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Lure of the Sirens: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story

Page 19

by Callista Hawkes

  You step inside and automatic lights flicker on in quick succession. A wave of

  nausea sweeps over you and you squeeze your eyes shut. After a moment, it

  passes and you open your eyes, taking in your surroundings. It seems to be a

  crew lounge, with several comfortable looking chairs and couches laid out

  around the room. Unlike the corridor outside, the room is immaculate and

  completely dust free. A row of cryo-tubes line one wall, all empty with the

  exception of one. The cryo-tube is misted up, but you can see the

  unmistakable outline of a figure within. You move closer, examining the

  display mounted on the front of the cryo-tube. Life signs are stable and the

  occupant is in a perfect state of suspended animation. For a moment you

  think you hear Vanessa calling you on the communicator, but when you

  glance at it, it is still in standby mode. You turn your attention back to the

  cryo-tube, a green activation button blinking invitingly.

  Activate Cryo-tube

  Investigate the crew quarters further

  “I’ll take the bridge.” You tell Vanessa.

  “Been nice knowing you.” She replies acidly before trudging off

  towards the crew quarters. You smile to yourself and turn left along the

  corridor towards the bridge.

  Your footsteps echo as you walk slowly along the narrow corridor,

  exposed service pipes and conduit running along the walls, giving the ship an

  old fashioned, functional feel. The air smells stale and there is a thick layer of dust on everything, adding to the archaic, museum piece aesthetic of the

  ancient, pioneering Earth vessel. You glance behind you, noticing the tread

  patterns of your boots in the dusty footprints trailing you. Life signs or not, no one else has walked down this corridor in a long, long time. You notice

  the door to the bridge just ahead.

  The bridge door creaks open, the mechanism labouring. You wrinkle

  your nose as an unpleasant smell hits you before stepping inside. The bridge

  is deserted, banks of screens and control stations laid out before you, all

  covered in a thick layer of dust.

  “Just reached the bridge.” You tell Vanessa over the communicator.

  “Apart from a foul stench, there’s nothing to report.”

  “Sounds like your boot locker.” Vanessa replies. “I’m nearly to the

  living quarters. I’ll let you know what I find. Out.”

  You notice a soft glow beneath the layers of dust on the consoles. The

  screens are all still operational and you move to one, sweeping your hand

  across it, wiping the dust from it. You study the antiquated systems read-

  out. You should be able to retrieve the captain’s log from here.

  Retrieve captain’s log

  Investigate the source of the foul odour

  You bring up a menu, running a finger down the options until you find the captain’s log. You jab your finger at it and the log screen opens. A video

  thumbnail appearing for each one. You sit down in the dusty chair and bring

  up the first one. Captain Meyer, a stout, balding man beams at the screen,

  enthusiastically speaking of his honour at commanding such a historic

  mission, his pride at serving on such a fine vessel with a capable crew and

  his excitement at what they might discover in the unknown of deep space.

  You skip through a few routine log entries as the captain describes new star

  systems, planets and comets they have discovered. You are about to close

  another mundane entry when the captain makes mention of a nebula:

  “Our mission specialist, Doctor Maria Walsh is fascinated by a new

  nebula and has requested a closer look. I have agreed that it warrants

  further investigation and we should reach it in just under three weeks.”

  You find an entry three weeks later, in which Captain Meyer, shoulders

  hunched, his normally breezy delivery replaced by an anxious, tense tone:

  “We have entered the nebula. Sensor readings within the nebula are

  nonsensical and we seem to be drawn back to the same coordinates no

  matter which heading and speed we set. Of further concern is some

  anomalous behaviour from our star drive. The engineers are investigating

  and we hope to be underway soon.”

  You select the next log entry a couple of days later, a weary looking

  Captain Meyer provides an update:

  “We remain stranded within the nebula. Our engineers are at a loss to

  explain the problems with the star drive which are occurring more and more

  frequently. Several crew members are behaving strangely with wild bouts of

  violence. Understandably, morale is very low and the whole crew is on edge.

  Hope to have better news soon.”

  You notice there are just two more log entries remaining. The next,

  three days after the last shows the captain, eyes bloodshot, his face

  unshaven and looking increasingly distracted:

  “The situation is spiralling out of control. The star drive is off line. The

  generator is still operational, but the power is not reaching the engines. We

  have lost contact with the engineers. We sent a team to investigate, but

  they have disappeared too. The crew seem to be descending into hysteria

  and no one is willing to check the engine room. I would go myself, but I fear

  for the consequences to the ship and my crew if I were to disappear too.”

  You click on the final entry. Captain Meyer faces the camera, his teary eyes wide and wild:

  “I’m the only one left. I have failed. I have utterly failed. I have failed

  my crew and I have failed myself. I won’t go like the others, willingly into the abyss. I will remain master of my own destiny.” Your eyes widen as the

  captain raises a pistol to his head and pulls the trigger, the gunshot ringing

  out while the screen is splashed with blood.

  “Shit.” You curse, turning from the screen and reaching for your

  communicator. “Vanessa.” No response. “Vanessa?” Still nothing.

  Make your way to the crew quarters and find Vanessa

  Investigate the source of the foul odour

  You move around the bridge, trying to locate the source of the smell.

  It seems strongest to the back of the room and you make your way towards

  a storage locker. You grimace with foreboding as you reach out, grasping the

  handle of the locker door and pulling it open. You turn away, your eyes

  watering at the stench, clamping a hand over your nose and mouth. The

  corpse has been there for some time, but you would estimate years rather

  than decades. As you bring yourself to examine the skeleton, the skin

  shrunken around the bones, you notice the uniform of the Galactic Navy and

  the badge of the Triton on his sleeve. You vaguely remember stories about

  the Triton, a big warship, disappearing a few years earlier. Your initial

  impression is that the man had been murdered and the corpse stuffed in the

  locker, but there doesn’t seem to be any obvious trauma and from the way

  the body is positioned within the locker, it looks like he climbed in himself

  and stayed there until he died. You begin to regret your decision to split up

  with Vanessa. What horror had driven this man to conceal himself and

  waste away rather than face it?

  “Vanessa.” You speak into your communicator. No answer. “Vanessa?”

  Still no response.”

Make your way to the crew quarters and find Vanessa

  Retrieve captain’s log

  Your heart thumping in your chest, you exit the bridge and run down the narrow corridor, your feet kicking up clouds of dust in your wake.

  “Vanessa?” You call out again into the communicator. Still no answer.

  You pass the airlock to the Eclipse and follow Vanessa’s footprints in the

  dust towards the crew quarters. You reach the far end of the corridor and

  punch the door open control. The door opens and you step into the

  darkness inside, fumbling for your torch. A wave of nausea passes over you

  and you squeeze your eyes shut, grasping the frame of the door before it

  passes. As you open your eyes, the automatic lights slowly flicker to life,

  illuminating the room. It seems to be a crew lounge, with several

  comfortable looking chairs and couches laid out around the room. Unlike the

  rest of the vessel, the room is immaculate and completely dust free. Though

  Vanessa is not here, you are not alone. A row of cryo-tubes line one wall, all

  empty with the exception of one. The cryo-tube is misted up, but you can

  see the unmistakable outline of a figure within. You move closer, examining

  the display mounted on the front of the cryo-tube. Life signs are stable and

  the occupant is in a perfect state of suspended animation.

  “Vanessa.” You speak into the communicator. “I don’t know if you can

  hear me, but I’ve found an occupied cryo-tube.” Still no answer. You stand

  before the cryo-tube, the green activation button blinking invitingly.

  Activate Cryo-tube

  Investigate the Magellan further

  There's something strange about this ship. Find Vanessa and get back to the


  You turn away from the cryo-tube and cautiously stalk further into the vessel, walking down a long corridor. The door at the far side of the room

  slides open before you and your jaw drops as you survey the sight before

  you. The vast chamber is three storeys high and is a mass of vegetation. The

  huge transparent dome overhead confirms that it had once been the

  Magellan’s hydroponics chamber, but after two hundred years of neglect,

  the plant life has run riot. You step inside, the floor, thick with undergrowth feels boggy underfoot. Exotic trees and shrubs grow everywhere and you

  look about in wonder as you make your way through the dense vegetation.

  You duck under branches and gaze up at the leafy canopy, the starlight

  visible through the transparent dome. After just a few paces inside, you

  wipe beads of sweat from your forehead, feeling as though you have left the

  Magellan behind and entered a humid rainforest under a starry night sky.

  As you progress deeper into the rainforest, you hear what sounds like

  a whimper ahead. Your grip tightens on your blaster as you approach the

  source, hearing it again. You burst into a clearing and for the second time in

  the space of a few minutes, your jaw drops. A naked dark haired man is lying

  on his back on the lush grassy ground while an equally naked woman with

  long blonde hair sits astride him bouncing up and down in his lap. She is

  perhaps in her late twenties while he looks four or five years older. They are

  both athletically built and you find your eyes drawn to her small but pert

  breasts and her erect nipples jutting proudly out. Her eyes are closed and a

  blissful smile spreads across her face. Another whimper escapes her lips,

  before she arches her back, throws back her head and cries out in ecstasy as

  she reaches her climax. Her body shudders and jerks for a moment before

  she straightens, panting for breath. Her eyes flick open, widening in surprise

  when she sees you lurking at the edge of the clearing.

  “We have a guest.” She murmurs to her partner. The dark haired man

  glances in your direction.

  “Welcome.” He grins, completely unabashed.

  “You won’t need that.” The blonde smiles, her eyes flicking towards

  the blaster in your hand.

  “She prefers a different sort of weapon.” He quips, making her giggle.

  “Who are you?” You ask, holstering your blaster.

  “I’m Adam.” He tells you. “She’s Eve.”

  “Really?” You reply doubtfully.

  “I guess that makes you the snake.” Eve giggles, glancing at your groin.

  “Why don’t you lose the clothes and join us?” She suggests, raising an


  Why not

  Two’s company, but three’s a crowd. Make your way back to the cryo-tube

  Find out who they are and then decide

  “Tempted as I am, I need to get out of this nebula.” You tell Eve.

  “Suit yourself.” She shrugs, turning her attention back to Adam. As you

  turn away and retrace your steps through the dense rainforest, you can hear

  him grunting and Eve moaning with pleasure as she resumes riding him.

  You make your way back to the crew lounge and approach the

  mysterious cryo-tube. You gaze through the frosted glass at the dim outline

  of the occupant, wondering who it is and why the other cryo-tubes are all

  empty. You stand there in the spotlessly clean crew quarters and the more

  you think about it, the more you feel ill at ease on this ancient vessel.

  “Pull yourself together Trent.” You tell yourself aloud. You’ve been in

  space too long to be spooked by ghost ships. You turn your attention back to

  the cryo-tube, the green activation button blinking invitingly.

  Activate Cryo-tube

  Something doesn’t feel right. Find Vanessa and get back to the Eclipse

  You turn away from the cryo-tube and head for the door back to the corridor leading to the Eclipse. The door slides open and Vanessa is standing

  just behind it.

  “There you are.” You grumble. “Where the hell have you been?” She

  opens her mouth to respond, but you hold up your hand. “I doesn’t matter.

  We’re getting off this fucking ship. I can’t put my finger on it, but

  something’s off here.”

  “Getting superstitious?” She grins as you retrace your steps towards

  the airlock.

  “You can sneer all you like,” You reply, “But my gut feeling has got me

  through some tight scrapes in the past and I’ve learned not to ignore it. I

  wouldn’t expect someone like you to understand.”

  “Someone like me?” She spits. Wincing, you pause a beat, glancing at

  her and finding her glaring back at you.

  “I didn’t mean anything by that.” You reply carefully, trying to diffuse

  the situation. “You have many advantages over a real human, but even

  those geniuses at Hyperion Cybernetics can’t program instinct.”

  “Well, it was still a shitty thing to say.” She pouts, hitting the button to

  open the airlock.

  You climb into your seats in the cockpit and immediately retract the

  docking tube, manoeuvring away from the ancient vessel.

  “Another vessel appearing on scanner!” Vanessa tells you. “It looks

  like it’s been hiding on the blindside of the Magellan.” You gaze through the

  cockpit window as a strange alien vessel emerges from behind the Magellan,

  the seamless, formless hull seeming to shimmer and shift as it is revealed.

  Though dwarfed by the ancient Earth ship, it is much larger than the Eclipse

  and begi
ns to manoeuvre towards you.

  “Hyperspace engines are back on line.” Vanessa adds, gazing at the

  console in front of her. “What do you want to do?”

  Shoot the alien vessel

  Escape to hyperspace

  “Who are you?” You ask Eve as she continues to gently ride Adam.

  “Does it matter?” She replies flippantly before rolling her eyes. “Very

  well. We were part of the crew of a salvage vessel. We’d heard the stories of

  all the ships that had gone missing in the Dark nebula and our late captain

  decided it was a potential fortune worth the risk if we could find some of the


  “We found them alright,” Adam snorts derisively, “And quickly became

  one ourselves.”

  “The captain, obsessed with escaping the nebula, put the engines well

  over the red line.” Eve continues, grinding her hips in Adams lap. “We just

  made it to an escape pod before the whole ship exploded.”

  “The Magellan was the only vessel with power, so we made our way

  here.” Adam adds, clearly bored with the conversation. “That was three

  years ago.”

  “What’s happened in between?” You ask. “Have you been able to

  make any progress with escaping the nebula?”

  “We haven’t even tried.” Adam replies, reaching up to cup Eve’s pert

  breasts. “Eve was a communications officer and I was the ship’s cook. We’re

  hardly qualified.”

  “What have you been doing all this time?” You ask.

  “What else is there to do? We’ve fucked and fucked and fucked.” Eve

  grins shamelessly. “Though, much as I’ve enjoyed Adam’s company, I’m

  ready for some fresh meat.” Her gaze again drops to your groin. “So how

  about it new guy?”

  Why not

  Two’s company, but three’s a crowd. Make your way back to the cryo-tube

  “Why not?” You grin, quickly pulling off your clothes and joining them.

  Eve grins, her eyes fixed on your hardening cock as it springs free of your


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