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Lure of the Sirens: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story

Page 3

by Callista Hawkes

  The wide, box-like hold looking like an afterthought compared with the

  angular cockpit and living quarters module protruding from one end. The

  battered freighter is older than you are and though it might look like it’s

  been stolen from a scrapyard (Which it has) you’ve made some special

  modifications over the years, while retaining it’s run down aesthetic. Good

  for business if you’re constantly underestimated. You climb the boarding

  ramp and step aboard. With a hydraulic hiss, the door slides shut behind you

  and you glance at your co-pilot, patiently waiting in the cockpit.

  “I’ve got us a job.” You smile brightly. The voluptuous redhead glances

  over her shoulder from the co-pilot’s seat.

  “Great.” She replies sourly. “So much for R & R.”

  “Like you need it.” You reply. “Though we’ve got enough time for a

  quick roll in the hay.” You add with a smirk.

  “You really are an arsehole Trent.” She fumes, climbing out of her seat

  to face you, her green eyes burning with contempt. She wears a tight fitting

  silver catsuit and you feel your eyes drawn to the zip, which is (No doubt

  deliberately) pulled down just low enough to tantalisingly reveal a hint of

  her impressive cleavage.

  “I really should reprogram you Vanessa.” You tell her. “Have you treat

  me with a bit of respect.”

  “We both know you wouldn’t like that.” Vanessa shoots back. “You

  like me with a bit of fire. Or perhaps you would prefer me to be a little more

  demure…” Her long red hair begins to retract into her hair follicles, the

  colour darkening as it shortens until she wears a short brown bob. Her eyes

  alter to a hazel hue and her breasts shrink a couple of cup sizes. Her

  confidence melts away and her eyes lower shyly.

  “Do you prefer me like this sir?” She asks timidly.

  Seduce the demure brunette Vanessa

  Tame the fiery, feisty redhead Vanessa

  Have sex with an android? No thanks!

  You stand up and take Vanessa into your arms. She feels stiff and awkward, but as you press your lips to her cheek, she relaxes a little, her

  body moulding against yours. She looks up, her eyes wide, her lips parted

  slightly. You feather kisses across her check before pressing your lips to hers.

  She tentatively kisses you back, growing in confidence with every passing

  moment. You slip your tongue between her lips and she lets out a barely

  audible squeak of surprise, but after a moment, she responds, her tongue

  meeting yours, the tips dancing over one another. Your hands slide up her

  back to the nape of her neck, your fingers running through her soft brown

  hair, caressing her as you kiss her. When you finally break the kiss, her eyes

  are closed and a little moan escapes her pouting lips.

  “Shall we take this to my quarters?” You murmur.

  She nods shyly and you lead her out of the cockpit and towards your

  quarters. In truth, you share your quarters and your bed with Vanessa

  anyway, but why let reality get in the way of a good fantasy. The door slides

  open and you follow her inside. The cramped and spartan interior of the

  cabin is dominated by your double bed, with a pair of lockers and a

  bookshelf containing a collection of battered books the only other items of

  furniture. The door slides shut behind you and Vanessa fidgets self-

  consciously in front of the bed, unable to meet your gaze.

  “Why don’t you take that catsuit off?” You suggest. “You have such a

  beautiful body, you shouldn’t hide it beneath such functional clothing.”

  She nods and reaches for the zip, slowly pulling it down her chest. As

  her cleavage is exposed, she blushes and turns her back to you, the metallic

  clacking of the zip the only sound in the room. She pulls the silvery catsuit

  open and shrugs it from her shoulders, slowly sliding it down her body, her

  bare back exposed to you inch by inch. She pauses when she reaches her

  waist, glancing over her shoulder at you before sliding the shimmering

  material down, her firm buttocks exposed to you.

  “Beautiful.” You murmur as the catsuit drops to her feet. She steps out

  of it, now completely naked, standing with her back to you, again with a

  timid glance over her shoulder at you. You step up behind her and press

  your lips to the side of her neck, wrapping your arms around her midriff. She

  flinches slightly at your touch, but as you slide your lips up the curve of her neck, she lets out a little moan of excitement and turns her head towards

  you, her lips seeking yours. You kiss her passionately, sliding one hand up to

  cup a breast, feeling the nipple grow erect beneath your palm. Your other hand slides upward towards her other breast but her hand closes on yours,

  halting its progress, guiding it back towards her midriff. As your hand returns to its previous position, Vanessa continues to guide it further down, your

  fingers grazing through the coarse curls of her pubic hair before they find

  her moist labia. Vanessa groans into your mouth as your fingertips slide into

  her wet folds. As your fingers find her clitoris, she breaks the kiss, letting out a moan of pleasure. You begin to tease the little nub with a fingertip while

  continuing to nuzzle her neck and caress her breasts, her moans changing to

  breathless pants at the stimulation. You smile, enjoying this unfamiliar

  version of Vanessa and making a mental note to ask her to revisit this

  incarnation in the future. Her panting becomes louder and more frequent

  until she suddenly falls silent and you feel her stiffen. With a cry of release, her whole body convulses as she reaches her climax. You hold her close,

  your fingers static on her quivering clit as waves of pleasure wash over her.

  Her cries of ecstasy become contented little gasps as she catches her breath.

  She turns to face you, pressing her lips to yours, her body pressed against

  you. When she finally breaks the kiss, she throws herself down on the bed,

  lying on her back with her legs parted.

  “Take me.” She whispers, surrendering herself to you. You gaze down

  at the beautiful, familiar and yet unfamiliar naked form of Vanessa before


  Slide your cock inside her

  Go down on her

  Without a word, you climb onto the bed between her open legs. You guide your throbbing cock to her opening and Vanessa groans as you thrust

  your hips forward, sliding your length deep inside her.

  “That feels so good.” She groans, her hands reaching for you, her

  fingers gliding through your hair as she pulls your face to hers, her lips

  seeking yours. You kiss passionately as you grind your hips, thrusting deeply

  inside her. You roll onto your back, still buried within her.

  “Ride me.” You tell her. Vanessa nods submissively, sitting up and

  pulling her knees forward so that she sits astride your hips. She bites her

  lower lip before beginning to bounce up and down, your cock slipping nearly

  all the way out of her sodden slit before she drives your length back inside

  her. You reach up, cupping her small, pert breasts, teasing her hard nipples

  with your thumbs. She throws back her head, letting out a loud groan of


  “Touch yourself.” You tell her, enjoying playing the domineering

bsp; Captain.

  “Please no.” She shakes her head fearfully. “I can’t do that in front of


  “You touch yourself in private?” You ask. Her eyes widen and she

  drops her head in shame before giving you the subtlest of nods.

  “Then you will touch yourself now.” You order her.

  “Please sir…” She says meekly, her hazel eyes imploring you.

  “I am your captain and you will do as I ask.” You tell her sternly.

  Reluctantly, her hand slides across her toned stomach before slipping down

  between her legs. You watch spellbound as she guides a finger to her clit,

  flinching slightly as she makes contact with the sensitive little nub. Her eyes flick up to yours and her lips pout as her last reservations disappear. She

  begins to strum at her clit, bouncing up and down on you and moaning with

  wild abandon.

  “Yes, yes! Your thick cock feels so good inside me!” She moans,

  grinding her hips against you, her hand a blur between her legs. “Oh yes,

  you’re going to make me come!” She stiffens and falls silent, her fingers

  dancing a final staccato beat on her clit before she throws back her head,

  arches her back and lets out a cry of pure bliss. Her pussy convulses around

  your cock and that, combined with the beautiful brunette bucking in the

  throes of her climax on top of you, sends you rushing headlong to your own.

  You grip her hips and thrust into her one last time before letting out a loud grunt and erupting inside her. You grit your teeth as your balls pulse again

  and again, firing your thick creamy come deep inside her quivering pussy,

  both of you rapt in ecstasy. As your orgasms fade you both pant, catching

  your breath. The room reeks of sex and the sheets are soaked with

  perspiration. Vanessa, her chest heaving, finally rolls off you, collapsing onto the bed beside you. As she lies there, softly panting, her breasts expand to

  their usual size and her hair extends and along with her eyes, returns to its

  usual colour. She rolls onto her side, her green eyes studying you.

  “You like me timid and shy then?” She smirks with a raised eyebrow.

  “I did quite enjoy it.” You admit. “Though she’s no substitute for the

  real you.” You grin. Flattered, she leans into you, kissing you tenderly while

  you wonder if there is such a thing as a real Vanessa. Perhaps the

  voluptuous redhead you know is simply another mask she wears for your

  benefit. A character that she has deduced to be your ideal lover. She breaks

  the kiss and sits, up reaching for her catsuit and pulling it on.

  “I guess I’d better see about getting this cargo loaded.” She tells you.

  “We wouldn’t want to be late for our own deaths.”


  You sink to your knees at the foot of the bed and Vanessa slowly parts her thighs. You grasp her legs in your hands and drag her towards you,

  pulling her to the edge of the bed. Vanessa squeals with a mixture of

  surprise and excitement, quickly shedding her inhibitions. With her legs

  resting on your shoulders, you gaze down at the dark brown tangles of pubic

  hair (Vanessa is nothing if not thorough, ensuring that the collar and cuffs

  match) and the dewy labia peeking out beneath. You lean forward and bury

  your face into her wet folds. Vanessa moans with pleasure as you part her

  lips with your tongue, licking upwards until you flick the tip over her clit. She gasps, her hands going to the back of your head and her fingers running

  through your hair as your tongue dances an intricate pattern on the

  sensitive little nub.

  “That feels so good!” She groans, her hands tightening in your hair.

  However human she looks, feels, smells and tastes, you initially felt vaguely

  ridiculous attempting to pleasure her. Vanessa assured you at the time that

  she genuinely enjoys the attention you give her as her designers fitted her

  with pleasure receptors. Not for her benefit of course (though it is a happy

  bonus to Vanessa), but to ensure that her reactions to stimulation from her

  partners were genuine and didn’t shatter the illusion of pleasuring a real

  woman rather than a convincing but unenthusiastic dead-eyed android. Of

  course, in your more paranoid moments, you wonder if she is just telling you

  what you want to hear and her reactions are simply pre-programmed

  algorithms, but if they are then they’re damn convincing! As if to underline

  that thought, you feel her body stiffen, her hands pulling at your hair and

  with shriek of unadulterated ecstasy, she reaches her climax. You feel her

  clit twitch again and again against your tongue as she arches her back as her

  orgasm washes through her. After a few moments, with a satisfied sigh she

  relaxes and slumps down on the bed.

  “That felt amazing!” She breathes craning her head forward, a broad

  smile on her face.

  “Glad you enjoyed it.” You grin, pulling your face from her thighs, your

  lips and chin moist with her juices. As you get to your feet, Vanessa’s eyes

  drop to your groin, your hard cock jutting out proudly.

  “I… I think I’d like to do the same to you.” She murmurs, gazing at your


  “What would you like to do?” You ask, enjoying this new role play.

  “I… I’d like to… I want to put it in my mouth.” She continues shyly, blushing furiously.

  “Put what in your mouth?” You ask, raising an eyebrow quizzically.

  “Your cock!” She blurts out. “I want to suck your cock!”

  Sounds good

  You’d prefer to slip inside the inviting warmth of her sopping wet pussy

  “I’ve got a better idea.” You tell her, climbing onto the bed beside her.

  She smiles and rolls towards you. You take her in your arms and press your

  lips to hers, kissing her passionately. You run your hand down the smooth

  skin of her back, caressing a firm buttock, while Vanessa runs her hands over

  your chest.

  “Take me.” She breathes. “I need you inside me.”

  You nod, rolling her onto her back. Grasping your cock in your hand,

  you guide it to her slit which is soaking wet with a combination of her juices

  and your saliva. You break the kiss, gazing into her hazel eyes.

  “Please. Do it.” She whispers, her voice hoarse with desire. With that

  you thrust your hips forward, your cock sinking deep inside her. She lets out

  a moan of pleasure as you fill her pussy, her legs wrapping around your

  thighs, pulling you in deeper.

  “Yes! Fuck me!” She cries out, letting go of her inhibitions. You ram

  your cock inside her, your shaft sliding easily in her well lubricated passage, grunting with each thrust. Her hands grasp your buttocks, her fingernails

  scraping at the flesh as she loses herself in the delicious sensations radiating out from her loins as you bring her rapidly towards another climax.

  “Yes, yes! Make me come!” She moans before her hands scrape up

  your back, her fingers digging into your shoulders as she lifts herself up off

  the bed as you send her over the edge. Her pussy convulses and pulses

  around your cock, sending you racing to your climax too. You wrap your

  arms around her, pulling her up onto your lap and as she bounces up and

  down on you in the throes of her own orgasm, you let out a guttural grunt as

  you explode inside her. You
r bodies quiver and shudder in a dance of

  ecstasy, her pussy, perhaps with Vanessa’s enhanced features, continues to

  clench your spurting cock, milking the come from your balls. As your

  climaxes fade, you hold each other for a moment, too raw to attempt to

  uncouple, your bodies clammy with perspiration. Not for the first time, you

  can scarcely believe Vanessa is synthetic, but you wonder if that should even

  be an issue. Yes, she is an artificial life-form but still a sentient one. You

  gently ease her off your softening member and as if to reinforce your

  thoughts, she presses her lips to yours, kissing you tenderly. She climbs

  gingerly from the bed and pulls on her catsuit, her body and hair

  transforming back to the familiar voluptuous redhead.

  “You seemed to enjoy seducing that shy girl.” She comments with a

  wry smile, her hand on her hip. “I’m almost jealous.”

  “She was a pleasant distraction,” You grin, “But you know you’re the

  girl for me.” It crosses your mind that it’s quite bizarre to be massaging an

  android’s ego when she’s insecure about her own fantasy likeness. Your

  smile fades as you remember the time sensitive job you are tasked with.

  “We’d better load the cargo and get space bound.”

  “As you wish captain.” Vanessa meekly replies, lowering her eyes

  subserviently. She then looks up, her green eyes gleaming, a wicked smile on

  her face before turning and disappearing through the door.


  “Well, seeming as you asked so nicely…” You smirk, moving towards Vanessa. With her eyes still fixed on your cock, she swings her slender legs

  over to the side of the bed and sits up, her lips pouting in anticipation. You

  guide your rigid shaft towards her mouth and she leans forward and

  tentatively takes the tip between her lips. You groan enjoying the delicious

  warmth as you feel her tongue swipe over the head. Encouraged by your

  response, she begins to slide her lips further down your shaft until you feel

  the tip nudge the breach of her throat. She pulls back, your cock slipping

  from her lips.


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