Crushing On My Doctor: A Medical Romance

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Crushing On My Doctor: A Medical Romance Page 13

by Iona Rose

  “Probably a good job you stopped that,” she says. “Or I would have had no choice but to ride you on the floor right there.”

  I moan as a wave of longing goes through me. Erika giggles and steps out of my arms.

  “Do you have a spare half hour or so?” she asks.

  “Erika, we can’t,” I say. “As much as I’d like to, I’m on call and if anyone comes in …”

  I trail off when I see the amusement on her face.

  “I meant for dinner,” she laughs. She points to a bag on the ground that I didn’t notice when she came in. “I know you had to miss our special dinner, so I thought I’d bring dinner to you, picnic style.”

  “I can spare a half hour,” I confirm. “But if there’s an emergency, I might have to run out without any warning.”

  “Yeah obviously I’m not suggesting you should let someone die so we can eat together,” Erika smiles.

  She picks up the bag and begins to pull the food out of it. She pulls out a blanket which she spreads on my office floor and then she arranges the food and sits down on the blanket, patting the ground beside her. I sit down and we start to eat.

  “The stars are beautiful this evening,” I grin, tilting my head back and looking up at the ceiling.

  Erika laughs and shakes her head.

  “What?” I say. “I’m just getting into the picnic spirit.”

  “You think this was a stupid idea don’t you?” she says.

  “No,” I say quickly, shaking my head. “I don’t think that at all. In fact, I think it’s a great idea.”

  “You do?” she asks.

  I nod my head.

  “I really do,” I say. “It’s very romantic and in some ways it’s better than a real picnic. There’s no rain, no bugs, no wind. It’s perfect.”

  She smiles and leans in for a kiss. I oblige her and instantly, I want to strip her off and make love to her again. She pulls away first this time and laughs softly.

  “We have to stop doing that,” she says.

  “I never want to stop doing that,” I tell her. “But I know what you mean. Ok, before we can get any further. Tell me about your day.”

  “I went for a coffee with Jeremy,” Erika says.

  Ok, that did it. Mentioning Jeremy is a great mood killer. I instantly feel a mix of insane jealousy at the thought of Jeremy getting to spend time with Erika and a feeling of trepidation at the thought of her being around someone I think might be dangerous.

  “It was a mistake,” Erika adds quickly.

  “How so?” I ask.

  She looks down at her lap for a moment and shakes her head.

  “I thought he really meant it when he said he had accepted we were better as friends. It turns out I was wrong. He told me he missed me and he wanted us to get back together,” she says.

  “And what did you tell him?” I ask.

  Erika looks at me, a teasing smile on her face.

  “I told him we should get married and have a hundred babies,” she says with a laugh. I raise an eyebrow and she laughs again. “I told him no obviously. I told him I was into you. I hope that’s ok.”

  “Of course it’s ok. It’s better than ok,” I say, unable to keep the goofy grin from my face. “How did he take it?”

  “I’m not sure,” Erika says. “For a second, he gave me this look and it was filled with such intense rage that I felt cold inside. Like I was scared of him for a moment. But then the look was gone and he was really apologetic and back to acting normal. I keep trying to convince myself that I only imagined the look, but I really don’t think I did.”

  I don’t think she did either. I think Jeremy is a grade A psychopath that won’t rest until he has Erika back where he wants her. I keep that opinion to myself. I don’t want to worry Erika and I don’t want her to think my jealousy is clouding my judgement. If she thinks that, then she might stop telling me things like this, and if Jeremy continues sniffing around her, I want to know about it.

  “I get where he’s coming from,” I say, trying to keep my tone light. “I’d be pretty bummed to lose you too.”

  Erika smiles at me and bites her bottom lip.

  “There’s not much chance of that happening,” she says. She’s quiet for a moment and then she speaks again. “Jennifer, my best friend, admitted she never really liked Jeremy. She said he was manipulative and emotionally blackmailed me into staying away from my friends. She thinks I should stay away from him.”

  “I’m probably a little bit biased here, but I think you should stay away from him too,” I say. She grins and I laugh softly. “Seriously though, if your best friend thought there was something off about him, it might be a good idea to give him a wide berth for a while.”

  “I’m going to,” Erika says. “If he calls or texts or anything, I’m just going to ignore him. I tried to be nice and stay friends with him and that clearly didn’t work.”

  I nod, satisfied that at least Erika isn’t going to walk into another situation with Jeremy. I’m not convinced he won’t keep trying to run into her though. My mind flashes to the car that was parked outside of her building the other night. I am finding it harder and harder to convince myself that wasn’t Jeremy.

  “So how’s your day been? Other than flirting with the nurses?” Erika asks.

  “Busy but boring,” I say. “Just the same emergency room stuff.”

  We finish eating as I tell Erika about my boring day. There’s really nothing to tell, but she seems interested in how it all works and so I tell her. I collect our trash as I talk and put it in my trash can and Erika folds the blanket back up and puts it back in her bag.

  “Is your break over then?” she asks.

  I open my mouth to tell her I can take another ten minutes. My rounds are done and it’s mostly paperwork I have to do now and that can wait. I’m really only here in case I’m needed now. A knock comes on my door before I can say anything and I realize even thinking I can take a few extra minutes to myself has most likely jinxed me.

  “Come in,” I call.

  Julia steps into my office. She smiles at Erika and then me.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt Aidan, but Mr Warburton in bed seven is having some pain. He’s had his maximum dose of painkillers and I wondered if you could take a look and see if there’s anything we can do for him. He’s getting quite distressed.”

  “Of course,” I say.

  Erika has already gathered her things.

  “I guess that’s my cue to leave,” she smiles.

  “Sorry,” Julia says again.

  “It’s fine,” I tell her. “I’ll be right there.”

  Julia nods and backs out of my office. I know Julia is experienced enough that she would recognize someone attention seeking or being a bit dramatic. If she says Mr Warburton is in pain, then he is, and I don’t want to make him wait to be seen. I also don’t want to leave Erika either.

  “Go,” Erika smiles at me. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I kiss her quickly, a barely there kiss because I can’t afford to be distracted now. I rush from my office and I hear Erika leaving behind me. I can’t help but glance back and watch her ass as she walks away.


  It’s almost midnight when I’m finally ready to leave the hospital. It’s been a long day and I’m ready to go home, crawl into bed, and try to get some sleep. At least with working over today, I have a slightly later start tomorrow. I don’t have to come in until eight instead of five so I might actually have a chance to sleep in in the morning. Last night with Erika was well worth feeling tired for today, but it’s starting to take its toll now.

  I pull on my jacket and lock my office door, heading back through the ward. I say goodnight to the nurses I pass and a couple of insomniac patients who wander the corridors going back and forth to the bathroom or chatting to the nurses to pass the time. I manage to escape the ward without being stopped, but it’s not until I step out of the doors and take in a deep breath of the chilly night air that
I actually allow myself to breathe a sigh of relief. I learned my lesson about jinxing myself earlier when I opened my mouth to tell Erika I could take a little bit more time.

  I head towards the staff parking lot. Even at this time, it’s pretty full. Although the outpatient clinics are long closed for the night, the wards all need to be staffed and the emergency room is fully staffed too. For that reason, I’m not overly surprised to see someone else in the car park. There’s always people coming and going here. I am however surprised when I realise he’s sitting on the hood of my car.

  I frown and pick up my pace, wondering what’s going on. It’s likely a mistake – someone waiting for one of the staff members to finish work and thinking this is their car. The guy is likely going to be pretty embarrassed when I walk up and he realizes his mistake.

  As I get closer though, I realize I’m the one who has made the mistake. The man sitting on my car hood is Jeremy. And he’s clearly there waiting for me. I feel my body tense up, ready for a fight. I am not in the mood for Jeremy right now, and although I’m not an advocate for brawling in the street, I know it won’t take much to push me into a fight tonight.

  “Can I help you?” I demand when I am close enough to the car to be able to speak without yelling.

  I expect Jeremy to jump at the sound of my voice cutting through the still night air, but he doesn’t. He pushes himself casually off the car hood and turns to face me. He smiles at me, a cold smile that I don’t like one little bit.

  “Yes, you can help me,” he says. “You can stay the hell away from Erika.”

  I shake my head as I walk towards the driver’s side door of the car.

  “Yeah that’s not going to happen. So why don’t you run along back to wherever the hell you came from and stay out of Erika’s life,” I say.

  Jeremy looks at me like he’s a little surprised that I didn’t immediately agree to do his bidding. Just how delusional is this guy?

  “You don’t get it do you?” he says. “Erika is mine. She has always been mine and she always will be mine. I’ve done the right thing. I’ve warned you. And if you choose not to heed that warning, then believe me when I say that there will be consequences.”

  I’ve heard enough. I gave him a chance to just walk away but he’s still here pushing me. I walk away from my car door and move around to the front of the car to meet Jeremy face to face.

  “Listen here,” I say. “I don’t appreciate being threatened and I don’t appreciate you hanging around Erika when she’s made it clear to you that you two are over. And if I find out that you’ve hurt her in any way, then I swear I’ll make you fucking sorry.”

  “Is everything ok here?” a voice asks from behind me before Jeremy can respond to me.

  I turn to look and see a security guard approaching us. As if by some unspoken agreement, Jeremy and I each take a step back from each other.

  “Everything’s fine,” I say.

  “Yup, all good,” Jeremy says, still backing away from me, his hands raised showing his palms. “Stay away from my girl Aidan.”

  The last part is said over his shoulder as he walks briskly across the parking lot away from me. I shake my head. The security guard comes closer.

  “What was all of that about?” he asks.

  “Oh it was nothing. Just some jerk that has nothing better to do with his time than try to threaten me,” I say.

  “Should I call the police?” the security guard asks.

  “No,” I say. “It’s nothing I can’t handle.”

  “Well if you’re sure …?” the security guard says.

  “I am,” I assure him. “Goodnight.”

  “Night,” he says.

  He wanders away to go back to his perimeter rounds and I get into my car. I half wish I had let the security guard call the police. It might have put Jeremy on their radar. But the chances of the responding officers being Officer Prescott and Officer Moore would have been unlikely at best. And what was I supposed to tell the police? Jeremy was mean to me? No, it would have been too embarrassing. Especially if Erika had found out about it. It would have either looked like I was a crazy guy who was making trouble for Jeremy just because I was jealous, or it would have looked like I was scared of him. Neither of those were good looks.

  I sigh as I put my car into reverse and pull out of the parking lot. I start heading for home, but then I change my mind. I might not be scared of Jeremy hurting me, but I am becoming more and more convinced that it was him that had attacked Erika, and I am definitely scared that he will try to hurt her again if she keeps rejecting his advances. He doesn’t seem like the sort of guy who gives up easily and that’s not good for Erika.

  Now he knows where Erika is staying, I really didn’t like the thought of her and Nadia being alone in the apartment if Jeremy should show up. I make a U-turn and head for Nadia’s place. It’s late and I figure Nadia and Erika will likely already be in bed, but I have a key to the apartment so I can just let myself in and crash on the couch.

  In the morning when I am discovered, I will just say I was too tired to drive all the way home. Nadia is used to finding me crashed on her couch after a long shift at the hospital as her place is closer to it, and so she won’t think it’s too weird. And Erika will have no reason to not believe my story when Nadia confirms I often do this.

  By the time I arrive at Nadia’s place and let myself in and go to lay down on the couch, I’m starting to debate whether or not I should just come clean about the whole Jeremy thing. I really should warn Erika. But I already know what she’ll say. She’ll say he’s harmless and to just ignore him, that he’s just pissed off. And there’s a chance that she’ll confront him about it, and that will only put her in the line of more danger. No, for now, I’m going to keep this to myself until I can prove for sure that Jeremy is dangerous. And now I don’t dare tell Nadia, because chances are she’ll let it slip to Erika and then Erika will be pissed off with me for going behind her back and keeping this from her.

  I lay in the darkness, trying to push all of the thoughts about Jeremy out of my mind. It’s funny, but now I’m here laying down in the darkness, the idea of sleeping is far from my mind. All I can think about is that just two doors from where I am laying now, Erika is lying in bed. And I want so badly to go to her.

  My cock is hard at the thought of me getting up and going and slipping into bed with her. I want to do it so badly, and I know that until I do, I’m not going to get any sleep tonight. I wonder if it’s too forward. I don’t think it is. Erika was as frustrated as me earlier about us not being able to do more than kiss. I think she’ll be happy to see me, and if she’s not, I will just apologize for over stepping the line and come back out here. I have to try it though. If I don’t and later find out Erika would have welcomed my visit, I will absolutely kick myself.

  Quietly, I open the door leading to the bedrooms and creep into the hallway. I tap on Erika’s bedroom door but there’s no answer. I push the door open and go into the room. I stand for a moment looking at her. She is asleep, her mouth slightly open, her face peaceful looking. A silver flash of moonlight lights her up, making her look radiant. Her hair is fanned out on the pillow beside her. It’s so shiny it looks wet. I smile as I watch her for a moment.

  She is really gorgeous and I can’t wait another moment to be in the bed beside her. I slowly and quietly strip off my clothes and make my way to Erika’s bed. She stirs as I lift the sheet and slip in beside her.


  I come awake slowly as the mattress dips beside me. My heart slams in my chest and I come fully awake instantly, my eyes flying open. Who the fuck is in my room in the middle of the night, getting into my bed with me?

  “It’s ok, it’s just me,” a voice says.

  “Aidan?” I say. As my eyes adjust to the darkness, I see I’m right. Aidan is in my bed beside me. “What are you doing here?”

  “I missed you,” he whispers.

  He puts his mouth on my shoulder, kissing the b
are skin there and I moan, my body instantly coming to life beneath his kisses. I’m still confused. How did Aidan even get in here? His mouth moves to my neck and I realize I don’t care how or why he’s here. I only care that he is. I mean it is his sister’s apartment. He most likely has a key to the place.

  I turn so I’m facing him and I scoot closer to him, wrapping my arm around him and pressing my lips against his. I realize as I press myself against him that he’s naked. My insides are swirling, desire pumping through me, and feeling Aidan’s bare skin against mine only makes me hotter for him. God I’m glad he’s here.

  I hook my leg over his hip, pushing him onto his back and rolling with him. I sit up straddling him and move my hips so my pussy rubs over his rock hard cock. He moans as I tease him. I lean forward and kiss him, cutting off his moan. Our tongues collide, massaging against each other and sending shivers through my body.

  Aidan runs his hands over my bare sides and back, cupping my ass for a moment and then running back up my sides. He moves his hands to the front of my body and begins to work my nipples between his fingers. Bursts of electricity run through my sensitive nipples and down my body, making my clit pulse with need. Aidan moves his mouth from mine and shuffles down the bed beneath me until his head is beneath my breasts. He sucks one of my nipples into his mouth.

  The warmth of his lips and the feeling of his rough tongue lapping over my now rock hard nipple send me into a frenzy and I have to bite my lip to stop myself from calling out his name, conscious of Nadia in the other bedroom. Aidan nips my nipple between his teeth and a blast of intense pleasure assaults me. It’s so intense it’s verging on being painful, and it wakes my body up in ways I have never even imagined were possible.

  He releases my nipple from his mouth and I gasp quietly as the cool air replaces his warm lips. Goose bumps flood down my body as Aidan sucks my other nipple into his mouth, and I don’t know if it’s the cold or his expert licking that makes my body dance with goose bumps. I only know I like it.


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