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Crushing On My Doctor: A Medical Romance

Page 11

by Iona Rose

  “Fancy,” I grin.

  Aidan laughs and stands up from the table.

  “Should we go through to the living room?” he says.

  I nod my head and follow him through to the living room. His place is every bit as nice as I imagined it would be. His living room is dominated by a huge cream leather three piece suite arranged to face a large flat screen TV. Behind the couch is a large wall made all of glass that looks out onto his balcony and then over the city beyond it.

  “I can’t believe you sit with your back to that view,” I smile as we sit down on the couch.

  “But if I turned the couch around, then the TV would be upset,” Aidan says.

  We both laugh and I shake my head at him. He switches the TV on and flicks through the movie channels.

  “What do you fancy?” he asks.

  You, I think to myself.

  “Anything except a western,” I say.

  Aidan flicks through the channels a few more times and finds a drama about a missing girl that’s due to start and we settle on that channel.

  “Would you like a drink or anything?” Aidan asks me.

  “No I’m ok thanks,” I say. “But for the record, you don’t have to try and get me drunk to have your way with me.”

  Aidan laughs.

  “That wasn’t my intention, but now that you mention it …”

  He shuffles closer to me across the couch and presses his lips to mine. I reach up and push my hands into his hair as his kiss deepens. My body comes to life, my clit tingling, my pussy wet, my skin craving Aidan’s touch. He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I move with him, straddling him. He pushes his hands up inside of my dress, his nails tracing little circles on my thighs and making goose bumps run up and down my legs.

  I reach for the hem of my dress and lift it, pulling my lips away from Aidan’s long enough to pull the dress over my head and throw it to one side. Our lips come back together as Aidan moves his hands over my back. He unhooks my bra and teases it down my arms, tossing it down onto the ground with my dress.

  I push my tongue into his mouth as I begin to open the buttons on his shirt. When I have them all open, I push the shirt down off his arms and it joins my clothes. I break my lips from Aidan’s for long enough to admire his naked chest and stomach. The sight of his perfect six pack and his toned pecs sends another wash of desire through me and I find his lips with my own again.

  Aidan runs his hands up and down my body, over my back, my sides, leaving behind a trail of tingling fire that leaves me wanting more. He moves his hands around the front of my body and kneads my breasts, bringing my nipples to attention. He moves one hand lower, running his fingers over my stomach and pushing them into my panties. He finds my clit and begins to work it, slowly, almost lazily.

  Within seconds his feather light touch has me soaking wet and needing more. I press down, grinding myself against Aidan’s hand and into his lap beneath it. He pulls his mouth from mine and kisses my neck as his fingers tease me.

  He moves his fingers from my clit, moving them back up to my breasts. I keep grinding into his lap. I can feel his hard cock through his jeans and I can’t help but gasp in a sigh of delight when I feel how big it is. I need to feel him inside of me. Now. I reach down and begin to open Aidan’s jeans.

  Once they’re open, he lifts his ass and I tug them down to his thighs, followed by his boxer shorts. He drags them further, kicking them away. I grab his hard cock in my fist and begin to move my hand up and down his length. He moans as I move my hand slowly, teasing him.

  He begins to thrust his hips, forcing me to up my pace. I work with him, moving my hand faster until he grabs my wrist and lifts my hand away from him. He looks into my eyes for a moment and then he cups my ass with his hands and flips me so I end up laying on my back on the couch with him kneeling between my legs.

  Aidan looks down at me with eyes heavy with lust. I strain my neck up towards him, reaching for him and grabbing his shoulders, pulling him down to me. He leans down without resistance, fitting his mouth over mine once more. He reaches between us with one hand and pulls my panties down. I kick them free and wrap my legs around his waist as his tongue massages mine.

  He kisses me until I’m breathless and then he pulls back and reaches between us, lining his cock up with my pussy. He slams inside of me, his cock stretching my pussy until it’s almost painful. I cry out as he fills me and tingles spread up through my pussy and into my stomach. Aidan begins to thrust his hips, moving deliciously inside of me, and I move with him, matching his eager thrusts with equally eager thrusts of my own.

  I can feel my stomach contracting and my pussy tightening as waves of pleasure spread out through my body. Each thrust makes me cry out as the pleasure intensifies, throbbing through me. I can feel my climax rushing closer and I welcome it, moving my hips faster, drawing it out.

  I call out Aidan’s name as my climax washes over me like a tidal wave, crashing through my body and leaving me unable to breath for a moment. My body tingles and sparks, and my pussy throbs again, tightening around Aidan’s cock, making my orgasm even more intense.

  As my orgasm starts to fade, I find I can breathe again, and I wrap my arms around Aidan’s shoulders, clinging to him, panting for breath, as he keeps pumping into me. He ups the pace and I know he’s close to his own orgasm. His breathing is ragged; a series of agonizing sounding gasps as he moves within me. He stills, his face contorting as he comes inside of me, liquid heat pulsing into me.

  He moans my name as his cock goes wild inside of me, twitching and spurting. He gasps in a breath and then his rigid body relaxes and he slips out of me. He kisses my lips, a gentle graze of a kiss and then he sits back up on his knees. I sit up too and we shuffle around until we’re sitting with Aidan’s back against the couch back, me leaning on his chest, wrapped in his arms.

  He kisses my neck gently.

  “Well that was way better than ice cream right?” he says.

  I laugh and nod my head.

  “Damned right it was. But there’s one problem,” I say.

  “What’s that?” Aidan asks, a note of concern in his voice.

  “If we had had ice cream instead, we might not have missed the movie,” I grin.

  Aidan laughs and shakes his head.

  “There are plenty of other movies,” he says.

  “You’re right,” I say. I twist slightly in his arms so that I can look up at him. “I think we still have time to miss one more tonight.”


  Last night was every bit as amazing as I had hoped it would be. Aidan and I never even made it as far as the bedroom. We had sex twice on his couch and then we sat up talking in each other’s arms for hours. I didn’t realize how late (or perhaps I should say early) it had gotten until Aidan’s work alarm went off. That’s when we realized we had literally been up talking for most of the night.

  I had a nice nap this morning. I guess there’s one advantage to being on sick leave from work. I can have late nights and then nap the next day. I feel kind of bad for Aidan having to go and do a twelve hour shift on no sleep, but he assured me he’s used to it from his intern days when he used to work forty-eight hour shifts most weeks.

  I check the time. It’s barely one o’clock and Aidan doesn’t finish work until six o’clock. I’m meeting him after work, but six o’clock is a long way away. I really need to find myself a hobby or something to do to fill in the hours where I would normally be at work or I’m going to drive myself crazy just sitting around clock watching all day every day. I can’t even read – I find myself not focusing on the words, reading them, but not paying attention to them – because all I can think about is Aidan.

  My phone starts to ring and I smile to myself as I look for it. One of my friends must have the day off work too. Maybe I can persuade them to go out and do something. Or knowing my luck, it’ll be a damned sales call. I finally spot my phone tucked beneath a cushion. I grab it and look at the sc
reen. Jeremy’s name is displayed and I feel a moment of apprehension. I hope the constant calls and texts aren’t going to start again.

  I debate ignoring the call, but I remind myself Jeremy was perfectly normal when I saw him the other day and that maybe he just wants to check in and see if I’m ok. Besides, I’m bored and I’m curious as to what he might want. If he starts with the incessant calls and texts again, I can always go back to ignoring them until he gets the hint again.

  “Hello,” I say after I press the answer button that flashes green on my screen.

  “Hey Erika. I’m not disturbing you am I?” Jeremy says.

  Ok so far so good.

  “Not at all,” I say. “In fact, you’re relieving me of my boredom.”

  Jeremy laughs softly.

  “Well that answers my next question which was going to be if you’re busy. I got an unexpected day off work and I wondered if you fancied meeting up for lunch?”

  “I’ve already eaten,” I lie.

  “Coffee then?” Jeremy says.

  I hesitate. I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but this feels awfully like Jeremy is starting up with the wanting to get back with me thing again.

  “Just as friends,” he adds.

  “I’m not sure it would be a good idea,” I say finally.

  “Oh come on Erika. It’s a cup of coffee not a week in Hawaii,” he laughs. “And you’ve just said yourself that you’re bored.”

  What the hell did I tell him that for?

  “Oh what the hell. Why not?” I say.

  He’s right. I did say I was bored and grabbing some coffee will pass some time until I can see Aidan again. I kind of wish I hadn’t lied about already having lunch now as I’m starting to feel hungry and it might have been nice to grab a sandwich or something. I decide I’ll have a piece of cake with my coffee and call that lunch.

  “Great,” Jeremy says. “Do you want me to pick you up or do you want to meet me at Louisa’s in half an hour?”

  “I’ll meet you there,” I say.

  “Cool. See you in half an hour,” Jeremy says and then he ends the call.

  I sit in place for a moment wondering if this is really a good idea. I tell myself I’m over thinking it. It’s a cup of coffee with friend. And if Jeremy does try to talk me into getting back with him, I can tell him no like I have done a hundred times. We’re going to be in a public place, it’s not like he’s going to beg or anything. And he made it clear we’re only going out as friends, so it’s not like he can later claim that I was somehow leading him on.

  I go to my room and put some sneakers on and grab my jacket and then I head back to the living room, grab my phone and drop it into my hand bag. If I leave now, I’ll likely be a little bit early, but I decide I’d rather be early than be stuck sitting here on my own, bored and clock watching, for another minute.

  I walk slowly to Louisa’s and by the time I get there, I’m only about five minutes early. I’m starting to wonder if I should have said no to this. Jeremy and I always used to come to Louisa’s for coffee together before work when we were together and it feels weird being back here now. I debate just leaving and texting him to say something came up, but before I can do it, I hear him calling my name.

  I turn around and force myself to smile when I see Jeremy heading towards me.

  “Hey,” he says. “Have you been here long?”

  “No. I just got here,” I say.

  “In or out?” Jeremy asks, nodding in the direction of the café.

  “Out,” I say.

  It’s a nice day and I quite like the idea of getting a bit more fresh air. Jeremy nods and leads me to an empty table. We sit down and within minutes a waitress appears with two menus.

  “Just a black coffee and a slice of vanilla sponge cake for me,” I say rather than taking the menu.

  “And a white coffee for me please,” Jeremy adds.

  The waitress nods and disappears into the café.

  “So how much is it bothering you not going to work then?” Jeremy asks me with a grin.

  “A lot,” I admit. “Honestly, I would have signed myself off sick leave and went back now, but I think my neck would terrify the kids.”

  “It doesn’t look as bad as you probably think it does,” Jeremy says. “But if your doctor gave you a note, there must be a better reason for it than what your bruises look like. Take advantage of the time. Read the classics or something.”

  That’s probably not the worst idea in the world and I nod my head.

  “I just might do that,” I say.

  Except I won’t be able to concentrate on them for thinking of Aidan. Something I decide against saying out loud.

  Our waitress comes back with our coffees and my cake and as I begin to eat the cake, I realize I’m relaxing. Jeremy isn’t being weird and it’s starting to feel like we really are just two old friends catching up.

  “Do you remember Melanie James?” Jeremy asks me, changing the subject somewhat. The name rings a bell and I try to conjure up a face or a context for it. “She’s short. Black hair. Always really intense. Kind of haughty. You used to say she’d …”

  “Been a cat in her past life,” we finish up together as I finally remember Melanie.

  She was a friend Jeremy had introduced me to when we first started dating. I think I’ve only met her twice, but she is the sort of girl that leaves an impression.

  “Didn’t she go travelling?” I ask.

  “She did, but she’s back now. And she brought back quite the souvenir,” Jeremy says grinning.

  “Come on then, don’t keep me in suspense,” I laugh.

  “She came back married. To a Japanese guy who doesn’t speak a word of English. She doesn’t speak a word of Japanese. She claims their souls talk to each other,” Jeremy said.

  I shake my head. I mean who would marry someone they couldn’t even talk to? I’m a big believer in love being able to conquer pretty much anything, but how can you love someone when you can’t even talk to them? They know literally nothing about each other.

  “Crazy huh?” Jeremy says.

  “Totally,” I agree. “But you said Melanie always was a bit weird so I guess it makes sense for her.”

  “True,” Jeremy smiles. “In some ways, I kind of admire her.”

  “You do?” I say, surprised.

  He nods his head and sips his coffee thoughtfully for a moment and then he puts the cup down and looks at me through the haze of steam rising from the coffee.

  “Yeah. I kind of like the way she followed her heart. I mean her head must have been saying that it was likely a mistake, but she didn’t listen. Instead, she went with what felt right.”

  I consider this, but I still can’t bring myself to think what she did was a good idea.

  “Sometimes though, your head tells you something is a mistake for a reason,” I say.

  “Oh I’m not saying she hasn’t made a mistake. But who knows. Maybe she hasn’t. I just think sometimes you need to take a chance. Especially when it comes to love,” Jeremy says.

  I nod my head. He’s probably right about that. I mean look at me and Aidan. We met when I was at my lowest point, and he still took a chance on me.

  “That’s why I have to say this Erika. I miss you. Every day I miss you. And I want you back,” Jeremy says.

  Dammit. I really thought this was going well. As in I thought he really had realized we were better off together as friends. It seems he was just leading me into a false sense of security so that he could drop this bombshell on my head.

  “Jeremy …” I start, but he cuts me off and keeps on talking.

  “Just think about it Erika. I know we might not have been perfect together, but you can’t deny we were good for a while. And I promise I’ll try harder this time. Just tell me what you need me to change and I’ll change it,” he says.

  “I don’t want you to change anything. I just need you to accept that I don’t want to get back with you,” I say as gently as I can

  “But what about taking a chance on love?” Jeremy says.

  I’m going to have to tell him the truth. Maybe then he’ll see that this really isn’t going to happen and that I’ve moved on. And once he sees that, then he’ll have to see that he has no choice but to move on from this idea of us being together too.

  “That’s the thing. I am taking a chance on love,” I say. “Aidan, who you met outside of the apartment building? We’re kind of seeing each other.”

  “You’re seeing Aidan?” Jeremy says.

  He doesn’t shout. In fact, his voice is so low it’s almost a whisper, but I can hear the venom in those words and when he looks at me, his face is a mask of rage. His eyes bore into mine and I feel my stomach turn over.

  He clears his throat and blinks and the look is gone, replaced by a look of sad resignation. I wonder if I imagined the look, but I know I didn’t. For a second there, the look on Jeremy’s face was terrifying. I know I have to finish my coffee quickly and get away from him, and after that, I’m going to go back to ignoring any calls or texts.

  This was a mistake and I see it now. I can’t help but notice the irony that I took a chance on my head being wrong about this and look where that got me.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know,” Jeremy says. He smiles at me. The smile is normal but somehow, it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “I wouldn’t have thought he was your type.”

  Right, because handsome, successful, nice body, funny and kind is so not my type.

  “I should have told you sooner. I’m sorry. But it’s very new and to be honest, I believed you when you said you only wanted us to be friends so I didn’t think it mattered whether you knew or not at this point,” I say.

  He seems to perk up at that and this time, his smile does reach his eyes. He shakes his head.

  “You don’t need to apologise. I should be the one apologising. I genuinely did want us to be friends. I thought I was over you, but when I see your smile, hear your laugh, it reminds me that actually, I’m really not over you. But I will get there. I’m not going to start acting like some saddo who hangs around waiting for you to change your mind.”


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