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Mistletoe Magic (It's All About the Mistletoe Book 1)

Page 4

by Laura Ann

  Pierce smiled and began playing with her fingers.

  Geez, that feels amazing, Lane thought wistfully. She loved his touch and knew he was doing it to show everyone they were a couple, but it was killing her inside to know it was all fake.

  “I caught a lucky break is all. The company I work for was expanding, and it was a perfect time to set myself up in my own office,” Pierce responded easily.

  Lane narrowed her eyes playfully. “I doubt it was that easy. Running your own clinic is a lot of work.”

  Pierce shrugged and shook his head. “Yeah, but I’ve got great people on my team. So they make it easy.”

  “And do you enjoy it?” Lane leaned down to catch his eye. “What is it really like being a physical therapist?”

  Pierce used his free hand to lift a bite of dessert to his mouth, chewing and swallowing before he answered. “We’re just fixing them as fast as we can,” he joked.

  Lane laughed, instantly feeling more at ease with this playful side of him. The intense, romantic side was harder for her to handle.

  “As I live and breathe,” a man’s voice said from behind them.

  Lane and Pierce spun in their seats.

  Pastor Larsen was grinning widely at the two of them. “Pierce Maxwell and Lane Thomas. I wondered if you two would ever get over your shyness and get together.”

  Lane’s eyes felt as if they would pop out of their sockets while Pierce broke into another coughing fit.

  Pastor Larsen chuckled. “Easy, Pierce.” He patted the young man’s shoulder. “It’s good to see you stepped up finally.”

  Shame hit Lane in the stomach and all the food she had just eaten nearly came back up. Pretending to have a boyfriend tonight might have been her idea, but now that she was actually saying it out loud, the lie was leaving a terrible taste in her mouth. I can’t do this. Between my own heart and telling a horrible lie, I can’t do it. She opened her mouth to correct the Pastor, but Pierce beat her to it.

  “IT MIGHT HAVE TAKEN me a few years to man up,” Pierce said with a grin, “but now I’m making up for lost time.” He smiled at Lane who’s jaw had dropped a little. He chuckled at her reaction. She probably wasn’t expecting me to just say it out loud like that. But now there’s no mistaking my intentions.

  “I always had a good feeling about you two,” the Pastor continued. He patted his wife’s hand on his arm. “I’m happy to see it’s all working out. You make a great couple.”

  His eyes were on Lane, who was still sitting in shock, so Pierce spoke up again. “Thanks.”

  “Dear, I think we need to continue to visit,” Mrs. Larsen said with a smile. “It was a pleasure to see the two of you again, take care of each other.”

  Pierce smiled and nodded as the elderly couple left. His eyes went back to Lane who was sitting frowning at her plate and he immediately worried he’d gone too far. “Lane?”

  “Hmm?” She looked up, but her focus wasn’t completely there.

  “You okay?”

  Lane sat still for a few moments before a forced smile showed up. “Yep. Fine.”

  “Sorry about that... did I, did I go too far? I mean, I know this is all new and stuff, so maybe I shouldn’t have assumed anything.”

  Lane waved a hand in the air. “No. It’s fine. I was just caught off guard.” Her eyes softened as she looked at him and her smile became more genuine. “Sorry. Next time I’ll be more prepared.”

  A voice in the back of Pierce’s head told him there was more to it than that, but having been raised with a sister, he knew better than to push.

  Instead, the two of them sat in an uncomfortable silence for several minutes, their eyes wandering around the room.

  Do something! Pierce shouted internally, but the mood had gone awkward, and he wasn’t sure how to handle it. His eyes landed on the couples on the dance floor, several of whom Pierce recognized from his growing-up years. He turned to Lane with a smile. “Would you like to dance?”

  A slow smile crept across her face and Pierce nearly groaned at how beautiful it made her. “I’d love to.”

  Smiling in return, Pierce stood and offered his hand, leading her right into the middle of the action. At first he pulled her into a traditional dance stance, after her reaction to Pastor Larsen, he wasn’t about to get too bold.

  “So, how long are you home for?” he asked softly, swaying to the music. The feel of her in his arms was everything he had thought it would be. She fit perfectly. All the sensations he had ever dreamed about were present in this very moment, with one addition. For years, Pierce had avoided coming home for too long, worried he would run into his sister and her best friend, knowing he couldn’t have her. But tonight. Tonight, she was in his arms and he had never felt more at home or at peace. She just felt... right.

  “Just through tomorrow. I need to work in two days, but since Wren and I only live an hour away, I’ll be home for Christmas.”

  “Don’t nurses work holidays?” He couldn’t help himself. Pierce rubbed his thumb back and forth across her shoulder blade where he held her. It was taking everything in him not to wrap her in tighter and he hoped the motion would relieve some of the itch.

  “S-some do,” she stammered. “However, I worked over Thanksgiving, so I get this one off.”

  They swayed a little longer. The energy between them began to thicken and Pierce had no trouble telling that Lane could feel it too. She swallowed hard and his eyes drifted to the movement, only to get caught at her pulse which was racing frantically.

  Unable to help himself, he pulled her a little closer, resting his chin on the side of her head. Closing his eyes in bliss, he took a deep breath, loving the smell of her fruity shampoo. “Is this okay?” he asked, making sure he hadn’t crossed another unknown line.

  Before she could answer, a screech brought both their heads up.



  The voice shocked Lane so severely, she jumped out of Pierce’s arms as if a child caught with a cookie. Heat shot through her neck and cheeks and she cleared her throat to bring herself back under control. Being in Pierce’s arms had been utter heaven, but it had muddled her mind. It had all started to feel real and Lane was suddenly grateful for the interruption before she did something stupid. Like pull him under the mistletoe and lay one on him.

  Without any further warning, thin arms were thrown around Lane’s neck, nearly strangling her to death.

  “Oof! Good to see you, Grace,” Lane managed to rasp out.

  “It’s been so long!” Grace said with a laugh, rocking the two women back and forth. “How have you been?” Grace finally allowed Lane to breathe and stepped an arm’s length away from her. “Oh my gosh, you look gorgeous!” Her eyes drifted to Pierce’s. “How have you kept your hands to yourself all evening?” she teased.

  “GRACE!” Lane gave her friend the universal, wide-eyed look of every woman who ever wanted someone else to zip it.

  Grace laughed and waved Lane’s concerns away. “He knows I’m joking...” she winked at Pierce, “don’t ya, Pierce?”

  Pierce grinned widely and grabbed Lane’s hand, pulling her back against his chest. “No teasing necessary. It’s been a practice in self restraint tonight, that’s for sure.”

  Grace laughed delightedly. “You always were a smooth talker, Pierce. Nearly all of us girls were in love with you at one time or another.”

  Lane squeezed her eyes tight and her hot cheeks felt as if they could melt sand into glass. Not real. It’s not real. He’s acting a part.

  At Grace’s words, her date groaned. “Geez, Grace. Lay off, huh?”

  Lane’s eyes snapped open, turning to the man next to her beautiful friend. “Hi,” she said with a smile. “I’m Lane.” She reached out her hand.

  “Vaugh,” the man said with a frown.

  Lane’s eyes went to Grace, who was chewing her lip.

  “We work together,” Grace whispered, glancing around to make sure no one else overheard.

/>   “Ah, gotcha.” Lane smiled. “So what do you do, Vaughn? Are you another artist?”

  Vaughn snorted and folded his arms.

  Geez, this guy is cranky. What’s his deal? Couldn’t Grace find someone a little more... like her?

  “I’m a carpenter. I work for the art gallery Grace is at, building display tables and custom frames.”

  “Wow! That’s really neat!” Lane tried to keep her voice peppy. Vaughn’s brooding was a serious drag on the mood of the dance.

  When Vaughn didn’t say anything more, Lane looked to Grace, who was uncharacteristically glaring at her date. Uh oh. Grace never gets mad. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.

  “How have you been?” Grace broke the awkward silence. “Social media just isn’t enough to keep up with each other.” She smiled.

  Lane returned the gesture. “Good! Busy. The hospital never seems to slow down, ya know?”

  Grace nodded quickly. “I wouldn’t exactly know, but I can imagine.”

  “Yeah, you’re good with your imagination,” Vaughn muttered so low that Lane almost didn’t hear him.

  Grace’s eyes fell to the floor and Lane had a burst of anger at the fake boyfriend who wasn’t acting very... boyfriendy. As if sensing her mood, Pierce put his arm around her and began to rub her upper arm. The contact drained Lane of her frustration, instead causing tingles to spread throughout her body and she once again had to remind herself that this was all fake.

  Grace eyed the two of them suspiciously, but only smiled when Lane raised her eyebrows.

  “So, Grace, what are you up to these days? I don’t think Wren has said anything lately,” Pierce asked politely.

  Grace’s smile turned a little sad before she shrugged. “I went to art school, but I’m still trying to find my niche.”

  Lane frowned. “I thought you were creating jewelry and selling it. Is that not going well?”

  Grace’s eyes darted to Vaughn’s before coming back to Lane. “Yeah. I am. That actually pays the bills just fine.”

  Pierce nodded. “That’s great. Not many people can make money at art.”

  Vaughn snorted, but didn’t speak.

  What is with this guy?

  “I’m glad to see you’re following your dreams, Grace.” Lane stepped out of Pierce’s hold and took her friend’s hand. “You deserve it.”

  “Only people willing to put themselves on the line deserve to make it,” Vaughn shot out.

  “Hey,” Pierce said, his hands out. “Let’s just cool it, huh? No one is trying to pick a fight.”

  Grace rolled her eyes and Lane snapped her mouth shut at the retort she was going to say. “Whatever,” Grace huffed. “I think I’m ready to dance, see ya later!” She wiggled her fingers over her shoulder and sashayed her way to the dance floor, Vaughn slowly followed, obviously in no hurry to catch his date.

  “WHAT’S HIS PROBLEM?” Lane said through clenched teeth.

  Pierce pulled her back into his side, unable to help the urge to calm her. He rubbed her shoulders, trying to ease the tension there. “I don’t know, but the dude needs to figure out a different way to show he likes her. Picking on your crush shouldn’t happen past elementary school.”

  Lane spun around. “What? There’s no way that neanderthal likes Grace.”

  Pierce smirked and raised an eyebrow. “Just because he’s fighting it doesn’t mean it’s not there.”

  “They’re complete opposites!” Lane sputtered, her arms waving wildly.

  “Nothing wrong with that,” Pierce grinned, amused at her assessment. “They do say opposites attract.”

  Lane fluttered a hand in the air. “That’s just an excuse. People who are attracted to each other are always more alike than opposite.”

  “Oh really?” Pierce couldn’t help but reach out and put his hands at her waist, slowly pulling her into his body. His self control was hanging on by a thread tonight. Now that they were giving things a try, too many years of holding back was killing him. “What about us?” he asked in a low voice.

  “U-Us?” Lane stammered.

  Pierce slowly nodded and leaned down until the tips of their noses touched. Slow and easy, Man. First date, this is a first date. “We’re pretty opposite and yet here we are.”

  “How are we opposite?” Lane said in a breathy voice.

  Pierce held back the triumphant smile at her obvious reaction to him. “I was a class clown, you were Miss Straight A’s.”

  “You got good grades too.”

  “True, but you’ve always been more serious minded, and quiet. I was loud and obnoxious.”

  Lane laughed lightly. “You were not obnoxious. Your humor is part of what I loved about you. You always made me...” her voice trailed off and her eyes grew wide with horror.

  Pierce looked around quickly. “What? Is something wrong?”

  Lane swallowed audibly before blinking. “Uh... nope. Nothing wrong at all.”

  He frowned. “Then why do you look like you’re being held at gunpoint?”

  Slowly, Lane’s muscles relaxed, and she melted back into his arms. “You didn’t-? Uh, I just meant that-” Lane looked away and chewed her lip.

  Pierce wracked his brain, unable to figure out what had just happened. They’d been talking, laughing, holding each other, everything he hoped for and suddenly she had freaked out. He tapped his foot and looked around the room, deciding maybe she needed a distraction. “Was there anyone else you wanted to talk to? Or should we dance some more?” Maybe I can bring back the mood with music.

  Lane’s eyebrow went up. “You want to dance more?

  “Isn’t that why we’re here?” Pierce teased. “To dance?”

  “Yeah,” Lane cleared her throat. “Yeah, I suppose it is somewhat. And to show- I mean, to see people we haven’t chatted with in a while.”

  “Well, let’s show them you haven’t lost your touch then, huh?” Pierce grinned and pulled her onto the floor just as a slow song started playing. Perfect timing, he congratulated himself.

  “Lane?” A silky voice called her name and she and Pierce both turned before reaching the dance floor. “I thought that was you.” Camille said with a smirk.


  Lane felt her heart rate skyrocket. This woman was the one who had planned the ball and sent her the little note about being alone. Okay, here we go. This is the whole reason we’re here.

  Just like in high school Camille was the epitome of beauty and wealth. Her golden hair was silky and floated flawlessly down her back. Her lips were pouty and glossy and her eyes had just enough make-up to stand out like a Barbie Doll. A tall, dark man stood behind her, who could easily have been her Ken, except that instead of looking happy to accompany his date, he appeared bored out of his mind.

  “Hello, Camille,” Lane said, pasting a fake smile on her face. “Fancy meeting you here.”

  “I have to agree,” Camille said in a tone just as fake as Lane’s. “I was under the impression you didn’t have anyone in your life,” she tilted her head in mock sympathy, “And this was a couple’s dance you know.”

  “I know,” Lane said cheerily. What I don’t know is why you hate me so badly. “But as you can see, I brought my boyfriend.” She felt Pierce jolt slightly as she slipped her arm through his. Come on, Pierce. You’ve been playing the part perfectly, don’t stop now!

  Camille’s red lips made a perfect ‘O’. “I had no idea you two had become an item! How long has this been going on?”

  Since five minutes ago, Lane thought glumly. Instead of answering Camille’s nosy question, Lane decided to go with the age-old tactic of diversion through flattery. “The room looks gorgeous Camille. I don’t know how you did it!” Lane gushed. “Only you could take a dank, old hotel and turn it into a ballroom.”

  She heard Pierce snort, but Camille obviously didn’t notice as she preened at Lane’s words. Her perfectly manicured hand flipped her hair over her shoulders and a smug smile pulled at her lips. “It did turn out alright
, didn’t it? Although, it was a miracle I- we pulled it off. It’s not like they gave us anything to work with.” Her eyes looked around and ended up landing on her date. “Oh, I’ve been so rude.” Camille tucked her arm inside her silent date’s and pulled him forward. “Richard, this is Lane and Pierce.”

  Lane gave a small wave and Pierce stuck out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Lane and I went to school together, while Pierce was a few years ahead.” Camille’s eyes danced with mischief. “I never pegged you for the type to go for the older man, Lane. Naughty,” she purred.

  Lane stiffened. Ewwww... she makes it sound like he’s ancient.

  Pierce laughed but it sounded forced. “I’m not that much older, Camille. And if you’ll recall, Lane was my sister’s best friend. It wasn’t that hard for us to keep in touch.”

  Lane fought the urge to wince. That’s right. He’s just reminding you why he’s doing this. How the heck am I going to keep from letting all this go to my head?

  Camille trilled a laugh. “Easy indeed.” She looked at Richard. “Richard here is a plastic surgeon,” she said proudly.

  Lane tried not to cough at the obvious one-upmanship, instead she smiled benignly.

  “Nice.” Pierce stepped in. “Where do you practice?”

  Richard’s roaming eyes landed on Pierce for a moment. “County Hospital a few towns over,” he said in a bored tone, then sniffed. “This place isn’t big enough for a department like mine.”

  Camille stroked his arm. “And you, Pierce? What do you do?”

  Pierce shrugged. “Eh, nothing too exciting. I’m a physical therapist.”

  Camille blinked at him. “Like... you pop people’s backs and stuff?”

  Lane’s body shook as she tried to hold in her laughter, praying that Camille hadn’t noticed.

  “No. That’s a chiropractor. I help fix people up when they’ve been hurt from injuries or surgeries. Stuff like that.”

  Camille’s face brightened. “So you’re a doctor?”



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