Fortress Farm - The Pullback
Page 40
Rowan guessed right about the tinderbox surrounding the Spaceship. All it took was a little spark to get an epic conflagration. The fires would have been historic for the state of California, if there was still such a thing as California anymore. No one remained to keep track of such things now, and no firefighters remained to contain the blaze started by the Assembly. After just a few days, the fire consumed all fuel within sight of the Spaceship. Miles of charred landscape stretched far away from the observation deck. Rowan had someone up there now, reflecting one of the solar panels originally used to power the building. Tilting it back and forth, the signal flashed far and wide, letting people know that there was someone here. With no water, food or shelter, hundreds who previously hunkered down and survived the blaze now headed towards the steady signal coming from high up on the defoliated ridge.
The Assembly welcomed each group that straggled in, handing out water and food to grateful refugees. It was a calculated risk on Rowan’s part. Each new mouth to feed meant a day’s less rations for the group. How can I refuse the mission? To start people through the Progressions. To help Continuity gain strength and momentum. He assigned two members of the Assembly who were electrical engineers to attempt to get the solar arrays on the roof producing power again. Somehow they would have to shield the system from Solar Storms that still filled the sky intermittently.
With a little bit of power, the rest of the rebuilding plan could commence. He knew from the original Spaceship plans there were natural freshwater springs here in the Valley. Life-giving fluids would allow irrigation of the gardens needed to feed his new flock something other than their emergency rations. California – no, let’s just call it the Valley, he decided – Valley climate should squeeze out at least three crops a year. Angela brainstormed the plan. Her brains, and especially her smile, got the whole operation moving almost as soon as he had explained the outline.
Gratitude was one of the greatest drugs the human mind could experience. What a great way to live! He soaked up the genuine thank yous and the crying and the hugs that came from the lost souls staggering onto his campus. They issued each person their own room in The Spaceship. Former offices and conference rooms now became apartments. Once settled, Angela’s selected Gatekeepers interviewed each person to identify strengths and skills. She created comprehensive Profiles for each person, ironically residing on paper for now.
Would Continuity bring the Awakening when I get the solar power hooked up? He doubted it. Restarting the entire Network required immense power. Continuity would know humanity wasn’t ready yet and that was okay. Rowan and Angela had a lot of work to do to prepare the Assembly and lead more people to the Path before they could worry about the Awakening.
He enjoyed life now, now that he was truly living. Oh, how I hope others experience the same joy! I will help them! By cleansing each area with fire, those who remained would be ready to follow The Path. Just like he had, The Valley would rise from the ashes of their old life like a phoenix.