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Lure of the Sirens: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story

Page 9

by Callista Hawkes

  “No.” You shake your head. “No that can’t be true.”

  “So you fucked one of these ugly bastards.” Vanessa shrugs. “Let’s just

  kill the bitch and get the fuck out of here.”

  “Please.” Alyssa begs. “I’m just a scientist.”

  “Her people killed everyone aboard the Spirit of the Stars.” Vanessa

  reminds you. “She deserves to die.”

  “It was an accident.” Alyssa cries. “We only meant to disable the

  engines and take some specimens. We must have hit something volatile and

  it ripped the ship apart.”

  “Oh, that’s fine then.” Vanessa replies sarcastically. “Come on Trent,

  let’s put her out of our misery.”

  Let Vanessa shoot Alyssa

  Let Alyssa live

  “Shoot the bitch.” You tell Vanessa. Without hesitation, she pulls the trigger, shooting Alyssa in the chest. Alyssa crumples to the floor, slumping

  face down before you.

  “Let’s get the fuck out of here.” You say, gazing sadly at Alyssa’s

  corpse. “I want to forget any of this happened.” Vanessa opens her mouth

  to say something, but seems to think better of it.

  “How about a drink?” She finally suggests. “I know this nice bar on the

  third moon of Sirius Eight.”

  “Sounds good.” You reply. “But we’ve got a job to do first.”

  “Still hell bent on taking us through the Bermuda triangle of space

  then?” Vanessa mutters as you climb the boarding ramp and make your way

  to the cockpit.

  “I didn’t think androids were superstitious.” You reply as your fingers

  play over the controls in front of you. Moments later, the engines hum to

  life and you manoeuvre the vessel out of the alien docking bay.

  “Not superstitious.” Vanessa retorts as you clear the alien vessel. “We

  do, however have an excellent mind for numbers. The probabilities of

  successfully navigating the Dark Nebula compared to the paltry reward do

  not fill me with confidence.”

  “Come on Vanessa,” You flash her a smile, “Where’s your sense of

  adventure?” Your excitement building, you are already putting the

  distasteful business of your experience with Alyssa behind you as you lean

  forward and press the hyperspace button. The hum of the engines reaches a

  crescendo and the whole vessel lurches as you are thrown into the endless

  swirling vortex of hyperspace.


  “Leave her.” You tell Vanessa. “She might be a two faced bitch, literally, but we can’t hold her responsible for the actions of others.”

  “What?!” Vanessa remarks incredulously.

  “Thank you.” Alyssa smiles weakly, her cheeks wet with tears.

  “Just go, before I change my mind.” You growl. She nods and turns to


  “You’ve always had a soft spot for a good lay.” Vanessa remarks as

  Alyssa scurries away.

  “You’d know.” You quip, turning and climbing the boarding ramp.

  “Now, let’s get out of this fucking place.”

  Moments later, you manoeuvre the Eclipse out of the alien vessel’s

  docking bay and set a course for the Dark nebula.

  “You ever think that we might reach our destinations a bit quicker if

  you weren’t forever being distracted by the prospect of meaningless sex?”

  Vanessa asks.

  “And where would be the fun in that?” You reply, flashing her a cocky

  grin before leaning forward and thumping the hyperspace button. The

  engine hum reaches a crescendo and the inky black of space is replaced by

  the swirling crimson vortex of hyperspace.


  Desperate to reach your climax, you continue to thrust into Alyssa as the alien crosses the room. You notice with a start that the alien is naked,

  his engorged grey cock swaying with each step. Alyssa turns her head to face

  him and you watch with stunned amazement when she smiles and reaches

  out for his shaft, grasping it and guiding it to her lips.

  “Alyssa?!” You stutter, your eyes widening as her cheeks cave in with

  the suction as she pleasures the hideous alien. Her legs tighten around your

  thighs as she encourages you to continue to pump your own cock into her.

  The alien lets out an unearthly grunt as Alyssa’s lips slide up and down his

  grotesque phallus. On the very brink of your climax, you somehow can’t look

  away, your grip tightening on Alyssa’s hips before with a deep groan of

  release, you explode inside her. Your cock pulses again and again, filling her

  clenching pussy with your seed. Alyssa’s groans, muffled by the grey cock

  between her lips, join your own grunts as you shudder with each powerful

  eruption. Your own needs sated, you pull back, your shaft slipping from

  Alyssa’s glistening hole. Alyssa immediately climbs off the bed and drops to

  her knees in front of the alien, taking him back into her mouth. You stagger

  back a couple of steps, unable to tear your eyes away despite your revulsion

  as her head bobs back and forth in front of the alien. The alien stiffens,

  throwing back his head and lets out a strange bellow. Alyssa pulls him free of

  her lips and gazes up at the alien, her pale blue eyes fixed on his soulless

  black eyes. You watch with a mixture of fascination and disgust as purple

  fluid races up the alien’s translucent grey shaft and erupts from the tip.

  Alyssa giggles with delight as thick, purple come streaks from the tip to

  splatter wetly across her face. The alien’s cock pulses again and again,

  coating the pretty dancer’s features before she takes the tip back into her

  mouth and sucks the last spurts from it. Spent, the alien pulls back, his cock

  slipping from her mouth. She smiles up at you both, her face plastered with

  alien seed before opening her mouth and displaying a mouthful of purple

  semen pooled on her tongue. Clearly enjoying your shocked expression, she

  closes her mouth and swallows it before theatrically licking her lips.

  “Tasty.” She comments.

  “You’re disgusting.” You reply. “That’s vile.”

  “Xenophobe.” She shrugs shamelessly, purple come dribbling down

  her chin to splatter onto the tops of her breasts. “Besides, you’ve just had

  interspecies sexual relations.”

  “What do you mean?” You snap angrily, pulling on your clothes.

  “I mean, I’m not human.” Alyssa smiles. “I’ve been surgically altered to

  appear human for the purposes of our scientific research.” Your jaw drops as

  you digest her words, your blood running cold.

  “Surgically altered from what?” You ask, your mind reeling, already

  knowing the answer.

  “From my people.” Alyssa gets to her feet and gazes lovingly at the

  alien. “This is my mate, my… what would you call it? Partner… husband.”

  “You said you were a dancer on the Spirit of the Stars,” You reply,

  feeling nauseous, “Raised on Ganymede…” Your words trail away.

  “A fiction I’m afraid.” Alyssa smiles. “If it’s of any consolation, the

  experiment has been an unqualified success.” She moves closer, reaching

  out a hand. You recoil in disgust.

  “What now?” You ask, slumping against the cell wall, utterly defeated.

  “Unfortunately your usefulness is at an end.” She tells you
, her smile

  fading. The alien walks through the door and Alyssa follows him, pausing in

  the doorway before glancing over her shoulder. “For what it’s worth, I

  genuinely enjoyed our time together. You were an accomplished lover.” The

  door slides shut behind her and moments later a noxious green gas begins to

  fill the room. You make no effort to delay the inevitable, breathing in the

  foul smelling gas. As the nerve toxin begins to overcome you, you slide to

  the floor, glad of the release of death.


  Go back a few moments and rethink your actions

  “We’re preparing to be boarded.” You reluctantly tell the pursuing pirates, before leaning forward and cutting the engines.

  “You’re a wise man.” The pirate tells you before ending the

  transmission. You can feel Vanessa’s eyes on you.

  “They’ve got a faster ship and they outgun us.” You tell Vanessa, not

  able to meet her eyes.

  “They’ll gut us, throw us out of the nearest airlock and leave our

  corpses floating in space for all eternity.” Vanessa replies. “If we’re lucky.”

  You wait anxiously for several minutes before a docking tube locks into

  place and the airlock opens. Three pirates stride through, one with a jagged

  scar diagonally across his face, another with a bionic leg, while the last,

  bringing up the rear carries an old fashioned shotgun. The first two pirates

  part and the third levels the shotgun at you, firing twice. You are both

  snatched off your feet, hitting the wall behind you before slumping to the

  floor. As the life blood seeps from numerous wounds across your chest, you

  glance to your side where Vanessa’s body convulses grotesquely, electricity

  arcing across her own wounds.

  “A droid,” The pirate comments before glancing over at you, “And a

  coward.” You take your last shaking breath and hear him add: “No great loss

  to the universe…” before everything goes black.


  Go back a few moments and rethink your actions

  “Fuck you.” You growl before ending the transmission.

  “What’s the plan?” Vanessa asks, glancing across at you.

  “Plan? There ain’t no plan.” You grin, rerouting emergency power to

  the engines. “Let’s try outrunning them.” The whole ship vibrates as the

  engines are pushed beyond their recommended limits.

  “They’re increasing their speed.” Vanessa tells you, her eyes on the

  screen. “They’re matching us. We can’t outrun them. They’re better armed

  too.” You rack your brains, remembering the extra fuel pod you have for

  long range runs.

  “Maybe we can draw them in, jettison a fuel pod and shoot the pod

  when they’re right on top of it?”

  “Risky.” Vanessa replies doubtfully. “What about pretending to

  surrender and then taking out their engines with precision shots when they

  close in?”

  “Sounds equally risky.” You reply. “Otherwise I guess we could just

  surrender and hope for the best.” You reluctantly add with a shrug.

  Drop a fuel pod and shoot it when the pirate ship closes in

  Lure the pirate ship in and target the engines


  You open a channel to the pursuing ship.

  “We’re standing by for boarding.” You tell the pirates.

  “No games.” The pirate growls. “Or you’ll regret it.” You nervously

  wait and watch as the much larger vessel closes in, casting a shadow over

  the cockpit. Vanessa waits patiently at the weapons station.

  “Weapon systems locked on.” She whispers.

  “Open fire.” You tell her. She presses the button and the ship’s guns

  glow as plasma bolts strafe the underside of the pirate vessel.

  “Direct hit!” Vanessa grins. “Their main engines are disabled.”

  “Quick, get us out of here.” You tell her. Before you can react, the

  whole ship shakes with an explosion.

  “They’ve returned fire.” Vanessa reports, her voice deflated. “Our

  engines are offline.”

  “Weapon systems?” You reply.

  “Non-operational.” She replies before the ship vibrates as another

  burst of weapons fire strafes the back of the ship.

  “Cargo hold is venting to atmosphere.” Vanessa reports. You open a

  channel to the pirate vessel.

  “Hold fire, hold fire damn it!” You shout.

  “Too late for that.” The pirate growls before ending transmission.

  Another burst of weapons hits, this time tearing the cockpit apart and you

  experience a quick though violent and painful death in the frozen vacuum of



  Go back a few moments and rethink your actions

  “We’ve got nothing to lose.” You tell Vanessa, your fingers playing over the controls as you prepare to jettison the fuel pod.

  “Fuel pod away.” Vanessa confirms. “Weapons locking on.”

  “Standby.” You tell her, watching the pirate vessel on the scanner as it

  closes in, the fuel pod floating in space between you and them. “Wait…

  wait… now!”

  Vanessa opens fire and you watch the rear view screen with baited

  breath. The fuel pod explodes in a flash of light and a maelstrom of debris

  and shrapnel, tearing into the front of the pirate ship. Oxygen vents from

  the side of the vessel in a tall plume of vapour and the ship begins to list to the starboard side.

  “It’s worked!” Vanessa breathes a sigh of relief. “Scanners indicate life

  support to the bridge has been compromised. Engines are powering down.

  There are still life signs aboard, perhaps trapped in the aft compartments.

  What do you want to do next?”

  Board the pirate vessel and look for salvage

  You’ve pushed your luck far enough for one day. Continue your journey

  “Any surviving pirates will be waiting in ambush, hoping we’re stupid enough to try and board.” You reply. “We’ll leave them to rot.”

  Vanessa pauses before finally nodding in agreement.

  “Probably wise.” She says, beginning to plot a course. You glance over

  at her, but she continues to work the navigation controls. You can feel

  tension in the air and you’ve been flying with Vanessa long enough to know

  when she’s biting her tongue.

  “Come on, out with it.” You sigh.

  “I’m just thinking, it’s a pirate ship.” Vanessa says.

  “And?” You reply irritably. She rolls her eyes.

  “And pirate ships tend to have holds full of valuables.”

  “With just a set of desperate, blood thirsty cutthroats waiting for us.”

  “I didn’t say it was without risk.” Vanessa pouts. “It’s up to you…

  captain.” She adds with more than a hint of insubordination.

  Too risky. Continue with your journey

  She has a point. Board the pirate ship and look for salvage

  “No.” You tell Vanessa firmly. “We’ve got a lucrative job to do already.

  I haven’t survived this long by being greedy and reckless.”

  “It’s a fair point.” Vanessa reluctantly concedes.

  “Now, let’s see if we can patch up the hyperspace coil and get back on

  our way.”

  A couple of hours later, you emerge from the Eclipse’s airlock. Vanessa

  is waiting and helps you out of your spacesuit.
  “All fixed?” She asks.

  “Dunno about that.” You shrug. “I’ve done what I can.”

  “The Eclipse’s held together with spit and prayers at the best of

  times.” Vanessa grins. “I’m sure she’ll get us through the Dark nebula.”

  A few minutes later and free of the bulky spacesuit, you slide into your

  seat in the cockpit.

  “I’ve laid in a course.” Vanessa tells you. “Ready when you are.”

  “The moment of truth.” You murmur, leaning forward and pressing

  the hyperspace button. You hold your breath as the hyperspace engines

  spool up, the low whine building to a crescendo.

  “Hold together sweetheart.” You whisper to your ship. As if in answer,

  the stars fade away to be replaced by the swirling crimson vortex of

  hyperspace as you hurtle towards your destination. You sit back in your seat

  and breathe a deep sigh of relief.

  “Told you she’d be fine.” Vanessa grins. “Now we just need to survive

  the Dark nebula.”

  “There’s that sunny disposition again.” You reply, rolling your eyes.


  “Take us in closer.” You tell Vanessa. “Let’s see what they’ve got in that hold.”

  She nods and you loop back towards the stricken pirate vessel, the

  plume of vapour petering out as the last of the oxygen from the bridge

  dissipates into the vacuum of space. Vanessa skilfully brings the Eclipse

  alongside, extending the docking tube until with a metallic clank that echoes

  through the ship, the hard lock is made.

  “Ready for some piracy?” You grin, getting to your feet. Vanessa rolls

  her eyes and follows you out of the cockpit.

  You stand in the docking tube between the two vessels, your hand at

  the airlock door release, knowing there’s almost certainly a pirate waiting

  behind it.

  “Ready?” You ask Vanessa, who has a pulse rifle slung over her

  shoulder and a blaster in her hand. You sometimes feel a little ungallant,

  putting her in harm’s way, but with her computer mind calculating every


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