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Lure of the Sirens: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story

Page 15

by Callista Hawkes

  are asleep in moments, completely oblivious to the princess’s frustrated



  “I think you might prefer to feel it.” You suggest, grasping her buttocks and lifting her up, pulling her against you. Elektra wraps her arms around

  your neck and giggles in delight as her body moulds itself to yours. You can

  feel your hardened cock pressed against her pubic mound. Her breathing

  ragged, she reaches down between you and takes your cock in her hand,

  guiding it to her entrance. As you sink into her velvety pussy, you both moan

  in unison. You begin to thrust into her, the water splashing around you as

  you do so, her moans echoing around the cavernous chamber.

  “Yes, yes!” She cries as you plunge into her, “Fuck me, fuck me! Yes,

  yes harder!” You can scarcely believe it is the same sullen and spoilt woman

  as earlier as she eggs you on with obscenity after obscenity.

  “Oh yes Trent, yes!” Her moans turn to shrieks as she closes in on her

  climax. “I’m so close! Make me come!” She suddenly throws her head back

  and lets out a cry of pure ecstasy, her body bucking against yours as waves

  of pleasure pulse through her body. As her climax subsides, she pulls herself

  back against you, burying her face in your shoulder, her pert breasts pressed

  against your chest, whimpering at the aftershocks from her quivering pussy.

  As the last spasms of her orgasm die away, she pulls back, her brown eyes

  meeting yours.

  “Come inside me.” She tells you.

  Do as she asks

  Suggest you would prefer her to finish you with her mouth

  You nod before pressing your lips to hers, kissing the princess hungrily, increasing your pace as you thrust up inside her. The water splashes around

  you as you pound into her pussy with renewed vigour. She breaks the kiss,

  her brown eyes gazing into yours.

  “Are you getting close?” She purrs. “I want to feel you erupt inside me,

  filling me with your creamy come.” You groan, Elektra seeming a completely

  different woman now; Sensual rather than spoilt, sexy rather than sullen.

  “You’d like that wouldn’t you pirate?” She pants, her eyes gleaming in the

  dim light, “To shoot your seed into a royal princess?”

  You grunt an affirmative, wondering if the reverse is also true, that she

  is fulfilling a fantasy of being roughly ravished by a roguish pirate. If so, you are both about to have your fantasy satisfied as with a deep groan of

  pleasure, you thrust up inside her one final time and feel your balls twitch as your creamy come shoots up your shaft to spurt deep inside the warmth of

  her pussy. Your climax seems to send Elektra racing to hers, her fingernails

  raking across your back, before she throws back her head and shrieks in

  pleasure. Her cries of passion echo through the cave as your bodies tremble

  in the throes of ecstasy. As your climaxes ebb, you hold her close for a

  moment, Elektra’s chest heaving against yours as you both catch your

  breath. You gently lift her up, your spent cock slipping from her before

  taking her hand and leading her from the water. You quickly unpack some

  blankets and curl up beneath them, falling asleep in each other’s arms.


  “I’d rather come in your mouth.” You reply cockily.

  “You really are impudent, pirate.” Princess Elektra glares at you,

  though a playful smile betrays her true feelings. A sigh escapes her lips as

  you lift her slightly, your hard cock slipping from her. You lower her back

  down, immersing her in the water to the tops of her breasts before taking

  her hand. You lead her to the edge of the rocky pool, pulling yourself up out

  of the water and sitting on the edge, your engorged shaft pointing up at the

  stalactite covered ceiling of the cavern. Elektra’s brown eyes widen as she

  sees your cock for the first time and subconsciously licks her lips, moving to

  stand between your open thighs. The pool is shallower at this side and the

  water only comes up to her midriff, her beautiful breasts exposed. Her

  modesty forgotten, she makes no attempt to cover herself, her own

  attention drawn to your large, throbbing cock.

  “It’s so big.” She murmurs, tentatively reaching out and grasping it in

  her hand. She begins to slowly pump it, drawing a groan of approval from

  you. She tears her eyes from your engorged phallus to your face, her lips

  curling into a satisfied smile as she begins to stroke you in earnest.

  “Does that feel good?” She teases. You nod enthusiastically. “Though,

  you keep staring at my breasts.” She muses. “Perhaps you would prefer me

  to use those?”

  Have her wrap her breasts around your shaft

  Have her continue to use her hand

  You are awoken by Princess Elektra shaking you from your slumber. As your eyes focus on her anxious face, you realise something is wrong.

  “I can hear something!” She hisses. Your eyes widen and you both

  quickly pull on your clothes and ready yourselves to leave. You switch the

  lantern back to torch mode and listen. You can hear a shuffling sound

  coming towards you.

  “It’s coming from the mouth of the cave.” You whisper. “Whatever it

  is, it must be nocturnal. It probably sleeps in this warm cavern during the


  “We’re trapped!” Elektra replies, her voice cracking with panic.

  “I’ve still got my blaster.” You grin, trying to reassure her.

  “What are we going to do?” She asks.

  It’s a big cavern. Switch the torch off and hide

  Attack the threat head on with the blaster

  Try to slip past the creature and exit the cave

  “Let’s hide.” You tell the princess. “We’ll wait for it to come in and settle down and try to slip past it.” She nods and you move to a narrow

  alcove in the rocky wall, squeezing into the tight space. You switch off the

  torch, plunging you into complete darkness. Elektra lets out a little whimper

  and you can feel her trembling with terror against you. For your own part,

  you can feel your pulse racing as the shuffling sound grows louder as the

  creature approaches. Its heavy footsteps echo around the chamber and your

  hand tightens on your blaster, knowing it is just a few paces away now. Its

  footsteps stop and you hear a snuffling sound, as if it is sniffing the air. More footsteps, approaching your alcove. It’s picked up your scent! You raise your

  blaster, trying to sense where it is, but as your finger tightens on the trigger, the creature roars and you feel an excruciating pain from your arm. You

  scream out in agony, grasping it with your other hand, finding only a bloody

  stump just below your elbow. Elektra’s screams of terror echo around the

  cave as the unseen beast drags you out of the alcove. In the pitch black

  darkness, you feel its hot, fetid breath on your face moments before jaws of

  razor sharp teeth clamp down on your head, tearing it from your body.


  Go back a few moments and rethink your actions

  “We’ll make our stand here.” You tell the princess, sounding more confident than you feel. “Here, hold the torch and I’ll shoot the fucker.” She

  takes the torch and shines the beam towards the entrance of the cave, the

  circular light wavering as she trembles in fear. Per
haps seeing the light and

  realising that its cave is occupied, the footsteps grow quicker as the shuffling beast draws near. You catch your first glimpse of the creature through the

  stalactites and stalagmites, a huge, white furry beast walking on six legs. It

  has small, black eyes and a wide jaw with dagger-like razor sharp teeth

  spilling out of its terrible maw. It roars with rage as it spots you. You open

  fire, blasting at it, burns appearing on its white fury hide. It keeps coming

  and is nearly on you, howling in rage.

  Keep firing

  Dodge out of the way and run past it

  You carry on firing, shooting at the creature’s terrible face. You manage to shoot it in the eye, but it keeps on coming. Its jaws open wide

  and you scream in agony as it clamps down on your blaster arm, its muscular

  neck twisting sharply as it tears it from your body. Princess Elektra’s screams join your own as she watches on in horror. The beast knocks you down, your

  blood spraying all over its white fur as it looms above you. A talon-like claw

  crushes your chest, pinning you to the ground as it gazes at you

  malevolently for a moment with its remaining eye before it leans forward

  and shatters your skull between its powerful jaws.


  Go back a few moments and rethink your actions

  “We’ll use the lantern as a decoy and try and slip past it.” You tell the princess, switching the torch back to lantern mode and placing it on the

  floor at the back of the cavern. You hide in the shadows and wait nervously

  as the creature’s heavy footsteps move closer. You watch as the huge, white

  furred snow beast enters the cavernous chamber. It grunts as it spots the

  unfamiliar light source and you watch its reflection in the still waters of the cave pool, the beast supported on six powerful legs, its jaws lined with rows

  of razor sharp teeth, glinting in the reflected light. As it nears the lantern, you tug at Elektra’s arm and silently begin to make your way out of the cave.

  Without the torch to guide you, you make slow progress, feeling your way

  past the tall stalagmites stretching up all around you like tree trunks in a

  forest. You can just about make out a faint light ahead when you hear the

  lantern clatter across the cave floor. You hear the creature sniffing the air,

  before roaring with rage.

  “It’s picked up our scent!” You hiss, pulling at the princess’s arm. You

  run towards the light, nearly tripping over the rough, rocky cave floor as the

  light grows brighter. Behind you, you can hear the beast howling in anger as

  it pursues you towards the cave entrance. You can now see light at the

  mouth of the cave ahead and hurry towards it, practically dragging the

  terrified princess behind you. You burst out into the daylight, your feet

  crunching on the fresh powdery snow as you run. Moments later, the beast

  emerges from the cave, its beady black eyes finding you and bounding

  towards you on its six legs.

  “Keep going!” You shout, taking pot shots at the creature over your

  shoulder, most of which miss the target. The shots that do find their mark

  only seem to anger the beast as it chases after you. You head towards a

  narrow canyon where the rocky floor will allow you to move quicker, but the

  beast with its six powerful legs is gaining on you as you both tire. You rattle off a few more shots, hitting it a couple more times, slowing it, but though it roars with pain and rage, you don’t seem to have damaged its resolve to

  tear you both apart.

  “I can’t go on.” The princess gasps, slowing down. “Leave me. Save


  “And lose out on that reward?” You grunt, stopping and hitting the

  creature another couple of times. “We’ll live or die together.”

  “You old romantic.” She smiles grimly as the beast bears down on you.

  Suddenly heavy blaster fire echoes in the canyon, hitting the creature all over its huge torso. It stumbles forward, dropping to its knees, letting out a

  final anguished howl before collapsing face down into the snow. You look

  from the corpse of the snow beast to your saviours. Twenty or so figures are

  silhouetted along the tops of both sides of the canyon, their blasters now

  trained on you and the princess. A lone figure walks slowly towards you

  along the canyon, a blaster in hand. The way you see it, you have three


  Fight. Try and shoot your way out of the canyon

  Flight. Run back the way you came

  Wait and see who your saviours are

  Realising that you don’t have the firepower to defeat it, you roll out of the way as it leaps towards you, the creature crashing into a broad

  stalagmite behind you. With your attacker momentarily stunned, you grab

  Princess Elektra’s arm and run towards the entrance of the cave. Behind

  you, you can hear the beast howl in anger as it pursues you towards the

  cave entrance. You can see light at the mouth of the cave ahead and hurry

  towards it, practically dragging the terrified princess behind you. You burst

  out into the daylight, your feet crunching on the fresh powdery snow as you

  run. Moments later, the beast emerges from the cave, its remaining eye

  finding you and bounding towards you on its six legs.

  “Keep going!” You shout, taking pot shots at the creature over your

  shoulder, most of which miss the target. You make towards a narrow canyon

  where the rocky floor will allow you to move quicker, but the beast with its

  six powerful legs is gaining on you as you both tire. You rattle off a few more shots, hitting it a couple more times, slowing it, but though it roars with pain and rage, you don’t seem to have damaged its resolve to tear you both


  “I can’t go on.” The princess gasps, slowing down. “Leave me. Save


  “And lose out on that reward?” You grunt, stopping and hitting the

  creature another couple of times. “We’ll live or die together.”

  “You old romantic.” She smiles grimly as the beast bears down on you.

  Suddenly heavy blaster fire echoes in the canyon, hitting the creature all

  over its huge torso. It stumbles forward, dropping to its knees, letting out a

  final anguished howl before collapsing face down into the snow. You look

  from the corpse of the snow beast to your saviours. Twenty or so figures are

  silhouetted along the tops of both sides of the canyon, their blasters now

  trained on you and the princess. A lone figure walks slowly towards you

  along the canyon, a blaster in hand. The way you see it, you have three


  Fight. Try and shoot your way out of the canyon

  Flight. Run back the way you came

  Wait and see who your saviours are

  You quickly aim your blaster and shoot the approaching figure, hitting them square in the chest. The figure collapses into the snow. The remaining

  figures surrounding you open fire. You are a better shot than most and pick

  off three or four of them, their bodies toppling into the canyon. Blaster fire

  scorches the ground around you before finally a shot wings you, burning

  through the flesh of your left arm. You grasp the wound and spin to take out

  the perpetrator, but ultimately there are just too many of them. A shot hits

  you in the back and you are knocked from your feet. You hear Princess

  Elektra cry out a
nd run across to you as you try to pick yourself up. She rolls you onto your back, tears in her eyes, but you know it’s too late for you.

  Figures are already abseiling into the canyon and approaching you. Elektra is

  roughly hauled away and one of the figures points his blaster at your head,

  his finger tightening on the trigger. The last thing you see is the flash of the muzzle.


  Go back a few moments and rethink your actions

  “Quick, run!” You shout at Princess Elektra. You turn and dash the way you came, running around the corpse of the snow beast and back down the

  canyon. The thick layer of snow impedes your progress and you have only

  tracked back a short way before you find your way blocked by several more

  of the figures, picketed across the canyon. You slide to a halt and turn the

  other way. The lone figure continues to approach you, slowly and silently

  gliding through the blizzard like a spectre.

  “What now?” Elektra asks you, her voice shaky.

  Try and shoot your way out of the canyon

  Wait and see who the strange figures are

  You wait nervously as the strange figure approaches you. The

  newcomer is wrapped from head to toe in thick and bulky snow garb. As the

  figure reaches you, he gazes at you through snow goggles, his face hidden

  behind a scarf wrapped around his head.

  “Trent!” A muffled, but clearly feminine voice exclaims. “What are you

  doing in such an awful place?”

  “I was askin’ myself the same thing.” You grin, relaxing slightly, but still

  wary of the strange figure. “We’ve obviously met, but you seem to have me

  at a disadvantage.”

  She reaches up and pulls the scarf down to her neck, a sleek, purple

  skinned face exposed, before pulling the goggles up to her forehead,

  Princess Elektra stifling a gasp as her startlingly red eyes are revealed.

  “Risa.” You smile, recognising her immediately. “Damn, I haven’t seen

  you since…”

  “Since I was thrown out of the academy.” She finishes, laughing.


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