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Lure of the Sirens: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story

Page 17

by Callista Hawkes

  smiles, raking her fingernails down your back and continuing to grind her

  pelvis into your groin. As the gorgeous Medusan rides you towards the

  brink, your moans of ecstasy join her groans of pleasure. You hold her

  tightly, letting out a roar of release, your cock twitching inside her as you

  erupt. Your whole body jerks in ecstasy as you spurt again and again, your

  thick creamy seed blasting deep inside her.

  “Well worth waiting for.” You whisper breathlessly, your lips brushing

  her ear as your climax fades. She giggles and relaxes her embrace. You

  slump back down on the couch and Risa gingerly climbs off you, your wilting

  cock slapping wetly back against your stomach. She lies next to you, resting

  her head against your chest making you squirm slightly from the strange

  crawling sensation as her hair wriggles against your skin.

  “I couldn’t agree more.” She purrs, her chest heaving against you. You

  lie there for a moment, enjoying the afterglow before Risa sits up, reaching

  for her discarded wine glass and taking a sip.


  “I think you should return the favour.” You grin, sitting up on the couch. “Why don’t you finish what you started?” She nods and eagerly drops

  to her knees between your legs. She lowers her head and takes your cock

  back into her mouth, sucking and slurping on your length as you groan with

  pleasure. She quickly finds a rhythm, your cock glistening with her saliva as

  her lips glide up and down your shaft.

  “That feels so good!” You groan. She pulls away, grinning at you, her

  red eyes sparkling with mischief as she begins to kiss her way down your


  “I haven’t even started yet.” She purrs before flicking out her tongue.

  You feel it slipping and sliding all over your taut scrotum, leaving the skin

  cool with her saliva. She lifts your wet balls, her tongue sliding back further, teasing the sensitive ridge of skin behind them.

  “Oh fuck!” You moan as she continues to caress your perineum with

  the tip of her tongue. Your cock, now throbbing and aching for attention is

  absolutely rigid, the skin of the head taut and angry red. Risa drags her

  tongue back across your sensitive balls and up your shaft before taking you

  back in her mouth. She begins to bob her head faster now, her slender

  fingers caressing your saliva soaked sack. You can feel the pressure building

  in your loins and know you are just moments away.

  “Risa, I’m getting close.” You grunt. She pulls her mouth away,

  breathless in anticipation.

  “I want to taste you Trent.” She pants. “Fill my mouth with your

  creamy seed.”

  Come in her mouth

  Come on her breasts

  “There’s always next time.” You smile. “I’m quite enjoying what you’re doing now.”

  She raises a quizzical eyebrow, but takes your cock back into her

  mouth, sucking and slurping on your length as you groan with pleasure. She

  quickly finds a rhythm, your cock glistening with her saliva as her lips glide

  up and down your shaft.

  “That feels so good!” You groan. She pulls away, grinning at you, her

  red eyes sparkling with mischief as she begins to kiss her way down your


  “I told you we’d be good together.” She quips before flicking out her

  tongue. You feel it slipping and sliding all over your taut scrotum, leaving the skin cool with her saliva. She lifts your wet balls, her tongue sliding back

  further, teasing the sensitive ridge of skin behind them.

  “Oh fuck!” You moan as she continues to caress your perineum with

  the tip of her tongue. Your cock, now throbbing and aching for attention is

  absolutely rigid, the skin of the head taut and angry red. Risa drags her

  tongue back across your sensitive balls and up your shaft before taking you

  back in her mouth. She begins to bob her head faster now, her slender

  fingers caressing your saliva soaked balls. You can feel the pressure building

  in your loins and know you are just moments away.

  “Risa, I’m getting close.” You grunt. She pulls her mouth away,

  breathless in anticipation.

  “I want to taste you Trent.” She pants. “Fill my mouth with your

  creamy seed.”

  Come in her mouth

  Come on her breasts

  “As you wish.” You grin. She returns your smile before dropping her head back into your lap, her lips closing back around the bulbous head of

  your cock. She bobs her head up and down, noisily slurping around your

  throbbing shaft, her fingers playing over your balls. You gaze down at the

  beautiful alien woman, her yellow tentacle-like hair writhing as she sucks

  you towards your climax. Her slender fingers gently squeeze your balls and

  you can take no more. You reach out, your hands grasping a handful of her

  yellow ‘hair’ and with a long drawn out groan of ecstasy, you feel your balls

  twitch, pumping your come up your shaft. The first powerful spurt erupts

  from your cock into her waiting mouth. Risa mews contentedly as your cock

  pulses again and again, firing volley after volley of creamy come between

  her lips. You grunt as she sucks the last of your seed into her mouth before

  greedily swallowing it. As your cock begins to soften, Risa rocks back on her

  haunches, the tip slipping from her lips. A little moan escapes your lips as

  you notice a dribble of your thick come trickle down her chin, the pearly

  white colour contrasting with her purple skin. Her tongue darts out,

  collecting the errant drop before flicking back into her mouth.

  “Tasty.” She smiles, getting back to her feet.


  “I had something more visual in mind.” You reply, gazing pointedly at her shapely purple breasts and not wanting to pass up on the novelty of

  defiling her magnificent three breasted chest with your creamy white come.

  “What is it with you human males wanting to spray your seed all over

  the place?” She grins before rolling her eyes and presenting her breasts to

  you. She presses them together, accentuating both her cleavages while you

  take your cock in your hand and begin to stroke it. She cranes her head

  forward, her tongue darting out and swirling around the tip, sending you

  over the edge. With a loud grunt of pleasure, you feel the come race up your

  shaft before exploding from the bulbous head. Thick ropes of your creamy

  seed arc from the tip, splattering wetly across the smooth, purple flesh of

  her beautiful breasts. Risa giggles with delight as her breasts are quickly

  covered in your pearly white fluid, your come running down into her

  cleavages and trickling over the dark purple areolas of her erect nipples. As

  the last few weaker pulses dribble down over your fingers, Risa smiles up at


  “Satisfied?” She asks, arching an eyebrow. Your pulse racing and

  panting from the effort, you nod wordlessly, gazing in awe at her come

  splattered chest.


  You both pull your clothes back on, the tension of your earlier altercation forgotten. As you reach for your glass, sipping your wine, your

  mind returns to the fate of the princess.

  “The princess…” You begin.

  “We’ve already discussed that.” Risa replies t

  “I know, I know.” You reply, throwing your hands up. “I’m not

  disputing your claim anymore. Listen, she’s a spoilt little bitch, but I wouldn’t want to see any harm come to her.”

  “She’ll be well looked after.” Risa replies sincerely. “My people might

  look a rough bunch, but they know better than to do anything without my

  say so. You have my word that she’ll be treated well.”

  “Thank you.” You reply. Risa meets your gaze and her piercing red

  eyes seem to bore into your very soul.

  “Why Trent, you’re not developing a conscience?” She smiles. “How

  very dull.” She claps her hands and the pirates begin to file back into the

  room. One approaches Risa and whispers in her ear.

  “One of my other ships has been chasing yours halfway across the

  system.” She tells you. “They’ve been called off and your sex robot’s

  requesting permission to land.”

  You bristle at the casual insult, but let it slide. Risa reaches up, stroking

  your face. “I was serious about us going into partnership. I could do with

  someone with your skills.” Her eyes flick to your groin and you realise she’s

  not just taking about your piloting. “What do you say?”

  Stay with Risa

  Your place is on board the Eclipse with Vanessa at your side

  “How can I possibly refuse?” You smile.

  “I knew you were too smart to pass up a good thing.” Risa grins. She

  holds out her hand and one of the pirates passes her a communicator.

  “Eclipse. Permission to land denied.”

  “What?” Comes Vanessa’s response, slightly distorted over the

  communicator. Risa passes you the communicator.

  “I’m staying here.” You tell Vanessa. “The Eclipse’s all yours.” You

  pause before adding, “All the best Vanessa.”

  “What are you taking about?” Comes the angry response. “What the

  fuck? Are you fucking insane? I….” Risa presses a button ending the


  “She’ll get over it.” She replies, casually throwing the communicator

  over her shoulder. She turns towards you, her breasts thrust forward

  provocatively. “Now, I think it’s time for a celebration of our partnership.”

  Some of the pirates are already heading for the door when she follows up

  with a loud, “Out!”

  You never hear from Vanessa again. Whether she continued the job

  and became yet another lost ship, the latest victim of the Dark Nebula, you

  never know. She might have simply never forgiven you for cutting her loose.

  Either way, you never give her much thought, too busy building up a vast

  criminal empire with Risa while enjoying vigorous pleasures of the flesh with

  the insatiable Medusan. It couldn’t last of course. A decade later, your

  organisation had grown too large and drawn the attention of the Galactic

  Navy. Tasked with putting a stop to it, a heavy cruiser dropped out of

  hyperspace in orbit and bombarded your base with its huge plasma

  cannons. Neither Risa nor you knew a thing about it, Risa aptly riding you to

  a climax moments before you were both utterly obliterated.


  “It’s a tempting offer,” You reply. “But I’m going to have to decline.”

  “Oh?” Risa replies, masking her disappointment well, but a slight

  sagging of the shoulders gives her away. “No matter. Your loss.” She adds

  nonchalantly, turning away.

  “Risa.” You put a hand on her shoulder, but she shrugs it off before

  spinning around and glaring angrily at you. “Let’s not part like this. We were

  good together and I’d love to wake up every day with you beside me, feel

  your body pressed to mine. But my place is among the stars, travelling from

  one run down spaceport to another, pirates and the authorities chasing me

  from one system to the next.” Her expression softens and a subtle smile

  crosses her lips.

  “Perhaps you’re right.” She replies, stretching out a hand. “Then we’ll

  part as friends.” You shake her hand and she leans in to you, her lips at your

  ear. “And remember, if you’re ever passing…”

  “Wild snow beasts couldn’t keep me away.” You tell her, flashing her a

  cocky grin before turning and leaving.

  A couple of hours later, you watch the haze of the outer atmosphere

  fade away to be replaced by the deep black of space punctured by pin pricks

  of distant stars as the Eclipse leaves Risa and her frozen world behind. Risa’s people had managed to jury rig a replacement hyperspace coil and you

  smile, once again on your way.

  “So what about the princess?” Vanessa asks. Your smile falters a little

  as you feel a sharp pang of guilt at abandoning Elektra.

  “Risa will negotiate her return.” You tell her.

  “Really?” Vanessa scoffs. “You mean hold them to ransom.”

  “Something like that.” You shrug. “Not our problem anymore.” You

  add, trying to disguise your guilt with nonchalant bravado.

  “Heading?” Vanessa asks, perhaps detecting your discomfort and

  changing the subject.

  “You know our heading.” You reply. “Plot a course for the Dark Nebula

  and take us into hyperspace.”


  “Is there anything duller than hyperspace travel?” Vanessa grumbles, swinging her legs up onto the console in front of her and pulling out a dog-eared book.

  “Reading one of your crappy antiques?” You suggest. “Why bother

  when you could absorb it in a moment and save yourself the time?” Her

  obsession with reading books has always puzzled you. Every time you dock,

  Vanessa always makes a point of checking the local traders for old Earth

  books. With her computer mind, she could absorb the complete works of

  Shakespeare in a split second.

  “They weren’t written to be absorbed.” Vanessa replies tetchily. “They

  were written to be read word by word, sentence by sentence, so that’s what

  I’m doing.”

  “Ok, ok!” You reply. “Still, I can think of better ways of filling our time.”

  You add with a raised eyebrow.

  “You know as well as I that we need to keep an eye on the

  instruments.” Vanessa chastises you. “If we lose our bearings in hyperspace,

  we’ll never find our way out again.”

  You might not like it, but Vanessa has a point

  She’s being overcautious. There’s always time for a quickie

  “We’re not going to suddenly veer off course for no reason.” You reply, before grinning at her. “Besides, you know me. I like to be in and out

  with a minimum of fuss.”

  “You old romantic.” Vanessa replies sarcastically, before rolling her

  eyes and putting down her book. “Will a blowjob shut you up?” She glares at


  “It might.” You grin. She lets out a sigh and drops to her knees in front

  of you, pulling your fly open and roughly pulling out your flaccid cock. She

  takes you in her hand and begins to slowly stroke you, your cock growing

  erect from the attention. As you let out a groan of pleasure, she smiles sexily up at you, perhaps warming to the idea. She drops her head into your lap

  and you moan with delight as you feel the delicious warmth of her mouth

  enveloping the tip of your cock. She begins to bob
her head up and down,

  your shaft glistening with her saliva as she pleasures you. Her pumping hand

  in unison with her sucking lips soon has you on the brink and with a final

  loud groan, you reach out, gripping the console as you explode into her

  mouth. As your hips buck in your seat, Vanessa dutifully sucks the erupting

  come from you, gulping down each volley as it gushes into her mouth. As

  Vanessa swallows the last weaker spurts, she pulls back, licking your cock

  clean before glancing up at you.

  “Happy now?” She asks grumpily, getting up and sliding back into her


  “Ecstatic.” You grin before glancing through the cockpit window. Your

  smile vanishes as you realise you have left the hyperspace corridor, the

  vortex no longer visible, just a field of pulsating red blurs.

  “No!” You shout. “No, no, no!”

  “Oh my God!” Vanessa exclaims. You glance at the console and realise

  guiltily that when you gripped it as you came, you accidently guided the ship

  off course.

  “Quick, drop us out of hyperspace.” You tell her, trying to make sense

  of the readings being thrown up on the screens in front of you.

  “But we could end up anywhere.” She objects.

  “Do it.” You shout. “At least we’ll be back in normal space.”

  Her fingers fly over the console and the whole ship jerks as you drop

  out of hyperspace. Sirens immediately start to go off and the ship creaks

  horribly. You glance out of the cockpit window, your eyes widening when

  you realise you are gazing into the pitch black abyss of a black hole.

  “You fucking idiot.” Vanessa bitterly curses you just before the ship is

  ripped to pieces and you die a brief, but violent and painful death in the

  vacuum of space before your corpse is drawn into the mouth of the black

  hole and compressed to an infinitesimal particle.


  Go back a few moments and rethink your actions

  You let out a sigh of disappointment and settle down into your seat, gazing at the monotonous swirling infinity of hyperspace. You glance over at

  Vanessa, her eyes scanning the pages of her book. You drink in her


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