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Crushing On My Doctor: A Medical Romance

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by Iona Rose

  Crushing On My Doctor


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  1. Erika

  2. Aidan

  3. Erika

  4. Erika

  5. Aidan

  6. Erika

  7. Jeremy

  8. Aidan

  9. Aidan

  10. Erika

  11. Erika

  12. Aidan

  13. Aidan

  14. Erika

  15. Aidan

  16. Erika

  17. Aidan

  18. Aidan

  19. Jeremy

  20. Aidan

  21. Erika

  22. Aidan


  Coming Soon - Sample chapters

  About the Author

  Also by IONA ROSE

  Crushing on my Doctor

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  Crushing on my Doctor

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  Copyright © 2021 Iona Rose

  The right of Iona Rose to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted by her in accordance with the copyright, designs and patent act 1988.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  All characters in this publication are fictitious, any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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  Publisher: Some Books

  ISBN- 978-1-913990-15-2


  I pick my phone up when a text message pings in. I roll my eyes when I see who it’s from. Jeremy. My ex-boyfriend. I broke up with him three days ago and since then, he’s texted and called me constantly. It’s ironic really because I think he’s contacted me more in the three days we’ve been separated than he did in the full four months we were dating. And that’s not because he ignored me while we were dating. It was just because while we were dating, he didn’t show me this crazy, desperate stalker like side of himself.

  I already know I won’t be responding to his text message. I tried that with the first few messages I got off him after we had broken up. First I politely reminded him of why we had broken up and I told him multiple times that I didn’t want to get back with him. After that kind of message being ignored several times, I resorted to telling him in no uncertain terms not to call or text me again. And when that didn’t work, I just stopped responding. I blocked him on all of my social media accounts and I started to just ignore his calls and texts. And still, they keep coming. My God. There are some people who just can’t take a hint. And then there’s this.

  Despite knowing I’m not going to be answering the message, I can’t resist taking a peek at it. I roll my eyes again when I read it. Jeremy starts out by calling me “Baby” which I hate and he knows it. And the message only goes downhill from there.

  “Baby, please just give me one more chance. I know you say it’s over, but for me it will never be over. I miss you so much and I swear if you just agree to take me back, I’ll be a better boyfriend. XXX”

  The trouble is, there’s nothing Jeremy can do to change my mind about this. I didn’t end things with him because he was a bad boyfriend. I ended things with him because there was just no spark between us. He’s a nice enough guy and we did have fun together in the beginning, but there was no chemistry between us, no magic or spark when we kissed. When I saw him, I didn’t go weak at the knees or feel much of anything really. When we had sex, it was fine, but that was all it was. I don’t want to spend my life having sex that’s only fine with someone I like as a friend but nothing more. I want the real deal. And it seems pointless to drag our relationship out when I know for sure that Jeremy isn’t the one.

  Another text message pings in while I am reading the first one. Jeez. Give me a break. I read the next message. It’s pretty much the same thing, only this time, Jeremy is pleading for me to answer the text message. He claims that he just wants to know that I’m ok, and if I say I still don’t want to get back with him, he’ll leave me alone. It feels like a trap. Like if I open communications with him again I’ll be inviting him back into my life.

  I tell myself that’s stupid. If I tell him one more time we’re done, then he’ll have to accept it and then we can both move on. And if he still doesn’t get the hint, then I’ll just stop answering him once more and never get suckered into breaking my rule on that one again. I think for a moment and then I type out a response.

  “I’m sorry Jeremy, what you feel I do not. It’s over. Please stop contacting me and move on with your life.”

  It’s short and to the point and there’s no way Jeremy can read anything more into it than what’s there. I nod my head in approval and send the message. It’s barely left my phone when I hear another message ping in and I moan out loud in frustration. I laugh at myself when I see the name on the screen though. Jennifer. My best friend.

  Her text message is much more welcome than Jeremy’s.

  “Drinks later? Carl will be here to keep the kids so I am freeee x.”

  I type back an instant yes. It’s Sunday tomorrow so neither of us have to be at work and it’ll be good to let my hair down and have some fun, something I don’t feel like I’ve done enough off lately. I realise then that Jeremy and I rarely went out anywhere – we also seemed to be either at his place or mine. Yes, I definitely need a night out. And Jennifer and I are overdue a catch up. Since she had her second baby, we haven’t gotten to see each other half as much as we used to. I get it, but it’s great to know I’ll be seeing her later on today.

  Jennifer texts back quickly saying she’ll pick me up around seven. I check my watch. It’s barely even eleven am and I have a feeling it’s going to be a long day now.

  I am just starting to think about going to take a shower and starting to get ready for tonight when there’s a knock on my door. I shake my head. I know Jennifer has a thing about always being early, but three hours early is a big thing, even for her. It’s not so bad though. I can be ready in an hour if I push it and at least then I can stop itching to get out. I am practically skipping when I get to the front door and pull it open. My heart sinks when I see who is standing on my doorstep.

  “Jeremy? What are you doing here?” I say coldly.

  I really thought my last text to him had worked. He hadn’t called or texted since I sent it. But clearly, he still isn’t getting the hint.

  He smiles at me, a lopsided smile and I realise from that grin and the slightly glassy look in his eyes that he’s been drinking. That explains why he’s got one hand pressed against the door jamb. He’s probably trying to stop himself from swaying.

  “Is that any way to greet a friend,” Jeremy says with a wide grin, slurring his words.

  “I …” I start.

  “You said we could still be friends Erika. Did you mean it or n
ot?” he says.

  “Well sure,” I reply. But I didn’t mean the sort of friends that drop around each other’s places unannounced and uninvited. “What’s up?”

  “I just wanted to see you,” Jeremy says.

  “Well you saw me,” I grin, aiming for a light hearted tone but really just wanting Jeremy to leave.

  “I need to talk to you,” he slurs.

  I open my mouth to tell him I’ve said everything I needed to say to him and that I was actually on my way out, but Jeremy pushes himself off the door jamb and pushes past me, entering my home. He walks down the hall as I stare after him in open mouthed surprise at his rudeness. He doesn’t look back to see if I’m following him or not. He just goes off into the living room.

  I shake my head and slam the door closed, following him into the living room where he stands in front of the couch, swaying slightly with nothing to hold on to.

  “Look Jeremy this isn’t a good time. I’m going out soon and I need to get changed,” I say.

  “Don’t let me stop you,” he says with a lecherous grin that makes my stomach turn over and not in a good way. Jeremy must see my expression change because he sighs. “God I was joking Erika. Lighten up.”

  I decide the quickest way to get him to leave will be to hear him out and then tell him yet again that we’re over.

  “Well I’m all ears. What do you want to talk to me about?” I say.

  “About us obviously,” he says, his tone implying that I’m the stupid one here.

  “There is no us,” I point out.

  “Sure there is,” Jeremy says, undeterred by the obvious fact that I want nothing to do with him. “There will always be an us. Stopping responding to my messages doesn’t change what we have.”

  “I stopped responding to your messages because you weren’t getting what I was saying Jeremy. And you’re still not. We tried it. It didn’t work. And I don’t want to be with you. Please just accept that and move on.”

  “Baby, what can I do to make you change your mind?” Jeremy slurs.

  “There’s nothing you can do. It’s over. Now please leave,” I say.

  “Leave? So you can go out and find someone to replace me? I don’t fucking think so.”

  Jeremy’s voice has changed. He’s shouting loudly enough that I know my neighbours will be able to hear him. I just hope they’re at work or out somewhere so I don’t have the embarrassment of seeing them nudging each other next time I see them.

  “Well?” Jeremy demands.

  I don’t know what he wants from me. It wasn’t like he asked me a question I am going to answer. Jeremy sounds angry now, and when he glares at me, I feel suddenly afraid. He ignores me for the moment and walks towards my TV. He swipes out with one arm, knocking it from the cabinet and onto the ground where it smashes in to a thousand pieces.

  “What the fuck?” I shout, anger over taking my fear for a moment.

  Jeremy turns back to me, his face a mask of anger. I have never seen him looking like this before. He looks through me like I haven’t spoken and then he begins to march around the room, throwing my ornaments to the ground and smashing my favorite lamp. He stomps on my coffee table until the legs give away and it crashes to the floor. I watch, my mouth open in shock as fear courses through me. He’s lost his mind completely and I have to get him out of here before this goes even further.

  “Do you know why I’m doing this Erika?” Jeremy demands.

  “I … No,” I say, unsure of what answer he is looking for, what answer will calm him down.

  “I’m doing this to show you how serious I am about you. And that you can’t just blow hot and cold on me. You responded to my message earlier, gave me hope that we had a future and then nothing all day,” he says.

  He isn’t shouting now. I almost wish he would go back to shouting. This quiet, calm voice that thrums with anger is much more dangerous than the yelling.

  “I told you we were over. How is that blowing hot and cold?” I say when it’s clear Jeremy is going to just stand there and stare at me until I answer him.

  It was the wrong answer. Rather than calm him down, it makes him madder. His face contorts and turns red and then Jeremy roars like an animal. He pulls the painting I have above my fireplace down off the wall and slams it down on the back of one of my armchairs. He slams it over and over until the canvas splits and then he throws it angrily away. He closes the gap between us in three long strides, his sway no longer as pronounced as earlier. I can tell he’s still pretty wasted though. His pupils are huge and when he presses his face into mine to yell at me, I can smell the alcohol fumes radiating off him. I don’t think he’s even close to sober enough for me to be able to reason with him. I have to try though. I move backwards slightly, but he follows me. I open my mouth to say something, anything. Jeremy beats me to it though.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are Erika? Why do you think you’re too fucking good for me huh?” Jeremy screams. His face is almost purple now he is so angry. A vein pulses wildly out of control on his forehead. I have never seen Jeremy like this before and it’s truly scary.

  “Well? Why do you think you’re too good for me?” Jeremy screams again, grabbing my upper arms and giving me a little but rough shake when I don’t answer his question quickly enough for his liking.

  How about because you think it’s ok to smash my place up and then get in my face and yell? That’s what I’m thinking but it’s not what I say. I’m not that stupid. I need to calm Jeremy down before this gets even more out of hand, not make him madder.

  “I never said that I was too good for you,” I start.

  It’s true. I didn’t. And I wasn’t even thinking it until this moment.

  “No but you were thinking it weren’t you? Princess Erika, waiting for her knight in shining fucking armour to come and give her a fairy tale ending. Well guess what? He’s not coming. Because if I can’t have you, then no one can,” Jeremy yells.

  As he says it, he reaches out for me again, but this time, he doesn’t grab my upper arms. This time is so much worse; his hands grab me around the throat. The hands that used to caress me so gently are now choking the life out of me and I have no idea how this whole thing escalated so quickly.

  I can feel panic gripping me as I struggle to breathe or get free. Preferably both. Instead of both, I get neither. My airway is well and truly cut off, and Jeremy is far too strong for me to push away. Even without my head spinning and my lungs burning from the lack of oxygen, I think he would still have been too strong for me to push off me. I slap at the hands around my neck, but Jeremy just carries right on squeezing as though my slapping does nothing but tickle and my panic is nothing but amusing. I think that’s the worst part. I can see the amusement in Jeremy’s eyes as he chokes the life out of me.

  Through the rushing of my own blood that I can hear in my ears, I think I can hear something else. A siren. And it is getting closer. Please let it be real. Please don’t let it be a hallucination.

  My suspicion about the siren is confirmed when Jeremy curses and lets go of my throat. It is just in time. Large black globules have begun to float in front of my eyes and I think another ten seconds and I would have lost consciousness. Another thirty seconds or so and I might have been dead.

  I bend double, rubbing my hands over my throbbing neck and coughing and choking as I try to breathe through my agonizing, bruised throat. Each breath brings blessed relief and at the same time, angry hot agony. It’s an odd mixture, one I don’t much care for, but the relief wins over the agony and I keep gasping.

  “You called the fucking cops on me?” Jeremy asks.

  Even in my current state I can’t help but notice that he sounds not only surprised but a little bit hurt too, like I am somehow the bad guy here. I shake my head quickly, ignoring the pain in my throat, and trying to keep the judgemental tone I want to use out of my voice.

  “You would have seen me on the phone if I’d called anyone,” I say.

  My voic
e is a little raspy but it doesn’t sound too bad. It is hard to believe that just seconds ago, I had really thought I was going to die. That Jeremy was going to crush my windpipe until I was dead.

  “It must be one of your neighbors. Nosey bastards never could mind their own business,” Jeremy says, again sounding like he is the victim here, being persecuted by my mean neighbours for no reason.

  The sirens are so close now that the police can only be a block or two away at most. Jeremy is going to have to make the choice between staying and tormenting me and then being arrested, or leaving while he still has a shot at getting away.

  Unfortunately for me, there is a third option for Jeremy. One I hadn’t thought of. His fist flies out, catching me unaware. It catches me square in my cheekbone, a stinging blow that makes me take a step back. My foot catches on something and I stumble. I feel myself going down, my arms pinwheeling, looking for something to grab but finding nothing.

  Jeremy has already turned and walked away from me, heading for the front door. I don’t see whether he gets away or not, because as I fall, my head collides with the broken coffee table and everything goes black.


  The ward seems to be particularly loud today as I make my rounds, checking on patient’s charts and making sure all of their vital statistics are good, prescribing medications and writing a few discharge notes. I have just finished up the last bed when a nurse came towards me.


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