouldn’t I be appalled by the notion? Perhaps even insulted?

  My thoughts drifted to the two submissives in the other room. Being that Talon had them, what did he want with me?

  Talon stood tall and stepped into the closet with me. I held my ground, watching as he neared. My breaths were labored, and that warmth was trickling through my veins again.

  “I don’t know what it is exactly, but you tempt me, Miss Bishop.”

  Why that made me feel good, I had no idea.

  I inhaled sharply when he curled his finger beneath my chin and tilted my head back so I was forced to maintain eye contact.

  “Braelyn,” I whispered.

  His eyes narrowed, moving over my face.

  “Miss Bishop sounds … impersonal.”

  “You tempt me in ways I’ve never been tempted before, Braelyn.”


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