Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8)

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Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8) Page 19

by Nicole Edwards

  When I’d had my fill of nightly exercise, I hopped out, perching on the side, my feet dangling in the water. Corvin was instantly in front of me, a few feet away.

  I motioned for him to stand between my legs, and he did without question.

  “Tease me with your mouth.”

  He stepped closer, his breath fanning the swollen head of my cock before he flicked it with his tongue. I moaned softly, never looking away as he began tormenting me. Every lap, every swipe of his tongue had my cock getting harder, thicker. Corvin was more forceful than the others, and I figured that had something to do with his own preferences. Still, he was world-class, like the others.

  Long minutes passed as I let him lick and suck, enjoying his soft moans, his way of letting me know he enjoyed it as much as I did.

  “Give me more.”

  He indulged me, taking me into the heated cavern of his mouth, sucking me just the way I liked. He worked my dick with his tongue, applying the perfect amount of suction. When I slid my hand into his jet-black hair, gripping firmly, he paused, allowing me to control him. I pulled him in, pushing the head of my dick deep in his throat, holding it there, grunting from the hedonistic pleasure of controlling him.

  Minutes ticked by as I used his mouth, fucking his face, rocking forward to drive as deep as I could.

  “Suck hard,” I bit out.

  When he did, I released his hair and he took over once more.

  “Make me come. Now. Down your throat.”

  His strangled groan sent vibrations through my shaft, right to my balls, driving me straight to the precipice and over. I exploded, lodged in his throat, jerking as my balls drained. And when I was finished, I relaxed for the first time that night.

  Afterward, Corvin got out of the pool, brought me a towel, dried me off when I got to my feet. I draped the towel around my hips, tucked it in place to secure it, and turned my attention to Corvin.

  “On the table,” I ordered.

  Without question, he sat on top of the thick glass-topped table used for outdoor dining, reclining, his cock iron hard and eager.

  “Make yourself come.”

  While I finished the rest of my drink, I observed the way his big hand stroked his turgid flesh, his chest rising and falling rapidly, his eyes locked on my face. He got off on me watching him, and I was more than happy to oblige.

  “Now,” I commanded, my voice low, stern.

  Corvin groaned long and low, his cock jerking in his fist, cum spurting onto his chest and stomach. My cock had already hardened again, but I ignored it. The damn thing was insatiable, and right now, as much as I wanted to flip Corvin over and drive deep into his tight, hot ass, I needed to refrain.

  A few minutes later, I headed into the house, excusing Corvin for the night, sending him to his private space, where he could tend to his own needs again if necessary. Once was usually not enough for Corvin. But I knew him. Corvin wouldn’t indulge although there were no restrictions on the seven of them when they were on their own time, the few hours they were given at night. The only rule was they had to be ready for me at any given time. And they had to satisfy me.

  Regardless of what I asked for.


  Saturday, January 2, 2021


  Last night, after having dinner and engaging in some rather inspirational entertainment with Braelyn, then taking the edge off with Corvin, it had taken every ounce of willpower I possessed to not go to her.

  After returning to my room, the only thing I’d wanted was to return to her room, to defile her in the most primal ways, resulting in my body sinking into her wet, silky heat for hours on end. After that, I would’ve been content with sliding in bed and holding her for the rest of the night—something I’d never had the desire to do.

  Yet somehow I managed to stay away.

  Having indulged with Corvin hadn’t done anything to sate the ridiculous urge, but I imagine it had lessened the sting I would’ve experienced this morning. While I could’ve indulged for a few more hours, I chose to do something I hadn’t done in years: go to bed unsatisfied.

  Of course, that meant waking unsatisfied, but no one ever said life would be easy, I figured.

  Now, as I stepped out of the bathroom, showered, shaved, and dressed for the day, I noticed Auberon had brought in a rolling cart containing the clothing I’d ordered for Braelyn during the trip from Chicago. Ari was also there, standing near the door, awaiting my instructions as was his job today.

  I took a moment to peruse the handful of items, moving them around to my liking, then separating three outfits from the rest.

  Glancing at Auberon, I said, “Deliver these to Braelyn’s room, along with a note advising breakfast will be served precisely at eight. I expect her to be there.”

  While he left to do my bidding, I decided I would make a brief detour to check on Ransom before I got my day underway.

  Being that he would no doubt interact with many of the possessions once he ventured out of his villa when he was feeling up to it, I figured it made sense to give him an overview before he found himself front and center without the backstory of what transpired here on Sapphire Island. While I pegged Ransom as an open-minded man, I knew there were some things that required explanation. A resort full of unowned possessions was one of those things.

  As was my early-morning routine, I strolled the grounds, observing the possessions as they performed their morning duties, some wearing the maximum attire allowed (which wasn’t much at all), some naked. Most would consider their nudity some sort of perversion on my part, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. There was a saying I’d heard: you have to break them down before you can build them up. That was very true. At least when it came to submissives of this caliber.

  And to be honest, I found nothing desirable about seeing them working sans clothing. It didn’t do anything for me. Hence the reason my own possessions wore clothing when they worked. Not because I gave a shit about their vulnerability, I simply didn’t need to see all their bits and pieces bouncing around. Yet it was something I’d grown used to here on the island.

  As I walked past the pools and the Owners’ Retreat on my way to the villas, possessions would stop what they were doing and shift down to their knees, heads lowering. No one said a word to me, as was their instruction. However, this was their way of acknowledging and showing their respect for my presence. It was one of the first things they were trained on. After all, as far as they were concerned, I was the be all, end all, the one man who could make or break their entire existence. When I passed, they returned to what they were doing, dutifully focused on whatever the trainers had them working on today.

  I probably didn’t need to mention that, in all the time I’d been dealing with possessions, that was one rule not a single one of them had ever broken.

  Like I said, determination was a heady thing.

  And just like always, seeing it all flowing seamlessly left me with a sense of pride in what I’d built.

  As perverted as that might seem.



  I did not know Talon as well as I’d originally thought.

  A fact I became aware of last night when I’d slipped out in an attempt to get some air after Jasper had returned to his own villa, assuring me he was only a phone call away if I needed him. Along with that brush off, he’d conveniently given me a cell phone. Provided by Talon, of course.

  Problem was, I’d needed Jasper then, but I figured sharing that little detail probably wouldn’t have worked in my favor, so I’d let him leave, intending to sleep some more. When that proved futile, I’d ventured out.

  My midnight stroll had led me to what I could only describe as an elaborate resort courtyard complete with waterfalls and climbing rocks, swimming pools, an outdoor kitchen, and more space than any single individual should ever need. Not to mention, a naked Talon and an equally naked possession of his engaging in what looked to be a rather fulfilling late-night swim
. At least the blow job had seemed fulfilling, something I’d found myself watching despite my lack of desire to do so. There was just something about Talon that drew me. It wasn’t sexual by any means. The man did nothing for me in that way. However, it was possible I was in awe of him. In all that he’d built for himself and how he managed his life. Of all the people I knew, Talon seemed to be the one who had it all together.

  And today, I was hoping to take a deeper dive into what it was he had going on here. If I was lucky, I would be able to wrangle Jasper into giving me a personal tour of the grounds, perhaps introduce me to those responsible for running this place like the well-oiled machine it appeared to be. Although the idea of some downtime was appealing, I was not a man who did well with idle time.

  A knock on the door had me peeking my head out of the kitchen, wondering if I’d summoned Jasper simply by thinking about him. “It’s open.”

  “I take it you’re feeling better.”

  Not Jasper.

  When Talon appeared, I smiled and nodded, continuing to pour my coffee. “Almost as good as new.”


  Okay, fine. I was lying. I felt like I’d been hit by a Mack truck. Or perhaps like I’d gone headfirst into a tree.

  “Maybe not one hundred percent,” I admitted, ignoring the ache in my shoulder as I replaced the coffee carafe. “But better than I was two nights ago.”

  “That I believe.”

  “Care for a cup?”

  “I’ll hold off until breakfast.”

  “Suit yourself.” I took a sip, fought the urge to close my eyes because this was perhaps the best coffee I’d ever had. “What brings you by?”

  “Thought I’d give you a glimpse of what goes on here.”

  It appeared I wouldn’t have to wrangle Jasper after all. I would get the inside scoop straight from the horse’s mouth.

  “Bring your coffee,” Talon said with a smile.

  I topped off my cup one final time, mock toasted Talon, then followed him to the front door. Since Talon was dressed down from what I’d seen him in previously, wearing a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt, I figured my attire of athletic shorts and T-shirt—what I’d found in the dresser—were appropriate. And because he was sans shoes, I opted to do the same.

  “We’re casual here,” Talon said, obviously noticing that I was checking out his attire. “I leave the suits and the shoes in the closet.”

  “Can’t say I blame you there.”

  “I’m sure you’ve got questions,” Talon prompted as we left the villa, heading for the path that led to the courtyard.

  “Only a few dozen.” I went on to tell him how I’d gotten a brief glimpse of the grounds last night, purposely leaving off the fact I’d witnessed his playtime.

  “Possessions in training,” Talon explained. “That’s what we’re responsible for here.”

  Nodding as though I understood, I hoped he would continue.

  “Where you’re familiar with Dominants and submissives, even Masters and slaves, what transpires here is a bit more … regimented. We refer to them as possessions because that is what they are. And those who seek to obtain them are known as Owners.”

  “Owned, Incorporated,” I mused.

  “I’m not big on subterfuge as you can imagine.”

  No, he was not.

  We walked down the short path toward the center of the enormous resort, as Jasper had referred to it. “And this is where you what? Train people to become possessions?”

  “To put it simply, yes. But not just anyone. Only those who’ve proven themselves worthy of becoming something owned by another. The process only works if the person has a deep-seated desire to be such. The same goes for Owners. I’m incredibly selective about those who wish to partake of my services.”

  “Do tell.”

  Talon stopped along the slate-tiled walkway that surrounded the interior courtyard, wrapping around and following the lines of the buildings that formed a U around the space.

  “That’s my residence and the main office.” He motioned across the way to the four-story house that cascaded down so that the third floor was actually ground level, then pointed to the bottom of the U. “That’s the pool house and my personal gym.” He turned and faced the building behind me. “And this is the Owners’ Retreat.”

  Although it had clearly been modified, it appeared Talon had done what he could to maintain the feel of the island everywhere.

  “Similar to Dominants and submissives, when it comes to the sort of relationship between an Owner and a possession, not everyone’s suited for it. No different than those who wish to delve into BDSM or become a member of a fetish club. It’s not for everyone, despite what some eager newbies want to believe. The desire to be owned is not something that can be wished or trained. It’s something one is born with. The same goes for wanting to own someone. The possessions here are looking for more than a mere Dominant to command them in the bedroom. A lot more. And everyone has to be in it for the right reasons.”

  “Which is why you’re selective.”

  “Precisely. Because I’m the one taking responsibility for bringing these like-minded people together, I feel it’s my duty to ensure those who seek my services are of the highest quality. At the core, that is Owned, Incorporated.”

  Simple, yet not.

  “How many employees do you have?”

  “Quite a few,” he said easily. “Although you’d have to get with Zion to get an exact number.”

  I would bet big money Talon knew exactly how many employees he had; he was merely being modest.

  “And his role?”

  “Chief financial officer.”

  “That makes you the CEO.”

  Talon simply smiled.

  “I take it this came about because of your personal interest?”

  “Isn’t that how most profitable businesses come to be?”

  I grinned, moving down the steps alongside Talon. “Touché.”

  “To answer your question, yes, Owned, Inc. came about because of my own desires to find a possession. It’s not nearly as easy as one might think. Trial and error became the norm for me.”

  “And based on what you’ve got, I can only assume you’ve mastered the art of identifying one?”

  “If only it were that easy.” Talon grinned. “Over the years, I’ve come a long way in honing my skills in regard to ferreting out the truth, finding exactly who will fit in my life. Since I put a lot of time and effort into it, I decided to use what I’ve learned to assist other Owners in locating what they’re looking for. At the same time, I’ve made it a priority that the possessions aren’t put at risk, blindly walking into the life of someone with ill intentions, hence the need for intrusive background checks for all parties.”

  “Which is what you performed on me? An intrusive background check.”

  “I told you I did.”

  “No. You told me you learned some things.”

  Talon smiled. “Semantics.”

  “So I assume the process is rigorous,” I said as we stopped near the swimming pools, which appeared to be separate yet somehow connected to one another. “To gain access to your—you’ve got some sort of platform you use? Website? App?”

  “Yes and yes.” Talon grinned. “That’s what I like about you, Ransom. You’re smart.”

  “I like to think so.”

  “There are a wide range of checks that take place prior to someone being allowed to utilize my app. Aside from the intrusive digging into their personal details, both parties undergo extensive testing. Months of physical and emotional poking and prodding, ensuring all applicants are capable of making decisions such as they are. Those who maintain an active account on the app are required to submit frequent blood tests to ensure safety of all involved.”

  “How many active users are we talking?”

  “At the moment, a little more than ten thousand. Owners, that is. Worldwide.”

  I honestly hadn’t expected the number to be
that high.

  “A significant amount of work is required up front, but in the end, I find it’s worth it. As you can see, we’ve gotten the process streamlined.”

  I motioned toward the area around us. “It looks to me like it’s done well for you. Probably not cheap to utilize your services.”

  “Owners fork over the money for the most part. Possessions are required to pay fees to enter the program. Mostly so we can determine how genuinely interested they are. Once they leave their former life and move here, I’m financially responsible. At least until they’re acquired by an Owner. As would any solid businessman, I recoup my costs.”

  Talon’s tone was all business, but there was a hint of pride there, too. I couldn’t imagine this had been an easy endeavor.

  “And yes, the process works.” Talon gestured for me to walk, so I did. “The app requires a ridiculous amount of information, which is then passed to a team who verifies every minute detail before deeming someone worthy of participating. At that point, I review the information, speak directly with the applicant, and give the final approval or denial.

  “For possessions, once vetted, they’re brought to one of my many testing facilities in the States for observation, where they interact with one of my trainers. At that point, the trainers determine whether they are suited for the program. Again, I approve or deny based on test results, as well as interview notes. Those few who are accepted then vacate their former life and relocate here to the island, where they remain until they are acquired.”

  “And they live here.” I motioned to the Owners’ Retreat.

  “Temporarily.” Talon scanned his palm, then opened the door to the building. “At any given time, we have roughly thirty to forty possessions in residence. Not including my own or any others owned by employees. During their stay, I provide room and board, medical care, and the like. In return, they work.”

  “What about the Owners? Do you have any on the premises?”

  “We invite them here a few at a time, set on a weekly schedule. Monday through Sunday.”


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