Debut: A Gay Erotic Romance

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Debut: A Gay Erotic Romance Page 7

by Scott Damon

  They moved into the tent, leaving embers glowing, listening to the occasional owl and other noises of the wild. The make-out session was the steamiest they had ever had, with their hands and mouths all over each other’s bodies. The cool night air, the perfect evening, and the stimulating thoughts by the fire had them primed for their most intimate evening so far.

  Jason surprised Calvin by doing things to his nipples that he hadn’t done previously. He focused on them at times, drawing circles around them, sucking, palming them, and being much more sensuous and deliberate.

  Although the young men had stroked each other previously and jerked off together in heated moments, this was their first time going beyond that. Each boy moaned as the other discovered their sensitive spots. Calvin went after Jason’s nipples and Jason nibbled and licked Calvin’s ears. They playfully wrestled until their clothing came off, leaving both boys throbbing and leaking. They maneuvered their way into a 69 position to attend to each other, while rubbing the other one’s body everywhere they could reach. They had a passionate, blissful night of sucking, kissing, fondling, caressing, and finding new ways to please each other.

  They talked about coming simultaneously, but Jason’s excitement got the better of him. He filled Calvin’s mouth with a huge creamy load, with Calvin shooting minutes later, strong spurts hitting the back of Jason’s throat. They swallowed most of it. Jason teased Calvin about some running down his chin. They hugged, kissed, and caressed until they got excited again and went for a second round, producing smaller but satisfying loads for each other.

  Halfway through the night, they curled up in each other’s arms, threw some light covers over themselves, indulged in the natural smells of their partner’s body, and drifted off to sleep until birds woke them in the morning.

  * * *

  The second day was much the same, with the addition of a hike in the morning and a busy afternoon at the lake. They watched that their tans weren’t messed up by the clothes they wore in the sun, staying in the shade at times, and wearing clothes that would help their tans. For part of the hike, deep in the forest, they stripped down to their loincloths and walked uninhibited. One couple found them kissing just off the path, causing them to stop immediately when discovered, and deferring any more affection until later to avoid offending other hikers.

  The heavy schedule of activity left them tired, so they took a short nap before dinner. It was close to sunset when they arose, leaving them to scramble to prepare dinner, eat, and clean up while there was still daylight.

  Afterwards, the boys took a short walk around the campground to see what kinds of people they were among in this temporary community and the variety of ways they decorated their sites. The ones with the most artful illumination were the most interesting as night fell. They were amused by the themed sites, such as Disney, western cowboys, or rainbow flags, but those were rare.

  They gathered wood as they headed back and built another raging fire. They started out close to each other to be able to touch and caress as they talked. The pace was a little slower than the night before as they became more relaxed with each other.

  After talking about a variety of personal history and light topics, Jason took a more serious tone. “Cal, do you think the Tarak story is racist?”

  “Yeah, in some ways I think it can be seen that way. It depends how you look at it. When these kinds of stories were written, I think they reflected the racial and racist sentiments of the time. They needed a strong white man to protect, defend, and rescue the Black tribes or downtrodden people. I don’t think these authors would have even considered a Black Tarak.”

  “No, I don’t think so either. Or Asian or anything other than white European.”

  “No, of course not. But Langley has extracted this version from those times to an extent. He was willing to cast a Black dude as Tarak. He uses a mix of races in all the various groups in the cast. Victoria turned out to be a white girl, too, but he auditioned and considered many others.”

  Jason interjected, “I’m not sure he would have gone with a mixed-race couple for his lead characters though.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right. You could call it small steps. Or his lingering racism, or Langley not being bold enough. Maybe it just worked out that way.”

  “Tough to say. I wouldn’t have had a problem with a Black guy playing Tarak, but I’m thrilled I got the part.”

  “Yes, cutie, I’m glad you did too.” Calvin leaned over and kissed his boyfriend.

  “I never asked you. Did you try out for the role?”

  “Yeah, I did. I think I was a little stiff in the audition. It’s certainly not the easiest part to prepare for and I’ve never acted before.”

  Jason laughed a little. “I agree. I didn’t have to prepare at all, because I had no idea what they wanted when Coach Bridges sent me to see Langley. If I had known, I might have been nervous and stiff too.”

  The two talked about the stars, the moon rising on the horizon, and space travel. Both wanted to travel into space someday if given the opportunity without tons of specialized training. Calvin said he would be up for a long inter-stellar trip, while Jason preferred the idea of something shorter, saving the longer trip for teleportation or some other faster method.

  As the fire died down, their physical touching increased and their excitement along with it. They headed into the tent again and engaged in their first anal sex. They fumbled a bit, finding positions that worked for them in the tent. Both were thrilled for the chance to spend such concentrated time with each other and be able to become more intimate in the relaxed setting.

  On Sunday, they woke again to the chirping sounds around them. They ate a quick breakfast before packing their gear and cleaning up the site. They agreed they felt closer than ever to each other and took time to show their affection in small ways. On the drive home, they talked a little, focusing on music for most of it. They stopped for burgers for lunch. Once home, they went their separate ways, after a parting lingering kiss, to work on homework, remove the smell of smoke from their bodies, and rest up for the week ahead.

  Chapter 17 – More Promotion

  On Tuesday, with a little over a week before the first performance, Jason attended another promotional party. This one was smaller, with about 30 people on the weeknight. It was primarily men, with a few women who appeared to be spouses or girlfriends. He went with Langley, who agreed Jason should wear his loincloth because it seemed to stimulate sales last time.

  Jason recognized several guests, but most were strangers. He noticed some overlap with the people at the first party. One of the women was in his mom’s book club.

  Langley and Jason were in and out much faster this time. They spent 45 minutes and mingled with everyone as best they could. Because Jason had sold all his tickets last time, Langley had plenty more with him this time.

  Jason was still the center of attention. While not as much physical contact as in the first meeting, people still placed their hands on his shoulder, asked him to pose for pictures, and caressed his back as they talked. There was plenty of ogling, his body being examined from across the room, as well as up close.

  Jason was glad this meeting was more business-like and faster, because it was a heavy week for homework and Calvin was on his mind so much of the time. Even with so few guests, they managed to sell 154 tickets. The added shows were not sold out, but were nearing it. Perhaps demand was finally being met. The school had an unusually large auditorium, so it accommodated many people, but they were filling it multiple times.

  Jason attended a meeting with the marketing committee where he heard they were somewhat frustrated because people kept tearing down the posters put up in grocery stores or other places around town. They realized people were “stealing” them for the pictures of Jason and the easiest way to avoid that would be to use fewer revealing pictures, which they weren’t inclined to do. The purpose was to sell tickets and they didn’t have many left to sell, so they printed and replaced
only a dozen posters using the best pictures of Tarak and Victoria. They also intended to print more to sell as souvenirs at performances. The theater department could always use more funding.

  * * *

  A couple days later, Jason answered a call from Wayne. So much had been happening recently, it took him a minute to remember back to the first party.

  “Hi, Mr. Phillips. How are you?”

  “I’m doing great, Jason. But please. Call me Wayne. I enjoyed meeting you a couple weeks ago.”

  “Yes, that was quite a party. I enjoyed meeting you, too.” Jason was eager to keep the call short.

  “I was wondering if you would have a night free this week where I could take you to dinner and discuss your future.”

  “This week? I’m super busy.”

  “I know, but I wanted to meet again before you got all wrapped up in performances.”

  Jason paused and reluctantly agreed. “Okay, Friday night could work.”

  “Great. I’ll send you the address of a seafood restaurant near you. Can you meet me there?”

  “Sure, sounds good. Thanks.”

  Later, Jason told Calvin about it. They were used to spending weekends together, but Calvin said he would work around it. “I don’t understand though why he would talk to you about your future.”

  Jason sheepishly said, “I wasn’t thinking, Cal. All that was on my mind was my schedule for the next few weeks. I wish he could wait a few weeks, but it will only be a couple hours. I promise to give you a call the minute I’m done.” Calvin looked like he had more he wanted to say about it, but he remained silent.

  * * *

  On Friday, Jason waited in front of the restaurant. At 7pm, when he was due to meet Wayne, he went into the restaurant and noticed Wayne waving to him. He walked over to his table and took a seat.

  “Hi, Jason. Good to see you.”

  “Hello, sir. Good to see you too.” Wayne wore a gray suit and blue tie. Jason felt underdressed in his khaki pants and a long-sleeve shirt, but he wore a tie, as well, loosely around his neck. He knew it was a fancy restaurant, so he attempted to fit in. “Maybe I should have dressed up a little more.”

  “No, don’t worry, Jason. You’re fine. I liked what you wore last time better,” he smiled, “but for this place, you’re great.” Jason smiled back.

  Jason had previously tried a lot of seafood, but only a small fraction of the choices on the menu. He didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of Wayne, so he opted for a safe choice and ordered salmon. With the salad, rolls, and sides, he had plenty of food. Wayne ordered a shrimp appetizer and offered some to Jason, which he sampled and liked. For his main course, Wayne also ordered salmon, spicing it up by having it teriyaki style.

  Once the basics were out of the way, along with some small talk, Wayne got to the point. “Jason, I believe you have a bright future ahead of you. As you know, I’m a banker and am very well known around town. What people don’t realize is I also have a lot of contacts in Hollywood. As luck would have it, I happened to go to school with a lot of people who went on to have great careers in the film industry.”

  “Would I recognize any of their names?”

  “You might, although most work behind the scenes – producers and directors. Over time, I’ve met some of their friends and contacts as well. It’s a very cut-throat and competitive business, but the more people you know the easier it is to get ahead and get projects done. I was amazingly lucky to have invested in a couple films that hit it big, and a few clunkers, but the successes more than made up for those.”

  “Cool. Sounds like worlds away from Edgewood.”

  “Well, yes and no. Everybody has to start somewhere, and what you’re doing in this starring role as Tarak has a lot of promise. I’ve never heard of the school adding performances, so you’re already setting box office records.” Wayne laughed at his own joke.

  “Yes, that’s flattering, of course, but I haven’t even done the first show yet.”

  “I know. Just remember, I discovered you first.”

  “You’re getting way ahead of yourself. Anyway, I have another year of high school and no idea what I’ll do afterwards other than go to college somewhere. If this is a success, I’ll think about doing more acting, but one step at a time.”

  “Yes, you’re right. Maybe this is too much pressure right now. Although, sometimes it helps to think several steps ahead.”

  “Yeah, of course. I’ll keep this discussion in mind, but for now, I need to focus on the play in a week, and so many other things going on in my life.”

  “Okay, as long as you keep an open mind. Let me know if and when you want to talk about possible next steps for you.”

  “I will.”

  For the rest of the meal, they talked about school, colleges Jason was considering, if he had any field of study that interested him, and his prospects for the upcoming gymnastics and swimming seasons. Jason has annoyed his parents at times with how uncertain he is about his future. He has toyed with studying business in college, but is vague about what aspect interests him. For now, college is a placeholder.

  * * *

  Wayne offered to give Jason a ride home. He asked the boy if he had time for a quick detour to his house to see some of the awards he’s won as part of his behind-the-scenes film involvements. Jason didn’t want to be rude after Wayne treated him to a delicious meal, so he agreed to a quick stop. It wasn’t very late, so he didn’t feel any urgency to return to Calvin yet.

  When they arrived, Wayne led him into the den and showed him an Oscar for a short film in which he had invested, and some plaques for reaching gross receipt levels for several well-known Hollywood films. Jason was impressed Wayne had been involved with those films, even if it was far from the creative side.

  Off in the corner, Jason noticed one of the posters that had been placed around town for his play. He motioned to it and said, “I see you ran off with one of our posters.”

  “Yeah, sorry, I did. It’s beautiful. Nothing like the real thing, but I love it.”

  “A lot of them have been disappearing. We’ve put up more, though.”

  “Good, I didn’t want to hurt the play in any way. By the way, would you mind showing me your costume again?”

  Jason was so used to wearing the loincloth in so many places, he figured there was no harm. He had it on underneath, so he stripped as Wayne looked on in fascination. “Oh, Tarak, you’re going to be a big hit, I’m sure!”

  Wayne moved closer to the nearly naked boy and started fondling his nipples, getting them harder right away. Jason was surprised with how bold Wayne was, but he remembered how great it felt the other night and let him play with his body. Once again, his skill stimulating Jason was outstanding.

  After a couple minutes, Jason felt funny and held up his hand. “Wayne, I’m sorry, I have a boyfriend and this is making me feel weird.” Wayne stopped although he looked disappointed.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Jason. Of course, I’ll stop. The last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable.” Jason was reassured when Wayne backed off. He liked Wayne and he had a way of making him feel great, but he wasn’t sure if it would have gone further if he hadn’t had a boyfriend.

  Wayne watched as Jason put his clothes on, saying, “Sometimes, it’s good for a young man to have an older mentor. I’m just trying to open up new possibilities for you.”

  As they walked towards the door, Wayne talked about some of the famous people he knew or at least had met. Jason recognized most of their names, but was growing weary of the name-dropping. He wondered if Wayne cared about him or if it was all physical attraction.

  Chapter 18 – Another Perspective

  Wayne drove Jason the short distance to his house. Jason thanked him for the meal and fun time and ran in to change into more comfortable clothes for the warm evening. Before changing, he texted Calvin to let him know he was available. Calvin said he would be right over and showed up 20 minutes later.

  The boys hugged w
hen they met as if they had been apart for weeks. Calvin was eager to hear how Jason’s night went and what the whole purpose was. Jason told Calvin the entire story, leaving nothing out, including the end where he undressed for the older man and Wayne went for his chest.

  “So, he attacked you?”

  “No, I wouldn’t say that. He has a way of fondling nipples that drives me crazy and he knows it, so he started doing it to me.”

  “Fondling your nipples?”

  Looking away, Jason said, “Yeah, he caressed them and started getting me excited. I didn’t let him go on for long though. I stopped him right away.”

  “Then how do you know he can drive you crazy?”

  “Well, remember that first party I went to? I was in my loincloth and he took me to a side room and played with my body.”

  “He’s done this before?” Calvin’s eyes opened wide and his voice grew louder.

  “Yeah, before you and I were serious.”

  “No, it wasn’t! It was only a few weeks ago. I have to go.” Calvin jumped off the bed and headed to the door. Jason was caught off guard and tried to stop him, but Calvin was angry and determined to leave.

  “C’mon man! I wanted to be honest with you.” Jason watched Calvin bolt, slamming the door of the house as he left. Jason smacked his forehead, reeling. He had handled everything all wrong and hadn’t thought things through. His thoughts flew in every direction.

  Derek heard the commotion and raced into Jason’s bedroom. “What’s going on? Is Calvin mad about something?”

  Jason was close to tears but tried to hide it from his brother. “Yeah, I messed up. I’m so stupid sometimes.”

  Derek asked, “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “No, I can’t get into the details. That would make me feel worse. I hope he cools off quickly and can forgive me.”

  “Me too, Jace. I like him. But especially for your sake.”

  “I know. He likes you too. Right now, I’m not so sure he likes me. What have I done?”


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